
Confirmed: Biden Administration Committed a War Crime

One of the Isis-K terrorists vaporized by the Biden Administration

The US government has now been forced to admit that the van of people they incinerated near the airport in Kabul weren’t Isis-K terrorists, but a completely innocent family including 7 children. The Biden Administration needed to kill someone to recover from their feckless and weak withdrawal from Afghanistan. So they indiscriminately killed some civilians to soothe their bruised egos. And the victims of these “old white men” were “oppressed people of color” to boot! Isn’t this exactly the kind of thing that leftists are always feigning outrage over??? Expect it to go nowhere when Democrats are in charge. Nobody will even lose their job or be reprimanded, much less face any criminal charges.

We all already knew what really happened. The shocking thing is that the self-anointed gatekeepers of the truth (i.e. garbage media) actually did some real journalism for once and confirmed it.

I suspected that the claims of massive secondary explosions were bullshit from the get-go. All the pictures that came out of the burned out vehicle showed it was still largely intact. If it was full of bombs for an imminent terrorist attack, you would think the resulting explosion would have totally disintegrated the van. However, being the internet, I wasn’t totally sure because you never know if the pictures shown are the primary target or just collateral damage on a nearby vehicle (or even some picture from a totally unrelated incident.) But now it has also been confirmed that the government flat-out lied about the secondary explosions.

And the government still refuses to identify the two Isis-K “planners” they assassinated in a separate drone strike. What are the odds those were just a couple random individuals in their own homes? The Biden Administration sure doesn’t seem to want anyone checking out their other handiwork too closely.

I have always been proud to be an American. But it is getting harder by the day. This gutless and evil act that was done in all of our names is a national disgrace. And nothing will be done about it. How nearly half the country can support the creepy, stupid, abusive, corrupt, evil piece of shit occupying the White House is beyond me.

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US Now Committing War Crimes in Afghanistan

Alleged US President and feckless old fool Joe Biden has been humiliating his country with his cartoonish botching of our withdrawal from Afghanistan. The stakes were raised a few days ago when 13 US soldiers were killed along with dozens of others in a terrorist attack at the airport in Kabul. Realizing how incredibly weak and incompetent they looked, Biden and his cronies decided they needed to kill somebody in retaliation. And fast. Problem was with all our personnel running for the hills and all of our assets on the ground seized by the Taliban, we undoubtedly had next to zero intel on where to strike. Well, they found somebody to make an example of anyways. My spide-y senses were already tingling when the government described the target as a “planner” for Isis-K. Not a terrorist or leader, but a “planner.” And what the hell is ISIS-K? Conveniently, the government declined to identify exactly who it was they killed.

Then they announced on Sunday that another drone attack had prevented a “imminent attack” near the Kabul Airport. The government claimed the van was loaded with explosives intended for use in a suicide bombing.

So we are now finding out who was really in that van. And the truth is sickening. To save a little face and satisfy his ego, Joe Biden had the US military incinerate two unnamed individuals, and then a van full of 9 family members. Including multiple children. There is no convincing evidence that any actual terrorists were killed. This level of incompetence and brazen disregard for human life is intolerable. Biden needs to be impeached and removed from office immediately. (And in a just world, summarily hanged from the nearest tree.) When Biden was just another grifter making a dishonest living selling influence to our adversaries, that was bad enough. As the “President”, he was already heaping embarrassment and humiliation on the country. Now with this latest atrocity, Joe Biden has brought abject shame on to the United States of America.

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Oregon Concedes Defeat in War on Ignorance

Congratulations to Oregon for finally figuring out how to ensure no child is left behind in the education system: eliminate learning. If nobody moves forward, than nobody gets left behind. The WOKE! are fricking brilliant. According to Oregon officials, the elimination of reading, writing, and math standards will prevent harm to kids. Especially kids of color, who standardized tests disproportionately impact. The stupidity of this is truly breathtaking. As if not learning the minimal skills needed to function in society won’t harm children if there is no paper trail to confirm it. These kids will be doomed to a life of poverty and dependence. But at least the failing schools that shuffle them through won’t look so bad on paper!

In reality, these stupid progressives are just going to widen the achievement gap in education. In general, poor kids are more likely to come from homes that don’t emphasize education. But rich parents will make sure their children are well educated regardless of whether or not they are tested. Just like refusing to incarcerate criminals won’t stop crime, refusing to acknowledge the failures of our education system won’t make the problem go away.

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Op-Ed on Failed Biden COVID Strategy Eludes the Censors

The Washington Times published an interesting op-ed on vaccines and the Biden Administration’s (mis)use of them. I’m not totally sold on all of the points presented, but it certainly makes some interesting arguments which are worthy of consideration. The op-ed carries a little extra weight because it was co-written by Dr. Robert Malone. Dr. Malone is literally one of the key inventors of the mRNA vaccine technology. So the left’s standard procedure of denouncing him as “anti-science” and a spreader of “misinformation” doesn’t really work. Instead, they are borrowing from the old Soviet Union playbook and attempting to erase him from history altogether. Lefties are nothing if not predictable.

As for what this all means politically, I think Biden and the Democrats are in deep doo-doo come 2022. The next election is still a long ways off, but polls show Biden is underwater on almost every issue except his handling of the COVID pandemic. I think that is going to come crashing down on him big time. And sooner, rather than later. In the debates, Trump was for a return to normalcy. Biden said we couldn’t have normalcy until we “defeated” the virus. And swore he was the only candidate that could do it. However, it is sure starting to look like the coronavirus is here to stay. Between “leaky” vaccines and multiple new variants, the coronavirus appears set to join influenza and the common cold as perennial scourges on humanity (thanks, Fauci!!!) With no hope of “victory” over COVID, Biden’s big-stuffing in the debates will be exposed as the vain bluster of a befuddled imbecile, and his draconian countermeasures will be seen in a much less favorable light. (The Administration knows this. Which is why they are already trying to deflect blame on to Red State governors and the unvaccinated.) Successfully pinning a (un)natural disaster on the incumbent was a large part of how the Democrats weaseled their way back into power. It’s about to get thrown back in their smug faces.

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Technocracy is Not Dead to the Left

The guy who wrote this article over at the American Thinker is dreaming. His main thesis is that the spectacular failure of the technocratic approach to deal with the COVID pandemic (a disaster which technocracy also caused, BTW) has discredited technocracy and forced Blue States and the left to reconsider their tactics. As I mentioned previously, technocracy is absolutely central to the modern left’s worldview. The vision of the left has autocratic rule by benevolent social engineers and scientists replacing the ugliness and inefficiency of self-governance. While the rabble will still be allowed to make the truly important choices, like which gender they want to identify as, they will be relieved of the mundane decisions which currently burden them. The government will helpfully decide where they can live, what kind of car they can drive, what type of healthcare they get, and what types of food they are allowed to eat. There can never be sustainability as long as the average Joe is permitted to use all the resources currently available to him. And there can never be equity as long as the system allows common citizens to accrue as much wealth as their talents and ambition allow.

Far from discrediting technocracy to the left, the COVID pandemic will just be further proof to them that it didn’t go far enough. They believe that the technocrats just needed even more control and power to implement their solutions and everything would have turned out peachy. In fact, you can already see evidence of this in the total demonization of people who don’t want to take the vaccine or cover their kindergartner’s face with a piece of cloth. Just like the numerous failures of socialism never phased the socialists, the failure of the technocrats will only increase the fervor of their loyalists.

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CNN Revels in Being the Administrations Attack Dog

In a sea of garbage media companies, CNN really manages to stand out.

A medical doctor recently voiced an opinion on masks and vaccines that ran afoul of the current version of the government approved discourse. And CNN pounced to publicly shame and embarrass him. That was literally the only point of their deplorable hit piece. CNN’s supposed “news story” has zero informational value whatsoever. You can tell how interested the total bitch of a reporter is in finding out why a rational person might believe such things by the questions she shouts at him after ambushing him on a bike ride: “do you feel responsible for people who got sick and died?”, “what do you say to the families that have lost loved ones?” All while her smarmy tone just drips with self-righteousness. This isn’t news. It’s not opinion. It’s public shaming and personal harassment. And the message sent is clear. Dare to stray from the approved narrative of the Administration, and you too could face the wrath of the Covid brownshirts.

The Democrat cabal that seized power in our country has decided it is time to rule by decree and dissent is no longer allowable. And while they can’t use the law enforcement power of the government to enforce their edicts by force (not quite yet at least), their willing toadies in the media and corporate America are more than willing to be the muscle for their Federal mob bosses.

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The US Government is Intentionally Harming Children

…And Lying About It

The government of the United States is intentionally harming children. A new study in the UK has confirmed that children are nearly impervious to COVID-19. Expect that study to be ignored by our government. After all, this isn’t really a revelation. We have know for a long time that children were not very susceptible to the coronavirus. Now the UK study proves that regular old influenza is nearly twice as deadly to children as COVID. The children have always been safe. And it has been apparent almost from the beginning of the pandemic. Now it’s so blatantly obvious, even the ultra-progressive New York magazine had to admit it.

Yet the government is pushing hard to get kids and young adults (also not vulnerable) to take the jab. They need to get to that 70% target they set come hell or high water. And they don’t care who they have to poke to get there. Never mind the vaccines are still experimental and we still don’t know what the long term side effects might be. And the anecdotal stories of horrible reactions continue to mount and mount. Like the 12-year old girl who ended up in a wheel chair. Or the man who’s skin peeled off. Or this poor guy who has inflammation of the brain. Or the gut-wrenching story of the healthy 13-year old boy who died just days after getting the jab. Yet Fauci and crew still want to poke children all the way down in age to diapers. Pure insanity. Every person needs to make a cost-vs-benefit / risk-vs-reward evaluation of the vaccine for themselves (and their children.) For older people, the case that the risks of COVID far outweigh the risks of the vaccine is pretty easy to make. But for healthy children, there is no benefit. Their risk from COVID is already zero. It can’t go any lower.

Then there is the masks at school. Masks are of dubious value to start with. If putting any old piece of cloth over your face could protect you from submicroscopic viruses, I think somebody would have noticed that before now in the millennia of human existence. Yet the government is pushing K-12 schools to mandate masks, even though there is ample evidence they are bad for children’s mental and respiratory health. They are also pushing hard for masks and mandatory vaccines for young people who want to attend college in the fall.

There is even talk of returning to lockdowns and remote learning. Remote learning was a disaster. Elementary school kids are already 4-8 months behind where they would normally be according to numerous studies like this one by McKinsey and Co. And US education wasn’t all that great to start with.

All of this damage is being done to children, and for what? Certainly not for their benefit. The most generous interpretation you could make is that the government is lying to manipulate young people into getting vaccinated to protect older Americans. Shifting risk from old to young. Although even that explanation is on shaky ground scientifically. And, by their own cost-vs-benefit calculation, that might be the best way to save the most lives. But it is an immoral one. That is not their choice to make. And manipulating the public through lies is also immoral, as well as detrimental to the public trust. If the government has decided young people should risk the jab to save the older people, they should make that case explicitly. And not resort to fear-mongering and bribes of money or scholarships.

A more cynical interpretation would be that the government just wants to maintain the illusion of control. They want people to continue to believe that we are “beating” the virus by following along with their demented game of Simon Says. The virus can not be allowed to ebb and flow and eventually disappear like all previous pandemics. The government experts and “science” must prevail and be seen as conquering heroes. Especially after those same experts have demanded so much sacrifice and destroyed so many lives over the past year. Otherwise, nobody would ever listen to them again.

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It’s Time for a National Divorce

Irreconcilable differences has long been a valid reason for a married couple to divorce. I think it’s time for a National divorce. The Right and Left in this country have nothing left which hold us together. No principles in common. No values shared. We used to butt heads over how best to get where we wanted to go, but generally agreed on the destination. Things like equal justice before the law, judging people on character rather than skin color, a reverence for the Bill or Rights, the nuclear family as a primary building block, and pride in our country used to hold us together. Now we can’t even agree on the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.

So we literally have nothing in common any more. Our goals and aspirations are diametrically opposed. And their seems to be no way to reconcile our differences. Keeping us together is just making us both miserable. A National divorce would be an awkward and difficult thing. I honestly have no idea what it might look like. But we need to start thinking seriously about having one, while there is still a chance our break can be amicable.

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Shocking Level of Chutzpah, Even for Politics

Now that the evidence is overwhelming, Brad Raffensperger can no longer pretend Georgia’s election was anything but a cluster-fuck. So instead of resigning, like he should, he obviously intends to pretend he was on the side of reform and transparency all along. Don’t let him get away with it.

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Leftists Pushing Corporate America to Do their Bidding

The distressing symbiotic relationship which is blurring the lines between Big Government and Big Corporations has been mentioned on this blog before. What started with Big Tech censoring political views the left doesn’t approve of is rapidly spreading throughout corporate America. Now we have the left calling on corporate America to punish citizens who don’t bow to the Church of Fauci and take the vaccine. Making your own medical decisions is now problematic to the left, and must be stamped out with vigor. The Constitution gives government hacks no such power over the people, but their willing minions in the private sector are free from such constraints and are able to punish the peons with impunity. It’s for their own good, don’t cha know?


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