The US Government is Intentionally Harming Children

…And Lying About It

The government of the United States is intentionally harming children. A new study in the UK has confirmed that children are nearly impervious to COVID-19. Expect that study to be ignored by our government. After all, this isn’t really a revelation. We have know for a long time that children were not very susceptible to the coronavirus. Now the UK study proves that regular old influenza is nearly twice as deadly to children as COVID. The children have always been safe. And it has been apparent almost from the beginning of the pandemic. Now it’s so blatantly obvious, even the ultra-progressive New York magazine had to admit it.

Yet the government is pushing hard to get kids and young adults (also not vulnerable) to take the jab. They need to get to that 70% target they set come hell or high water. And they don’t care who they have to poke to get there. Never mind the vaccines are still experimental and we still don’t know what the long term side effects might be. And the anecdotal stories of horrible reactions continue to mount and mount. Like the 12-year old girl who ended up in a wheel chair. Or the man who’s skin peeled off. Or this poor guy who has inflammation of the brain. Or the gut-wrenching story of the healthy 13-year old boy who died just days after getting the jab. Yet Fauci and crew still want to poke children all the way down in age to diapers. Pure insanity. Every person needs to make a cost-vs-benefit / risk-vs-reward evaluation of the vaccine for themselves (and their children.) For older people, the case that the risks of COVID far outweigh the risks of the vaccine is pretty easy to make. But for healthy children, there is no benefit. Their risk from COVID is already zero. It can’t go any lower.

Then there is the masks at school. Masks are of dubious value to start with. If putting any old piece of cloth over your face could protect you from submicroscopic viruses, I think somebody would have noticed that before now in the millennia of human existence. Yet the government is pushing K-12 schools to mandate masks, even though there is ample evidence they are bad for children’s mental and respiratory health. They are also pushing hard for masks and mandatory vaccines for young people who want to attend college in the fall.

There is even talk of returning to lockdowns and remote learning. Remote learning was a disaster. Elementary school kids are already 4-8 months behind where they would normally be according to numerous studies like this one by McKinsey and Co. And US education wasn’t all that great to start with.

All of this damage is being done to children, and for what? Certainly not for their benefit. The most generous interpretation you could make is that the government is lying to manipulate young people into getting vaccinated to protect older Americans. Shifting risk from old to young. Although even that explanation is on shaky ground scientifically. And, by their own cost-vs-benefit calculation, that might be the best way to save the most lives. But it is an immoral one. That is not their choice to make. And manipulating the public through lies is also immoral, as well as detrimental to the public trust. If the government has decided young people should risk the jab to save the older people, they should make that case explicitly. And not resort to fear-mongering and bribes of money or scholarships.

A more cynical interpretation would be that the government just wants to maintain the illusion of control. They want people to continue to believe that we are “beating” the virus by following along with their demented game of Simon Says. The virus can not be allowed to ebb and flow and eventually disappear like all previous pandemics. The government experts and “science” must prevail and be seen as conquering heroes. Especially after those same experts have demanded so much sacrifice and destroyed so many lives over the past year. Otherwise, nobody would ever listen to them again.