CNN Revels in Being the Administrations Attack Dog

In a sea of garbage media companies, CNN really manages to stand out.

A medical doctor recently voiced an opinion on masks and vaccines that ran afoul of the current version of the government approved discourse. And CNN pounced to publicly shame and embarrass him. That was literally the only point of their deplorable hit piece. CNN’s supposed “news story” has zero informational value whatsoever. You can tell how interested the total bitch of a reporter is in finding out why a rational person might believe such things by the questions she shouts at him after ambushing him on a bike ride: “do you feel responsible for people who got sick and died?”, “what do you say to the families that have lost loved ones?” All while her smarmy tone just drips with self-righteousness. This isn’t news. It’s not opinion. It’s public shaming and personal harassment. And the message sent is clear. Dare to stray from the approved narrative of the Administration, and you too could face the wrath of the Covid brownshirts.

The Democrat cabal that seized power in our country has decided it is time to rule by decree and dissent is no longer allowable. And while they can’t use the law enforcement power of the government to enforce their edicts by force (not quite yet at least), their willing toadies in the media and corporate America are more than willing to be the muscle for their Federal mob bosses.