Oregon Concedes Defeat in War on Ignorance

Congratulations to Oregon for finally figuring out how to ensure no child is left behind in the education system: eliminate learning. If nobody moves forward, than nobody gets left behind. The WOKE! are fricking brilliant. According to Oregon officials, the elimination of reading, writing, and math standards will prevent harm to kids. Especially kids of color, who standardized tests disproportionately impact. The stupidity of this is truly breathtaking. As if not learning the minimal skills needed to function in society won’t harm children if there is no paper trail to confirm it. These kids will be doomed to a life of poverty and dependence. But at least the failing schools that shuffle them through won’t look so bad on paper!

In reality, these stupid progressives are just going to widen the achievement gap in education. In general, poor kids are more likely to come from homes that don’t emphasize education. But rich parents will make sure their children are well educated regardless of whether or not they are tested. Just like refusing to incarcerate criminals won’t stop crime, refusing to acknowledge the failures of our education system won’t make the problem go away.