
Detroit Schools Laser Focused on Future Success of Students

The superintendent of the Detroit Public Schools, Dr. Nikolai Vitti, is very concerned that the State of Michigan might pass a law banning the teaching of Critical Race Theory in K-12 education. With no elections coming up, the left can now stop pretending that CRT isn’t a real thing they are trying to ram down our throats.

Our curriculum is deeply using (sic) critical race theory, especially in social studies, but you’ll find it in English Language Arts and the other disciplines. We’re very intentional about creating a curriculum, infusing materials, and embedding critical race theory within our curriculum.

Dr. Nikolai Vitti – DPS superintendent (whose grammar skills suggest he could be a DPS graduate)

Detroit Public Schools have been a bad joke for my entire lifetime. If there actually were an institutional system of racism in America, Detroit Public Schools would have to be it’s headquarters. It is hard to imagine an institution that has done more to keep inner city black people down than DPS. Graduates are unable to do basic math, write a proper letter, or even read. In fact, students aren’t taught any of the basic skills needed to succeed in America. But at least they are properly indoctrinated in grievance politics.

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Democrats to Double Down on Critical Race Theory

Democrats got their clocks cleaned in the election a couple of weeks ago, where even a reliably Blue state like Virginia went Red. Part of the reason is undoubtedly the unmitigated cluster-fuck that was Joe Biden’s first year as “president.” But it was also due in large part to the left’s total embrace of Critical Race Theory and WOKE(!) political activism in K-12 education. It turns out even most Blue State parents don’t want their children indoctrinated with divisive and racist Marxist bullshit. Whoda thunk?

Far from learning their lesson, it sounds like the Democrats plan to double down for 2022. My reaction: Yes, please! Push your unhinged, divisive, and racist ideology even harder. Let Americans know what you really believe. Not all Democrats have their heads in the sand. Plenty of voices are raising the alarm bells.

But the loony left base of the party doesn’t want to hear it. CRT is central to their entire worldview. To the hard core progressives, Critical Race Theory isn’t a racist and divisive ideology with no relation whatsoever to reality, designed to tear the country apart and collapse our institutions and culture. Critical Race Theory is just historical fact that the evil white supremacists want to perpetuate. To them, it is the ugly truth about America’s inherent racism that white people want to hide from their own children. Or a racist dog whistle that isn’t even taught at all. Or both at the same time. Logical consistency was never the left’s strong point.

A recent Business Insider article explores the Democrats’ thinking on CRT. The article starts off with a predictable trope. That this isn’t even a real issue at all, and the problem Democrats have is just messaging and fighting off Republican smears. The CRT debate has nothing to do with actual policy, they claim.

They’ve called it a “racist dog whistle” and a “lie.” But those messages haven’t helped Democrats tamp down the uproar Republicans are fueling over “critical race theory,” now a misused catch-all term for teaching on race and diversity in K-12 schools that’s firing up protests at school board meetings around the country.

And of course, they had to do the obligatory gas-lighting, describing CRT as “a misused catch-all term.” Nobody gives a fuck if CRT as used in the common vernacular is different from the original legal theory of Derrick Bell. When people talk about CRT, everybody understands exactly what it is they are objecting to (or advocating for.) Playing silly semantic word games is just a pathetic attempt to change the subject and shut down any debate.

In Virginia, Republican Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin exploited the term and pledged to “ban” it in classrooms on his first day as governor, even though critical race theory — an academic approach to examining racial bias — is most often taught in law schools.  Republicans plan to lean into the issue in the 2022 election cycle. 

Well, they would be stupid not to lean into the issue in 2022. Especially if the Democrats are dumb enough to double down on it.

Democratic strategists say the party should hit back harder against “divisive” GOP claims while not losing sight of the priority for voters; the economy.

LOL. Democrats want to teach elementary school kids that their country is racist to it’s core, and that all the white kids are oppressors and all the POC kids are oppressed. But it is the Republicans that are “divisive.” Projection, thy name is Democrat.

Democrats haven’t yet pushed back on this issue enough, but the “good news” is the party’s response is effective and there’s time to make the case before the 2022 elections, said Jesse Ferguson, a Democratic strategist. They just need to make the case “relentlessly,” he said.

Great insight! The problem with CRT adherents is that they aren’t relentless enough. If only they weren’t so calm and reserved, they could be more effective in getting their message out. I can see why this guy is a professional “strategist.”

“Voters run from the Republicans when Democrats peel back the onion on what these claims really mean,” he said. “It’s not just that Republicans want a bigger role for parents in education, it’s that Republicans are willing to let White supremacists write curricula.”

In addition to being relentless, progressives need to call out concerned parents as racists. That is a sure way to win back their votes. Of course. It all makes such perfect sense now. This guy is a political genius.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the House campaign arm for Democrats, downplayed the threat to the party in congressional races. This fall, they tested responses to false claims about critical race theory in K-12 schools. The messages they say resonate most with battleground voters: Democrats want to teach the truth about US history and honor those who fought to make the country better

So the DCCC believes that better gas-lighting will fix everything. The Democrats main problem is that the claims about CRT in K-12 schools are not false at all. Parents can see the books and homework their children bring home. They can see what their kids are being force fed. And they don’t like it. But you Dems just keep telling yourselves that it is only a “messaging” problem.

Democrats keep insisting that teaching CRT is just teaching history. And they seem to actually believe it. They believe their warped perception of America is objective truth. They have convinced themselves that it is everyone else who is racist. The ones who can’t help but notice that it is progressive Democrats who make literally everything about race. And the ones who oppose the actual Webster’s Dictionary-type of racism going on in the here in now, instead of inventing new ways for benign things to be racist.

While it might be amusing to see the Democrats take an ass-whooping of Biblical proportions in 2022, the toxicity of WOKE(!)ness on American society should not be underestimated. The long term effects, especially on impressionable young minds, will resonate for decades. And in fact, that is exactly what the progressive left is counting on. This shit has got to end.

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Old School Liberals are Politically Homeless

Bill Maher is an old school liberal. He likes big government social programs. And he generally finds Republicans to be dumb and cruel. In short, he is exactly the kind of guy who used to feel right at home in the Democrat Party.

However, Maher still genuinely believes in classical liberal principles. He values free speech over safe spaces and censorship. He thinks we should strive to be color blind as a society instead of dividing ourselves up by skin tone. He believes socialism sucks. And he loves America. The actual America that exists today, not some progressive fantasy of what it could be. These all used to be mainstream values in the Democrat Party. Unfortunately for Maher, and those like him, these ideas are anathema to the progressives who now control the party.

Which is why Maher has been getting attacked by the left recently, and hilariously accused of “shifting right” in his politics.

To me, when people say to me sometimes, like, ‘Boy, you know, you go after the left a lot these days. Why?’ Because you’re embarrassing me!

– Bill Maher

Democrats are all on board for socialism now. Just stick the “democratic” modifier in front of the word “socialism”, and it’s internal contradictions and legacy of failure and suffering are magically erased! It wasn’t that long ago that Nancy Pelosi was mocking AOC’s Green New Deal as the “green dream.” Pelosi understood that it was economically and scientifically illiterate, as well as politically poisonous. Now it is part of the mainstream Democratic platform. I don’t think Pelosi suddenly discovered the brilliance of the Squad’s insane manifesto. She bowed to the political reality that the crazies run the show for the Democrats now.

Critical Race Theory and WOKE(!) politics are also part of the mainstream Democratic platform now. The propaganda arm of the Democrat Party (i.e. the media) understands how unpopular these toxic and racist ideologies are. That is why they refuse to acknowledge they even exist and are being implemented all across the country. But the young Democrat base believes in them fervently, so the leadership can’t denounce them. So instead, they gaslight and obfuscate.

There were some grumblings from the moderates after the shellacking the Dems took a couple weeks ago in Virginia. Many of whom blame WOKE(!) politics for provoking their ass kicking. But the Party will continue down the path it is on. All of the moderates in the Democrat Party are fossils. All of the young blood in the party are hard-left progressives. That’s where the energy is. That’s what the future leadership will look like.

Both sides always say that it is the other guys who have gotten more radical. Democrats constantly accuse Republicans of it, and vice versa. It’s mostly a diversionary tactic to convince voters you’re willing to work with the other side, but the current crop is just to crazy to deal with. But in this case, I think it is obvious the Democrats really have taken an abrupt and dramatic lunge to the left over the past decade or so. Bill Maher hasn’t changed. His opinions and attitudes are indistinguishable from a decade ago. When Barak Obama was campaigning for the presidency, he declared that marriage was between a man and woman. Were any Democrat to make that claim today they would be canceled, not just for being homophobic, but for implying that there are only two genders. And Bill Clinton? He would be burned at the stake if he were judged by todays WOKE(!) standards.

I don’t think you can say the same about Republicans. The styles and demeanors of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump are polar opposites. But on policy, there is barely a dimes worth of difference between the two. If decorum and civility are all that you care about, then I would totally agree Republicans have become more coarse over the last few years. But if policy and vision are what matters, it is the Democrats who have shifted radically. I personally don’t give a shit about respect and civility when it comes to politicians and their media lackeys. They deserve neither. DC is a cesspool of corruption, incompetence, and depravity and should be treated as such.

Maher and the other old school liberals can complain all they want, but the Democrat Party is not coming back to classical liberalism. Whether he realizes it or not, Maher is the one who is out of touch with the mainstream. The WOKE(!) progressives are the mainstream of the Democrats now. The Party has gone all in on progressivism. His logical appeals for a return to sanity won’t phase the radicals. They will just be dismissed as more reactionary “whiteness” that needs to be stamped out. And when the gulags are built, Bill Maher’s name will be near the top of the re-education list.

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Corporations are More Gutless Than WOKE!

Tucker Carlson is about the only cable news program I will watch anymore. The rest are just predictable corporate garbage or shameless political hacks. Tucker covers stories that are important to Americans that most other media won’t touch. He shows the appropriate amount of respect for DC politicians and media (i.e. zero.) And he delivers with a biting sarcastic tone. Tucker also usually provides inciteful commentary to go along with his schtick. Last night, he highlighted a ridiculous video that Microsoft prepared for it’s own employees. Each participant in the video bizarrely describes their own physical appearance before they begin speaking. Allegedly, to accommodate blind people. Why a blind person would need to know the physical appearance of a stranger feeding them corporate pabulum is left unclear. Perhaps so they know which intersectional group to assign the speaker to. Anyways, Tucker (rightly) makes fun of the clownish video. And then chalks it up to corporations competing to see who can be the most WOKE!

I think Tucker missed the mark a little on his analysis this time. Most corporations are still primarily focused on keeping their revenue stream going and turning a profit. Just like always. One of the things that can disrupt that flow of cash is to run afoul of the WOKE! mob. Doing so can result in bad press and boycotts, both of which are bad for business. And the WOKE! mob is nothing if not unpredictable, loud, and relentless. The slightest transgression can set them off. And once their focus is on you, they won’t let up until the next unfortunate target stumbles in and replaces you in their crosshairs.

So how do corporations try to insulate themselves? By creating a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Department, of course. These WOKE! departments are generally headed by a younger person who got a useless degree in gender/queer/whatever studies. This person will generally know nothing about the actual business they are part of. Their small department will generally operate on a tiny budget and have zero impact on how the business actually runs. They don’t have the knowledge or skills to contribute anything worthwhile. But they still need to feel like they contribute something in order to justify their phony-baloney jobs. And that is why you get things like the ridiculous, and pointless, Microsoft video above. (BTW, Tucker interviewed a guest on his show after showing the video. The way he described his own physical appearance before speaking was pretty hilarious. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any video of it.)

My own perception is that while a few corporations actually do enthusiastically embrace WOKE! politics, most just fake it. Their only goal is to keep the WOKE! mob of scolds off of their back. Appeasing the mob is easier and less costly than standing up to it. If you are going to point the finger at anyone for the proliferation of stupid WOKENESS!, blame the online activist mobs and the Universities that keep churning out graduates with garbage degrees and zero practical skills. The corporations are more gutless than WOKE!

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SJWs Attempt to Dunk on Lincoln

There are SJWs littered all throughout our government. Apparently, they have even taken over Ford’s Theatre, and are encouraging the WOKE! to redefine the 16th President’s legacy through a 21st century Social Justice prism. They will no doubt find plenty of reasons to find good old Honest Abe problematic, and insist the history of his life be presented in a more critical fashion. These noodle-armed turds will then no doubt congratulate themselves on how virtuous they are and how much they have done to further justice and equality in America. And of course they will complement each other on their bravery in taking on the white supremist system of oppression.

Of course, in reality there is nothing brave about these petulant snowflakes. They SJWs pretend to fight battles that have already been won by others. Battles fought by people who actually were principled and brave. And then they wrap themselves in the honor and glory that others actually earned. Lincoln did more to advance freedom and equality in America than probably any other human being who has ever lived. And he paid the ultimate price for it. The civil rights activists back in the 50s and 60s risked beatings and lynchings while fighting for their righteous cause. Many of them also made the ultimate sacrifice.

It’s not like the world is out of just causes to champion. But those fights are hard. The cosplay activists of today risk nothing and accomplish nothing. The worst thing the spindly-legged hipster lecturing you about pronouns will suffer is a dismissive eye-roll. These dipshits no nothing of history or real hardship. Most are too dumb to realize they are just pawns being manipulated to serve a political movement. Lincoln freed the slaves, won the Civil War, and saved the Union. The SJWs invented dozens of new genders and cancel culture. I will continue to put the real heroes on a pedestal.

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Oregon Concedes Defeat in War on Ignorance

Congratulations to Oregon for finally figuring out how to ensure no child is left behind in the education system: eliminate learning. If nobody moves forward, than nobody gets left behind. The WOKE! are fricking brilliant. According to Oregon officials, the elimination of reading, writing, and math standards will prevent harm to kids. Especially kids of color, who standardized tests disproportionately impact. The stupidity of this is truly breathtaking. As if not learning the minimal skills needed to function in society won’t harm children if there is no paper trail to confirm it. These kids will be doomed to a life of poverty and dependence. But at least the failing schools that shuffle them through won’t look so bad on paper!

In reality, these stupid progressives are just going to widen the achievement gap in education. In general, poor kids are more likely to come from homes that don’t emphasize education. But rich parents will make sure their children are well educated regardless of whether or not they are tested. Just like refusing to incarcerate criminals won’t stop crime, refusing to acknowledge the failures of our education system won’t make the problem go away.

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