Corporations are More Gutless Than WOKE!

Tucker Carlson is about the only cable news program I will watch anymore. The rest are just predictable corporate garbage or shameless political hacks. Tucker covers stories that are important to Americans that most other media won’t touch. He shows the appropriate amount of respect for DC politicians and media (i.e. zero.) And he delivers with a biting sarcastic tone. Tucker also usually provides inciteful commentary to go along with his schtick. Last night, he highlighted a ridiculous video that Microsoft prepared for it’s own employees. Each participant in the video bizarrely describes their own physical appearance before they begin speaking. Allegedly, to accommodate blind people. Why a blind person would need to know the physical appearance of a stranger feeding them corporate pabulum is left unclear. Perhaps so they know which intersectional group to assign the speaker to. Anyways, Tucker (rightly) makes fun of the clownish video. And then chalks it up to corporations competing to see who can be the most WOKE!

I think Tucker missed the mark a little on his analysis this time. Most corporations are still primarily focused on keeping their revenue stream going and turning a profit. Just like always. One of the things that can disrupt that flow of cash is to run afoul of the WOKE! mob. Doing so can result in bad press and boycotts, both of which are bad for business. And the WOKE! mob is nothing if not unpredictable, loud, and relentless. The slightest transgression can set them off. And once their focus is on you, they won’t let up until the next unfortunate target stumbles in and replaces you in their crosshairs.

So how do corporations try to insulate themselves? By creating a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Department, of course. These WOKE! departments are generally headed by a younger person who got a useless degree in gender/queer/whatever studies. This person will generally know nothing about the actual business they are part of. Their small department will generally operate on a tiny budget and have zero impact on how the business actually runs. They don’t have the knowledge or skills to contribute anything worthwhile. But they still need to feel like they contribute something in order to justify their phony-baloney jobs. And that is why you get things like the ridiculous, and pointless, Microsoft video above. (BTW, Tucker interviewed a guest on his show after showing the video. The way he described his own physical appearance before speaking was pretty hilarious. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any video of it.)

My own perception is that while a few corporations actually do enthusiastically embrace WOKE! politics, most just fake it. Their only goal is to keep the WOKE! mob of scolds off of their back. Appeasing the mob is easier and less costly than standing up to it. If you are going to point the finger at anyone for the proliferation of stupid WOKENESS!, blame the online activist mobs and the Universities that keep churning out graduates with garbage degrees and zero practical skills. The corporations are more gutless than WOKE!