Clueless Libs Dumbfounded to Learn Media Lied About George Floyd

This video really is something else. These two liberals are shocked — SHOCKED — to learn that the whole BLM / George Floyd narrative was a bunch of bullshit pedaled by the mainstream media and their Democrat Party masters. Apparently the big revelation came after they watched the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis.

They are sickened to realize that the protests, riots, looting, and wholesale destruction of cities was all based on a lie. They are repulsed by the fact an innocent man was sentenced to serve decades behind bars as a sacrifice to the mob…. assuming he isn’t killed in prison first.

I guess better late then never…. but it would have been nice if these numb-nuts would have tried a little bit of critical thinking and applied a modicum of skepticism to the establishment media’s narrative back when it would have actually mattered.

It’s infuriating listening to these two nimrods talk about the evidence in the documentary that changed their minds. Because all of it was available from DAY ONE if you were just willing to look for yourself. The various police body cam videos showing Floyd gasping “I can’t breathe” and “It’s coming up on me” before anybody was even touching him. The alternate angles showing the knee on Floyd’s shoulder blade and not his neck. The autopsy report showing he had a lethal cocktail of drugs in his system when he died, including as massive amount of fentanyl. The untreated heart condition Floyd had at the time of his death. The MPD training document showing the hold used to restrain Flody was part of the department’s standard training. All of it was available in the immediate aftermath of the incident…. if you were willing to just do a quick google search. Contrary to what these guys think, NONE of the evidence in the documentary is new or newly available to the public. It’s just readily available in one place with some slick production now.

As one of the dumbasses realized in the video, the facts don’t even matter any more in this case. The false media narrative is already cemented as “THE TRUTH” in our collective minds. At this point in time, people are far too invested emotionally and mentally in the “Saint George Floyd” fantasy to admit they were played for suckers. No amount of evidence (assuming they would even be willing to hear it) will change their minds. The mental anguish and cognitive dissonance would just be too much to bear.

The saddest part is these guys didn’t even learn their lesson. Near the end, they ponder what lessons can be learned and what the major takeaways should be and are basically stymied. Let me help them out. The main lesson should be:


The establishment media is garbage. They have an agenda to push and will lie, cheat, and steal to advance it. Their agenda is diametrically opposed to our best interests. The solution is to treat the establishment media like the activist hacks they are, and develop alternative sources of information. The guys in the video almost get there. Almost. But they just can’t seem to fathom WHY they were lied to. They can’t comprehend that winning an election is more important to the “elites” than truth, prosperity, public unity, or even people’s lives. Unfortunately, these libs are just too invested in the institutions that played them for fools to take that final leap.

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Remember How the Media Exaggerated 9/11 and Pearl Harbor?

Remember how the media over-sensationalized the 9/11 attacks and the bombing of Pearl Harbor to make them seem more terrible than they actually were? Me neither. Because they didn’t have to. But with the January 6th media coverage and subsequent show trial, all we get is hysterical pear clutching, over exaggerations, and flat-out lies. According to the Democrats and their media toadies, the January 6th riots are 9/11, Pear Harbor, and the assassination of Lincoln all rolled up into one. Democracy itself almost died that day. Or something.

The reality is zero people were killed by protestors/rioters on January 6th. Not even all that much damage was done to the Capitol Building. Some doors were busted and some windows were broken out. They probably had it cleaned up and good as new before the weekend. The only person who was murdered on January 6th was an unarmed woman named Ashli Babbitt. She was shot without warning by law enforcement while climbing through a door window inside the Capitol. Compare and contrast the coverage her killing received compared to BLM rioters injured by law enforcement (none were actually killed as far as I can recall.)

How many times did the media report that officer Brian Sicknick was murdered by the rioters? Brutally beaten and hit over the head with a fire extinguisher which caused his death? But the story turned out to be complete bullshit. According to the medical examiner, Sicknick suffered no physical trauma whatsoever prior to his death. He wasn’t beaten. He certainly wasn’t hit over the head with a fire extinguisher. That was complete fantasy. An autopsy determined he died of natural causes after suffering a stroke later in the evening of January 6, after his shift ended and he was back at home. But the media can’t let it go. You still hear the constant lie that cops were killed on January 6th defending the Capitol. A lie that is still propagated to this day by so-called journalists and mainstream media outlets. The Sicknick story was a total lie, and yet that was the best example they could come up with to impugn the Capitol rioters. A couple of cops ending up committing suicide days or weeks after the January 6th riot. The media attributes their deaths to the Capitol Riot with a straight face. Another cop was run over in front of a traffic barrier months later by a leftwing lunatic outside the Capitol. His death has been added to the total in some reports, too.

The Democrats desperately want to make January 6th a thing. They still aren’t sure they have trashed Trump enough to make him unelectable. And they need something to distract the public from the absolute dumpster fire President Pants Load has presided over for the last 18 months. They need the mid-terms to be about anything other than a referendum on the Party in power. So they put together this hyped-up show trial. Which is totally understandable. What is not understandable, is why the media plays along with the ridiculous charade if they supposedly have all this “journalistic integrity.”

An NFL coach named Jack Del Rio is under fire for describing the January 6th riot as a “dust up”, and asking why nobody seemed to mind much when BLM was burning down half the country. Del Rio pointed out the obvious hypocrisy. And the left-stream media immediately freaked out. He was denounced for implying a “false equivalence” between the January 6th riot and the BLM riots. The thing is, there were actual murders committed during the BLM riots, including the murder of police. Not the phony “cop driven to suicide weeks later” kind the media likes to spin about January 6th. Not to mention all the cops who suffered broken bones, were pelted with bottles and rocks, or had their eyes damaged by green lasers.

The media constantly excused the lawlessness of the BLM rioters as they injured 1000s and caused billions of dollars in damage. Their violence was justified according to the left and the media (BIRM.) Their crusade to avenge the death of Saint George Floyd was totally righteous, and any collateral damage that occurred along the way was of trivial importance compared to Social Justice. The January 6th protesters (turned rioters), however, were beyond deplorable. The government and the media declared the 2020 election to be the most secure in history. They declared Biden’s win as pristine and legitimate and beyond question. They had spoken. The matter was closed. End of story.

The protest on January 6th occurred because of the multiple fishy activities that took place on and around the 2020 election. And because of the government/media’s total refusal to take any objections seriously and investigate them in a thorough and transparent way. That protest devolved into a riot at the Capitol in large part because Nancy Pelosi wanted it to. She had been offered extra security and turned it down. She knew full well the propaganda value of disorder and violence at the Capitol Building, which is why she did absolutely nothing to stop it.

So the media is right. Comparing the George Floyd rampage to the Capitol Riot is a “false equivalence.” A lot of people were killed in the BLM riots. The only person murdered in the Capitol Riot was shot by law enforcement. The Capitol rioters broke a few windows and doors, and probably got some muddy footprints on Nancy Pelosi’s desk. BLM burned entire neighborhoods to the ground. There is no comparison at all. The only thing that is the same is Democrats allowed both to happen to help their political fortunes.

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Good Video on Critical Race Theory

The alarming ascendance of Critical Race Theory in the mainstream left has been a recurring theme on this blog. Christopher Rufo has been on the front lines fighting against that toxic bullshit from the beginning. He has a new video on CRT up which does a pretty good job of describing our plight and how we got here.

I do think some lefties are genuinely perplexed as to why their policies haven’t improved things for inner-city blacks over the last half century. And Critical Race Theorists are all too happy to exploit their frustration. But other minorities are doing just fine. Hispanics are doing pretty well. Asians are thriving. Even recent black immigrants from Africa are doing just fine. The one group that is lagging far behind is the group that has been under total control of the Democrat Party and the left for 50 years. But the left can’t bring themselves to question their own ideals or policies. The continued plight of inner city African Americans just can’t be their fault. They mean so well. No, the real problem must be the “system.” The problem with this excuse is overt racism is steadily vanishing in this country. Finding examples is getting pretty tough. Ask a lefty for examples of “systemic racism” and they will most likely point to real estate redlining (abolished decades ago), the fact blacks are more likely than whites to be shot by the police (which is bullshit), or some other statistical factoid that has an obvious explanation other than racism. But Critical Race Theory is here to save the day. It breathes new life into racism by expanding it to include things like rugged individualism, punctuality, and the nuclear family.

Critical Race Theory will not heal this country. Quite the opposite. Critical Race Theory will just deepen our divide and sharpen the resentment. That is actually the point of it. The thought leaders of BLM and the like don’t want to help blacks achieve in the current system. They want more hardship, anger, and division. Their goal isn’t to lessen racial strife, but to increase it to a breaking point. They need to collapse the current system before they can replace it with their socialist vision.

The bad new is their toxic garbage is now ubiquitous in this country. The good news is their true agenda is still not popular with the American people. Everybody agrees with the platitude “Black Lives Matter.” Very few Americans agree with the agenda of the Marxist political group Black Lives Matter. The best way to fight CRT is to expose it for what it really is. And to expose the real world consequences of embracing it.

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Trump to Purge Critical Race Theory from Government

This is fantastic news! Donald Trump has ordered all Federal Agencies to stop any training programs which promote Critical Race Theory. I’ve long argued Critical Race Theory was pseudo-scientific garbage meant to sow racial division dressed up in the legitimacy of academic rigor. It is toxic nonsense the left uses to divide our population and undermine our Constitutional republic. The core idea of Critical Race Theory is that everything about America as founded, from our Constitution, to our culture, to our values, to our justice system is rooted in anti-Black racism and perpetuates white supremacy. To the Critical Race Theorists, America is inherently evil and totally irredeemable. The only remedy is to completely tear it down and start over from scratch. Only then can a just and egalitarian (i.e. socialist) society exist.

Because racism permeates everything in American life (according to the theory), to support America is to support racism and white supremacy. In short, support for America and it’s values is amoral. And neutrality is not an option. To the left, failure to actively resist a country as evil as America is support for the status quo. To them, there is no such thing as a non-racist person. You must be actively anti-racist (i.e. anti-America as founded), otherwise you are just as bad as openly racist skinheads and neo-Nazis. According to the theory, to claim you are non-racist is to deny the central truth of the theory, and is evidence of a desire to continue benefiting from white privilege and systemic racism at the expense of POC. Silence is Violence!!! Seriously, this is what they believe.

Somehow, claiming to accept this drivel has become quite fashionable over the last few months. The most obvious examples are the Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements. Both have taken the tenets of Critical Race Theory to heart. And both has become increasingly militant and confrontational. Sadly, Critical Race Theory is also being pushed in schools and WOKE corporations across the country.

The counter-productive BLM movement is particularly depressing. The left has managed to convince yet another generation of Black people (or at least a good chunk of them) that the American dream is not for them. That they live in a country that hates them and exists to oppress them. That there is no hope for them outside of revolution. The anger this message breeds is palpable. But it is unfocused anger… just anger at the world. The demands of the group are necessarily vague and contradictory. If some nebulous “system” is keeping you down, you are left lashing out at everything and anything. And the message becomes self-fulfilling prophecy. And then there is the damage done to predominantly Black communities. The Detroit riots happened 53 years ago in 1967. The city still hasn’t fully recovered. How long will it take Minneapolis to heal? How many businesses will close for good, taking the jobs, goods, and services they provide with them?

Critical Race Theory is a cancer eating away at this country. The fact Trump is trying to remove it’s stain from our government is a very good thing. I suspect he will face fierce resistance from the Deep State. And if paste-eating Joe Biden wins in November, the radicals pulling his strings will undoubtedly reverse course and go all in on the left’s favorite anti-American ideology.

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Portland Assassination

If you are ever wondering what the left is up to, just listen to what they are accusing you of doing…

Here we actually do have a case of a person being randomly assassinated for his political beliefs. While minding his own business, he was shot in the back in a despicably cowardly manner, and left to die in the street. Don’t expect the media to spend much time on that aspect of the story though, because the victim was a Trump supporter.

And the loving and tolerant peaceful protesters had about the reaction you would expect.

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A Perspective on the Kenosha Shootings

Last Tuesday, 3 people were shot during a protest/riot in Kenosha, WI. Two of them fatally. The left and the media (BIRM) were quick to paint the incident as a violent white supremacist gunning down peaceful protesters in cold blood. Yet another example of dangerous right-wing extremists terrorizing noble activists seeking racial justice. Thanks to the obsessive impulse of the narcissistic turds who attend these riots to record their burning and looting sessions on their cellphones, we have a lot of video evidence of the incident. The video evidence does not support the narrative the left is pushing.

The Facts as We Know Them Today

The alleged shooter was 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse. Here is the criminal complaint filed against him.


Videos show Rittenhouse being interviewed earlier in the evening. He talks about protecting the business he is standing in front of and helping people who have been injured. He claims to be a lifeguard with emergency medical training. He does not come across as angry or wanting a fight at this point.

This next video shows the shooter and all 3 victims at the same location before the violence started. It is clear that one of the eventual victims, Joseph Rosenbaum, is an aggressor at this point. However, his anger doesn’t seem to be directed at Rittenhouse yet.

The next video shows Rittenhouse fleeing down the street and into a parking lot with Rosenbaum giving chase. The first deadly confrontation ensues. It certainly appears that Rittenhouse is trying to get away from Rosenbaum who is chasing him. A single shot can be heard while the two men can still be seen running. The gunshot appears to come from another person following the chase who fires a handgun into the air. When Rosenbaum catches Rittenhouse at the far end of the parking lot, the 1st shooting occurs. This incident appears to be the source of the Count 1: Reckless Homicide (of Rosenbaum) and Count 2: Reckless Endangerment (of witness Richard McGinnis who was behind Rosenbaum when he was shot.)

The last video shows the 2nd and 3rd shootings. Rittenhouse is (apparently) fleeing an angry mob looking to exact some street justice after the 1st shooting. Rittenhouse eventually falls and ends up surrounded. An unidentified man runs up to Rittenhouse and delivers a flying kick to his head. Rittenhouse fired twice at the man and missed as he was flying towards him. This appears to be the source of Count 5: Reckless Endangerment (of an unknown individual.) Immediately afterword, Anthony Huber can be seen being shot once in the chest as he tries to smash Rittenhouse over the head with his skateborad. Rittenhouse was on his back at this point after receiving the drop kick. This is the source of Count 3: First Degree Intentional Homicide (against Huber.) Rittenhouse then points his rifle at Gaige Grosskreutz, who was charging at him. Grosskreutz stops short and shows his hands which are empty. Grosskreutz then slowly circles around Rittenhouse who stays focused on him. Grosskreutz reaches back with his right hand and produces a Glock pistol, at which point Rittenhouse fires his rifle once hitting Grosskreutz in the right elbow. This seems to be the basis for Count 4: Attempted First Degree Intentional Homicide (of Grosskreutz.)

An additional weapons charge was also filed (Count 6: Possession of a Dangerous Weapon by a Person Under 18.)

My Takeaways

Tons of people have already dissected these videos frame-by-frame, so I won’t bother doing that. I do have some overall thougts…

  • First, it is obvious to anybody who watches these clips with an open mind that Rittenhouse was not indiscriminately murdering people. He tried to run away from both confrontations but was unable to escape. He didn’t fire his weapon at anybody that wasn’t actively attacking him. He didn’t shoot Rosenbaum until he was virtually on top of him. I would even go so far as to say he displayed remarkable restraint in the confrontation with Grosskreutz. I believe most people being attacked from multiple directions would have instinctively fired at the guy charging at them at such close distance. Grosskreutz could have easily retreated after he stopped short, but chose to circle around and draw a pistol instead.
  • I personally think the criminal charges related to the 2nd confrontation are ridiculous. A clearer case of self defense would be hard to imagine. My bet would be they were filed just to placate the mob. The attempted murder charge related to Grosskreutz is especially bizarre, since Rittenhouse could have easily killed him if that was his intention and it would have been justifiable.
  • My gut instinct is the 1st confrontation was also a justifiable case of self defense. It’s a little more murky because you can’t really see exactly what happened in the video, and Rosenbaum wasn’t armed. Hopefully, more evidence will come out which will provide context about how and why Rosenbaum was giving chase, and whether Rittenhouse could reasonably have feared death or great bodily harm.
  • It is worth noting that all 3 victims had criminal records. Rosenbaum appears to have spent a good chunk of his adult life in prison for sexually assaulting a minor. The other 2 victims also had criminal records and a past history of violence. To be perfectly clear, this does not mean they deserved to be shot down in the street. But it does indicate the kind of people who show up to these riots. I’m betting they were much more interested in violence and destruction than affirming the “value, dignity, and worth of Black lives.”
  • Given what we know today, I don’t believe Rittenhouse did anything wrong as far as the shootings go. His huge mistake was inserting himself into that situation in the first place. I honestly think he went in with noble intentions, but naively got in way over his head. I don’t believe he wanted to shoot anybody, and it is grossly unfair to make him out as some kind of white supremacist domestic terrorist.
  • Rittenhouse is only 17 years old. As the father of a teenage boy, I can’t imagine allowing my child to go into a riot zone. This seems like an epic parenting fail.
  • There are some hard core criminals at these riots. Just showing up with a weapon won’t deter them from attacking you. Don’t even think about confronting these people with a weapon if you aren’t prepared to actually use it. And face the legal consequences if things go wrong.
  • This was a tragedy all around. There are no winners. Rittenhouse could be facing life in prison. Even if he is eventually found to have acted in self-defense, his whole life will be forever altered. I confess to not having too much sympathy for the rioters. I do, however, have great sympathy for their families and loved ones that have suffered a loss.
  • To me, the real villains in this story are the Mayor of Kenosha and the Governor of Wisconsin. Their fecklessness led to ordinary citizens having to protect their community from out-of-town criminal mobs. It was almost inevitable something like this was going to happen. If trained, equipped, and organized law enforcement and National Guardsmen had been allowed to do their jobs, none of this would have ever happened.

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Watch: BLM Activists Harass and Intimidate RNC Attendees

Stay classy, Democrats!

Attendees of the Republican National Convention were harassed and threatened by deranged BLM “activists” as they were leaving the White House on Thursday night. Democratic mayors and governors across the country have shown zero interest in reining in the violence that is taking over their streets. The thugs and criminals behind it all, along with their useful idiots, are becoming more emboldened by the day. These animals unleash this seething hatred with a clear conscience. The Democrats and their enablers in the media have convinced them they are actually the good guys in this story. My advice: buy guns and ammo. This could get really ugly.

BLM Bonus Coverage!

Apparently the BLM shock troops have revived an oldie but a goodie: Chairman Mao’s Struggle Sessions. There really is nothing new under the sun with these cretins.

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Critical Race Theory: the Left’s Anti-American Cudgel

Ever wonder how a guy like MN Democrat John Thompson can barge into a peaceful residential neighbor hood, cuss out and threaten the homeowners just because they have a lighter skin tone and different political leanings from him, yet still think of himself as some kind of hero? Or how BLM protesters can harass people for the neighborhood they live in based solely on the color of their skin, and still think of themselves as the good guys? Welcome to the brave new world of Critical Race Theory!

Critical Race Theory is all the rage right now with the American left. While the theory is nothing new, recent best-selling books like White Fragility and How to Be an Anitracist have revitalized it and brought it to the mainstream. Two pillars of Critical Race Theory are:

  • Systemic racism is ubiquitous at a fundamental level in the United States.
  • You must be actively Anti-Racist, otherwise you are supporting injustice.

From these 2 propositions, an number of conclusions naturally flow. If American culture and systems are racist at their very core, then reforming them would be futile. If everything about America is based on perpetuating White Supremacy, then the culture and systems must be irredeemable. The only just course of action is to completely tear them down and start over from scratch. Also, anyone not committed to tearing down America is guilty of a moral failing. To be Anti-Racist, surely one must oppose a country explicitly built on racism. Support of America as founded is a racist act which can only be taken as a sign of malevolence on the part of the individual or, at best, unforgivable ignorance. And complacency is not an option. Failure to actively oppose racism (i.e. America) makes one complicit in the oppression. Silence is violence.

It’s no wonder the radical left absolutely loves this theory. They have wanted to disrupt, dismantle, and displace American culture and government for generations. And smearing their opponents as racists has long been one of the favorite tactics of the left. Now, with Critical Race Theory, they have a pseudo-intellectual basis to justify their name-calling. And they have a manifesto to wield against all of American culture and it’s founding principles.

On a practical level, you can see how Critical Race Theory can be used to justify all sorts of obnoxious behavior. Those white people in the video just trying to enjoy a barbecue in their yard aren’t innocent victims. Their indifference to the BLM movement is violence against POC. Their complacency is support for a racist system. They deserve to have their cozy lives upended. By not being actively Anti-Racist, they are committing racism whether they realize it or not. And racists don’t deserve peace.

Likewise for the white guy who had the audacity to sleep comfortably in his apartment in a predominantly black neighborhood. He is guilty of the sin of being white in America, and receiving the unfair privilege that a racist system bestows upon him. A system he is perpetuating by snoozing away instead of marching with the protesters. He is guilty as charged. And no evidence other than his skin color is required to condemn him.

These are the kinds of actions Critical Race Theory encourages. Demands, actually, if taken to it’s logical conclusion. We can expect a lot more of this in the near future. It’s also likely that the encounters will become more confrontational, and ultimately, violent. Critical Race Theory is toxic nonsense that must be resisted. It will tear this country apart if allowed to fester.

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BLM is Racist

BLM protestors practiced “Active Anit-Racism” by waking up residents and telling them they didn’t belong in their neighborhood because of their skin color. Which is of course racist AF. Yet they get praise from the media and corporate world because nobody wants to come out against the platitude “Black Lives Matter.” It’s time to separate the bromide from the Marxist political movement and call this ugliness out.

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