Clueless Libs Dumbfounded to Learn Media Lied About George Floyd
This video really is something else. These two liberals are shocked — SHOCKED — to learn that the whole BLM / George Floyd narrative was a bunch of bullshit pedaled by the mainstream media and their Democrat Party masters. Apparently the big revelation came after they watched the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis.
They are sickened to realize that the protests, riots, looting, and wholesale destruction of cities was all based on a lie. They are repulsed by the fact an innocent man was sentenced to serve decades behind bars as a sacrifice to the mob…. assuming he isn’t killed in prison first.
I guess better late then never…. but it would have been nice if these numb-nuts would have tried a little bit of critical thinking and applied a modicum of skepticism to the establishment media’s narrative back when it would have actually mattered.
It’s infuriating listening to these two nimrods talk about the evidence in the documentary that changed their minds. Because all of it was available from DAY ONE if you were just willing to look for yourself. The various police body cam videos showing Floyd gasping “I can’t breathe” and “It’s coming up on me” before anybody was even touching him. The alternate angles showing the knee on Floyd’s shoulder blade and not his neck. The autopsy report showing he had a lethal cocktail of drugs in his system when he died, including as massive amount of fentanyl. The untreated heart condition Floyd had at the time of his death. The MPD training document showing the hold used to restrain Flody was part of the department’s standard training. All of it was available in the immediate aftermath of the incident…. if you were willing to just do a quick google search. Contrary to what these guys think, NONE of the evidence in the documentary is new or newly available to the public. It’s just readily available in one place with some slick production now.
As one of the dumbasses realized in the video, the facts don’t even matter any more in this case. The false media narrative is already cemented as “THE TRUTH” in our collective minds. At this point in time, people are far too invested emotionally and mentally in the “Saint George Floyd” fantasy to admit they were played for suckers. No amount of evidence (assuming they would even be willing to hear it) will change their minds. The mental anguish and cognitive dissonance would just be too much to bear.
The saddest part is these guys didn’t even learn their lesson. Near the end, they ponder what lessons can be learned and what the major takeaways should be and are basically stymied. Let me help them out. The main lesson should be:
The establishment media is garbage. They have an agenda to push and will lie, cheat, and steal to advance it. Their agenda is diametrically opposed to our best interests. The solution is to treat the establishment media like the activist hacks they are, and develop alternative sources of information. The guys in the video almost get there. Almost. But they just can’t seem to fathom WHY they were lied to. They can’t comprehend that winning an election is more important to the “elites” than truth, prosperity, public unity, or even people’s lives. Unfortunately, these libs are just too invested in the institutions that played them for fools to take that final leap.
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