Critical Race Theory: the Left’s Anti-American Cudgel

Ever wonder how a guy like MN Democrat John Thompson can barge into a peaceful residential neighbor hood, cuss out and threaten the homeowners just because they have a lighter skin tone and different political leanings from him, yet still think of himself as some kind of hero? Or how BLM protesters can harass people for the neighborhood they live in based solely on the color of their skin, and still think of themselves as the good guys? Welcome to the brave new world of Critical Race Theory!

Critical Race Theory is all the rage right now with the American left. While the theory is nothing new, recent best-selling books like White Fragility and How to Be an Anitracist have revitalized it and brought it to the mainstream. Two pillars of Critical Race Theory are:

  • Systemic racism is ubiquitous at a fundamental level in the United States.
  • You must be actively Anti-Racist, otherwise you are supporting injustice.

From these 2 propositions, an number of conclusions naturally flow. If American culture and systems are racist at their very core, then reforming them would be futile. If everything about America is based on perpetuating White Supremacy, then the culture and systems must be irredeemable. The only just course of action is to completely tear them down and start over from scratch. Also, anyone not committed to tearing down America is guilty of a moral failing. To be Anti-Racist, surely one must oppose a country explicitly built on racism. Support of America as founded is a racist act which can only be taken as a sign of malevolence on the part of the individual or, at best, unforgivable ignorance. And complacency is not an option. Failure to actively oppose racism (i.e. America) makes one complicit in the oppression. Silence is violence.

It’s no wonder the radical left absolutely loves this theory. They have wanted to disrupt, dismantle, and displace American culture and government for generations. And smearing their opponents as racists has long been one of the favorite tactics of the left. Now, with Critical Race Theory, they have a pseudo-intellectual basis to justify their name-calling. And they have a manifesto to wield against all of American culture and it’s founding principles.

On a practical level, you can see how Critical Race Theory can be used to justify all sorts of obnoxious behavior. Those white people in the video just trying to enjoy a barbecue in their yard aren’t innocent victims. Their indifference to the BLM movement is violence against POC. Their complacency is support for a racist system. They deserve to have their cozy lives upended. By not being actively Anti-Racist, they are committing racism whether they realize it or not. And racists don’t deserve peace.

Likewise for the white guy who had the audacity to sleep comfortably in his apartment in a predominantly black neighborhood. He is guilty of the sin of being white in America, and receiving the unfair privilege that a racist system bestows upon him. A system he is perpetuating by snoozing away instead of marching with the protesters. He is guilty as charged. And no evidence other than his skin color is required to condemn him.

These are the kinds of actions Critical Race Theory encourages. Demands, actually, if taken to it’s logical conclusion. We can expect a lot more of this in the near future. It’s also likely that the encounters will become more confrontational, and ultimately, violent. Critical Race Theory is toxic nonsense that must be resisted. It will tear this country apart if allowed to fester.