The SJW War on “Whiteness”

The Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture posted a chart describing characteristics of “Whiteness.” The chart has since been removed, but the site is still dripping with Critical Race Theory nonsense. If you thought that a museum would be focused on preserving history and not pushing Marxist social theories, you would be sadly mistaken.

They key thing to understand about this chart is that it isn’t some fringe theory or obscure reference. This is boilerplate Critical Race Theory, which the far left has fully embraced and the Democratic Party is currently adopting. This is a definition of “whiteness” any SJW could easily recognize and agree to. And according to Critical Race Theory, “whiteness” is the embodiment of systemic racism that allegedly perpetuates white supremacy. When the left talks about dismantling “systemic racism”, these are the kinds of traditions and values they are really talking about stamping out. Even if the suburban high-school kids protesting in their BLM shirts don’t realize it.

Trump Jr. perfectly summed up the reaction I think most people had to the chart:

Of course he is 100% right. These are the principles and values that have drawn immigrants of all races here for generations to make better lives for themselves. Living these values is the key to achieving the American Dream, and avoiding poverty and despair. Encouraging people to reject them just seems cruel.