Surprise! Another Leftist Spews Hate for the US constitution

I’ve mentioned before that the American left hates the US Constitution. Sure, they will pay lip service to it because it plays well with the public. And they are happy to use it as a cudgel when it serves their goals. But fundamentally, they (rightly) see the Constitution as an impediment to implementing their big government agenda.

The left has been working overtime in recent years to undermine the Constitution. They have tried to paint it as a relic written by racist old white men to perpetuate white supremacy, racism, and oppression. They have attacked it’s structure as undemocratic (which it actually is, by design, and that is a good thing.) And they have challenged long held basic rights enshrined in the Constitution including freedom of speech, religious freedom, and of course the right to keep and bear arms. Fossilized paste-eating dimwit and alleged president Joe Biden recently reminded Americans that (to the left, at least) none of their Constitutional rights are absolute. Big Government will have to make exceptions when your pesky freedoms interfere with their vision of the public good.

So this recent Orwellian diatribe by an MSNBC hack comes as no surprise:

To be fair, he is (kind of) right. Yes, the Founders were “obsessed” with protecting individual liberty. Of course, their obsession was driven by their own experience with the English crown and a sober examination of all of human history. In almost all societies, the individual has been secondary to some other public entity deemed more important. Whether it was a King, a Dictator, a Church, a Party, or some nebulous “public good” as defined by a Politburo.

The revolutionary innovation the Founder’s made was putting the autonomy of the individual above all else. Liberty was, and largely still is, a unique ideal to base a system of government on. Yet it is an inevitable conclusion to reach when you start from the premise that “all men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.”

To protect individual liberty, the Founders created a government with very limited and precisely defined powers. Those powers are explicitly enumerated in the Constitution. But that wasn’t good enough. To wield this power, the Founders required the widespread consent of the governed. Not only a majority of citizens, but a majority of geographical regions have to be on board. The Founders feared a tyranny of the democratic majority nearly as much as they feared the tyranny of a king or despot. So they created the Senate and Electoral College to ensure the individual States had a loud voice, regardless of population.

A democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner


But in their obsession, even that amount of protection for individual liberty still wasn’t good enough. So we got the Bill of Rights. Ten amendments to the Constitution that explicitly put certain things totally out of government control. And regardless of what a mental midget like Joe Biden says, they are absolute. Not even a 99% majority can strip them from you. Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and especially the right to bear arms, are completely out of bounds. According to the Constitution, they are fundamental God-given rights that every human being enjoys.

I expect the left’s assault on the Constitution to only increase going forward. It’s the one societal boundary they haven’t been able to smash yet. And the three Trump-appointed Justices mean the Supreme Court isn’t likely to reinterpret it’s plain meaning into Orwellian nonsense any time soon. With Court packing off the table, their only other option is to delegitimize it. The bottom line is the left doesn’t really believe individuals are capable of governing themselves. They believe some amount of authoritarian rule is necessary. There are some problems that, in their minds, are just to big or complex to address by freely cooperating individuals. In short, the know better, so just shut up and obey.

So, yes, the Founders were absolutely obsessed with individual liberty. They created a document so focused on liberty, that it has survived 230 years of attempts to subvert it, largely unscathed. And we should thank God, they did. Because individual liberty is pragmatically sound, morally superior, and the very heart of American exceptionalism.

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Good Video on Critical Race Theory

The alarming ascendance of Critical Race Theory in the mainstream left has been a recurring theme on this blog. Christopher Rufo has been on the front lines fighting against that toxic bullshit from the beginning. He has a new video on CRT up which does a pretty good job of describing our plight and how we got here.

I do think some lefties are genuinely perplexed as to why their policies haven’t improved things for inner-city blacks over the last half century. And Critical Race Theorists are all too happy to exploit their frustration. But other minorities are doing just fine. Hispanics are doing pretty well. Asians are thriving. Even recent black immigrants from Africa are doing just fine. The one group that is lagging far behind is the group that has been under total control of the Democrat Party and the left for 50 years. But the left can’t bring themselves to question their own ideals or policies. The continued plight of inner city African Americans just can’t be their fault. They mean so well. No, the real problem must be the “system.” The problem with this excuse is overt racism is steadily vanishing in this country. Finding examples is getting pretty tough. Ask a lefty for examples of “systemic racism” and they will most likely point to real estate redlining (abolished decades ago), the fact blacks are more likely than whites to be shot by the police (which is bullshit), or some other statistical factoid that has an obvious explanation other than racism. But Critical Race Theory is here to save the day. It breathes new life into racism by expanding it to include things like rugged individualism, punctuality, and the nuclear family.

Critical Race Theory will not heal this country. Quite the opposite. Critical Race Theory will just deepen our divide and sharpen the resentment. That is actually the point of it. The thought leaders of BLM and the like don’t want to help blacks achieve in the current system. They want more hardship, anger, and division. Their goal isn’t to lessen racial strife, but to increase it to a breaking point. They need to collapse the current system before they can replace it with their socialist vision.

The bad new is their toxic garbage is now ubiquitous in this country. The good news is their true agenda is still not popular with the American people. Everybody agrees with the platitude “Black Lives Matter.” Very few Americans agree with the agenda of the Marxist political group Black Lives Matter. The best way to fight CRT is to expose it for what it really is. And to expose the real world consequences of embracing it.

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The Left Won’t Let Fauci Take a Fall

A lot of people are starting to pull out the knives for Anthony Fauci. As well they should. Hindsight is just starting to expose what a complete disaster this guy was in shaping the pandemic response. Even more troublesome is the role he played in enabling the pandemic to happen in the first place by funding the dangerous “gain of function” experiments in China.

Which makes it kind of strange to see that the big media outlets and mainstream Democrat politicians are still treating this incompetent turd like some kind of rock star. What gives? In short, they have to. Antony Fauci is the epitome of what the leftwing vision of governance looks like. He is a quote-unquote scientist. He is widely acknowledged as a leading expert in his field. And he is a career bureaucrat and perennial fixture in Washington DC who made his fortune as a “public servant.” Anthony Fauci is a technocrat of the highest order and pedigree. He is exactly the kind of guy the left wants to empower to socially re-engineer society and dictate to the masses how they must live. They want guys like Fauci mandating the size of house you are allowed to live in, the kind of car you can drive, and the types of food you can eat. They claim their authoritarian vision for America is absolutely required by “the science” to attain equity and sustainability. And if you just go along and peacefully give up your freedoms, the central planners will engineer a Utopian haven on Earth where we can all live happily ever after. Or so they promise.

Which is why Anthony Fauci must not be allowed to be deemed a failure. Not just to protect one of their fellow bureaucrats or even a political party. The left must defend Fauci because he is emblematic of their core ideology. For the left to turn on him now would require them to completely discredit their entire worldview. So the miserable failure that is Anthony Fauci will continue to be lauded as a hero by the left.

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The Real Reason the Media Denied the Truth About the Origins of Covid

It’s becoming increasingly clear that COVID-19 was not created by nature as we’ve been told for over a year. The evidence that it was created in a Chinese bio-lab and then escaped (or intentionally released) into the public is becoming overwhelming. China flat out lied about it from the beginning. And sniveling crap-weasel Anthony Fauci almost certainly was aware of this from the get-go.

Frankly, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the whole wet market story was a bunch of BS. The fact a new and extra-deadly coronavirus just happened to naturally “evolve” a stone’s throw away from one of the only laboratories in the world artificially creating new deadlier coronavirus variants was one hell of a coincidence, to put it mildly. And people within the US government already knew that the 1st victims of COVID-19 weren’t wet market bat-eaters, but family members of the Wuhan bio-lab staff. Of course, the fact that Fauci and his merry band of idiots was funding this ridiculously dangerous research in a country notorious for half-assed safety measures ensured they weren’t going to be very eager to make the obvious connection.

Yet plenty of people did make the connection. Senator Tom Cotton was one of the 1st, and he was attacked mercilessly by the leftstream media while being denounced as a dangerous kook. Rand Paul, Tucker Carlson, and others connected the dots, too. It wasn’t all that hard.

President Donald Trump also strongly hinted it might have come from the Wuhan lab, and of course the media immediately pounced on him for spreading “debunked” conspiracy theories. (Hint: remember this the next time the garbage media describe something as “debunked.”) But was it really debunked? Did the media even bother to look into it? The answer is a resounding no. They took Fauci’s denial the virus could be man-made (sprinkled with enough caveat weasel-words to leave himself an out later on) as gospel. No further digging required.

And now the media is left looking really incompetent. They are kinda/sorta implying the reason they didn’t believe the plain facts in front of their face was because it was Donald Trump espousing them, and Trump (they say) lies about everything. But is that really the reason the media once again failed us so badly? I don’t think so.

Our garbage media loves narratives. In fact, they love narratives almost as much as they hate Donald Trump. And they knew the narrative they wanted to spin from the very beginning of the pandemic. Even as early as last February, the talking-head douche bags on the cable channels were giddily predicting the COVID pandemic would be “Trump’s Katrina.” And they were hell bent on making that narrative stick. However, there is only room for one villain in any narrative. And the US media had already decided it had to be Trump. The last thing they wanted was the public to find out China created a deadly super-virus in a lab, unleashed it on the world, and didn’t tell anyone about it. They knew they couldn’t tell that story and still paint Trump as the bad guy. And getting Trump out of office was the most important thing in the world to them. Even more important than telling the public the truth about a virus that has wreaked so much havoc on our country and caused so much death, suffering, and misery. So they buried the story and called Trump a racist for even pointing out that the virus came from China.

At this point I can’t even verbalize my level of contempt for the US media. This is one of the biggest catastrophes of our lifetimes. Understanding the root cause is one of the most important factors in preventing it from happening again. The government is involved up to it’s eyeballs…. they have a huge incentive to lie and obfuscate. This is a time when we desperately need independent journalists to put in the work, do the investigating, and ask the hard questions. But we don’t have an independent media in this country anymore. We don’t have anyone speaking truth to power. All we have is the propaganda arm of one of the major political parties. Half the so-called “journalists” today are former fucking political operatives. Journalism is good and truly dead in this country. Actual journalists don’t even exist anymore. All we have are partisan political hacks spinning “narratives.” They can all rot.

Still think it was worth it, asshole??? The left wants to give arrogant technocrats like Fauci even more control over your life.

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Creepy Joe and the Return of “Decency”

Joe Biden raised some eyebrows during a speech recently when he felt the need to comment on a girl’s legs in the crowd. Obviously, Creepy Uncle Joe had been checking her out. The girl was 12 years old, BTW. It’s all part of the “return to decency” the media promised us. Of course, this should come as no surprise. Biden has a long history of inappropriate comments, touching, grabbing, and (ewww) sniffing women in public. But he doesn’t tweet mean things about the media.

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Joe Biden Has Always Been An Imbecile

This clip actually had me laughing out loud. Joe Biden has always been a drooling moron. Yet, he is confident and brash. And he talks in a folksy way that makes people think he is down to Earth and “keeps it real.” He has got the cadence and tone down pat. And he could flash a charismatic smile with a gleam in his eyes before senility turned them black and lifeless. But he was always full of shit… An empty book with a fancy cover. His stupid “little Joey getting bad news at the dinner table” stories are so contrived, I can’t believe people don’t laugh in his stupid face when he tells them. This turd of a human being would be too sleazy to even make it as a used car salesman. And now he is President. God help us.

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Biden and the Democrats Already Killing the Economy

I fully expected Joe Biden and his progressive puppet masters to kill the robust economy Donald Trump had unleashed. However, I have been shocked at the speed with which they are actually doing it. The latest jobs report is in, and it is just brutal. Economists were expecting over 1 million new jobs to be created, and the Biden economy generated barely a quarter of that number. One economist described it as “one of the most disappointing jobs reports of all time.” CNBC actually did a double take on air because the numbers were so terrible they couldn’t believe it. I’ve noted before that, to the left, anemic growth and chronic high unemployment are features of a progressive economy, not a bug. But the job-killers now in charge of DC are gonna have to tone it down a little, or risk the oblivious public finally taking notice.

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Critical Race Theory Rebuked Decisively in Texas Town

With all the bad news lately, even a little bit of sanity is a welcome change. Residents of Southlake, Texas voted overwhelmingly against pushing Critical Race Theory in their schools. Critical race theory is the toxic pile of divisive garbage the left has latched on to as a way to tear down the American system so they can replace it with a European-style nanny state run by an army of leftist technocrats. The poisonous effect it has had on American society has been a recurring theme on this blog (see, for example, here, here, here, and here among others.)

The voters have come together in record-breaking numbers to restore unity. By a landslide vote, they don’t want racially divisive critical race theory taught to their children or forced on their teachers. Voters agreed with my positive vision of our community and its future.

Hannah Smith, newly elected school board member in Texas

Of course, NBC news could barely hide their disgust at this story. After all, how could any decent person oppose “a proposal to combat racial and cultural intolerance in schools”? And what, exactly, is wrong with supporting “new diversity and inclusion training requirements”? Progressives just want to make “children feel safe and welcome”, according to NBC. And they use a bunch of other flowery euphemisms for CRT throughout the article. Of course, critical race theory isn’t really about any of those things. Critical Race Theory exists to sow division, resentment, and anger at the “system.” Like all critical theories, it’s main goal is to weaken and eventually collapse that which it is critical of. Namely, America as founded. Thank god the good people of Texas weren’t buying the horseshit the progressives and NBC were selling.

The left is notorious for taking words for things that are good, and coopting them to describe things that are actually the exact opposite. “Liberal” used to mean you supported economic freedom, civil liberties, and the enlightenment. Until the left got a hold of the word. “Tolerance” used to mean live-and-let-live, an essential trait any large and diverse country needs to hold together. Now it means conform to the Woke! worldview, or else.

By controlling the language, Big Brother controls the way that the people think. With a limited vocabulary, the people are limited in how much they can think, as well as, what they think about.

George Orwell, 1984

And so it is with Critical Race Theory. The left knows it would be dead in the water if they admitted what it was really all about. So they rebrand it as “diversity and inclusion” or “racial sensitivity.” Critical Race Theory must be vigorously resisted and exposed as the racist garbage it really is.

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Vote By Mail is a Disaster

A man recently admitted to mail-in voter fraud in Florida. Numerous States rushed mail-in ballot rules into place before the last election. We still have no idea whatsoever how prevalent voter fraud was in 2020. All we know is that it wasn’t zero. My gut tells me that ballot harvesting (both legal and illegal) was second only to media bias in throwing the election to Sleazy Joe. A couple of things about this article really jumped out at me. The first was how sloppy this guy was, and the State still didn’t catch him. He requested a ballot and voted for his son, who hadn’t lived in Florida for 7 years. Seven. Fricking. Years. And they sent him a ballot and (assumedly) counted the vote. This kid moved out the the State right after Barack Obama defeated John McCain, and they still accepted a vote from him in 2020. This was a truly pathetic attempt at voter fraud, AND IT STILL SUCCEEDED. He only got caught because the son reported that someone had voted in his name. Florida didn’t even catch him, his own son did. Oops! Guess Dad should have alerted junior he was defrauding the government, and to keep it on the down low. Imagine if he had instead voted for an apolitical child that still lived with him, or an incapacitated elderly person. If they couldn’t catch such a half-assed attempt at fraud, what are the odds of them stopping someone with half a brain?

If you can’t even be bothered to get off your ass, wait in line for a few minutes, and show some ID every two years then your vote probably isn’t worth counting anyways. Time to stop catering to the laziest and most uninformed block of the citizenry, and return some integrity to our election process. We need to go back to in-person voting.

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Are the Useful Idiots of Antifa About to Find Out their Services are no Longer Needed?

Huh, sounds like the mayor of Portland has declared war on the Antifa thugs terrorizing his city. Just last summer they were the darlings of the left… a group of brave and (mostly) peaceful protestors venting their righteous rage against an evil, oppressive, and racist society. Now Democrats sound much less willing to let their cities burn for the sake of social justice. Wonder what changed in the last few months?

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