
Creepy Joe and the Return of “Decency”

Joe Biden raised some eyebrows during a speech recently when he felt the need to comment on a girl’s legs in the crowd. Obviously, Creepy Uncle Joe had been checking her out. The girl was 12 years old, BTW. It’s all part of the “return to decency” the media promised us. Of course, this should come as no surprise. Biden has a long history of inappropriate comments, touching, grabbing, and (ewww) sniffing women in public. But he doesn’t tweet mean things about the media.

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Joe Biden Has Always Been An Imbecile

This clip actually had me laughing out loud. Joe Biden has always been a drooling moron. Yet, he is confident and brash. And he talks in a folksy way that makes people think he is down to Earth and “keeps it real.” He has got the cadence and tone down pat. And he could flash a charismatic smile with a gleam in his eyes before senility turned them black and lifeless. But he was always full of shit… An empty book with a fancy cover. His stupid “little Joey getting bad news at the dinner table” stories are so contrived, I can’t believe people don’t laugh in his stupid face when he tells them. This turd of a human being would be too sleazy to even make it as a used car salesman. And now he is President. God help us.

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Biden and the Democrats Already Killing the Economy

I fully expected Joe Biden and his progressive puppet masters to kill the robust economy Donald Trump had unleashed. However, I have been shocked at the speed with which they are actually doing it. The latest jobs report is in, and it is just brutal. Economists were expecting over 1 million new jobs to be created, and the Biden economy generated barely a quarter of that number. One economist described it as “one of the most disappointing jobs reports of all time.” CNBC actually did a double take on air because the numbers were so terrible they couldn’t believe it. I’ve noted before that, to the left, anemic growth and chronic high unemployment are features of a progressive economy, not a bug. But the job-killers now in charge of DC are gonna have to tone it down a little, or risk the oblivious public finally taking notice.

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Critical Race Theory Rebuked Decisively in Texas Town

With all the bad news lately, even a little bit of sanity is a welcome change. Residents of Southlake, Texas voted overwhelmingly against pushing Critical Race Theory in their schools. Critical race theory is the toxic pile of divisive garbage the left has latched on to as a way to tear down the American system so they can replace it with a European-style nanny state run by an army of leftist technocrats. The poisonous effect it has had on American society has been a recurring theme on this blog (see, for example, here, here, here, and here among others.)

The voters have come together in record-breaking numbers to restore unity. By a landslide vote, they don’t want racially divisive critical race theory taught to their children or forced on their teachers. Voters agreed with my positive vision of our community and its future.

Hannah Smith, newly elected school board member in Texas

Of course, NBC news could barely hide their disgust at this story. After all, how could any decent person oppose “a proposal to combat racial and cultural intolerance in schools”? And what, exactly, is wrong with supporting “new diversity and inclusion training requirements”? Progressives just want to make “children feel safe and welcome”, according to NBC. And they use a bunch of other flowery euphemisms for CRT throughout the article. Of course, critical race theory isn’t really about any of those things. Critical Race Theory exists to sow division, resentment, and anger at the “system.” Like all critical theories, it’s main goal is to weaken and eventually collapse that which it is critical of. Namely, America as founded. Thank god the good people of Texas weren’t buying the horseshit the progressives and NBC were selling.

The left is notorious for taking words for things that are good, and coopting them to describe things that are actually the exact opposite. “Liberal” used to mean you supported economic freedom, civil liberties, and the enlightenment. Until the left got a hold of the word. “Tolerance” used to mean live-and-let-live, an essential trait any large and diverse country needs to hold together. Now it means conform to the Woke! worldview, or else.

By controlling the language, Big Brother controls the way that the people think. With a limited vocabulary, the people are limited in how much they can think, as well as, what they think about.

George Orwell, 1984

And so it is with Critical Race Theory. The left knows it would be dead in the water if they admitted what it was really all about. So they rebrand it as “diversity and inclusion” or “racial sensitivity.” Critical Race Theory must be vigorously resisted and exposed as the racist garbage it really is.

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Vote By Mail is a Disaster

A man recently admitted to mail-in voter fraud in Florida. Numerous States rushed mail-in ballot rules into place before the last election. We still have no idea whatsoever how prevalent voter fraud was in 2020. All we know is that it wasn’t zero. My gut tells me that ballot harvesting (both legal and illegal) was second only to media bias in throwing the election to Sleazy Joe. A couple of things about this article really jumped out at me. The first was how sloppy this guy was, and the State still didn’t catch him. He requested a ballot and voted for his son, who hadn’t lived in Florida for 7 years. Seven. Fricking. Years. And they sent him a ballot and (assumedly) counted the vote. This kid moved out the the State right after Barack Obama defeated John McCain, and they still accepted a vote from him in 2020. This was a truly pathetic attempt at voter fraud, AND IT STILL SUCCEEDED. He only got caught because the son reported that someone had voted in his name. Florida didn’t even catch him, his own son did. Oops! Guess Dad should have alerted junior he was defrauding the government, and to keep it on the down low. Imagine if he had instead voted for an apolitical child that still lived with him, or an incapacitated elderly person. If they couldn’t catch such a half-assed attempt at fraud, what are the odds of them stopping someone with half a brain?

If you can’t even be bothered to get off your ass, wait in line for a few minutes, and show some ID every two years then your vote probably isn’t worth counting anyways. Time to stop catering to the laziest and most uninformed block of the citizenry, and return some integrity to our election process. We need to go back to in-person voting.

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Oops! CNN Director Says Quiet Part Out Loud

This video is fascinating and totally unsurprising at the same time. Anyone with an open mind who paid any attention whatsoever during the last election cycle could clearly see that the mainstream media was actively propagandizing to get Donald Trump out of office. That is not a shocking revelation at all. The fact a CNN employee would be so openly candid about it is a bit of a surprise. One interesting tidbit is that CNN already has their next progressive cause to agitate for all planned out: climate change. In case there was any doubt left, CNN is clearly not an actual news network but a propaganda outfit that pushes pre-written narratives to advance progressive causes. They aren’t alone. The New York Times did the same thing with race after their Russia collusion hoax failed. I can almost guarantee all the major networks do it as well. The US media is total garbage, and the enemy of the people. Their demise can’t come quickly enough.

P.S. You almost feel sorry for the smarmy little turd caught on camera, until you realize what he has been a willing participant in. F*** him. He might want to update his resume.

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Dems Mad at Tucker Carlson For Stating the Obvious

Apparently, the leftist media are mad at Tucker Carlson for stating a blatantly obvious truth: Democrats (and the left) favor open borders because they want to change the demographic makeup of the country.

This is a plain statement of fact, and should not be controversial. I even alluded to it myself in a recent blog post. When talking amongst themselves in friendly venues, liberals giddily cheer on the coming “browning” of America, as they call it. But the liberal psyche demands the façade of virtue. They don’t like having their self-serving and cynical tactics laid bare. Human trafficking, crime, disease, increased poverty, and overwhelmed facilities are all prices worth paying to the left to keep new voters pouring into the increasingly radical Democrat Party. They just don’t like being called out on it.

After half a century of failed attempts to pry the bitter-clingers away from their love of God, guns, and freedom, the progressive left has decided the white working class are a lost cause and must be replaced by voters more open to a collectivist society. There is a reason the left have turned “white” and “whiteness” into pejoratives. Most native-born Americans love America. They love it’s traditions and it’s culture. They are proud of their history. And most of all they love their Constitutionally protected freedoms and would die to defend them. The progressive left, on the other hand, hates America and wants to fundamentally transform it.

The election of Donald Trump really shook the Democrats up. The fact that he won largely by winning over white working class voters in midwestern swing States was a total shock to them. Dems thought that voting block was on the verge of irrelevancy. And that is exactly the way they wanted it. The hysterical freak-out over the border wall was not because it was an insult to Mexico, a blight on the landscape, or a waste of money (as if DC ever cared about that.) What the left was really afraid of was that it would work. The ability of Trump to win was proof to them that they still needed to import a lot more poor and uneducated voters accustomed to socialist forms of government.

Sadly, I think the left’s plan is working. There is still a strong core of patriotic Americans who cherish our traditional values, culture, and history. But that core is being swamped by immigrants (legal and otherwise) who are not being assimilated into the culture like previous generations. And also by indoctrinated and self-loathing young people gullible enough to believe white supremacy is what America is all about. The America so many of us dearly love will soon be but a memory. We were warned. The left told us what their plan was decades ago. In addition to the massive South American influx, the left has now finished their long march through the institutions, and the country is on the threshold of being radically transformed into something unrecognizable. The progressive left believe it will be something much better. For those of us that love freedom, it will be something much, much worse.

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Shocker! Crony Capitalist Comes Out in Favor of Corporate Taxes

Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos
Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos recently came out in favor of jacking up the corporate tax rate. Some leftwing pundits are acting like this is some kind of magnanimous gesture. “See!”, they say. “Even Jeff Bezos, owner of one of the largest corporations on the planet sees the need for higher corporate taxes. Bezos understands that sacrificing a little of his own personal wealth will make the world a better place for us all! Why can’t you greedy right wingers be more like Bezos???”

Of course, anyone who pays close attention realizes that isn’t how the system works at all. Higher corporate taxes won’t hurt the huge mega-corporations like Amazon. Amazon has an army of accountants, lawyers, and lobbyists to make sure they won’t get dinged by the IRS. So who will get slammed by higher corporate taxes? Amazon’s competitors, naturally. The one’s that can’t afford to hire a full time Harvard-educated staff to work on tax avoidance. Higher corporate taxes make it extremely difficult for small to medium-sized companies to compete with well-connected crony capitalist monoliths like Amazon. Far from noble sacrifice, what Jeff Bezos is advocating for is solidification of his own monopoly. And all he will be expected to give in return is some campaign donations to the “right” candidates and to use his company to promote WOKE! causes.

America’s creep toward socialism is manifesting itself as a weird blurring of the lines between politics and business. Mega-corporations like this sleazy symbiotic relationship because it increases profits and shields them from competition. The politicians like it because it is a massive source of funding and they can use corporate America to push their agendas. Regular Americans are the one’s who get screwed. Nobody elected Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg to anything. The fact they have so much power to bend society to their whims is an extremely disturbing development.

Before Trump, America had the highest corporate tax rate of any major economy. By far. And it was a job killer. Another feature of the mega-corporations is they have global footprints. It is quite easy for them to switch operations to lower cost countries when it suits them. They still make their billions regardless. If they have to lay off American workers to do it, then so be it. Barak Obama famously mocked Trump for saying he would bring back manufacturing to the United States. To a progressive ideologue like Obama, those jobs were gone for good. And though he is too politically savvy to ever admit it out loud, Obama didn’t want those jobs back anyways. It was good for the emerging countries to have those lower-skilled jobs. And America had plenty of wealth already, anyways. Redistributive change shouldn’t stop at the border. At least according to the progressives.

“What magic wand does he have?”, Obama taunted. Turns out Trump didn’t need a magic wand. All he needed to do was remove the onerous tax rate, cut down on the mountain of unnecessary regulations, and negotiate new trade deals that let American companies compete on an even playing field. That didn’t take a genius to figure out. And Obama isn’t an idiot. Fact is, he knew how to bring manufacturing back all along. What Obama really meant was, those jobs were never coming back without sacrificing his progressive political agenda. A compromise he would never even consider making.

Now we have Obama’s dim-witted sock puppet, Joe Biden, back in the White House. And he is giving every indication that he intends to return to the failed policies of the past. Joe has already indicated he wants to jack the corporate tax rate back up, and he recently said that there was “no evidence” that high corporate taxes kill jobs. Unlike Obama, Joe Biden actually is a drooling idiot. So he may well believe what he is saying. Not that he would care if he understood the harm he was causing to working class families. With the progressive propaganda department (i.e. MSM) running cover, he knows he will never take the blame.

The Biden effect is already starting to show like in a recent decision by Ford to move operations to Mexico. Sleazy Joe, or more likely the puppet master’s pulling his strings, are working overtime to make his promise of a “long, dark winter” come true for American workers.

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Today Show’s Covid Conundrum

The Today Show is dumbfounded as to why heavily locked down Blue States are currently fairing much worse than recently re-opened Red States.

They go on to hypothesize several reasons that could explain this puzzling contradiction…

But one rather obvious explanation was left unexplored. Maybe the “experts” don’t know what the hell they are talking about. Maybe Fauci and the CDC were right 12 months ago when they said putting a piece of cloth over your face would do next to nothing to stop the spread of a virus like covid. Maybe it’s damn near impossible to isolate people enough to stop a virus from spreading. Maybe there is no government agency that can spare us from the effects of this plague. No ritual we can perform that will save us.

Faith in government to have the competency to solve any and every problem is an unspoken assumption of the modern left. It never even occurs to them that a career bureaucrat like Fauci might not have all the answers when it comes to how to best navigate through this pandemic. Or a sleazy dullard like Joe Biden who never created a thing of value in half a century of political life might not be the one to blindly follow. As the evidence continues to mount that the virus ebbs and flows in random ways despite what we do to stop it, the cognitive dissonance of the members of the Church of Big Government keeps growing.

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CNN Cheers Political Persecutions

CNN is sure the hyper-partisan NY DA won’t fail them.

Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.

Lavrently Beria, head of Joseph Stalin’s secret police

The left isn’t even trying to hide it anymore. The government has gone full Police State, and their lapdogs in the media yip in approval. The United States as founded is dead. Now that the Mueller Farce has faded and Impeachment Part Deux has failed, get ready for The Witch Hunt Part Part 8: Taxman Cometh! Whatever excuse they need to justify their persecution, the left won’t rest until Donald Trump is made to pay for the crime of winning in 2016 and relegating Queen Bitch Hillary to an obscure footnote in history. I guess you can’t have the Socialism without the show trials.

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