NYT Peddles Typical Covid Smugness
So, I get daily e-mail updates from the New York Times because I have an account set up with them. I only created the account because I wanted to fisk one of their protected articles a while back. However, I have kept it open because the e-mails are so hilariously biased they are usually good for a chuckle or two. And since the rest of the garbage media invariably follows the Times lead, the daily e-mails perfectly portend what narrative the rest of the idiot talking heads will be trying to push next.
The New York Times whole business model is basically pandering to the smugness of their progressive readers. It is crucial to the progressive psyche to believe that they are smarter and more sophisticated than the hoi polloi in flyover country. Of course, the Times can’t just come out and tell their readers they must be smart because they read the New York Times and can regurgitate progressive dogma on command. They have to be at least a little bit subtle with their pandering. So you get little gems like this one from this mornings update:
If Mississippi were its own country, it would have one of the world’s worst total death tolls per capita, CNN’s Jake Tapper noted yesterday. Why? One reason is that the U.S. – after getting off to an excellent start – now trails many of these countries in Covid vaccination rate. Almost one in four American adults still has not received a shot. The unvaccinated continue to be disproportionately people without a college degree and Republican voters.
– NY Times daily e-mail
To the Times and their readers, the only people dumb enough not to get the government jab are those deplorable Trumplikins. Never mind about age, health, or natural immunity. A troll-like career government bureaucrat wearing a lab coat said everybody must take the jab. So that makes it SCIENCE! And smart people like the Times readers always follow the science. It’s what separates them from those ignorant rubes they love to sneer at.
It is true that Mississippi recently took over as the State with the highest per capita covid mortality rate. (Hah, stupid Republicans!) But the mortality rates in New York and New Jersey are statistically identical… In fact, they were way out in front until this recent wave hit the southeastern States so hard over the summer. Strangely, CNN and the Times failed to make that same connection when it was liberal bastions topping the list over the last 18 months. Apparently, blame can only be assigned when it is Republican states that are suffering. Most likely, the hot spots will shift back north as we slip into the winter months. I guess we’ll see how fast the progressives are to mock the people succumbing to Fauci’s little science(!) experiment then.
The Times also goes out of their way to point out that people without college degrees are more likely to be unvaccinated. This feeds right into the preferred progressive narrative of ignorant Trump voters, too dumb to know what’s good for them, needlessly extending the pandemic. What the Times fails to mention to their slavish readers is that the education level with the lowest vaccination rate is the PhDs. That’s right, it’s the doctors who are most hesitant to take the government jab. And nurses are quitting in droves rather than be forced to take it. But that little fact doesn’t jibe with the narrative the Times’ readers want to hear, so it goes unmentioned. (P.S. It never should have been the government jab. The bastards in DC made it that when they repeatedly lied about it and now want to force the citizenry to take it whether they want it or not.)
Also, the dipshits at the Times absolutely love to play identity politics. They almost never miss an opportunity to bring race into any discussion, whether it is relevant or not. Yet, in this instance the Times oddly chose to ignore race altogether in it’s reporting. Which is doubly surprising when you find out there is actually a huge racial disparity in vaccination rates. What gives? It turns out that the racial group least likely to be vaccinated are blacks. Yet in the world of intersectional oppression the New York Times inhabits, blacks can never be at fault. They must always be the victims in all circumstances. The cognitive dissonance of trying to explain why Republicans who don’t want the jab are stupid, but black people who don’t want the same poke are not, was probably too much for their feeble minds to grapple with. So they chose to ignore it instead. The Times certainly does not want to demonize black Americans. They reserve all of their hatred and vitriol for the people who really deserve it. Republicans.
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