
Trump the Dictator?

Well, that is what you would believe if you listen to Democrats and their media lackeys. They fear Trump will use the power of government to go after his political enemies. And possibly even imprison them. In other words, they are afraid Trump will do to them exactly what they are trying to do to him right now. Or at least that is what they are saying. It could easily be a cynical ploy to justify the absolute STASI-like behavior of the Biden justice department and some Democrat AGs and Secretaries of State.

The Maine Secretary of State , for instance, has already ruled that Trump is ineligible to be on the ballot. This crap weasel is trying to say that “her hands were tied” because the state constitution of Maine allows any voter to raise an objection to a candidate they think is ineligible. See, it’s not that she is a wanna-be tyrant who is single-handedly removing the opposing party’s current front-runner for the nomination and leader in the polls for the Presidency. It’s not that she is taking upon herself the roles of judge, jury, and executioner in assessing whether Donald Trump committed the crime of “insurrection.” A crime he not only has never been convicted of, but never even been officially charged with. It’s that her hands were tied. She had no choice but to go full Stalinist. So she nobly upheld her duty. What a fucking hero.

The whole “insurrection” thing is ,quite frankly, ridiculous on it’s face. Trump could reasonably be considered guilty of a lot things. But inciting an insurrection against the United States is not one of them. The fact that the talking pin-heads on TV treat the “insurrection” accusation as plausible, if not a foregone conclusion, does not make it any less stupid.

To date, I haven’t heard anybody ask Joe Biden if his DOJ going after his top political opponent is bad for the country. Or whether he should put a stop to it for the good of the country. Which he absolutely could do. And would, if he had even an ounce of the decency and integrity the political class claims. The media is more than happy to pretend this has nothing at all with Biden trying to rig the next election. Because they support it. Biden is acting like a banana republic dictator, and the media pretends like Trump is the one who is a threat to “democracy.”

Would Trump do the same to the establishment sleaze bags, given the chance? It seems extremely unlikely. Contrary to his red-meat rally rhetoric, where enthusiastic followers chanted “Lock her up!” in reference to Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, when he actually wielded the power to do it, Trump was very tempered and reconciliatory in his remarks.

Don’t expect Joe Biden to take the high road and declare he intends to beat Trump at the ballot box. And not send his cronies to go after Trump in the courts while he feigns innocence. Cheating is the only plan Biden has to retain his grip on power. And unlike Trump, Biden and the Democrats care more about power than unifying a deeply divided country.

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Yet Another Media is Garbage Post…

Latest example is this interview with Vivek…

The transformation of “journalists” into flat-out activists in the matter of a few months has really been something to see. The real-time “fact-checking” and speaking over the candidate, a technique I wrongly assumed would be limited to Trump, is now standard practice for all Republicans who don’t toe the establishment line.

This bitch wasn’t there to interview Vivek. She was there to debate him. She even had her little queue card of talking points all ready to read from. Can you imagine Joe Biden, or any Democrat for that matter, getting the same kind of treatment?

I think the leftist media is in full-blown panic mode. They know that decrepit sponge-brained Joe Biden is no match for Trump, DeSantis, or Vivek in a fair debate. Biden is less popular than herpes, and for good reason. His record is a steaming dumpster fire. His agenda going forward is more of the same. So the media is trying to step in and save him. And save themselves from 4 more years of Trump.

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US Mainstream Media Hits Another New Low

The mainstream media are now a full fledged propaganda arm for the Democrat Party. Their latest tactic is to throw some bomb during an interview, and not give the person being interviewed any chance to respond. It’s like the media have decided, all in unison of course, that Republicans and anyone else not totally up the Democrat Party’s ass needs to be “fact checked.” Live on air in real time.. The pattern is, they ask a question, wait for an answer (or possibly interrupt the answer), throw out some “well, actually, so-and-so (allegedly) reputable and definitive source says this”, and not give the interviewee any chance to respond. If the interviewee does try to respond, the host will cut them off with some variation of “we need to keep moving” or “time for another topic” excuse. It’s really blatant if you are looking for it. The nasty talking head who hosted the Trump town hall a while back tried it at least a dozen times on the Bad Orange Man. Trump was having none of it though, and she was widely panned by her liberal media cohorts for failing to upstage and discredit The Donald.

I thought it might have been a tactic reserved for Trump. But no, they are using it against all Republicans. Or at least the ones they find icky. Here’s an example I stumbled over by accident involving Ron DeSantis. DeSantis points out that crime in Florida is at a 50-year low, and violent crime is down 30% since he became Governor. Bubble-headed bitch replied with some CDC statistic showing “firearm mortality” is up in the Sunshine State. And of course she started with the bitchy and condescending “Actually, Governor…” Thing is, her statistic didn’t contradict DeSantis one iota. It didn’t dispute that violent crime in Florida is down under DeSantis, which is what he claimed.. Her statistic didn’t relate to violent crime at all. It didn’t say anything about the murder rate. It didn’t address crime in any way. Her “gotcha” statistic was about “firearm mortality.” Assuming the “fact” she quoted was accurate and not intentionally misleading (a dubious assumption for a clearly partisan media), it doesn’t refute the point DeSantis was making in the least. Anyone can easily find out that 2/3 of “firearm mortalities” are from suicides. So her big “gotcha” didn’t show murderers are running wild in Florida. It showed that lots of people are blowing their fucking heads off the last couple years. Hmmm. Why could that be? Could it be the authoritarian left and their brutal lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and forced masking isolated people and left them in despair? Who can say.

I can guaran-fucking-tee you they would never try to pull this shit on a Democrat. Unless they were bucking the Party.

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LA Times: Eliminating Violent Crime is Undemocratic

Never heard of this guy Nayib Bukele until today, but it sounds like he is working wonders in El Salvador. The LA Times, however, is clutching their pearls. Punishing criminals is now problematic to the left. And a duly elected government official doing things that over 90% of the population support is apparently a “threat to democracy.”

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There is No Magic Money Tree

This video is annoying as fuck. Ana Kasparian, who is supposedly one of the left’s thought leaders, obviously has no clue how economics work or where money comes from.

Stupid is as stupid does…

Poor Ana is “freaking the fuck out” that her HOA is going to have to take out a huge loan to buy electric vehicle charging stations and pass those costs on to the homeowners. It seems like she is just now realizing that the policies she has been promoting and voting for will cost a shit ton of money and make her personally poorer. She doesn’t yet grasp that global warming, and the switch to EVs in particular, is a fucking scam which will provide exactly zero benefits to society. She will probably really lose her shit if that ever happens.

It never seems to dawn on leftists that diverting resources from useful and practical endeavors that make life better to trendy inefficient boondoggles that they find ideologically pleasing will mean less material wealth and prosperity for them.

Yes, Ana. The switch to EVs will make you poorer and less mobile. THAT IS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT! How do you not know this???

What is even more infuriating is what Ana thinks the solution should be. She wants the government to “just give me the money.” Arrghhh. This is just proof positive that even the “smart progressives” are completely clueless about economics. Where does Ana imagine the government will get this money to “just give us” to switch to EVs? Are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer going to get 2nd jobs on the weekend? Donate some of the millions they have dishonestly attained through insider trading and shady deals? Of course not. Any money the government gives you, they first have to take away in the form of taxes. The are essentially giving you back your own money…. as long as you spend it the way they want you to. Or maybe they will just print more of it, making the money you already have worth less. Or maybe, God forbid, they borrow more money from China to pay for it, dooming our grandchildren to a life of poverty.

The point is there is no magic money tree. No free lunch. When you waste money on stupid things, you are less wealthy. Period. Having the government waste the money on your behalf does not change the equation,

But this is the level of thinking we are dealing with. This is how the younger generation has been taught to view government. As mommy or daddy here to take care of you and handle all of the adulting. And make things right when you come up short.

The left has waged a decades long culture war on American society. They started by taking over academia. Moved through pop culture and entertainment. And now have even seized the corporate board rooms and the military. Deprogramming the army of mindless bots they have groomed would take a massive and sustained effort. There is no sign whatsoever that the right has it in them to do it. America is good and fucked.

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Evidence is for Suckers

I think it is cute that all of these people still think that evidence and the truth matter. There was smoking-gun evidence of the Biden crime family’s corruption before the 2020 election. Why do these people think that additional evidence will make the mainstream media or the justice department care? Because it is specific this time? It was specific in 2020. Because it is from a credible source with corroborating evidence? It was in 2020 too.

I’ll tell you when the Biden family’s blatant corruption will start to matter. When the Democrat/Progressive/Media machine decides that Joe Biden is a political liability. When it looks like he will run in 2024 and lose, an avalanche of corruption stories will magically break.

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Another Rubicon is Crossed

The US media is not supposed to act as a propaganda arm for a political party. But progressives decided that because Donald Trump was such a danger to “democracy”, throwing away journalistic integrity became a moral imperative to stop him. I have already covered the depths that our legacy media has sunk to at length (see here and here for examples.) While “getting Trump” was the supposed catalyst, it was always clear that once the media crossed the Rubicon from informing to propagandizing, they would never be able to go back again. And going on 2 1/2 years after Trump left office, that is proving to be the case. We now have a permanent propaganda arm for the Democrat Party in control of the media regardless of which party is in power.

Now another new and even more frightening Rubicon has been crossed by progressives. They remain obsessed with taking down Trump once and for all. And also in justifying their 4 years of psychotic ravings and baseless persecutions. One of America’s core values is the belief that justice should be blind. That all citizens should be treated equally under the law. Democrats and progressives are now throwing away that fundamental value to destroy the Bad Orange Man. The media almost couldn’t contain their glee when the NY DA built up a bogus case against the former President. You could hear the smug satisfaction in their voices as they repeated “Trump is the first President ever to be indicted” over and over again ad nauseum. The Mueller investigation turned out to be a big nothing burger. The quid-pro-quo with Zelensky fell flat. The 2nd impeachment was such a sham, the SCOTUS refused to even participate. After looking like fools so many times, leftists now feel like they are finally vindicated.

Show me the man, and I will find you the crime.

-Lavrentiy Beria, head of Stalin’s secret police

But at what cost? To get their sham indictment, Democrats had to weaponize the American justice system. Nobody, and I mean nobody, believes this case would ever have been brought against anybody but Donald Trump. So it is now in bounds to attack one’s political enemies using the justice system. Democrats will try and argue that Trump is a special case. They will say that Donald Trump is a singularly egregious threat to democracy itself. And thus, his political persecution is justified and will be a one time event.

But that isn’t how things work. Once the precedent has been set that “really really bad” people can be targeted by the justice system, those in power will always find those that challenge their power to be “really really bad.” This is a genie that can not be put back in the bottle. And it is a sad day indeed for Liberty and Justice.

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Constitution — Pfffft!

I haven’t posted much lately. The country is going to hell. Everything is stupid. Everything is corrupt. I get tired of writing the same thing over and over again. Tired of the same bullshit, over and over. It’s exhausting. And pointless at this stage.

Still, every now and then an example of how far down the shit hole this country has fallen still surprises me. I give you a Biden nominee for a federal judge:


Yep. This Democrat, who want to sit on a Federal bench and decide your fate under the law, has no idea what is in the Constitution. But don’t worry…. she can look it up if she needs to.

These aren’t esoteric “gotcha” questions. What is the purpose of Article 5? Article 2? And this moron smiles, proudly admits she has no idea, and reels off a bunch of talking points with a stupid grin on her face. She should have been laughed out of the room. But she will undoubtedly be appointed. I’m sure she checks off plenty of diversity and equity boxes. Could probably drone on for hours about white privilege and implicit bias.

The truth is she is more than qualified to be a Democrat judge. She is an empty shell. A placeholder. An automatic vote for the liberal/leftist position, whatever it happens to be at the moment. What the Constitution actually says doesn’t matter to them. God help us all.

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Shocker: Libertarian Acknowledges Reality

I think 3rd parties are dumb. At least on a national level. I get the appeal. I’m often disgusted by the Republican Party, even though I vote for them every time. The Republicans are (by far) the lesser of 2 evils. But the lesser of 2 evils still isn’t good. I am sure there is some other party out there (Libertarian / Constitution / American Independent / etc) that would better match my values. The thing is, to get anything done in DC you have to win the Presidency. There are rare exceptions, like Newt’s Contract for America. But in general, if the other Party controls the White House, your team is on defense. Likewise, you need a majority in the House and Senate to get anything done. If you are in the Congressional minority, again, your team is playing defense. The Party in the majority sets the agenda. They lead all the committees. They initiate and head the investigations. They decide what gets voted on, and what does not. Individual candidates don’t even matter. If I was a Democrat, I would vote for John Fetterman over Dr. Oz in a heartbeat. It doesn’t matter that Fetterman is a potted plant. The agenda is set by the Party. And the only thing that matters is achieving a majority so that agenda can be implemented. Of course, good candidates are important because they are more likely to be elected. But in US politics, winning is what matters.

To be clear, I am not saying people should not vote based on their values. By all means, when it is primary season, vote for the candidate who best represents your views and values and is still electable. The primaries are the right time to make changes in direction.

However, in my opinion, a 3rd Party will never be successful in the US. For a 3rd Party to be successful, their ideas would have to become widely popular. And if their ideas became widely popular, one of the existing parties would co-opt them. Most politicians will take up any position necessary to keep their jobs. (Unfortunately, popular ideas getting co-opted isn’t 100% reliable. Border security comes to mind. It is tremendously popular with the Republican base, but extremely unpopular with the Republican donor class. Republicans have decided money is more important than serving voters for getting re-elected. At least for now. But the exception doesn’t negate the general rule.)

Which leads to why I think 3rd parties are dumb. They draw little to no support because their ideas aren’t popular enough. If you really want to change the direction of the country, you need to change the opinions of the voters. Which will in turn force one of the major parties to co-opt the values and agenda you support. Unfortunately, changing opinions is hard. Especially when your political enemies control most of the news, entertainment, and social media platforms.

The thing that has driven me crazy about the Libertarians is they refuse to acknowledge these realities of American politics. They derive a kind of smug satisfaction from their protest votes. And delight in bragging that it isn’t “their guy” ruining the country. Which might feel good emotionally. But in doing so, they relegate themselves to irrelevance. Libertarians normally take an all or nothing approach to politics. Fully embrace the Libertarian worldview, or you don’t get my vote. So the politicians give them nothing. Because there is nothing in it for them to make concessions to the Libertarians. They won’t win any extra votes. In fact it will probably cost them votes from other groups, so why bother? Which is why I’m pleasantly surprised by the story below:

Maybe the Libertarians are finally starting to realize that the two parties aren’t like Coke and Pepsi, but closer to Castor Oil and Cyanide.

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Doddering Old Fool Yells

Decrepit old gas bag and creepy wad of scum Joe Biden gave a speech last night. By all accounts, it was an unhinged screed against everyone who doesn’t support him and the political establishment. Joe Biden is a drooling moron, and obviously didn’t write the speech or design the super-villain imagery that went with it. Biden is a mean and petty old bastard. He is a bully at heart (you dog-faced pony soldier.) How much of his rant he truly believes, I don’t know or care. When they announced this speech, it was clearly going to be a blatant campaign rally and nothing more. A publicly funded and poll-tested election commercial. Anyone who spends time analyzing his actual words and taking him seriously is wasting their time. This speech had two objectives:

  • Rile up and engage the progressive base who are down in the dumps right now. “They wanna put y’all back in chains!!!”
  • Change the subject from the economy, inflation, Ukraine, etc. Dems need people to revert to tribalism and vote on emotion instead of logic.

This speech has everything to do with minimizing Dem losses in November. By any means necessary. Including at the expense of deepening the divide in the country.

Unite or Die, MAGAts !!!!

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