Trump the Dictator?

Well, that is what you would believe if you listen to Democrats and their media lackeys. They fear Trump will use the power of government to go after his political enemies. And possibly even imprison them. In other words, they are afraid Trump will do to them exactly what they are trying to do to him right now. Or at least that is what they are saying. It could easily be a cynical ploy to justify the absolute STASI-like behavior of the Biden justice department and some Democrat AGs and Secretaries of State.

The Maine Secretary of State , for instance, has already ruled that Trump is ineligible to be on the ballot. This crap weasel is trying to say that “her hands were tied” because the state constitution of Maine allows any voter to raise an objection to a candidate they think is ineligible. See, it’s not that she is a wanna-be tyrant who is single-handedly removing the opposing party’s current front-runner for the nomination and leader in the polls for the Presidency. It’s not that she is taking upon herself the roles of judge, jury, and executioner in assessing whether Donald Trump committed the crime of “insurrection.” A crime he not only has never been convicted of, but never even been officially charged with. It’s that her hands were tied. She had no choice but to go full Stalinist. So she nobly upheld her duty. What a fucking hero.

The whole “insurrection” thing is ,quite frankly, ridiculous on it’s face. Trump could reasonably be considered guilty of a lot things. But inciting an insurrection against the United States is not one of them. The fact that the talking pin-heads on TV treat the “insurrection” accusation as plausible, if not a foregone conclusion, does not make it any less stupid.

To date, I haven’t heard anybody ask Joe Biden if his DOJ going after his top political opponent is bad for the country. Or whether he should put a stop to it for the good of the country. Which he absolutely could do. And would, if he had even an ounce of the decency and integrity the political class claims. The media is more than happy to pretend this has nothing at all with Biden trying to rig the next election. Because they support it. Biden is acting like a banana republic dictator, and the media pretends like Trump is the one who is a threat to “democracy.”

Would Trump do the same to the establishment sleaze bags, given the chance? It seems extremely unlikely. Contrary to his red-meat rally rhetoric, where enthusiastic followers chanted “Lock her up!” in reference to Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, when he actually wielded the power to do it, Trump was very tempered and reconciliatory in his remarks.

Don’t expect Joe Biden to take the high road and declare he intends to beat Trump at the ballot box. And not send his cronies to go after Trump in the courts while he feigns innocence. Cheating is the only plan Biden has to retain his grip on power. And unlike Trump, Biden and the Democrats care more about power than unifying a deeply divided country.