
Oops! CNN Director Says Quiet Part Out Loud

This video is fascinating and totally unsurprising at the same time. Anyone with an open mind who paid any attention whatsoever during the last election cycle could clearly see that the mainstream media was actively propagandizing to get Donald Trump out of office. That is not a shocking revelation at all. The fact a CNN employee would be so openly candid about it is a bit of a surprise. One interesting tidbit is that CNN already has their next progressive cause to agitate for all planned out: climate change. In case there was any doubt left, CNN is clearly not an actual news network but a propaganda outfit that pushes pre-written narratives to advance progressive causes. They aren’t alone. The New York Times did the same thing with race after their Russia collusion hoax failed. I can almost guarantee all the major networks do it as well. The US media is total garbage, and the enemy of the people. Their demise can’t come quickly enough.

P.S. You almost feel sorry for the smarmy little turd caught on camera, until you realize what he has been a willing participant in. F*** him. He might want to update his resume.

Oops! CNN Director Says Quiet Part Out Loud Read More »

Today Show’s Covid Conundrum

The Today Show is dumbfounded as to why heavily locked down Blue States are currently fairing much worse than recently re-opened Red States.

They go on to hypothesize several reasons that could explain this puzzling contradiction…

But one rather obvious explanation was left unexplored. Maybe the “experts” don’t know what the hell they are talking about. Maybe Fauci and the CDC were right 12 months ago when they said putting a piece of cloth over your face would do next to nothing to stop the spread of a virus like covid. Maybe it’s damn near impossible to isolate people enough to stop a virus from spreading. Maybe there is no government agency that can spare us from the effects of this plague. No ritual we can perform that will save us.

Faith in government to have the competency to solve any and every problem is an unspoken assumption of the modern left. It never even occurs to them that a career bureaucrat like Fauci might not have all the answers when it comes to how to best navigate through this pandemic. Or a sleazy dullard like Joe Biden who never created a thing of value in half a century of political life might not be the one to blindly follow. As the evidence continues to mount that the virus ebbs and flows in random ways despite what we do to stop it, the cognitive dissonance of the members of the Church of Big Government keeps growing.

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Yes, the 2020 US Presidential Election was “Rigged”

Sleazy Joe Biden was inaugurated President of the United States on January 20th, 2021. However, 43% of voters think the election was not fair. And that is despite the #FakeNews media being on a 24/7 mission to assure us that everything we hear about the election being stolen is “totally baseless” and backed up by “zero evidence.” But was it really a free and fair election? Donald Trump continues to claim the election was “rigged”, and I believe beyond a doubt that he is correct. Though not exactly in the way he means. While there were most likely some shenanigans with the actual votes, the real fix was in well before election day.

Propaganda Arm of the Democrat Party Mobilized

There is a good reason why Freedom of the Press is guaranteed in the very 1st Amendment to our Constitution. Any democratic form of government relies on an informed electorate to function properly. And the only things that ensure the public is properly informed is the existence of a free and fair press which adheres to at least some semblance of journalistic integrity, and the ability of the citizens to communicate openly and freely. Neither of those things exist today in the United States by a longshot. We just witnessed a cabal of large media and tech companies colluding with a political party to shape a narrative and throw an election to their preferred candidate. The left now controls every one of the major network news channels. MSNBC and CNN are indistinguishable from DNC press releases. Even former conservative bastion Fox News now leans center-left outside of their evening opinion shows. The left also has a stranglehold on social media. Facebook and Twitter routinely censor conservative voices, and elevate leftist narratives. While liberal bias in the media is nothing new, the left has now built a near total monopoly on sources of information, and the means of sharing it. And 2020 is the year they really started to leverage that monopoly. American “journalists” already decided years ago that Donald Trump didn’t deserve to be treated fairly in their coverage of him. For the 2020 election, they cranked the bias dial up to 10.

The Basement Candidacy

Joe Biden has to be the least vetted Presidential candidate in history. The media were already in the tank for Democrats back in 2008. But they at least pretended to vet Barack Obama. Biden rarely came out of his basement for more than a few hours at a time. Almost never answered questions. And routinely called a lid on his campaign before the fast food joints started serving lunch. Biden would regularly disappear for days at a time. Certainly, his lack of exposure was partly strategic. Biden was ahead in the polls (if you actually believed them), and the more voters heard from him the less they seemed to like him. But Biden’s mental capacity and physical fortitude would have been major issues in any normal election. Biden is 78 years old, often acts forgetful, and appears weak and frail. Any other candidate in history would have at least been asked the question: are you physically capable of handling the job? But the US media suddenly decided it was rude to ask an aging candidate about his physical decline and let it all slide.

Hunter Who?

Hunter Biden passed out with a meth pipe in his mouth
Meth is a hell of a drug!

The media’s real crowning moment in the 2020 Election had to be the suppression of the Hunter Biden scandal. It could have been devastating to Biden’s campaign had the media given it even minimal coverage. Joe Biden allowed his drug-addled scumbag of a son to profit off of his public office for years, and almost certainly was in on the grift himself. But the garbage media not only totally embargoed the story, they actively ran interference to try and discredit it. One poll found that 17% of Biden voters would have changed their vote had they known the details of the Hunter Biden scandal. I must admit that 17% seems like an awfully high number to me, but it certainly isn’t zero. And even if the real number is only a tenth of that 17% poll value, that would still be enough to flip several States to Trump and turns his defeat into a victory. Even if you ignore all of the other media malfeasance, this one factor alone is enough to demonstrate that the election was rigged. Immediately after the election it came out that the FBI had already been investigating Hunter Biden for money laundering for over a year. Knowing the FBI, you can safely replace “investigation” with “whitewash” but the story obviously wasn’t Russian disinformation like the #FakeNews kept repeating, and they undoubtedly knew it.

That might be the quote of the year right there from detestable hag Christiane Amanpour. “We’re not gonna do your work for you” in regards to vetting the Democratic nominee for President. Just in case there was any doubt what team the media was on. Incredible.

A Smear Too Good Not to Be True

Before the Hunter scandal came along, there was another scandal involving Donald Trump which played out in September. It’s clear to anyone who has watched Trump over the last 4 years that he loves the men and women of our military. He got them the funding they deserved, finally fixed the VA after years of broken promises by others, and generally went out of his way to show respect to our heroes in uniform. But the media dug up a couple of anonymous sources who claimed Trump referred to the men and women of our military as “suckers and losers.” The sources steadfastly refused to go on record publicly with their slander, and dozens of people with direct knowledge of the alleged incident claimed it was totally false. In public and on the record. Even John Bolton, certainly no friend of Trump, declared publicly that “suckers and losers” was BS. But contrary to the Hunter case, the media seemed much less worried about putting out damaging information with dubious sourcing when it came to Trump. To the contrary, the media ran with the “suckers and losers” September surprise non-stop for days on end. They swore on a stack of bibles that the sources who demanded to remain anonymous really did exist and were 100% reliable patriotic public servants who would never make up such a thing. Swearsies, you guys!!! The media also used Trump’s obvious disdain for John McCain as further evidence he lacked respect for the military. Trump stole a Chris Rock bit a few years ago when asked about The Maverick’s war hero status which the media found to be just beyond the pale. Of course Trump’s real beef with McCain had nothing to do with his military service, and everything to do with the fact he was a two-faced back-stabbing snake in the Senate for years and secretly pushed the Steele dossier to get the Russia collusion investigation started. Truth is, the vast majority of Trump supporters detest John McCain just as much as Donald Trump does. The media and the Republican establishment love squishy Republicans like McCain and Mitt Romney who can be counted on to be polite losers. They heap praise on Republicans who can be counted on to stab their own base in the back when they need them the most (border wall funding, Obamacare repeal, shampeachment, etc., etc.) But the actual Republican base hates the establishment RINOs. That’s how we got Trump in the 1st place. So how many votes did the stupid suckers and losers hoax change? Probably not that many. But not zero. And in an election with razor thin margins, every stolen vote counts.

Big Brother – Not Only Watching, But Whispering in Your Ear

The left now completely controls the flow of information in this country. With their monopolies in mainstream news organizations and Big Tech companies, they have almost total control over what electronic media we are allowed to watch, see, hear, and read, and share. The testimony by Dr. Robert Epstein in the video below on Big Tech’s ability to sway elections is positively chilling. According to Dr. Epstein, Tech giants like Google and Facebook can swing the vote by millions in a Presidential election. And do it in a virtually undetectable way. I sure hope he is wrong, but given the power of social media and the internet in today’s world it seems totally plausible. Obviously the creepy stalker-like way the tech companies are able to target us with tailored advertisements for products could just as easily be used to bombard us with targeted political ads. And the public actions of their respective CEOs have shown no indication they would willingly constrain themselves from manipulating our elections if they were able to do so.

Dr Robert Epstein testifies before the Senate on Big Tech influencing US elections

Debate Moderators Refuse to Take Yes for an Answer

If you were just going by the 2020 Presidential debates, you would swear that White Supremacy was one of the biggest issues facing the country right now. And that there were two sides to the issue. Biden being against it, and Trump (of course) being for it. Or at least ambiguous about it. The number of times Trump was asked to denounce white supremacy was nothing short of comical. And no matter how many times he explicitly denounced it, the moderators still wouldn’t accept yes for an answer. And to add fuel to the racial fire, sniveling crap weasel Chris Wallace successfully tripped Trump up by deceptively describing the toxic pile of racist horseshit know as Critical Race Theory as “racial sensitivity training” in a debate question. After all, what decent person could be against racial sensitivity? Trump made reaching out to black voters a priority in his administration. And polls indicated things like the crime bill and historically low levels of black unemployment were making inroads. To ensure the black community would continue to vote based on tribalism rather than reason, the Democrats needed to tear open old wounds and get emotions heated again. And the media dutifully obliged. Every four years, you can count on the left to manufacture racial strife for political gain. But 2020 took it to new levels as several Democrats let their cities burn for months.

So what were some of the things that the debate moderators decided aren’t important issues to the country? Jobs and the economy. Whether the U.S. should rejoin the Paris Climate accords. The Keystone XL pipeline. How to best deal with Iran and South Korea. How to handle China. Whether we should stay in Syria and Afghanistan. Corporate tax rates. Gun Control. Border security. Military spending. The deficit and debt. Trade deals. Energy independence. Israel. Health care. Immigration. All of these issues and more were given short shrift or completely ignored. The #FakeNews (and their Democrat overlords) decided early on that Trump was most vulnerable on coronavirus (a natural calamity largely out of his control) and the BLM riots (manufactured crisis egged on by Dem mayors and governors who refused to defend their cities.) And so they hammered those two issues relentlessly to the exclusion of all others.

Townhall or Public Inquisition?

The televised town hall meetings with the candidates were equally biased and unfair. While Joe Biden was allowed to field softballs from former Obama speechwriters, Trump was forced to answer a slew of inflammatory questions from rabid Democrats posing as undecided voters. Savanah Guthrie, perhaps concerned her fake “undecideds” wouldn’t be sufficiently hostile to Trump, used up the first 25 minutes of the hour-long town hall she moderated haranguing Trump about being insufficiently militant about wearing masks before letting anyone else ask a question. Guthrie didn’t stop there, frequently challenging Trump’s answers to the few questions he did get to take from the “voters.” It actually resembled a debate between Guthrie and Trump more than a townhall. You can actually see her face turning bright red with rage as Trump explains he has no problem with masks and for the most part agrees with her position. And just like the debates, the media (which undoubtedly pre-screens the questions) decided coronavirus and white supremacy are the only issues voters care about.

Big Pharma Wants Their Swamp Back

One of the bigger points of contention during the debates was whether a COVID vaccine would be available by the end of the year. Trump claimed Operation Warp Speed was a huge success, a vaccine was imminent, and life in the United States could soon return to normal. Biden responded that Trump was full of it, and that a vaccine was still months, if not years, away. The media, of course, took Biden’s side. CNN even went so far as to report that it was more than Trump just being wrong, but all the experts confirmed it was impossible and the President was just flat out lying to us.

One party that was strangely silent about vaccine progress during all of this was the pharmaceutical companies themselves. In fact, not a peep was heard out of them until after the election. Then, before all of the votes were even counted, not one, but two big-pharma companies made public announcements confirming Trump was right all along and the vaccines were already here. Was the timing of their announcements a coincidence? Not likely. I find it curious that Trump had signed an executive order just a few weeks beforehand aimed at lowering prescription drug prices. This surely didn’t make him very popular with the drug companies working on those vaccines. Big Pharma is a popular scapegoat in D.C. and prescription drug prices have long been an issue that voters really care about. The swamp things love to demonize Big Pharma with their rhetoric around election time. But when it comes to actually standing up to their money and lobbyists, the swamp is more than happy to play ball with the drug companies. So the fact that the vaccine status was kept hidden until after the election smells quite fishy. Knowledge that the vaccine was ready could have completely changed the tone of the debates.

NRA Gunned Down

Biden-Harris is planning one of the most brazen anti-second amendment agendas ever. Their plan is sure to be hugely unpopular in rural midwestern communities… which is why nobody was allowed to talk about it before the election. Not one debate question was asked on gun control. It didn’t come up in the town halls. If any interviewer at all asked Biden about it, I sure as heck didn’t see it.

Normally, the NRA would be all over a candidate promising a blatant gun grab and putting out commercials to expose them. But the gun rights advocate had been conveniently (for Democrats) hampered right before election season by a huge lawsuit. New York AG Letitia James filed a suit seeking to force the dissolution of the 149-year old non-profit organization right as the election was heating up. The suit will almost certainly fail to abolish the NRA, but it succeeded wildly at throwing the most powerful voice for gun owners into disarray at just the precise time the left needed to shut them up.

Fake News / Fake Polls

Another way the #FakeNews media manipulates elections is through fake polls. While polls are typically used to inform about public opinion, they can also be used to shape it. Poor poll numbers can be demoralizing to a candidate’s supporters and dry up enthusiasm and donations. They can also suppress voter turnout. With the majority of Democrats having already voted by mail, this presented an unprecedented opportunity for pollsters to affect an election. Numerous polls were out showing Biden up by double digits in crucial swing States leading up to the election. It must have been as confusing as hell to some cable news viewers when Biden wasn’t running away in a landslide on election night. One particularly ridiculous ABC News / Washington Post poll had Biden up by +17 points in Wisconsin mere days before the election. How did the pollsters get a crucial swing State so very wrong? Are they really that incompetent? Or was their true purpose to suppress election day voters (who were expected to be overwhelmingly Republican) rather than to inform the public about the state of the race. Of course we can never know for sure, but the answer appears blatantly obvious. Biden was also supposedly up by almost double digits in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania. On election day, the polls also had Biden winning Florida and in a dead heat in Ohio, a State he lost by over 8 points.

Most Secure Election Ever!

Finally, we have the election itself. While I think the media and big tech manipulation of information is by far the most egregious and alarming issue to come out of the 2020 election, I would be remiss not to at least mention the irregularities which occurred in the voting.

Starting off, we have no way of knowing how much illegal ballot harvesting went on, but it surely wasn’t zero. Ballot harvesting is surely one of the biggest risks with mail-in voting. The 2020 election saw the highest voter turnout in 100 years. Coincidence? A large chunk of the country does not trust the integrity of in mail-in voting. This even included Democrats before 2020. We also had Mark Zuckerberg’s barely-disguised $350 million get out the (Democrat) vote donation. We had ballot curing in Pennsylvania which occurred only in Democrat heavy districts. We had numerous stories of mail-in ballots found in dumpsters and ditches. We had ballots received after election day mixed with legitimate ballots in violation of a Supreme Court order. People voting who moved or had P.O. boxes listed as their address. Signature verification was a joke in many districts. Wisconsin allowed their indefinitely confined voter exception to be abused. The number of voters didn’t match the vote count in Pennsylvania. We had scores of election observers that were not allowed to observe the counting. And the stop the count / late night ballot dump scenario that repeated in several States. In short, there was quite a bit of anecdotal evidence of potential widescale fraud in an election were a slew of States changed their rules at the last minute in a haphazard manner allegedly to deal with COVID concerns. Instead of allowing for the various allegations to be investigated in some kind of meaningful and transparent way, the media dismissed all concerns out of hand and loudly declared 2020 the most secure election ever.

Most secure election ever? Anybody with 2 functioning brain cells know that is a lie. There may or may not have been enough fraud to tip the election. But it most certainly was NOT secure. The idiots in the media probably thought making an over-the-top defense was the quickest way to stamp out any controversy. But all it did was confirm to the skeptics that they were being lied to. By sweeping valid concerns under the rug and giving cover to the election officials in charge the media insured that no meaningful audit of the results would occur. And that the election would stand as called and be viewed as illegitimate by millions of people, a result they are apparently OK with.

Finally, we have the Dominion voting machines. These machines and the companies that make them were the source of some insanely wild accusations by attorneys Sidney Powell and Linn Wood. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and the Dominion conspiracy theorists never came close to providing any. Like 9/11 Truthers and Russia Collusion diehards, no allegation was too bizarre or improbable for this cohort to snatch up and run with. If Linn Wood had been deliberately trying to sabotage the President’s legal challenges, he couldn’t have done a better job of it. The unhinged rantings of those two whack jobs actually made it easier for the media to dismiss all of the legitimate issues with the vote. To be sure, there are some valid concerns with those machines. And it begs the question of why they are even programmed with the option to weight elections / swap votes in the first place. But the evidence the Dominion machines were actually used in this way just isn’t there.

Senior Moment or Freudian Slip?

Joe Biden shows early signs of dementia for anybody willing to look. He said lots of crazy things, and even some complete gibberish when he went off script. So most people just assumed the clip below was Joe having another senior moment. In hindsight maybe Sleazy Joe’s “extensive voter fraud” quote was something else. Could it be that what we thought was a just a particularly embarrassing gaffe was actually a befuddled old slime bag saying the quiet part out loud? It certainly is an odd thing to say completely by mistake.

Bottom Line

The US Presidential Election of 2020 was a sham and a national disgrace. The American people were fed a ridiculously biased view of the candidates and issues, and dissenting voices were actively silenced by the tech/media monolith. The Democrat Party and their corporate allies ultimately succeeded in defeating the President they hated with a white hot passion. But they had to pull every trick in their arsenal to get it done. And the American people aren’t stupid. They know when they have been jobbed. The damage done to the political discourse and our faith in our public institutions will be deep and long lasting. The establishment was ultimately able to drag Sleazy Joe over the finish line, but it may well prove to be a Pyrrhic victory for the American left. The very legitimacy of the Biden presidency will probably never be accepted by a significant percentage of the country (me included.) How this will affect his ability to govern remains to be seen. Did Joe Biden even receive enough legitimately cast votes to win? I honestly have no idea. But beyond that, did we actually have a free and fair election? The answer to that question is “OH, HELL NO!” It was rigged.

Yes, the 2020 US Presidential Election was “Rigged” Read More »

Dems Aim to Reset American Exceptionalism

Befuddled old creep Joe Biden
Joe Biden supports the thing. You know… the thing

Surprise, surprise. The Democrats support the “Great Reset” championed by the international left. The Euro-weenies have determined that capitalism needs to be dismantled to appease Gaia. (And shield their anemic economies from having to compete against free market countries, of course.) The plebes will just need to forget about that freedom and autonomy stuff, and learn to live like the central planners say they should. And the Biden Administration is apparently totally on board. Turns out Sleazy Joe, or at least the folks pulling the strings on his senile old carcass, wants to completely transform the American economy and the way we live our lives. That seems like a pretty big decision to make for the country. Too bad there wasn’t some kind of forum where the American people could weigh in on the matter and have their say. We could even have two people debate the merits on national television. And then the people could vote on it. But, of course, our garbage media could never allow that to happen. The voters might come to a different conclusion than the political class. So instead the American people get race-baiting clown Chris Wallace demanding Donald Trump denounce white supremacy for the gazillionth time.

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NYT Celebrates Sadistic Social Justice Warriors

The NYT recently ran an approving story about a white girl who had her admission to a college revoked because she used the N-word in a Snapchat video. Take heed, because this is the Orwellian police state the left wants to impose on all of us.

The girl, Mimi Groves, apparently made a 3-second video where she exclaimed “I can drive, n—as!” after getting her learner’s permit and sent it to a friend over Snapchat.

Ms. Groves said the video began as a private Snapchat message to a friend. “At the time, I didn’t understand the severity of the word, or the history and context behind it because I was so young,” she said in a recent interview, adding that the slur was in “all the songs we listened to, and I’m not using that as an excuse.”

So, she made a video as a high school freshman where she spoke the forbidden N-word. Not to insult a person or a race, but as a shout-out to her friends just like all the cool people in rap culture do. To be clear, this was a culturally insensitive and unwise thing to do. The kind of dumb thing pretty much every 15-year old kid on the planet does. But it is hardly evidence she is a racist person. It must be part of a larger pattern of behavior, right?

“It honestly disgusts me that those words would come out of my mouth,” Mimi Groves said of her video. “How can you convince somebody that has never met you and the only thing they’ve ever seen of you is that three-second clip?”

Nope. That’s it. No other quotes. No accusations from classmates or friends. Nothing. That 3-second slice of her life, never even intended for anyone but her friend, is the entire justification for ruining this poor girl’s life. But how could a trivial 3-second video have such dire consequences? Enter the “hero” of the story.

Jimmy Galligan was in history class last school year when his phone buzzed with a message. Once he clicked on it, he found a three-second video of a white classmate looking into the camera and uttering an anti-Black racial slur.

Most people would delete something like that and not think twice about it. Others might tell the person who sent it to knock it off. Or, if you were really upset by it, confront the person who made the video. But that’s not good enough for the “Woke!” They demand justice: swift and brutal. Alert the authorities!!!

He had brought the issue up to teachers and administrators but, much to his anger and frustration, his complaints had gone nowhere.

The article doesn’t say what sort of redress Mr. Galligan was seeking, but a couple days in the pillory seems like a bare minimum. Luckily, our hero doesn’t give up so easily. Heads needed to roll.

“I wanted to get her where she would understand the severity of that word,” Mr. Galligan, 18, whose mother is Black and father is white, said of the classmate who uttered the slur, Mimi Groves. He tucked the video away, deciding to post it publicly when the time was right.

So, instead of dropping the matter, Mr. Galligan decided to hold on to the video to release at a later date when it could do the most personal damage to Ms. Groves. A sane person might find this to be sadistic, creepy, and stalker-like. To the “Woke!” left, this is what justice looks like. To conceal how completely arbitrary Mr. Galligan’s vindictiveness really is, the NYT author goes on for several paragraphs about how backwards and racist the schools in Leesburg, Virginia are. So while Mimi Groves might not have done a damn thing to Jimmy Galligan, he has a legitimate beef with all of society and was completely justified in exacting his small amount of revenge on her. Or so the Times would have you believe.

Mr. Galligan, who had waited until Ms. Groves had chosen a college, had publicly posted the video that afternoon…

By that June evening, about a week after Mr. Floyd’s killing, teenagers across the country had begun leveraging social media to call out their peers for racist behavior.

And so an online mob, already whipped into a frenzy over the George Floyd incident, came after a teenage girl they knew literally nothing about.

“We just needed it to stop, so we withdrew her,” said Mrs. Groves, adding that the entire experience had “vaporized” 12 years of her daughter’s hard work. “They rushed to judgment and unfortunately it’s going to affect her for the rest of her life.”

That’s a steep price to make someone pay for 3 seconds of indiscretion. Was it really worth it?

For his role, Mr. Galligan said he had no regrets. “If I never posted that video, nothing would have ever happened,” he said…

“I’m going to remind myself, you started something,” he said with satisfaction. “You taught someone a lesson.”

Maybe Mr. Galligan is right? Maybe this was the only way to get Mimi Groves to see the error in her ways? Yeah, not so much.

One of Ms. Groves’s friends, who is Black, said Ms. Groves had personally apologized for the video long before it went viral. Once it did in June, the friend defended Ms. Groves online, prompting criticism from strangers and fellow students. “We’re supposed to educate people,” she wrote in a Snapchat post, “not ruin their lives all because you want to feel a sense of empowerment.”

BTW, “you taught someone a lesson” is how the Times ends their story. It sure seems like Mimi had already learned the “lesson” that Mr. Galligan claims he was trying to teach her. Could it be his real motivation was social justice brownie points, and maybe a sadistic desire to wield power over someone and inflict pain?

Awww… poor little white girl. She still has her privilege. She’ll be fine.

anonymous Twitter commenter on this story, demonstrating that famous leftwing compassion

Never once does the Times’ article question whether Ms. Groves deserved the pain, humiliation, and hardship heaped onto her. It is fascinating how differently the “Woke!” left and conservatives/classical liberals see this story. In the classic liberal view, this story exposes a horrible injustice where a random person arbitrarily had their life ruined to satisfy an online mob and create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. Woke leftists see this as an overdue reckoning for a white person who has unjustly enjoyed a life of privilege at the expense of people of color and a message to society that change must occur.

I personally find the “Woke!” view disgusting and antithetical to everything this country is supposed to stand for. If we are ever to achieve the classical liberal dream of a colorblind society, we need to end the toxic identity politics of the left.

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Donald Trump and Presidential Norms

I started this post a couple of months ago. The ridiculous row over whether Jill Biden should be called “Doctor” inspired me to finish it.

Out of the myriad of reasons the Left and the #NeverTrump Right hate Donald Trump, the one that gets mentioned with surprising frequency is the way Trump breaks Washington D.C. norms of behavior. Of all the horrible things they accuse Trump of doing, this seems like an odd complaint to fixate on. Until you think about it a little bit. Norms and traditions are about all D.C. has going for it. Anybody think Mazie Hirono is a great intellect? Or Jerry Nadler has a lot of class and sophistication? D.C. is chock full of unimpressive scumbags. They aren’t smart. They aren’t clever. They aren’t hard working. And they certainly aren’t virtuous.

Deep down they must know this, and it probably doesn’t sit well with their over-sized egos. I think the desire to think of oneself as a good person is a near universal human desire. We all want to believe we are good people deep down inside, and that we are deserving of the good things in life that come to us. Pride and ego are just part of human nature.

Yet all the DC “elites” have to signify their imagined greatness is their positions. They are surrounded by the ornate architecture of the massive buildings they work in. Immersed in the pomp and circumstance of the Federal government’s rituals and ceremonies. They occupy lavish offices with dozens of support staff. They lead an army of bureaucrats, who serve at their beck and call. And they draw a horde of lackeys in the press, who slavishly hang on their every word.

Donald Trump obviously isn’t impressed by any of it. He was much more interested in the job of President, than in the position. Trump doesn’t want to be invited to their parties. He doesn’t care what the Sunday morning talking heads say about him on TV shows nobody watches. Trump doesn’t accept the Republican Party establishment as the thought leaders of the right, or the New York Times as the conscience of the nation. In short, Donald Trump won’t even bother to pretend he respects the DC “elites”, much less that he likes them.

Very few politicians have any real accomplishments they can point to in their lives. Joe Biden was a fixture in Washington for 47 years, seemingly because he had a nice smile at one time and was good at debating. Biden mastered the art of belching up platitudes in a folksy style that sounds just like the old fashioned common sense talk your dear old grandpa would use. Joe also knew how to play the game and work the system. What Joe didn’t know how to do was actually deliver on behalf of the people he represented. After nearly half a century in office, Sleazy Joe’s most notable achievements are long incarcerations for black men over minor drug crimes, and enriching himself and his family.

In fact, the man Democrats nominated for President has a long history of exaggerating his intelligence. Of publicly belittling people who challenge him. Of being a blowhard and a bully. Of treating women poorly. And of corruptly using his office to enrich himself and his family. Literally everything the left and #NeverTrump right say they hate about Donald Trump applies just as well to Joe Biden. But Sleazy Joe does have one important redeeming quality. Biden is in their club. He is a team player. He is perfectly comfortable in the swamp. In fact he loves it.

The Washington swamp things have always portrayed themselves as the pinnacle of expertise and achievement. Donald Trump has smashed that mirage, perhaps for good. The emperors no longer have clothes. They are laid bare for all to see. They can’t hide their mediocrity and immorality behind a false veneer of respectability anymore. And they really hate him for that.

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Yet Again, US Media Proves They are Total Garbage

Picture of Election Ballots

Once again, the US media has proved what total garbage they are. They truly are the enemy of the people. It started on election night, with Fox calling Arizona for Biden with over a million ballots still left to be counted. It remains to be seen whether Biden holds on to win the State, but it was clearly grossly irresponsible to call it when they did. But declaring Biden to be the President-Elect on Saturday is a whole new level of recklessness.

It simply is not true. Until enough States certify their elections or Donald Trump concedes, Joe Biden is NOT the President-Elect. They could say he is currently projected to win… that would be true. But to declare the election over is flat out dangerous. The smug talking heads love to chide Donald Trump for playing fast and loose with the facts at times. He is dangerous they always say, unlike us responsible professionals in the media. This hypocrisy just proves how full of shit they are.

The Courts may throw out some of the mail-in ballots. More “glitches” could be found and corrected. Recounts might come out differently. A lot of things could still happen. It’s unlikely the votes will change enough to affect the outcome of the election, but it is certainly still plausible at this point. And what will be the reaction of the American left if it does? Especially after the media has already declared Sleazy Joe to be the winner? It would almost guarantee riots and violence that would make last summer look like child’s play. And I think that is the whole point. The liberal media absolutely detests Donald Trump. It is palpable. I think they are still terrified Trump will somehow prevail and their nightmare will continue. By declaring Biden to be President-Elect, they hope to bring enough pressure on Trump to force him to concede immediately. They are essentially strapping a bomb to the country and stating their demands. And they don’t really care about the consequences if it somehow backfires.

I can guarantee you they would not have declared Trump the winner if the roles were reversed. If Biden was barely behind and mounting challenges in the Courts, the media would be pleading with the public to respect the process and let it play out. And that is exactly what they should be espousing now. But the garbage media traded journalistic integrity to join the #Resistance a long time ago.

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Media Needs to Learn the Difference Between Evidence and Proof

NY Post story about Trump questioning vote count.

This story here by the NY Post is typical of how the media operates. Less than 24 hours after they called the election for Joe Biden, it seems the media are upset Trump still wants to push forward with audits and recounts. The headline sneers that there is no evidence of voter fraud, and implies Trump is just being a jerk for not graciously conceding. That is patently false, however. There is plenty of evidence, direct and circumstantial, that indicates voter fraud might have taken place. The internet is teeming with it. Some ridiculous, some plausible, and some downright concerning. In fact, it is almost unquestionable at least some amount of fraud did occur. What the Post is really claiming is that there is currently no proof of widespread election fraud which could change the results of the election, and this is true. Of course, it’s hard to prove something if you won’t even acknowledge evidence of it and allow for an investigation.

One thing should be beyond dispute. What happened last week was a farce and a national embarrassment. Half the country was not going to accept the result of that shit show regardless of who ended up winning. The late night ballot dumps out of car trunks and ballot counting behind closed doors must end. It’s probably too late to salvage 2020. Whether it is justified or not, a huge chunk of the country is not going to believe Joe Biden was elected fairly. And that is not Donald Trump’s fault. The US desperately need reforms to ensure election integrity going forward.

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US Media: The Enemy of The People

The gutless hacks in the US media always bristle when President Trump (or anyone else) calls them “Fake News” or “The Enemy of the People.” Well, that is exactly what they are. There is a major scandal brewing that involves the Bidens. It includes conflicts of interest, influence peddling, corruption, and most likely money laundering. Joe Biden is dirty. Full stop. But the US media has collectively decided you don’t need to know about it. They won’t discuss Hunter Biden’s laptop, because it’s “Russian disinformation” and part of a “smear campaign.” Tony Bobulinski is a former Biden business partner. He has made a number of damning accusations proving Joe Biden is (without a doubt) a liar and most probably a criminal. He has done this on record, and provided a mountain of corroborating evidence in the form of business records, e-mails, and text messages. But 1/2 the freaking country thinks it’s all just “Russian disinformation” because of the media. The name Tony Bobulinski won’t even be mentioned by most mainstream news sources.

It is blatantly obvious the media has chosen to embargo and bury this story. They have decided the American people can’t be allowed to receive this information, lest they draw the wrong conclusions. I know how these people think. They know this story is true. But, in their minds, whatever Joe Biden has done, Trump is also guilty of times ten. The media don’t want people getting the “wrong” impression right before an election. They can’t let the American people think there is some kind of parity between the garden-variety corruption of Joe Biden, and the cartoonish super-villainy of Orange Man Bad! So they have chosen to hide the facts from the American people. To substitute their own judgement for that of the US voters.

But hiding the facts isn’t enough. This story is so explosive, ignoring it might not kill it. People might find out about it through that pesky social media. So now the mainstream media, in an allegedly free country, is running propaganda for a Presidential candidate. A more perfect definition of “Enemy of the People” would be hard to imagine. I already covered the New York Times pathetic attempt at what-about-ism a few days ago. Surely, that must be rock bottom for the media, right? Oh, no. NBC News has just said “hold my beer.”

NBC Propaganda Article for the Bidens on Twitter

Ya see what they did there? NBC has completely ignored the laptop/Bobulinski scandal. They know it’s true. So they won’t touch it. But what they did do is scour the internet and dig up some other obscure alleged scandal involving Hunter Biden and debunk it. Notice the references to “close associates of President Trump.” This appears to be a reference to Steve Bannon, who hasn’t been directly associated with Trump in years. Bannon must have mentioned this alleged scandal or retweeted it or something at some point, giving the media their “in” to link some obscure conspiracy theory to Trump. But the truly insidious part is the obvious attempt to conflate the rantings of some random internet crackpot with the devastating reporting the NY Post and Tucker Carlson have done. The Biden Team can now claim the whole Hunter scandal has been debunked, and hope that people are none the wiser, at least for a few more days. All thanks to the #FakeNews media.

NBC News propaganda for Biden

They later claim this document went “viral” on the right wing internet in an obvious attempt to justify writing this horseshit story. I’m pretty right wing. And I follow social media closer than most. I have never heard of this 64-page document before, or the allegations in it. Neither has Kim Strassel, who is also on the right and follows this shit for a living. In short, this is not news. This is a deliberate attempt to obfuscate the news by a major media outlet. Fuck. These. People.

I really want Donald Trump to win reelection because I think it would ensure 4 more years of peace and prosperity. But now it is becoming an imperative. We can’t let this subversion of democracy stand. Trump has to win. The media has proven they will stop at nothing to drag the corrupt senile corpse of Joe Biden across the finish line. If this blatant media propaganda succeeds in throwing an election to Sleazy Joe, why wouldn’t they attempt it again and again?

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NYT Hits Bottom – Starts Digging

The New York Times has been a parody of an actual news organization for some time. How are they reacting to the revelation that Joe Biden took a cut of his son’s shady business deals with China? By attacking Donald Trump of course. The Times has nothing to say about Hunter’s laptop or the salacious contents therein. The RUSSIA!!!! excuse is already too ridiculous for even Times readers to buy, so they have reverted to embargoing the story completely. But they are obviously keenly aware of the damage it could do to their preferred candidate. To counter that, they ran a Page 1 story about how Donald Trump explored doing business in China. It’s a blatant attempt at what-about-ism that is so pathetic, you almost have to laugh. Does the New York Times really believe their readers will equate exploring business opportunities in China as a private citizen to accepting bribes from members of the Chinese Communist Party while acting as Vice President of the United States? Apparently, they do. Hell, if they would believe it was the Russians that got Donald Trump elected, they will probably believe anything the Times prints. The garbage US media can’t collapse fast enough.

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