A lot of people in the right-wing blogosphere are gloating because the New York Times stealthily admitted that the Hunter Biden laptop story was true. Well whoop-de-fucking doo. We already knew this back in 2020. Not suspected. Knew it. For a fact. And guess what? So did the New York Fucking Times. But it would have hurt Biden and helped Trump, so they declared it to be unsubstantiated and probably “Russian disinformation.” The Times is stupid. But not that stupid. They knew it wasn’t Russian disinformation. In fact, they could have confirmed (or disproved) the New York Post / Tucker Carlson reporting in a few hours if they wanted to. But they already knew the answer, so they deliberately chose not to ask the question. Now a year and a half later, when all the news bandwidth is being sucked up by Ukraine, they quietly admit the truth. All to keep up the façade that the Times is a real news organization with journalistic integrity. Just like Politico did a few months ago. “See, wingnuts? We didn’t bury a story we didn’t like. We reported on it just like everyone else. Don’t dare question our integrity. We are journalists!” It is the digital version of pissing in your face and telling you it is raining.
Anyways, who cares what the partisan hacks at the New York Times admit to (or not)? The arrogant amoral bastards that run that sleazy rag fancy themselves the arbiters of truth. And a lot of people on the right agree, judging by how they act. Especially within the media. That undeserved reverence needs to stop. Fuck the Times and the horse they rode in on. Stop treating them as the one and only gatekeepers of what is factual. One of the things supporters of Donald Trump absolutely loved about him was the way he called out and disrespected the “Fake News” media. They don’t deserve our respect. They don’t even deserve our attention. They are truly trash. Why pretend otherwise?
Check out this mea culpa from a Doctor who used to support mask mandates and lockdowns.
Dr. Joseph Fraiman: “Personally, I would like to apologize to the three other scientists sitting with me here on Zoom, the proponents of the Great Barrington Declaration…I’m sorry, because I believe now you guys were correct. And you were correct from the beginning.” pic.twitter.com/a7AbdU5zRw
I find this extraordinary on several levels. It takes some real integrity, and balls, to admit you were so completely wrong about such a bitterly contentious issue and to publicly apologize for it. And this was a real apology. No excuses. No blame shifting. No what-about-isms. Just a total concession he was wrong, and an apology to those he maligned.
Do not expect any of the left wing politicians or media to own up in a similar way. Their whole self-image is based on being the smart ones. The people who follow (and understand) “the science.” To admit they were wrong about such a huge issue would just crush them. Worse, they would have to admit the demonization and mocking of their political enemies was unjustified. And all of their preening, virtue signaling, and hysterical shaming were totally baseless. Definitely a bridge too far for their fragile egos.
The trucker rally taking place in Canada right now has somewhat restored my faith in our neighbors to the North. After electing effeminate weirdo Justin Trudeau twice, I figured Canuckistan had gone full blown WOKE(!) The protests prove that at least a sizable minority of Canadians still have a decent bit of testosterone left in them. Some of them still remember what freedom is, and they are not going to allow themselves to be enslaved without a fight.
However, the media coverage of the Canadian trucker rally looks very familiar. It turns out the US media aren’t the only ones who are big enough assholes to lie about their political foes. The Canadian media is probably even more left wing than ours, if that is actually possible. They are certainly less subtle about their biases. The CBC is Canada’s state-funded media company. Check out some of the blatant propaganda in this hit piece they recently published.
The article starts out noting that scores of angry left wing Canadians have been breaking ties with anyone who dares to join a peaceful protest they don’t agree with:
“I think I’ve unfriended, like, 100 people — and that includes some family,” he said. ” I won’t even talk to them anymore.
– some self-righteous left wing Canadian jackass
The author assures the readers that this is a totally normal and healthy reaction to have over a political disagreement, because there are “core values” being violated by the protestors. This next gem has to be the pull quote from the entire article:
Flear said they were shocked to see that one of their friends from their Nova Scotia hometown posted that he had attended the rally. Flear, who has a master’s degree in biology, said they reached out to him, said they would talk about vaccinations, and clear up any misunderstandings or confusing science jargon related to getting a shot. “But he just replied with something along the lines of ‘Canada is a free country’ or something like that,” Flear said.
– some arrogant Canadian wanker
Wow. I can’t believe that person turned down an opportunity to be lectured by some random fuckwad with a Biology degree. What a missed opportunity. Mr. Biology could have cleared up all of this guy’s “misunderstandings” and explained all of that confusing medical jargon using simple one syllable words that even the hoi polloi could understand. He must have been brainwashed by Fox News into believing freedom was more important than submitting to your intellectual superiors for your own good. So sad. Even on the left, that level of arrogance, self-righteousness, and condescension is rare. Bravo, sir.
Still, it feels like something is missing for a left wing hit piece. Bring in the psychology professor!
“But I think what the vaccine issue and now the protests are really bringing to light are issues that are highly tied to our core values,” she said. These values include the idea of not just protecting yourself, but protecting others, she added. They also include feelings about racism, safety and personal choice versus the greater good — values that you hold that are so important, that they can’t be compromised.
– some obscure Canadian professor with a Mickey Mouse degree
Sacrifice your freedom and personal choice for the “greater good.” Basically forever. Even if the sacrifices don’t do diddly squat in reality. That is the “core value” the left is insisting on. Chairman Mao couldn’t have put it any better.
But wait, did that Professor also throw out the racism canard??? Of course she did. Any time anyone does something a leftist doesn’t like, it is motivated by racism. So we have a bunch of Canadians protesting against vaccine mandates and COVID restrictions. How could that possibly be racist, you might ask? Do they only want to restore freedom for white people? Where is the racism angle?
Swastikas and Confederate flags! These people are truly shameless. I have seen tons of pictures and videos from the protests. All you see are friendly patriotic folks smiling and waving the Canadian flag. In fact, the atmosphere seems almost celebratory. The Ottawa police were even forced to admit that the crowd was not violent, but still insisted on labeling them “dangerous” anyways. The racism and white supremacy smears against these good people are a pathetically transparent attempt to marginalize them and avoid addressing the substance of their protest. The fact the CBC would take part in it is at the same time appalling and totally expected.
I actually took the time to follow the links in the article claiming the truckers are white supremacists flying swastikas and Confederate flags. The 1st link has a total of zero pictures to back up their claims. The entirety of their evidence is one anonymous woman from Winnipeg who claims to have seen a Confederate flag on her morning drive. Seriously. That’s it. An unverifiable story told by a single person. And the evidence they give for swastikas is even weaker.
To be fair, I did see one video on YouTube where a jackass with a confederate flag tried to join in on the protest. The protestors immediately called this fool out as a left wing saboteur. With his cover blown, he quietly slinked away. I am quite confident 99% of all the other allegations of racism are astro-turf bullshit too. I’m really getting sick of the left’s slimy tactics. Maybe we should start doing the same vile shit to them. Any time they have a protest, conservatives should pose as pedophiles and join in. Then we can say, See! The left is chock full of pedophiles! Everything they do or say can be linked back to pedophilia! Only problem is, I don’t think leftists would be all that upset to be associated with pedophiles.
In the 24th paragraph, the author does finally get around to the other side’s position. Journalistic Integrity! Just like the US media!
Following the weekend rally, Sheila Mills, from Salt Spring Island, B.C., posted on Facebook that anyone who believed the media’s negative spin of the protest and accusations of racism should unfriend her. “Anyone who believes that is not my friend, they don’t know me well enough to be considered a friend,” Mills said. “Anyone who is going to label all of those people as racist or supporting white supremacy. I lose respect.”
So Canadian media is total garbage, just like in the good ole U. S. of A. All of them can choke on a bag of wangs.
Spokesman for the Canadian truckers addresses the Trudeau government
Democrats (elected and media) are in a tizzy after Virginia went Red last night. They are now, without irony, blaming McAuliffe’s defeat on race-baiting. With the left, it always boils down to race. Always. The narrative they are pushing is that Younkin exploited the latent racism of white suburbanites by concocting phony accusations about Critical Race Theory perverting the education system.
The approved talking point was obviously “Critical Race Theory isn’t even taught in Virginia schools.” Lots of lefty pundits and media types were regurgitating it in the final hours before voting started. Joy Reid, who sounded like a broken record, was just one among many repeating the party line. Reid apparently believes she can make this ridiculous claim by playing semantic word games. Critical Race Theory, she contends, is just an obscure legal theory that is only taught to University law students. A benign term that evil right wingers have co-opted as a racist dog whistle. Or so she contends.
Of course, Joy Reid knows damn well parents aren’t pissed off because their children are being taught esoteric legal theories. Critical Race Theory in the common vernacular has come to define the dubious premises which underpin the legal theory. The phrase is understood to encompass all of the toxic WOKE! “Anti-Racist” bullshit peddled by Xbrim X. Kendi, Robin DiAngelo, and their ilk. It includes the idea that the totality of American systems and culture are hopelessly intertwined with systemic racism. That all white people, whether consciously or subconsciously, are racist oppressors. And all people of color are helpless victims of racist oppression. That every single interaction between whites and non-whites is defined by racism. And that “whiteness” is an evil which must be aggressively stamped out. It is these divisive and racist ideas that parents don’t want indoctrinated into their children. Yet they are very fashionable among leftist educators and school boards. And this more common understanding of what Critical Race Theory entails absolutely is creeping into classrooms all across the country.
And Joy Reid knows this. Or at least she should. Reid obviously isn’t the brightest bulb, and she is so blinded by her hard leftist ideology that she might not be able to distinguish between historical fact and woke revisionism. A common straw man the left keeps throwing out there is that Republicans don’t want to teach children the history of slavery. That is asinine. The historical facts about slavery, the abolitionists, the Civil War, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the Civil Rights movement have all been taught for generations. They are important parts of our history and belong in the classroom. Nobody wants to change that. However, the left’s Marxist critique of contemporary American society through the prism of race is not “history.” It’s not even factual. And it should not be used to poison impressionable young minds.
One of the favorite tactics of the garbage media is to dismiss and/or ignore a story they don’t like until the news cycle moves on. Then, at some much later date they will quietly acknowledge the story was true all along and simultaneously declare it to be “old news.” In this way, they can avoid ever having to talk about things they don’t like, and still pretend like they have some kind of journalistic integrity. No need to discuss that story we buried months ago, they will say, it’s old news. Why can’t you people just move on already???
One of the most egregious acts of journalistic malpractice to ever occur was the interference the media ran for alleged “President” and sleazy old bastard Joe Biden in the run-up to the 2020 election in regards to Hunter’s laptop. Joe’s crack-addled loser of a son left his laptop at a repair shop with tons of compromising information on the hard drive related to the Biden’s longtime racket of selling influence to enrich themselves. (The legitimacy of the laptop contents was confirmed by a Biden business partner at the time.) This was a bombshell revelation, and would have been devastating to Joe Biden’s campaign. It was also a juicy scandal, the kind the media would normally love to sink their teeth into… even if only for the ratings. But in this case there was a really big problem. If the media exposed sleazy Joe right before the election, it would almost certainly mean handing the election to Trump. And that is the one thing they could never bring themselves to do.
So instead of reporting on the facts, they comically dismissed the laptop revelations as “Russian disinformation” and actively encouraged voters to ignore it. They even went so far as to debunk some other obscure conspiracy theory and then purposely conflate it with the laptop story to confuse people.
Welp, it looks like now is the time the media has chosen to transition the Hunter story from “crazy right wing conspiracy” to “old news” everyone already knows about that we don’t need to discuss ever again. Politico just confirmed the emails Joe’s crack fiend kid recklessly exposed are legit. With the news cycle packed with the multiple crises the crusty old imbecile occupying the White House has created, the garbage media probably figured this was a good time to slip a story under the radar. Dementia-riddled moron installed, and journalistic integrity intact!!! Yay, media!!!
So, I get daily e-mail updates from the New York Times because I have an account set up with them. I only created the account because I wanted to fisk one of their protected articles a while back. However, I have kept it open because the e-mails are so hilariously biased they are usually good for a chuckle or two. And since the rest of the garbage media invariably follows the Times lead, the daily e-mails perfectly portend what narrative the rest of the idiot talking heads will be trying to push next.
The New York Times whole business model is basically pandering to the smugness of their progressive readers. It is crucial to the progressive psyche to believe that they are smarter and more sophisticated than the hoi polloi in flyover country. Of course, the Times can’t just come out and tell their readers they must be smart because they read the New York Times and can regurgitate progressive dogma on command. They have to be at least a little bit subtle with their pandering. So you get little gems like this one from this mornings update:
If Mississippi were its own country, it would have one of the world’s worst total death tolls per capita, CNN’s Jake Tapper noted yesterday. Why? One reason is that the U.S. – after getting off to an excellent start – now trails many of these countries in Covid vaccination rate. Almost one in four American adults still has not received a shot. The unvaccinated continue to be disproportionately people without a college degree and Republican voters.
– NY Times daily e-mail
To the Times and their readers, the only people dumb enough not to get the government jab are those deplorable Trumplikins. Never mind about age, health, or natural immunity. A troll-like career government bureaucrat wearing a lab coat said everybody must take the jab. So that makes it SCIENCE! And smart people like the Times readers always follow the science. It’s what separates them from those ignorant rubes they love to sneer at.
It is true that Mississippi recently took over as the State with the highest per capita covid mortality rate. (Hah, stupid Republicans!) But the mortality rates in New York and New Jersey are statistically identical… In fact, they were way out in front until this recent wave hit the southeastern States so hard over the summer. Strangely, CNN and the Times failed to make that same connection when it was liberal bastions topping the list over the last 18 months. Apparently, blame can only be assigned when it is Republican states that are suffering. Most likely, the hot spots will shift back north as we slip into the winter months. I guess we’ll see how fast the progressives are to mock the people succumbing to Fauci’s little science(!) experiment then.
The Times also goes out of their way to point out that people without college degrees are more likely to be unvaccinated. This feeds right into the preferred progressive narrative of ignorant Trump voters, too dumb to know what’s good for them, needlessly extending the pandemic. What the Times fails to mention to their slavish readers is that the education level with the lowest vaccination rate is the PhDs. That’s right, it’s the doctors who are most hesitant to take the government jab. And nurses are quitting in droves rather than be forced to take it. But that little fact doesn’t jibe with the narrative the Times’ readers want to hear, so it goes unmentioned. (P.S. It never should have been the government jab. The bastards in DC made it that when they repeatedly lied about it and now want to force the citizenry to take it whether they want it or not.)
Also, the dipshits at the Times absolutely love to play identity politics. They almost never miss an opportunity to bring race into any discussion, whether it is relevant or not. Yet, in this instance the Times oddly chose to ignore race altogether in it’s reporting. Which is doubly surprising when you find out there is actually a huge racial disparity in vaccination rates. What gives? It turns out that the racial group least likely to be vaccinated are blacks. Yet in the world of intersectional oppression the New York Times inhabits, blacks can never be at fault. They must always be the victims in all circumstances. The cognitive dissonance of trying to explain why Republicans who don’t want the jab are stupid, but black people who don’t want the same poke are not, was probably too much for their feeble minds to grapple with. So they chose to ignore it instead. The Times certainly does not want to demonize black Americans. They reserve all of their hatred and vitriol for the people who really deserve it. Republicans.
A medical doctor recently voiced an opinion on masks and vaccines that ran afoul of the current version of the government approved discourse. And CNN pounced to publicly shame and embarrass him. That was literally the only point of their deplorable hit piece. CNN’s supposed “news story” has zero informational value whatsoever. You can tell how interested the total bitch of a reporter is in finding out why a rational person might believe such things by the questions she shouts at him after ambushing him on a bike ride: “do you feel responsible for people who got sick and died?”, “what do you say to the families that have lost loved ones?” All while her smarmy tone just drips with self-righteousness. This isn’t news. It’s not opinion. It’s public shaming and personal harassment. And the message sent is clear. Dare to stray from the approved narrative of the Administration, and you too could face the wrath of the Covid brownshirts.
The Democrat cabal that seized power in our country has decided it is time to rule by decree and dissent is no longer allowable. And while they can’t use the law enforcement power of the government to enforce their edicts by force (not quite yet at least), their willing toadies in the media and corporate America are more than willing to be the muscle for their Federal mob bosses.
A lot of people are starting to pull out the knives for Anthony Fauci. As well they should. Hindsight is just starting to expose what a complete disaster this guy was in shaping the pandemic response. Even more troublesome is the role he played in enabling the pandemic to happen in the first place by funding the dangerous “gain of function” experiments in China.
Which makes it kind of strange to see that the big media outlets and mainstream Democrat politicians are still treating this incompetent turd like some kind of rock star. What gives? In short, they have to. Antony Fauci is the epitome of what the leftwing vision of governance looks like. He is a quote-unquote scientist. He is widely acknowledged as a leading expert in his field. And he is a career bureaucrat and perennial fixture in Washington DC who made his fortune as a “public servant.” Anthony Fauci is a technocrat of the highest order and pedigree. He is exactly the kind of guy the left wants to empower to socially re-engineer society and dictate to the masses how they must live. They want guys like Fauci mandating the size of house you are allowed to live in, the kind of car you can drive, and the types of food you can eat. They claim their authoritarian vision for America is absolutely required by “the science” to attain equity and sustainability. And if you just go along and peacefully give up your freedoms, the central planners will engineer a Utopian haven on Earth where we can all live happily ever after. Or so they promise.
Which is why Anthony Fauci must not be allowed to be deemed a failure. Not just to protect one of their fellow bureaucrats or even a political party. The left must defend Fauci because he is emblematic of their core ideology. For the left to turn on him now would require them to completely discredit their entire worldview. So the miserable failure that is Anthony Fauci will continue to be lauded as a hero by the left.
It’s becoming increasingly clear that COVID-19 was not created by nature as we’ve been told for over a year. The evidence that it was created in a Chinese bio-lab and then escaped (or intentionally released) into the public is becoming overwhelming. China flat out lied about it from the beginning. And sniveling crap-weasel Anthony Fauci almost certainly was aware of this from the get-go.
Frankly, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the whole wet market story was a bunch of BS. The fact a new and extra-deadly coronavirus just happened to naturally “evolve” a stone’s throw away from one of the only laboratories in the world artificially creating new deadlier coronavirus variants was one hell of a coincidence, to put it mildly. And people within the US government already knew that the 1st victims of COVID-19 weren’t wet market bat-eaters, but family members of the Wuhan bio-lab staff. Of course, the fact that Fauci and his merry band of idiots was funding this ridiculously dangerous research in a country notorious for half-assed safety measures ensured they weren’t going to be very eager to make the obvious connection.
Yet plenty of people did make the connection. Senator Tom Cotton was one of the 1st, and he was attacked mercilessly by the leftstream media while being denounced as a dangerous kook. Rand Paul, Tucker Carlson, and others connected the dots, too. It wasn’t all that hard.
President Donald Trump also strongly hinted it might have come from the Wuhan lab, and of course the media immediately pounced on him for spreading “debunked” conspiracy theories. (Hint: remember this the next time the garbage media describe something as “debunked.”) But was it really debunked? Did the media even bother to look into it? The answer is a resounding no. They took Fauci’s denial the virus could be man-made (sprinkled with enough caveat weasel-words to leave himself an out later on) as gospel. No further digging required.
And now the media is left looking really incompetent. They are kinda/sorta implying the reason they didn’t believe the plain facts in front of their face was because it was Donald Trump espousing them, and Trump (they say) lies about everything. But is that really the reason the media once again failed us so badly? I don’t think so.
Our garbage media loves narratives. In fact, they love narratives almost as much as they hate Donald Trump. And they knew the narrative they wanted to spin from the very beginning of the pandemic. Even as early as last February, the talking-head douche bags on the cable channels were giddily predicting the COVID pandemic would be “Trump’s Katrina.” And they were hell bent on making that narrative stick. However, there is only room for one villain in any narrative. And the US media had already decided it had to be Trump. The last thing they wanted was the public to find out China created a deadly super-virus in a lab, unleashed it on the world, and didn’t tell anyone about it. They knew they couldn’t tell that story and still paint Trump as the bad guy. And getting Trump out of office was the most important thing in the world to them. Even more important than telling the public the truth about a virus that has wreaked so much havoc on our country and caused so much death, suffering, and misery. So they buried the story and called Trump a racist for even pointing out that the virus came from China.
At this point I can’t even verbalize my level of contempt for the US media. This is one of the biggest catastrophes of our lifetimes. Understanding the root cause is one of the most important factors in preventing it from happening again. The government is involved up to it’s eyeballs…. they have a huge incentive to lie and obfuscate. This is a time when we desperately need independent journalists to put in the work, do the investigating, and ask the hard questions. But we don’t have an independent media in this country anymore. We don’t have anyone speaking truth to power. All we have is the propaganda arm of one of the major political parties. Half the so-called “journalists” today are former fucking political operatives. Journalism is good and truly dead in this country. Actual journalists don’t even exist anymore. All we have are partisan political hacks spinning “narratives.” They can all rot.
Still think it was worth it, asshole??? The left wants to give arrogant technocrats like Fauci even more control over your life.
Joe Biden raised some eyebrows during a speech recently when he felt the need to comment on a girl’s legs in the crowd. Obviously, Creepy Uncle Joe had been checking her out. The girl was 12 years old, BTW. It’s all part of the “return to decency” the media promised us. Of course, this should come as no surprise. Biden has a long history of inappropriate comments, touching, grabbing, and (ewww) sniffing women in public. But he doesn’t tweet mean things about the media.