Critical Race Theory

The SJW War on “Whiteness”

The Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture posted a chart describing characteristics of “Whiteness.” The chart has since been removed, but the site is still dripping with Critical Race Theory nonsense. If you thought that a museum would be focused on preserving history and not pushing Marxist social theories, you would be sadly mistaken.

They key thing to understand about this chart is that it isn’t some fringe theory or obscure reference. This is boilerplate Critical Race Theory, which the far left has fully embraced and the Democratic Party is currently adopting. This is a definition of “whiteness” any SJW could easily recognize and agree to. And according to Critical Race Theory, “whiteness” is the embodiment of systemic racism that allegedly perpetuates white supremacy. When the left talks about dismantling “systemic racism”, these are the kinds of traditions and values they are really talking about stamping out. Even if the suburban high-school kids protesting in their BLM shirts don’t realize it.

Trump Jr. perfectly summed up the reaction I think most people had to the chart:

Of course he is 100% right. These are the principles and values that have drawn immigrants of all races here for generations to make better lives for themselves. Living these values is the key to achieving the American Dream, and avoiding poverty and despair. Encouraging people to reject them just seems cruel.

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Anti-Racist Racism

American progressives are completely losing their minds. After the George Floyd killing, liberals have fully bought in to the fiction that America is a deeply racist county where young black men are regularly hunted and killed by the police. The asinine Critical Race Theory that so many students have wasted tuition money studying is starting to have real world consequences. If you don’t know what Critical Race Theory is all about, this website explains it better than I ever could. In a nutshell, it’s Marxist claptrap applied to race.

After their Russia Collusion Hoax imploded, the New York Times decided to go all in on the racism narrative. So it comes as no surprise they are gleefully pushing this new “woke” view of race relations. Their 1619 Project is an attempt to rewrite American history through the lens of Critical Race Theory. The Times recently highlighted a Minneapolis neighborhood, Powderhorn Park, that has vowed to stop using the police as an example of how all decent people should now be thinking. The article explores how residents are struggling with their “wokeness” now that a pack of homeless people have established a tent camp in their collective backyard. Almost every sentence is a howler.

But times have changed. After the death of George Floyd at the hands of the police, Ms. Albers, who is white, and many of her progressive neighbors have vowed to avoid calling law enforcement into their community. Doing so, they believed, would add to the pain that black residents of Minneapolis were feeling and could put them in danger.

The first thing you notice while reading the article is how obsessively fixated on race the author is. Nobody’s opinion or perspective matters without the context of race to color it. The author makes sure the race of every person cited or discussed is clearly made known so you know how to feel about them. Critical Race Theory and the left have taken the dream of Dr. King and one of the fundamental American values and turned it on it’s head. According to the SJWs, now it is racist not to factor skin tone into how we see each other.

The multiracial group of roughly 300 new residents seems to grow larger and more entrenched every day. They do laundry, listen to music and strategize about how to find permanent housing.

So, basically, the homeless mob is trashing a neighborhood they don’t give two craps about while being loud and obnoxious. The story fails to mention the sanitation and hygiene situation. That part is left up to the imagination. Oh, and they also “strategize.”

Their presence has drawn heavy car traffic into the neighborhood, some from drug dealers. At least two residents have overdosed in the encampment and had to be taken away in ambulances.

Of course.

The video of Mr. Floyd’s death and the outcry over racial injustice that came after has awakened many white Americans to a reality that people of color have known their whole lives: The scores of police killings they have seen in the news in recent years were not one-off incidents, but part of a systemic problem of the dehumanization of black people by the police.

This is the big lie foisted to justify this nonsense. Numerous studies have failed to identify a racial bias in police shootings. But BLM is willing to burn down buildings, so apparently that means they must automatically be taken seriously. So instead of calling the cops, the Powderhorn Park residents think of ways to one-up their neighbors in coddling the squatters. Being woke isn’t always easy though…

“I’m not being judgmental,” said Carrie Nightshade, 44, who explained that she no longer felt comfortable letting her children, 12 and 9, play in the park by themselves. “It’s not personal. It’s just not safe.”

You can almost feel the anguish.

Angelina Roslik burst into tears, explaining that she had spent the past four years fleeing unstable housing conditions and was struggling more than she cared to admit with the chaos the camp had brought into the neighborhood. Linnea Borden said she had stopped walking her dog through the park because she was tired of being catcalled.

Sounds like someone’s White Fragility is showing!

The women agreed to let any property damage, including to their own homes, go ignored and to request a block party permit from the city to limit car traffic. Rather than turn to law enforcement if they saw anyone in physical danger, they resolved to call the American Indian Movement 

So your home and property get trashed. And maybe your neighborhood is no longer safe. It’s a small price to pay for the smug satisfaction that “wokeness” provides, right?

The impulse many white Powderhorn Park residents have to seek help from community groups rather than from the police is being felt in neighborhoods across the country. 

Is it really? Are neighborhoods all across the country seriously considering replacing their police with community groups? Seems like the NYT is desperate to make this a thing, and not just a handful of hard left loons making a ridiculous gesture to prove how “woke” they are.

Ms. Miller came to see her decision to buy a home in the neighborhood as potentially preventing a person of color from doing so. And while Ms. Albers used to feel only pride about the work she put in to revitalizing the community, now, she sees her work as gentrification that may have pushed out nonwhite residents.

Seems that these white women are feeling guilty about their very existence. Because the act of merely taking up space on the planet might be causing inconvenience to some hypothetical person of color. And apparently thinking that fixing a neighborhood up and eliminating crime would tend to drive out nonwhite people is not at all racist when you are Woke.

She worries that a lot of what has been written about the camp on community message boards has been influenced by racial profiling. To the extent that illegal activity is going on in the park, Ms. Miller does not blame the tent residents. “My feeling around it is those are symptoms of systemic oppression,” she said. “And that’s not on them.”

That is some professional grade virtue signaling. Her neighborhood is being destroyed by criminals, and her only worry is they might be getting a bad rap on social media. Woke! Surely nobody could top that?

Mitchell Erickson’s fingers began dialing 911 last week before he had a chance to even consider alternatives, when two black teenagers who looked to be 15, at most, cornered him outside his home a block away from the park. One of the boys pointed a gun at Mr. Erickson’s chest, demanding his car keys…

“I regret calling the police. It was my instinct but I wish it hadn’t been. I put those boys in danger of death by calling the cops.”

This guy takes virtue signaling to Twilight Zone levels. After being car-jacked at gun point, his main regret is calling the police because a carjacker might have gotten hurt. Dude deserves SJW Sainthood. Too bad Critical Race Theory still condemns him as hopelessly racist.

Postscript on the Inevitable Consequences

Well, that didn’t take long. A child was sexually assaulted in the homeless encampment on Thursday. But it seems the Powderhorn Park gang is sticking by their lunacy for the time being. The child was taken to the hospital, but nobody ever called the police. Apparently, sacrificing your children to predators is a small price to pay for not being branded as racist to this crowd.

Honestly, this is sick.

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