Cancel Culture

Corporations are More Gutless Than WOKE!

Tucker Carlson is about the only cable news program I will watch anymore. The rest are just predictable corporate garbage or shameless political hacks. Tucker covers stories that are important to Americans that most other media won’t touch. He shows the appropriate amount of respect for DC politicians and media (i.e. zero.) And he delivers with a biting sarcastic tone. Tucker also usually provides inciteful commentary to go along with his schtick. Last night, he highlighted a ridiculous video that Microsoft prepared for it’s own employees. Each participant in the video bizarrely describes their own physical appearance before they begin speaking. Allegedly, to accommodate blind people. Why a blind person would need to know the physical appearance of a stranger feeding them corporate pabulum is left unclear. Perhaps so they know which intersectional group to assign the speaker to. Anyways, Tucker (rightly) makes fun of the clownish video. And then chalks it up to corporations competing to see who can be the most WOKE!

I think Tucker missed the mark a little on his analysis this time. Most corporations are still primarily focused on keeping their revenue stream going and turning a profit. Just like always. One of the things that can disrupt that flow of cash is to run afoul of the WOKE! mob. Doing so can result in bad press and boycotts, both of which are bad for business. And the WOKE! mob is nothing if not unpredictable, loud, and relentless. The slightest transgression can set them off. And once their focus is on you, they won’t let up until the next unfortunate target stumbles in and replaces you in their crosshairs.

So how do corporations try to insulate themselves? By creating a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Department, of course. These WOKE! departments are generally headed by a younger person who got a useless degree in gender/queer/whatever studies. This person will generally know nothing about the actual business they are part of. Their small department will generally operate on a tiny budget and have zero impact on how the business actually runs. They don’t have the knowledge or skills to contribute anything worthwhile. But they still need to feel like they contribute something in order to justify their phony-baloney jobs. And that is why you get things like the ridiculous, and pointless, Microsoft video above. (BTW, Tucker interviewed a guest on his show after showing the video. The way he described his own physical appearance before speaking was pretty hilarious. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any video of it.)

My own perception is that while a few corporations actually do enthusiastically embrace WOKE! politics, most just fake it. Their only goal is to keep the WOKE! mob of scolds off of their back. Appeasing the mob is easier and less costly than standing up to it. If you are going to point the finger at anyone for the proliferation of stupid WOKENESS!, blame the online activist mobs and the Universities that keep churning out graduates with garbage degrees and zero practical skills. The corporations are more gutless than WOKE!

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Football Coach Cancelled for Trying to Shield His Daughter from Critical Race Theory Indoctrination

America Begins a Great Leap Forward

A Massachusetts football coach has been fired from his job for objecting to Critical Race Theory being taught to his 12-year old daughter. The coach, Dave Flynn, was apparently concerned that his pre-teen was being force fed BLM and Critical Race Theory propaganda in class instead of learning 7th grade world history. When the coach complained, he found out the school principal and superintendent were just as WOKE! as his daughter’s history teacher. Seeing what he was up against, Coach Flynn begrudgingly decided to withdraw his daughter from the public education system and send her to a Catholic school instead.

But that isn’t the end of the story. Such heresy could not go unpunished by the WOKE! left. Coach Flynn refused to bow down at the altar of Anti-Racism and disrespected the social justice warriors in their righteous efforts. His insolence clearly could not be allowed to stand, so the school fired him from his coaching job. Not for anything whatsoever related to his job performance, but because he “expressed significant philosophical differences with the direction, goals, and values of the school district.” In short, he was fired for having conservative beliefs. He lost his very livelihood for being insufficiently WOKE!

The left has now cemented their cultural monopoly in the ruling Democrat Party, the mainstream media, the big tech companies, the social media platforms, and the education system at all levels. And they are ready to wield this monopolistic force to crush their enemies. American progressives don’t want unity. The want submission, and they want it now. Cancel Culture is coming for anyone who doesn’t accept the left’s new orthodoxy. Not even the former President of the United States can escape their censorship. The Great Purge has begun in America.

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NYT Celebrates Sadistic Social Justice Warriors

The NYT recently ran an approving story about a white girl who had her admission to a college revoked because she used the N-word in a Snapchat video. Take heed, because this is the Orwellian police state the left wants to impose on all of us.

The girl, Mimi Groves, apparently made a 3-second video where she exclaimed “I can drive, n—as!” after getting her learner’s permit and sent it to a friend over Snapchat.

Ms. Groves said the video began as a private Snapchat message to a friend. “At the time, I didn’t understand the severity of the word, or the history and context behind it because I was so young,” she said in a recent interview, adding that the slur was in “all the songs we listened to, and I’m not using that as an excuse.”

So, she made a video as a high school freshman where she spoke the forbidden N-word. Not to insult a person or a race, but as a shout-out to her friends just like all the cool people in rap culture do. To be clear, this was a culturally insensitive and unwise thing to do. The kind of dumb thing pretty much every 15-year old kid on the planet does. But it is hardly evidence she is a racist person. It must be part of a larger pattern of behavior, right?

“It honestly disgusts me that those words would come out of my mouth,” Mimi Groves said of her video. “How can you convince somebody that has never met you and the only thing they’ve ever seen of you is that three-second clip?”

Nope. That’s it. No other quotes. No accusations from classmates or friends. Nothing. That 3-second slice of her life, never even intended for anyone but her friend, is the entire justification for ruining this poor girl’s life. But how could a trivial 3-second video have such dire consequences? Enter the “hero” of the story.

Jimmy Galligan was in history class last school year when his phone buzzed with a message. Once he clicked on it, he found a three-second video of a white classmate looking into the camera and uttering an anti-Black racial slur.

Most people would delete something like that and not think twice about it. Others might tell the person who sent it to knock it off. Or, if you were really upset by it, confront the person who made the video. But that’s not good enough for the “Woke!” They demand justice: swift and brutal. Alert the authorities!!!

He had brought the issue up to teachers and administrators but, much to his anger and frustration, his complaints had gone nowhere.

The article doesn’t say what sort of redress Mr. Galligan was seeking, but a couple days in the pillory seems like a bare minimum. Luckily, our hero doesn’t give up so easily. Heads needed to roll.

“I wanted to get her where she would understand the severity of that word,” Mr. Galligan, 18, whose mother is Black and father is white, said of the classmate who uttered the slur, Mimi Groves. He tucked the video away, deciding to post it publicly when the time was right.

So, instead of dropping the matter, Mr. Galligan decided to hold on to the video to release at a later date when it could do the most personal damage to Ms. Groves. A sane person might find this to be sadistic, creepy, and stalker-like. To the “Woke!” left, this is what justice looks like. To conceal how completely arbitrary Mr. Galligan’s vindictiveness really is, the NYT author goes on for several paragraphs about how backwards and racist the schools in Leesburg, Virginia are. So while Mimi Groves might not have done a damn thing to Jimmy Galligan, he has a legitimate beef with all of society and was completely justified in exacting his small amount of revenge on her. Or so the Times would have you believe.

Mr. Galligan, who had waited until Ms. Groves had chosen a college, had publicly posted the video that afternoon…

By that June evening, about a week after Mr. Floyd’s killing, teenagers across the country had begun leveraging social media to call out their peers for racist behavior.

And so an online mob, already whipped into a frenzy over the George Floyd incident, came after a teenage girl they knew literally nothing about.

“We just needed it to stop, so we withdrew her,” said Mrs. Groves, adding that the entire experience had “vaporized” 12 years of her daughter’s hard work. “They rushed to judgment and unfortunately it’s going to affect her for the rest of her life.”

That’s a steep price to make someone pay for 3 seconds of indiscretion. Was it really worth it?

For his role, Mr. Galligan said he had no regrets. “If I never posted that video, nothing would have ever happened,” he said…

“I’m going to remind myself, you started something,” he said with satisfaction. “You taught someone a lesson.”

Maybe Mr. Galligan is right? Maybe this was the only way to get Mimi Groves to see the error in her ways? Yeah, not so much.

One of Ms. Groves’s friends, who is Black, said Ms. Groves had personally apologized for the video long before it went viral. Once it did in June, the friend defended Ms. Groves online, prompting criticism from strangers and fellow students. “We’re supposed to educate people,” she wrote in a Snapchat post, “not ruin their lives all because you want to feel a sense of empowerment.”

BTW, “you taught someone a lesson” is how the Times ends their story. It sure seems like Mimi had already learned the “lesson” that Mr. Galligan claims he was trying to teach her. Could it be his real motivation was social justice brownie points, and maybe a sadistic desire to wield power over someone and inflict pain?

Awww… poor little white girl. She still has her privilege. She’ll be fine.

anonymous Twitter commenter on this story, demonstrating that famous leftwing compassion

Never once does the Times’ article question whether Ms. Groves deserved the pain, humiliation, and hardship heaped onto her. It is fascinating how differently the “Woke!” left and conservatives/classical liberals see this story. In the classic liberal view, this story exposes a horrible injustice where a random person arbitrarily had their life ruined to satisfy an online mob and create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. Woke leftists see this as an overdue reckoning for a white person who has unjustly enjoyed a life of privilege at the expense of people of color and a message to society that change must occur.

I personally find the “Woke!” view disgusting and antithetical to everything this country is supposed to stand for. If we are ever to achieve the classical liberal dream of a colorblind society, we need to end the toxic identity politics of the left.

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Cancel Culture is Out of Control

This story out of Walled Lake Western high school is literally unbelievable. A popular AP history teacher and baseball coach has allegedly been terminated for an offensive post on Twitter. Here is the offending post.

I though this had to be a joke. Surely nobody gets fired for stating an incontrovertible fact and expressing tepid support for the sitting US President, right? How could such an innocuous statement be grounds for firing? Well, the response to this Tweet in the comments was nothing short of astounding. Mr. Kucera was accused of: intentionally instilling fear in black and immigrant students; supporting racism, sexism, and homophobia; enabling sexual predators; and failing to see the similarities between the United States and 1930’s Germany, among many other lurid things. The hatred directed at any person willing to publicly support Donald Trump was palpable. I was going to highlight some of the more unhinged examples, but I’m not sure which are high school students and which are adults.

Cancel culture has to be the absolute worst development of the social media age. Online mobs have found they can ruin the lives of random strangers for the most trivial slights. And they can do it without even having to get off the couch. Some do it to intimidate their political rivals into silence. Some do it to virtue signal. And some seem to do it just for kicks. A group of liberals, most likely sensing the beast they helped create was out of control and ready to turn on them, recently signed an open letter denouncing cancel culture. Alas, that Genie is already out of the bottle. I hope this insanity comes to an end, but I see no reason to be optimistic it will stop any time soon.

Post Script

Somebody in the comments posted a screen shot of a second tweet that was allegedly deleted. It’s at least mildly offensive, I guess. But if this is the bar we are setting for firing offenses, there aren’t going to be very many teachers left. (Note: it looks pretty legit, but screen shots are ridiculously easy to fake.)

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