Unlike US President, German Politician Understands Freedom

The United States has stood for freedom for my entire lifetime. At least it did until recently. In a recent townhall, US President and dementia-riddled sleazebag Joe Biden openly mocked the idea that American citizens had the freedom to decide what gets injected into their bodies.


Compare and contrast with what this German politician said in the EU parliament.

We are truly through the looking glass in American right now. Governmental abuses, that were unthinkable just 24 months ago, are now occurring at an alarming pace. And with a sizable chunk of the country cheering them on. Listen to Democrats in the clip below hooting and hollering over firing police and first responders.

I say Democrats, because this was obviously a crowd of rabid partisans hand picked to be friendly to Biden. Whether or not they think the policy is appropriate, the population at large is not gleefully cheering for the firing of police and first responders (I hope.) Biden made a lot of big promises on defeating the virus in his campaign. Promises that were always more fantasy and bluster than realistic goals. Now he needs a scapegoat to blame for his promises failing to materialize. And Democrats, at least, are totally cool with the Administration villainizing the unvaccinated and exacting vengeance on them. Even if they were being lauded as heroes just a few short months ago. And even if it means trampling over their Constitutional rights.