Trump to Purge Critical Race Theory from Government

This is fantastic news! Donald Trump has ordered all Federal Agencies to stop any training programs which promote Critical Race Theory. I’ve long argued Critical Race Theory was pseudo-scientific garbage meant to sow racial division dressed up in the legitimacy of academic rigor. It is toxic nonsense the left uses to divide our population and undermine our Constitutional republic. The core idea of Critical Race Theory is that everything about America as founded, from our Constitution, to our culture, to our values, to our justice system is rooted in anti-Black racism and perpetuates white supremacy. To the Critical Race Theorists, America is inherently evil and totally irredeemable. The only remedy is to completely tear it down and start over from scratch. Only then can a just and egalitarian (i.e. socialist) society exist.

Because racism permeates everything in American life (according to the theory), to support America is to support racism and white supremacy. In short, support for America and it’s values is amoral. And neutrality is not an option. To the left, failure to actively resist a country as evil as America is support for the status quo. To them, there is no such thing as a non-racist person. You must be actively anti-racist (i.e. anti-America as founded), otherwise you are just as bad as openly racist skinheads and neo-Nazis. According to the theory, to claim you are non-racist is to deny the central truth of the theory, and is evidence of a desire to continue benefiting from white privilege and systemic racism at the expense of POC. Silence is Violence!!! Seriously, this is what they believe.

Somehow, claiming to accept this drivel has become quite fashionable over the last few months. The most obvious examples are the Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements. Both have taken the tenets of Critical Race Theory to heart. And both has become increasingly militant and confrontational. Sadly, Critical Race Theory is also being pushed in schools and WOKE corporations across the country.

The counter-productive BLM movement is particularly depressing. The left has managed to convince yet another generation of Black people (or at least a good chunk of them) that the American dream is not for them. That they live in a country that hates them and exists to oppress them. That there is no hope for them outside of revolution. The anger this message breeds is palpable. But it is unfocused anger… just anger at the world. The demands of the group are necessarily vague and contradictory. If some nebulous “system” is keeping you down, you are left lashing out at everything and anything. And the message becomes self-fulfilling prophecy. And then there is the damage done to predominantly Black communities. The Detroit riots happened 53 years ago in 1967. The city still hasn’t fully recovered. How long will it take Minneapolis to heal? How many businesses will close for good, taking the jobs, goods, and services they provide with them?

Critical Race Theory is a cancer eating away at this country. The fact Trump is trying to remove it’s stain from our government is a very good thing. I suspect he will face fierce resistance from the Deep State. And if paste-eating Joe Biden wins in November, the radicals pulling his strings will undoubtedly reverse course and go all in on the left’s favorite anti-American ideology.