This guy makes a compelling case that the leftstream media totally botched their latest “Suckers and Losers” scandal. He thinks his facts prove Jeffery Goldberg is the sucker now, and he will undoubtedly feel embarrassment and shame. Dude, you don’t understand the media at all. “Suckers and Losers” was a huge success. Not because it was true, but because it worked. Hardcore leftists will believe pretty much anything the media tells them about Trump. But they don’t matter here. Hardcore Trump supporters can easily see through the bullshit story and call it out. But they don’t matter here, either. It’s election season. The election will likely be decided by apolitical low-information voters… just like always. And those LIVs were the intended target of the “Suckers and Losers” smear. And many of them saw the headlines plastered across all the leftstream media outlets for days on end. And exactly none of them will see your careful debunking on an obscure blog, or care enough to dig for the facts themselves. “TV said Orange Man Bad” is all they will remember on election day. And that’s all most of these media hacks care about anymore. They could care less you debunked their story. They don’t care about integrity or their credibility. They traded those in long ago to become activists in the #Resistance.