NYC Liberals: Pansy Hypocrites

NYC liked to boast about being a sanctuary city. They loved to virtue-signal about how kind and compassionate they are. How they would welcome immigrants with open arms. Not like those heartless and cruel border state conservatives. New Yorkers smugly proclaimed their moral superiority. Until the illegals actually started showing up….. Now New Yorkers can’t get rid of them fast enough. Virtue signaling and advocating for someone else to let their city get overrun is one thing. Actually living with the consequences of their self-righteous blather??? No way, buddy.

Say what you will about San Francisco. Those crazy fuckers don’t just talk-the-talk. They walk-the-walk when it comes to insane leftism. Beautiful neighborhoods overrun by homeless tent camps? Awesome! Junkies OD’ing on the sidewalks? Terrific!! Shoplifters brazenly stealing in broad daylight? Social Justice!!! Streets literally flowing with human shit?? What wonderful diversity!!!!

San Francisco, once one of the most beautiful cities in America if not the world, is now an un-livable shithole. But that little inconvenient fact won’t make the progressive lunatics running it into the ground give up on their principles. Unlike those pussies in New York.