Is the Cult of Fauci Finally Collapsing?

The MSM is still treating this incompetent and evil little crap weasel like a cross between Nostradamus and Mick Jagger. But the truth about Anthony Fauci is becoming so blatantly obvious even some center-left outlets are starting to take notice.

Just in case there is any lingering doubt about the priorities of Fauci and his henchmen, here is a quote from one of the e-mails:

…an accusation that nCov-2019 might have been engineered and released into the environment by humans (accidental or intentional) would need to be supported by strong data, beyond a reasonable doubt. It is good that this possibility was discussed in detail with a team of experts. However, further debate about such accusations would unnecessarily distract top researchers from their active duties and do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular.

From the get go, Fauci has tried to silence any questions about how the covid pandemic started. It has been clear that Fauci was much more concerned about protecting the dangerous research he was funding from oversight and ensuring it continued uninhibited than in exposing the truth about the origins of covid. This hubris on the part of Fauci goes back for many years. The video below shows (a much younger) Fauci testifying to Congress and dismissing concerns that gain-of-function research could lead to a catastrophic pandemic and arrogantly stating that the knowledge gained was totally worth any miniscule risk involved.

More recently, Fauci took some shit for declaring any criticism of him was a criticism of science itself. But it is clear he really does believe that. The arrogance of that creepy little troll drips with every condescending word that comes out of his mouth. Fox News host Lara Logan was suspended last week after comparing Fauci to Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. Mengele is one of history’s greatest monsters. He committed unspeakable crimes against humanity while performing demented experiments on concentration camp prisoners. But I’m not so sure the comparison is totally unfair. Over the top, sure. But unfair? Fauci certainly hasn’t reached Mengele levels of sheer evil. But he clearly places his pursuit of “science” above concerns for other humans. And it is obvious, that in his hubris, he believes he is above scrutiny. That his knowledge and judgement are sacrosanct. Plus the experiments he has overseen on dogs and monkeys are grotesque.

From his position in the federal government, Dr. Fauci has been vigorously pushing gain of function research for years. To him, advancing the “science” was more important than safety. How else to explain outsourcing incredibly dangerous experimentation to China, a country renowned for cutting corners and taking a half-assed approach to safety? Would there even have been a covid pandemic if not for Anthony Fauci? I think it is a fair question.