Recently, Bill Maher and Bari Weiss did a segment where they declared they were “over” covid. By “over” covid, what they meant was returning to a more normal life and learning to live with the virus. This heresy totally freaked out some of the true believers in the Cult of Fauci, most notably Whoopi Goldberg and Don Lemon.
A couple of things about the Goldberg and Lemon rants stuck out to me. First, they both blamed the unvaccinated for the continuation of the pandemic. The government has stubbornly clung to the narrative that the vaccines would end the pandemic. A year ago that seemed plausible. Now it is clearly nonsense. While the evidence is strong the vaccines do reduce the severity of illness, particularly for people in vulnerable groups, they clearly are all but useless at stopping infection and transmission. Israel, probably the most vaccinated country on the planet, just set a new record for infections in a single day. But to the cult of Fauci, the vaccines are still the magic bullet that will fix everything.
Whoopi and Lemon even used the same language, talking about “those of us who followed the rules and did the right thing” being punished for the sins of others. Well, yeah, you followed the rules. You blindly obeyed every diktat issued by the government bureaucrats. And where did that get you? Was unquestioningly doing exactly what you were told really the right thing? Was shutting down the schools the right thing? Spraying your mail with disinfectant? Standing 6 feet apart? Putting any old piece of cloth over your face? Decimating small businesses? Isolating our children?
Another thing they both focused on was the children. Whoopi was concerned about 5 year-olds not being eligible for the jab. One of the few bright spots during this whole cluster fuck has been the fact that school age children are all but impervious to covid. They don’t get seriously ill and die unless they already have serious underlying health issues. But the cultists are continuously acting like that isn’t the case. In the US, covid fatalities for children are in the hundreds. Total. Since the start of the pandemic. A British study concluded that regular old influenza was twice as deadly as covid to children. The car ride to the pharmacy to get the poke is much more dangerous to a child than the virus itself. The only rationale for vaccinating young people is to protect old people. But even that doesn’t make sense, because the vaccinated can still catch and pass on the virus. Yet we are still immersed 24/7 in TV commercials hounding us to get our children vaccinated.
And of course they both wallowed in their own self-righteous empathy. Bearing the covid death toll like a cross. How dare you question the wisdom of an inept and corrupt government bureaucracy when people have died? How dare you contemplate learning to live with a virus that clearly isn’t going away… ever? The only decent and moral thing to do is hide in your basement and continue taking jabs until a life-long government toady with ties to big pharma says it is ok to do otherwise.
The cultists have been following the rules for years. Fauci, the Oracle of Covid, told them to completely put their lives on hold and cower in fear. And if they obeyed, they would be rewarded with deliverance. I think it is beginning to dawn on them that their deliverance will never come. And they are pissed. Understandably so after sacrificing so much. The government wants them to blame the unvaccinated. Despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary, so far it seems to be working.