Constitution — Pfffft!

I haven’t posted much lately. The country is going to hell. Everything is stupid. Everything is corrupt. I get tired of writing the same thing over and over again. Tired of the same bullshit, over and over. It’s exhausting. And pointless at this stage.

Still, every now and then an example of how far down the shit hole this country has fallen still surprises me. I give you a Biden nominee for a federal judge:

Yep. This Democrat, who want to sit on a Federal bench and decide your fate under the law, has no idea what is in the Constitution. But don’t worry…. she can look it up if she needs to.

These aren’t esoteric “gotcha” questions. What is the purpose of Article 5? Article 2? And this moron smiles, proudly admits she has no idea, and reels off a bunch of talking points with a stupid grin on her face. She should have been laughed out of the room. But she will undoubtedly be appointed. I’m sure she checks off plenty of diversity and equity boxes. Could probably drone on for hours about white privilege and implicit bias.

The truth is she is more than qualified to be a Democrat judge. She is an empty shell. A placeholder. An automatic vote for the liberal/leftist position, whatever it happens to be at the moment. What the Constitution actually says doesn’t matter to them. God help us all.