
US Mainstream Media Hits Another New Low

The mainstream media are now a full fledged propaganda arm for the Democrat Party. Their latest tactic is to throw some bomb during an interview, and not give the person being interviewed any chance to respond. It’s like the media have decided, all in unison of course, that Republicans and anyone else not totally up the Democrat Party’s ass needs to be “fact checked.” Live on air in real time.. The pattern is, they ask a question, wait for an answer (or possibly interrupt the answer), throw out some “well, actually, so-and-so (allegedly) reputable and definitive source says this”, and not give the interviewee any chance to respond. If the interviewee does try to respond, the host will cut them off with some variation of “we need to keep moving” or “time for another topic” excuse. It’s really blatant if you are looking for it. The nasty talking head who hosted the Trump town hall a while back tried it at least a dozen times on the Bad Orange Man. Trump was having none of it though, and she was widely panned by her liberal media cohorts for failing to upstage and discredit The Donald.

I thought it might have been a tactic reserved for Trump. But no, they are using it against all Republicans. Or at least the ones they find icky. Here’s an example I stumbled over by accident involving Ron DeSantis. DeSantis points out that crime in Florida is at a 50-year low, and violent crime is down 30% since he became Governor. Bubble-headed bitch replied with some CDC statistic showing “firearm mortality” is up in the Sunshine State. And of course she started with the bitchy and condescending “Actually, Governor…” Thing is, her statistic didn’t contradict DeSantis one iota. It didn’t dispute that violent crime in Florida is down under DeSantis, which is what he claimed.. Her statistic didn’t relate to violent crime at all. It didn’t say anything about the murder rate. It didn’t address crime in any way. Her “gotcha” statistic was about “firearm mortality.” Assuming the “fact” she quoted was accurate and not intentionally misleading (a dubious assumption for a clearly partisan media), it doesn’t refute the point DeSantis was making in the least. Anyone can easily find out that 2/3 of “firearm mortalities” are from suicides. So her big “gotcha” didn’t show murderers are running wild in Florida. It showed that lots of people are blowing their fucking heads off the last couple years. Hmmm. Why could that be? Could it be the authoritarian left and their brutal lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and forced masking isolated people and left them in despair? Who can say.

I can guaran-fucking-tee you they would never try to pull this shit on a Democrat. Unless they were bucking the Party.

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The Sustainable Future of the Left

In case you have been living under a rock for the last several years, know that the global progressive left has big plans for you. The progressives have decided that freedom and democracy are problematic. They tend to “create inequality.” And lead to outcomes that are not “sustainable.” In the name of equity, sustainability, and social justice nation-states and self-government can no longer be allowed. They are to be replaced by a global cabal of “elites” and “experts” who will plan a more conscientious and just society. Many of the features of this brave new world are starting to come into focus:

  • You will own nothing (and be happy!)
  • You will reside in a space-efficient high-density urban pod
  • Private home ownership and suburban sprawl will be eliminated
  • You will not be allowed to own large swaths of land
  • You will work a job that serves a government-defined goal with a high ESG score
  • You will not be allowed to own or operate a gasoline-powered vehicle
  • You will not travel much, other than short trips via public transportation
  • You will not be allowed to use more than your share of energy
  • Extravagances like air conditioning will be made prohibitively expensive
  • You will not be allowed to own firearms
  • You will not have the means to defend yourself. The government will have control of your personal security.
  • You will be able to speak your mind, unless the government determines your speech is “hateful”
  • You will have body autonomy, except when the government determines it could be bad for society
  • Overbreeding will be strongly discouraged. Abortion will be celebrated.
  • Beef is unsustainable and will no longer be allowed to be used as food
  • You will overcome your (racist) aversion to eating insects
  • Your participation and contributions to this great new system will be graded via a social credit score
  • Your ability to obtain goods and services will depend on your social credit score

If any of this sounds unfamiliar to you or tin-foil-hat crazy, I urge you to pay closer attention. It’s not a secret conspiracy. They are saying it out loud and often. I was going to provide links for each bullet point, but the evidence is so ubiquitous and easy to find I didn’t bother wasting my time. Google is your friend (actually, they want to help enslave you, but whatevs.) Also, I didn’t include things like defunding the police and racial grievance politics. Those aren’t goals of the Great Reset. They are merely an ends to a means. They need to completely break down and discredit the current system before they can implement their progressive utopian society. Once the progressive seize full control, order will be strictly enforced.

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The Progressive Redefinition of Racism

Progressives have long been keen to redefine words to suit their agenda. The words “liberal” and “tolerant” actually used to represent good things until the left coopted their meaning to mean leftwing and supportive of the left’s agenda, respectively. The United States has made tremendous progress in race relations over the last several decades. So much so, that one of the worst things you can be labeled nowadays is a racist. Here is the Webster’s definition of racism:

Racism: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary

That seems like a pretty decent and straight forward definition. In addition to the superiority of a particular race, I would add that it could include the belief in the inherent inferiority of one particular race. And herein lies the problem for the modern progressives. By this simple definition, their belief in Critical Race Theory and the evil of Whiteness makes them sound like virulent racists. Sure, they might complain that Whiteness is a state of mind and not a race. But the fact they choose to identify the “bad” people by skin color kind of gives away the game.

Progressives absolutely crave a feeling of moral superiority. It is essential to their psyche. The thought they might not be the most kind, virtuous, intellectual, and tolerant people on the planet is unbearable to them. So this definition of racism that would tend to associate them with a negative trait just can’t stand. So the progressives want a new definition of racism.

Racism: The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.

-Anti-Defamation League

That is the ADL definition. There are other variations, but they all boil down to the idea that white people, because of their position of privilege, are the only one’s who can actually be racists. Get it? It’s not just the hate and bigotry, which the left has in spades. Racism now also requires “systems of power” that are only available to whites. So progressives can continue to spew vile prejudice as much as they like, and never have to worry about being accused of racism. Problem solved!!!

This new definition does lead to some awkward conclusions, though. Jews, for instance, are essentially white as far as the progressives are concerned. So by this new definition, anti-Semitism can never be fueled by racism. Here is Whoopi on the subject:


So…… the Nazis literally tried to exterminate an entire society of people they believed were from an inferior race. But according to Whoopi Goldberg, the Holocaust “isn’t about race.” Why not? “It just isn’t” she helpfully clarified. Welcome to the Newspeak of the modern left.

Example of Anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda: Imagine the mental gymnastics required to deny that the Holocaust was about race…

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It’s Time for a National Divorce

Irreconcilable differences has long been a valid reason for a married couple to divorce. I think it’s time for a National divorce. The Right and Left in this country have nothing left which hold us together. No principles in common. No values shared. We used to butt heads over how best to get where we wanted to go, but generally agreed on the destination. Things like equal justice before the law, judging people on character rather than skin color, a reverence for the Bill or Rights, the nuclear family as a primary building block, and pride in our country used to hold us together. Now we can’t even agree on the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.

So we literally have nothing in common any more. Our goals and aspirations are diametrically opposed. And their seems to be no way to reconcile our differences. Keeping us together is just making us both miserable. A National divorce would be an awkward and difficult thing. I honestly have no idea what it might look like. But we need to start thinking seriously about having one, while there is still a chance our break can be amicable.

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The Left Won’t Let Fauci Take a Fall

A lot of people are starting to pull out the knives for Anthony Fauci. As well they should. Hindsight is just starting to expose what a complete disaster this guy was in shaping the pandemic response. Even more troublesome is the role he played in enabling the pandemic to happen in the first place by funding the dangerous “gain of function” experiments in China.

Which makes it kind of strange to see that the big media outlets and mainstream Democrat politicians are still treating this incompetent turd like some kind of rock star. What gives? In short, they have to. Antony Fauci is the epitome of what the leftwing vision of governance looks like. He is a quote-unquote scientist. He is widely acknowledged as a leading expert in his field. And he is a career bureaucrat and perennial fixture in Washington DC who made his fortune as a “public servant.” Anthony Fauci is a technocrat of the highest order and pedigree. He is exactly the kind of guy the left wants to empower to socially re-engineer society and dictate to the masses how they must live. They want guys like Fauci mandating the size of house you are allowed to live in, the kind of car you can drive, and the types of food you can eat. They claim their authoritarian vision for America is absolutely required by “the science” to attain equity and sustainability. And if you just go along and peacefully give up your freedoms, the central planners will engineer a Utopian haven on Earth where we can all live happily ever after. Or so they promise.

Which is why Anthony Fauci must not be allowed to be deemed a failure. Not just to protect one of their fellow bureaucrats or even a political party. The left must defend Fauci because he is emblematic of their core ideology. For the left to turn on him now would require them to completely discredit their entire worldview. So the miserable failure that is Anthony Fauci will continue to be lauded as a hero by the left.

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