
Send In the Hyena

This is what you get when you choose a VP based on identity politics. The US can’t send Dementia Joe to address the Ukraine situation. Letting President Pants Load spontaneously respond to genuine questions would likely lead to World War 3. Even reading answers to pre-screened questions off a teleprompter is a challenge for Joe’s dementia-riddled brain. Unfortunately, VP “Heels Up” Harris is not much better. Watch below as she begins cackling uncontrollably when asked a serious question about an on-going humanitarian crisis. WTF? At least she can be counted on not to say anything at all of consequence. Word salads and meaningless bromides generally don’t lead to wars. Yet, the consequences of stupidly guffawing at completely inappropriate times on the world stage are still unknown.

Kamala as a news anchor

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President Pants Load Poops on Motorists

Joe Biden is a lying sack of shit. Or a moron. Or both. On thing for sure, he is a detestable asshole.

Gas prices have already skyrocketed on his watch. And they are about to shoot into the stratosphere. And the rotting corpse occupying the White House just went on TV and had the absolute gall to say it has nothing to do with the policies of him or his party. Even ignoring the effect his weakness and incompetence had on encouraging Russia to invade Ukraine, that claim is just infuriating. It is so obviously false as to be insulting to our intelligence. Biden is the guy who halted new drilling leases. Biden killed the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office. Oh, but that pipeline wouldn’t be finished for years his apologists will whine. You can’t blame Dementia Joe for what is happening now. It’s a total dodge. It is true that a lot of the pain we are feeling now is due to anti-energy policies that date back to the Obama years. And the direct consequences of Joey Hair Sniffer’s recent stupid decisions might not be felt for years.

None of that changes the fact that Dementia Joe, and the Party he represents, have been waging a war on domestic oil production for years. Democrats want oil prices to skyrocket. To their fevered way of thinking, $7 per gallon gasoline is a good thing. They believe making fossil fuels unaffordable will force people to adopt expensive and unreliable Green energy sources they favor for ideological reasons. Their leaders have the temerity to claim transitioning our energy production to moonbeams and unicorn farts will be good for our economy and standard of living. And their voters are dense enough to believe it. To quote our decrepit ruler, “Let me be perfectly clear.” The Democrats want to punish you at the gas station. And they will do everything they can to drive the price of gas up. They want to force you into a into a much more restricted and meager life style (equity and sustainability, they call it.) They just don’t want to take the blame for it.

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Xi to Biden: How Does My Ass Taste?

If this story is true (and I’m sure it is), it is yet another embarrassing humiliation on the world stage. Did these dumb-fucks really think China was going to help us maintain influence in Eastern Europe? Could they really be that stupid?

I would be surprised if Xi isn’t already planning the invasion of Taiwan now that he is seen what a weak and incompetent moron we have directing our foreign policy. Our global adversaries have to be laughing their asses off right now.

This decrepit, senile, corrupt, crap-pants buffoon is the guy the media swore up and down was a foreign policy expert. The one who could restore our image on the world stage. The guy who would put the adults back in charge. Other world leaders no doubt love him. (Well, except for Ukraine and Afghanistan of course.) Predators love an easy mark. Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran see a weakling they can roll. The Western Europeans see a patsy who will meekly do their bidding. All of them welcome a diminished and subdued United States.

When career bullshit artist and dim-witted blowhard Joe Biden was “elected” President, I was expecting bad things to happen. But hoe-lee-crap. This fucktard is making Jimmy Carter look like a resounding success. Can the country even survive 3 more years of this utter incompetence?

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