
Yet Again, US Media Proves They are Total Garbage

Picture of Election Ballots

Once again, the US media has proved what total garbage they are. They truly are the enemy of the people. It started on election night, with Fox calling Arizona for Biden with over a million ballots still left to be counted. It remains to be seen whether Biden holds on to win the State, but it was clearly grossly irresponsible to call it when they did. But declaring Biden to be the President-Elect on Saturday is a whole new level of recklessness.

It simply is not true. Until enough States certify their elections or Donald Trump concedes, Joe Biden is NOT the President-Elect. They could say he is currently projected to win… that would be true. But to declare the election over is flat out dangerous. The smug talking heads love to chide Donald Trump for playing fast and loose with the facts at times. He is dangerous they always say, unlike us responsible professionals in the media. This hypocrisy just proves how full of shit they are.

The Courts may throw out some of the mail-in ballots. More “glitches” could be found and corrected. Recounts might come out differently. A lot of things could still happen. It’s unlikely the votes will change enough to affect the outcome of the election, but it is certainly still plausible at this point. And what will be the reaction of the American left if it does? Especially after the media has already declared Sleazy Joe to be the winner? It would almost guarantee riots and violence that would make last summer look like child’s play. And I think that is the whole point. The liberal media absolutely detests Donald Trump. It is palpable. I think they are still terrified Trump will somehow prevail and their nightmare will continue. By declaring Biden to be President-Elect, they hope to bring enough pressure on Trump to force him to concede immediately. They are essentially strapping a bomb to the country and stating their demands. And they don’t really care about the consequences if it somehow backfires.

I can guarantee you they would not have declared Trump the winner if the roles were reversed. If Biden was barely behind and mounting challenges in the Courts, the media would be pleading with the public to respect the process and let it play out. And that is exactly what they should be espousing now. But the garbage media traded journalistic integrity to join the #Resistance a long time ago.

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Media Needs to Learn the Difference Between Evidence and Proof

NY Post story about Trump questioning vote count.

This story here by the NY Post is typical of how the media operates. Less than 24 hours after they called the election for Joe Biden, it seems the media are upset Trump still wants to push forward with audits and recounts. The headline sneers that there is no evidence of voter fraud, and implies Trump is just being a jerk for not graciously conceding. That is patently false, however. There is plenty of evidence, direct and circumstantial, that indicates voter fraud might have taken place. The internet is teeming with it. Some ridiculous, some plausible, and some downright concerning. In fact, it is almost unquestionable at least some amount of fraud did occur. What the Post is really claiming is that there is currently no proof of widespread election fraud which could change the results of the election, and this is true. Of course, it’s hard to prove something if you won’t even acknowledge evidence of it and allow for an investigation.

One thing should be beyond dispute. What happened last week was a farce and a national embarrassment. Half the country was not going to accept the result of that shit show regardless of who ended up winning. The late night ballot dumps out of car trunks and ballot counting behind closed doors must end. It’s probably too late to salvage 2020. Whether it is justified or not, a huge chunk of the country is not going to believe Joe Biden was elected fairly. And that is not Donald Trump’s fault. The US desperately need reforms to ensure election integrity going forward.

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US Media: The Enemy of The People

The gutless hacks in the US media always bristle when President Trump (or anyone else) calls them “Fake News” or “The Enemy of the People.” Well, that is exactly what they are. There is a major scandal brewing that involves the Bidens. It includes conflicts of interest, influence peddling, corruption, and most likely money laundering. Joe Biden is dirty. Full stop. But the US media has collectively decided you don’t need to know about it. They won’t discuss Hunter Biden’s laptop, because it’s “Russian disinformation” and part of a “smear campaign.” Tony Bobulinski is a former Biden business partner. He has made a number of damning accusations proving Joe Biden is (without a doubt) a liar and most probably a criminal. He has done this on record, and provided a mountain of corroborating evidence in the form of business records, e-mails, and text messages. But 1/2 the freaking country thinks it’s all just “Russian disinformation” because of the media. The name Tony Bobulinski won’t even be mentioned by most mainstream news sources.

It is blatantly obvious the media has chosen to embargo and bury this story. They have decided the American people can’t be allowed to receive this information, lest they draw the wrong conclusions. I know how these people think. They know this story is true. But, in their minds, whatever Joe Biden has done, Trump is also guilty of times ten. The media don’t want people getting the “wrong” impression right before an election. They can’t let the American people think there is some kind of parity between the garden-variety corruption of Joe Biden, and the cartoonish super-villainy of Orange Man Bad! So they have chosen to hide the facts from the American people. To substitute their own judgement for that of the US voters.

But hiding the facts isn’t enough. This story is so explosive, ignoring it might not kill it. People might find out about it through that pesky social media. So now the mainstream media, in an allegedly free country, is running propaganda for a Presidential candidate. A more perfect definition of “Enemy of the People” would be hard to imagine. I already covered the New York Times pathetic attempt at what-about-ism a few days ago. Surely, that must be rock bottom for the media, right? Oh, no. NBC News has just said “hold my beer.”

NBC Propaganda Article for the Bidens on Twitter

Ya see what they did there? NBC has completely ignored the laptop/Bobulinski scandal. They know it’s true. So they won’t touch it. But what they did do is scour the internet and dig up some other obscure alleged scandal involving Hunter Biden and debunk it. Notice the references to “close associates of President Trump.” This appears to be a reference to Steve Bannon, who hasn’t been directly associated with Trump in years. Bannon must have mentioned this alleged scandal or retweeted it or something at some point, giving the media their “in” to link some obscure conspiracy theory to Trump. But the truly insidious part is the obvious attempt to conflate the rantings of some random internet crackpot with the devastating reporting the NY Post and Tucker Carlson have done. The Biden Team can now claim the whole Hunter scandal has been debunked, and hope that people are none the wiser, at least for a few more days. All thanks to the #FakeNews media.

NBC News propaganda for Biden

They later claim this document went “viral” on the right wing internet in an obvious attempt to justify writing this horseshit story. I’m pretty right wing. And I follow social media closer than most. I have never heard of this 64-page document before, or the allegations in it. Neither has Kim Strassel, who is also on the right and follows this shit for a living. In short, this is not news. This is a deliberate attempt to obfuscate the news by a major media outlet. Fuck. These. People.

I really want Donald Trump to win reelection because I think it would ensure 4 more years of peace and prosperity. But now it is becoming an imperative. We can’t let this subversion of democracy stand. Trump has to win. The media has proven they will stop at nothing to drag the corrupt senile corpse of Joe Biden across the finish line. If this blatant media propaganda succeeds in throwing an election to Sleazy Joe, why wouldn’t they attempt it again and again?

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Joe and Hunter Biden Will Never Be Held Accountable

Pile of Cash

Working in private sector in corporate America, I am required to complete about a dozen compliance and ethics training classes every year. There are classes on insider trading, conflicts of interest, sexual harassment, ethics, anti-bribery, inclusion, price fixing, bid rigging, intellectual property, and on and on. These classes are necessary to keep employees from running afoul of the myriad of laws passed by the United States Congress to eliminate corruption in the business world. Employees are warned to avoid anything that might even have the appearance of a conflict of interest, at the risk of termination.

Strangely enough (/sarcasm), there are almost no laws on the books to regulate the conduct of our elected officials. If the son of a corporate CEO landed a no-show job at a Chinese supplier to his company, people would go to jail. Period. But if the Vice President of the United States can get his drug-addicted load of a son an $80K/month do-nothing job at a Ukrainian oil company, a country where he is responsible for setting US policy — no problem! (That is a bit of an exaggeration… during the shampeachment trial numerous witnesses testified that Hunter’s position in Burisma was “problematic” and raised eyebrows within the Obama administration. But no one put a stop to it.)

Joe Biden keeps repeating he never did anything wrong. This is a bald-faced lie. What Joe Biden did was a betrayal of the public trust, and highly unethical and immoral. However, it may well not have been technically illegal. It certainly will never be thoroughly investigated. And while the Bidens appear to have been particularly brazen with their corruption, it certainly isn’t uncommon in the DC Swamp. Rules for thee, but not for me.

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Why Amy Coney Barrett is Exactly What the Supreme Court Needs

Amy Coney Barrett
Amy Coney Barrett

Amy Coney Barrett breezed through her confirmation hearings a couple of weeks ago. Now, it looks like the Senate will have the votes to confirm her on Monday. This is excellent news for fans of limited government and the Constitutional order. Judge Barrett has demonstrated that she has the perfect blend of temperament, humility, intellect, and ideology to serve on the country’s highest Court.

The Founders had a few basic principles in mind when they designed our system of government. One of the core principles was the idea that free citizens should be empowered to govern themselves. This was the idea Abraham Lincoln eloquently described as “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” in his Gettysburg Address. To serve this end, the Founders also believed that government power should remain as local as possible. The US Constitution spells out the roles and powers of the federal government. But just as importantly, the Constitution also spells out things the federal government is restricted from doing. These protections, which Barack Obama famously derided as “negative liberties”, are at the heart and soul of self-government. Without them, a massive, powerful, and all-encompassing central government could enforce an oppressive hegemony. Individual citizens would have little say in their own affairs.

To big government progressives who believe in top-down technocratic leadership, these ideals are anathema. They rightly see the Constitution as a barrier to implementing and enforcing the grand-scale social engineering they deem superior to leaving society’s overall direction up to the collective choices of individuals. They argue that the Constitution must grow and evolve with the times. That is must be seen as a “living document” and not just words on a dead piece of paper. In this way, progressives argue, the Constitution can change to meet the evolving needs of the people.

Of course, the Founders fully anticipated changes to the Constitution would be necessary over time. Which is why they explicitly created a method for doing so! In fact, the process for amending (i.e. changing) the Constitution is built right into it. The problem with the amendment process for progressives is the bar is set extremely high for doing so. After all a change to the Constitution amounts to a change in the fundamental rules of the game. As such, the Founders deemed any Amendments should have near universal acceptance. Constitutional Amendments require super-majorities in the House and Senate to approve of them, as well as a super-majority of the State legislatures. (Yes, I know there are other mechanisms, but they are equally burdensome and this is the one that has been used the most often by far.) This ensures that any change enshrined in the Constitution has overwhelming support.

For this reason, progressives strongly prefer the idea of the Constitution as a “living” document. With the Supreme Court free to reinterpret and insinuate the meaning of the words actually in the Constitution as the Justices see fit, a whole new avenue opens up for advancing an agenda that isn’t particularly popular. It no longer becomes necessary to get an overwhelming majority of the country to agree with your objectives. You just need to convince a simple majority of 9 lawyers to go along.

And of course, those 9 lawyers then become absolutely crucial to setting public policy. Those lawyers, and who gets to choose them, can determine the course of the country for a generation under the “living document” vision. And the justices, once seated, are completely unaccountable to the voters. Clearly, this is not what the Founders had in mind and is completely at odds with the ideals of self-government. The Founders would no doubt be appalled to see how contentious and political Supreme Court appointments have become. If the Court were apolitical as intended, it would be a ho-hum occurrence.

Barrett will of course be replacing the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Court. Ginsburg led a noteworthy life and was a liberal icon. However, she was absolute abomination of a Supreme Court Justice. Ginsburg fully embraced the activist vision of the Court and the “living document” interpretation of the Constitution. Ginsburg even took judicial activism a step further, arguing that the Court could and should take the laws of other countries into consideration when deciding cases. To Constitutional conservatives and believers in self-government, this is outright heresy. American citizens would be held to legal standards devised in foreign countries by governments they had zero say in choosing and which are completely unaccountable to them. Hopefully, the addition of Amy Coney Barrett will restore the Court to it’s proper role.

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NYT Hits Bottom – Starts Digging

The New York Times has been a parody of an actual news organization for some time. How are they reacting to the revelation that Joe Biden took a cut of his son’s shady business deals with China? By attacking Donald Trump of course. The Times has nothing to say about Hunter’s laptop or the salacious contents therein. The RUSSIA!!!! excuse is already too ridiculous for even Times readers to buy, so they have reverted to embargoing the story completely. But they are obviously keenly aware of the damage it could do to their preferred candidate. To counter that, they ran a Page 1 story about how Donald Trump explored doing business in China. It’s a blatant attempt at what-about-ism that is so pathetic, you almost have to laugh. Does the New York Times really believe their readers will equate exploring business opportunities in China as a private citizen to accepting bribes from members of the Chinese Communist Party while acting as Vice President of the United States? Apparently, they do. Hell, if they would believe it was the Russians that got Donald Trump elected, they will probably believe anything the Times prints. The garbage US media can’t collapse fast enough.

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Joe Biden is Dirty As Hell

If this New York Post story is accurate, and it sure sounds like it is, Joe Biden is not fit to be President. We already knew Joe was a jerk. We already knew Joe was weird and creepy around women and young girls. And we already knew Joe allowed his sister-in-law banging, coke-sniffing loser of a son to finance his endless bachelor party by peddling influence to his VP dad.

Now we have damn near smoking-gun level of evidence Joe Biden was on the take. From the Post story:

Fox News has confirmed with one of the other people cc’ed on the e-mail that it is legitimate. The source also confirmed that “the big guy” is indeed Joe Biden. Joe was selling out his country to China (and almost surely others) while acting as Vice President. This is disqualifying. And the media knows it….

This is one of the biggest political scandals of all time. So surely it is getting non-stop coverage? Wrong. Joe Biden is the media’s only hope of getting rid of Donald Trump. And the media hates Donald Trump. Hate isn’t even a strong enough word. The leftwing media has an all-consuming fixation on destroying Donald Trump. They have already traded their dignity and credibility to try and take him down. They certainly won’t pursue a story that will help him win another term now, even if that means letting a creepy crooked asshole into the White House. At least Biden won’t tweet mean things about them!

The media’s reaction so far has been to ignore the story, or pass it off as Russian disinformation. It is getting too big to ignore, so expect more of the RUSSIA!!! angle. There is zero evidence that Russia has anything to do with this, but that didn’t stop them from running a 2.5 year special counsel investigation before.

Of course, for it to be “disinformation” of any kind, it would have to be untrue. That is the definition of disinformation. Even if Russia were behind the info coming out now (again, there is absolutely zero evidence to support this), it is still damning. But the leftwing media has shown zero interest in finding out whether the emails are legitimate or not. Biden called the story a “smear campaign”, but never actually denied any of the facts in it. Neither Hunter nor Joe have said the emails are fake. (They can’t. They know they will be exposed as liars.) And not one person in the MSM is likely to ask them. At least not until after November 3rd.


Right on cue! The Deep State has released a letter outlining how concerned they are the Russians are behind the Hunter Biden laptop. From the letter:

We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to

the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani,

are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian

involvement — just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that

the Russian government played a significant role in this case.

Got that? Brennan and Clapper have zero evidence. But their combined women’s intuition screams RUSSIA!!!! And we should totally trust them given their track record on these things, right? We should just ignore all of the hard evidence staring us in the face, lest we make Vladimir Putin’s evil schemes come true. These people are disgusting and pathetic. They must NOT be allowed back into power.

Update #2:

Sleazy Joe came out of the basement long enough to do an interview! Instead of asking if the documents everyone is talking about are authentic, a pointed and specific question, the interviewer asked Joe if his family “profited off the Biden name”, a much more nebulous and benign question. And one with an obvious answer. Nobody seriously believes a Burisma oil company was paying crack-head Hunter $50k/month for a no-show board position based on the merits. Of course Hunter was grifting off the family name. And it’s sleazy as hell, but not at all uncommon in DC (looking at you Nancy Pelosi and Mitt Romney.) So instead of a definitive answer on whether the documents implicating him in various pay-to-play scams are authentic, we get a bunch of righteous indignation from Joe, mixed in with some generic denials and fuzzy half-truths. Way to go, media. Now the media can keep talking about the veracity of the e-mails, and not address the contents. All while claiming they aren’t ignoring the story. So damn predictable.

A Prediction

The only person who will try and corner Joe on the veracity of the e-mails is Donald Trump at the debate tomorrow night. Expect Joe to deflect by saying the story has already been “debunked” and refusing to engage in “smears” and “conspiracy theories.” Also, expect the moderator to try and shield Joe if Trump starts pressing him too hard by muting him… even if it is Trump’s turn to speak. I know, I know. Really going out on a limb with these… :^)

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The Truth Doesn’t Matter to the Media

Nice takedown of the Atantic… but it doesn’t matter one bit

This guy makes a compelling case that the leftstream media totally botched their latest “Suckers and Losers” scandal. He thinks his facts prove Jeffery Goldberg is the sucker now, and he will undoubtedly feel embarrassment and shame. Dude, you don’t understand the media at all. “Suckers and Losers” was a huge success. Not because it was true, but because it worked. Hardcore leftists will believe pretty much anything the media tells them about Trump. But they don’t matter here. Hardcore Trump supporters can easily see through the bullshit story and call it out. But they don’t matter here, either. It’s election season. The election will likely be decided by apolitical low-information voters… just like always. And those LIVs were the intended target of the “Suckers and Losers” smear. And many of them saw the headlines plastered across all the leftstream media outlets for days on end. And exactly none of them will see your careful debunking on an obscure blog, or care enough to dig for the facts themselves. “TV said Orange Man Bad” is all they will remember on election day. And that’s all most of these media hacks care about anymore. They could care less you debunked their story. They don’t care about integrity or their credibility. They traded those in long ago to become activists in the #Resistance.

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Trump to Purge Critical Race Theory from Government

This is fantastic news! Donald Trump has ordered all Federal Agencies to stop any training programs which promote Critical Race Theory. I’ve long argued Critical Race Theory was pseudo-scientific garbage meant to sow racial division dressed up in the legitimacy of academic rigor. It is toxic nonsense the left uses to divide our population and undermine our Constitutional republic. The core idea of Critical Race Theory is that everything about America as founded, from our Constitution, to our culture, to our values, to our justice system is rooted in anti-Black racism and perpetuates white supremacy. To the Critical Race Theorists, America is inherently evil and totally irredeemable. The only remedy is to completely tear it down and start over from scratch. Only then can a just and egalitarian (i.e. socialist) society exist.


Because racism permeates everything in American life (according to the theory), to support America is to support racism and white supremacy. In short, support for America and it’s values is amoral. And neutrality is not an option. To the left, failure to actively resist a country as evil as America is support for the status quo. To them, there is no such thing as a non-racist person. You must be actively anti-racist (i.e. anti-America as founded), otherwise you are just as bad as openly racist skinheads and neo-Nazis. According to the theory, to claim you are non-racist is to deny the central truth of the theory, and is evidence of a desire to continue benefiting from white privilege and systemic racism at the expense of POC. Silence is Violence!!! Seriously, this is what they believe.

Somehow, claiming to accept this drivel has become quite fashionable over the last few months. The most obvious examples are the Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements. Both have taken the tenets of Critical Race Theory to heart. And both has become increasingly militant and confrontational. Sadly, Critical Race Theory is also being pushed in schools and WOKE corporations across the country.

The counter-productive BLM movement is particularly depressing. The left has managed to convince yet another generation of Black people (or at least a good chunk of them) that the American dream is not for them. That they live in a country that hates them and exists to oppress them. That there is no hope for them outside of revolution. The anger this message breeds is palpable. But it is unfocused anger… just anger at the world. The demands of the group are necessarily vague and contradictory. If some nebulous “system” is keeping you down, you are left lashing out at everything and anything. And the message becomes self-fulfilling prophecy. And then there is the damage done to predominantly Black communities. The Detroit riots happened 53 years ago in 1967. The city still hasn’t fully recovered. How long will it take Minneapolis to heal? How many businesses will close for good, taking the jobs, goods, and services they provide with them?

Critical Race Theory is a cancer eating away at this country. The fact Trump is trying to remove it’s stain from our government is a very good thing. I suspect he will face fierce resistance from the Deep State. And if paste-eating Joe Biden wins in November, the radicals pulling his strings will undoubtedly reverse course and go all in on the left’s favorite anti-American ideology.

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Maximo Alvarez Gave a Killer Speech at RNC

Bravo for letting Maximo Alvarez speak at the Republican Convention. His personal story is compelling, and the emotion he showed while telling it was clearly genuine. Hearing from a guy like this is way more valuable than another polished and poll-tested speech by some tool-bag politician. We need to highlight more voices like his speaking out against the evils of socialism.

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