
Fauxcahontas Fails Math and Civics in 30 Seconds While Patronizing Progs

The Republican establishment is famous for playing Kabuki Theatre to keep the base engaged. What I mean by that is, they routinely promise legislation they have no intention of ever passing and use rhetoric they don’t really believe. The most egregious example that comes to mind is Obamacare. Conservatives (rightly) saw it as simultaneously being terrible policy and a blatant trampling of individual rights. Republicans in congress repeatedly promised to repeal it. They voted to repeal the law around 60 times when Obama was President… knowing full well that Obama would veto the bill and it was all for show. Then when the voters gave them the power to actually repeal the ACA in 2016, they folded. Vile crap stain John McCain famously said he wouldn’t vote to repeal Obamacare until a suitable replacement was agreed upon with Chuck Schumer. Huh??? Give your opponent everything he wants without a fight, and then invite him to negotiate down from that? It was a giant “fuck you” to the Republican base wrapped in an insult to our intelligence.

It gives me a little schadenfreude to see that the Democrats sometimes play the same game. After the Roe opinion was leaked, Schumer could have put together a bill to codify Roe in Federal law. It might even have had a slim chance of passing, even if it could easily be overturned by a future Congress. Instead, they put together a bill so radical and loaded with poison pills that it was doomed to failure. The Senate bill was was never meant to be law. It was meant to appease the enraged Democrat base.

Senator Paleface just had to get in on the performance, and compressed an amazing amount of stupid into a short sound bite.

Lie-awatha speaks with forked tongue

First, the Democrats’ bill was so toxic, one of their own even voted against it. So the bill actually went down in flames 49-51. Somebody needs to send Warren to a remedial math class so she can learn that 49 out of 100 is not a majority. Second, she claims:

I don’t believe the minority should have the ability to block things that the majority wants to do. That’s not in the Constitution.

– Sen. Farts Like Hog

Protections for the minority are not in the Constitution? Really? What does she think the Senate is?!?!? The very fucking body she is a member of was established to allow a minority (i.e. small States) to thwart the will of a majority. What a total moron. The entire U.S. government was structured to empower and protect the rights of the smallest minority, i.e. the individual.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner.

– Somebody much smarter than Elizabeth Warren

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Chasing The Fairy Tale Life

The tweet below has been receiving a well-deserved share of mocking on the rightwing blogosphere.

This weakling won’t last long after civilization crumbles and she is returned to the “natural world”

These are the current thought leaders of left. She thinks a fertilizer shortage is an “opportunity” to switch from a modern product that actually works well to “a natural solution, like manure and compost.” Huh? These are the same geniuses that think windmills and solar panels are going to replace all fossil fuels. Farmers, through technology, have increased their crop yields dramatically over the last 100 years. For many crops, the yield has increased by several fold. To go back to the old “natural” way of doing things would lead to mass hunger.

The left is dominated by “educated” people who have never had to actually produce anything of value in their whole lives. Or even question where all the goods that stock the shelves of the stores they shop in actually come from. As I noted before, these are not serious people. It’s like they watched one too many Disney movies and now believe that is what life should actually be like. They think we can “exist as one with nature”, all the while singing with the forest animals and living in a sustainable way that doesn’t taint the purity of the natural world. It’s all soft-minded, feel-good, gobbledygook. In reality, they would have us all naked and shivering as we starved to death, while the “friendly forest creatures” fought over our carcasses.

If these simpletons aren’t stopped, we won’t be singing with all the colors of the wind like Pocahontas. We will be fighting for scraps in a post-apocalyptic hellscape like Mad Max.

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The Left’s Weaponization of Corporate America

Corporate America used to be largely apolitical. We expected Disney to provide us with family-friendly movies. We expected Walmart to sell us retail goods. And that was all. They provided the goods and services their customers wanted. End of story. But as this blog has noted several times before (see here or here for examples), the left has been very successful at co-opting big business to do their bidding in recent years. Now corporations are telling us how to live, think, and vote. Being WOKE(!) keeps companies in the good graces of the SJW cancel mobs. And gets them cozy symbiotic relationships with Democrat politicians. We saw firsthand how all of the big tech companies were willing to censor speech to help the left squelch the Hunter Biden laptop story. Twitter locked the New York Post’s account in the weeks leading up to the election. Facebook censored any mention of the story.

More recently, Disney vocally condemned the Florida legislature and Governor Ron DeSantis for passing a law banning sex and gender education in grades K-3. Disney glommed onto the left’s dishonest talking points by referring to the very reasonable parental rights legislation as the “don’t say gay bill.” And I’m sure they expected their leftist overlords to give them a nice pat on the back. Unfortunately for Disney, perverts and radical trans-activists aren’t their main customer base. And those customers were paying close attention to what Disney was saying about them. Disney got slammed hard by the general public, and their bottom line has taken a real beating since making their WOKE(!) stand. Apparently telling parents they must let purple-haired weirdos preach to their 5 year-olds about the wonders of gender transformations isn’t a winning business plan for a company known for wholesome family entertainment.

The left has worked hard to build up their propaganda machine. Progressives can put up a veritable wall of leftist doctrine through their corporate and media allies. They can continually bombard us from every angle with their leftist dogma. TV, movies, music, and even sports are infused with leftist politics. They have a near monopoly on media which allows them to spread their message far and wide while stealthily silencing their foes. And they will fight like hell to keep that monopoly. Which explains the total freakout over the purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk. The left has no fear whatsoever that the billionaire who built Tesla will censor them. What terrifies them is having to compete in the arena of ideas on an even footing.

Which brings us to the article below. Unlimited abortion on demand is a hallowed institution for the American left. To even question a woman’s absolute right to end a pregnancy at any time for any reason is heresy to them. Problem for them is, there is no such “right” recognized by the US Constitution. An activist Supreme Court invented the “right” to have an abortion out of whole cloth in their 1973 decision of Roe vs. Wade. Without going into details, suffice to say the reasoning behind the Roe decision was shoddy at best.

But Roe was a boon to the progressives. Abortion has always been a sticky subject for them. They are obsessively self-righteous. It is absolutely essential that they define themselves as the kindest, most compassionate, most empathetic, and most enlightened people on the planet. Their moral superiority is crucial to their egos. So support for the dismemberment of unborn babies was always difficult to reconcile with their self image. They invented numerous ways to reframe the debate… a woman’s right to chose, body autonomy, etc. But they tend to fall flat when you have to actually debate against someone who sincerely argues the pro-life position. At best, the pro-abortionists will come across as less than compassionate. At worst, they can sound outright ghoulish. Just check out the radical libs who celebrate their abortions on social media if you ever need a reason to vomit.

Roe v. Wade has shielded the left from really having to defend abortion for the last half century. It’s status as a Constitutional “right” meant that the topic was off the table. However, if Roe were to be reversed, suddenly the left would have to convince the voters that forcibly removing a growing baby from it’s mother piece-by-piece is actually just “reproductive healthcare.” It is not a case they want to have to make. And they are less than confident it is an argument they can win in the country at large.

Which is why they are losing their shit over the leaked opinion suggesting the Supreme Court is on the verge of reversing Roe. This is a five alarm all-hands-on-deck emergency for the left. They are pulling out all the stops to intimidate one of the Justices into switching their vote before the ruling becomes final. And they expect their corporate cronies to eagerly join the fight. But after the public smack down Disney received, it seems like some of the WOKE(!) companies are less than wild about jumping into another hot button culture war issue. Apparently the liberal media is not amused by this timidity. Which explains why CNBC made sure to publicly chastise them for failing to support leftist political goals with sufficient zeal. Silence is violence!

Liberal media giving corporate America marching orders.

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Strong Candidate for Least Self-Aware Human Award

This video of a reaction to Elon Musk buying Twitter is jaw-dropping. This guy Ari Melber (I don’t give enough shits to check the correct spelling of his name) is terrified that Twitter might start banning Democratic candidates or aggressively promoting right wing viewpoints while stealthily suppressing left wing views. And he is seemingly totally oblivious to the fact that the dystopian future he is describing in fine detail is exactly how Twitter operates right now… except in reverse.

The obvious conclusion is that the left is perfectly fine with censorship as long as it works in their favor. To them, other people’s ideas aren’t just different or merely wrong. They are “disinformation” which is dangerous to “democracy” itself. Ideas and opinions which could lead to, say, a flamboyant former real estate developer winning the presidency. I don’t think the extent to which Donald Trump’s 2016 victory has broken their minds can be overstated. They are almost single-minded in their desire to ensure such a travesty can never happen again. And if ditching free speech is required to achieve that goal, it is a sacrifice they are more than willing to make.

Jimmy Dore, the comedian commentator in the video, is a die-hard Bernie Bro with some strange ideas about wealth redistribution and government-run healthcare… especially given his deep mistrust of the government. But he totally gets free speech, and it’s importance in a free society, and isn’t afraid to call things as he sees them. Too bad there aren’t more lefties like him.

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Progressives Desperately Try to Rehabilitate Big Government

The New York Times’ daily newsletter is an endless fountain of stupidity. Sometimes it is annoying. Sometimes it is unintentionally hilarious. Most of the time it is just tedious. But sometimes, it is just so off-the-charts stupid that it defies belief. Yesterday’s edition was one of those times.

The American left has been trying to rehabilitate big government since at least Barack Obama’s first term, if not longer. Obama got shellacked in the 2010 midterms after forcing the Obamacare shit sandwich down the nation’s throat. However, unlike Bill Clinton before him, Obama was not about to change course after his drubbing. It would be a cold day in hell before Obama would declare that the “era of big government is over.” When it was clear his legislative agenda was dead, Obama famously declared he still had a pen and a phone… i.e. he would implement his agenda by executive fiat, if necessary. Despite his immense personal popularity, the actual Obama agenda was never popular with the American people.

Obama’s economic policies were bad for the country. They led to anemic growth and chronic high unemployment. They caused Americans to be limited to a standard of living far below what they were capable of achieving. But, they weren’t so bad that people faced immediate hardship and suffering. They weren’t bad enough to cause a wide scale revolt. Enter loud-mouthed buffoon Joe Biden.

Drooling dementia-riddled “President” Pants Load has done more to discredit the progressive vision of big government than all of the right wing pundits combined. From the humiliating withdrawal out of Afghanistan, to the supply chain debacle, to the Russia-Ukraine impotence, to the empty store shelves, to the $4.50/gallon gas, to the 40-year high levels of inflation. Literally everything paste-eating dumbass Joe Biden touches turns to shit. He has the Midas touch, except in reverse.

Spin as they may, progressives realize the damage he is doing to their movement. They already know the mid-term election is going to be a blood bath for the Democrats. Even worse (for them), young (i.e. gullible) people might be turned off of big government solutions for the rest of their lives. Some serious damage control is needed. So in steps the New York Times. Their defense of big government is so weak and tone deaf, it almost sounds like a troll.

More than a decade ago, the political scientist Suzanne Mettler coined the phrase “the submerged state” to describe a core feature of modern American government: Many people don’t realize when they are benefiting from a government program.

So, according to the New York Times, the only problem with Big Government is that all of the awesome things it does are hidden from average citizens. The people would love Big Government if they could just understand how much it does for them. The fundamental problem with Big Government is actually just a messaging problem. Or so they claim.

Her main examples were tax breaks, including those that help people buy homes, pay for medical care and save for retirement. The concept also included programs so complex or removed from everyday life that many people did not understand them, like federal subsidies for local governments.

Wow. The best examples she could come up with were instances of the government confiscating less of your money. Golly gee, thanks. And the Feds giving money back to local governments after taking it from the citizens of those local governments seems like a wash at best. Surely, you can do better than that?

Mettler’s thesis is both a defense of government’s role and a criticism of the modern Democratic Party’s preference for technocratically elegant and often invisible policies. It wasn’t always this way, she points out. Social Security, Medicare and the G.I. Bill — as well as New Deal parks, roads and bridges, many with signs marking them as federal projects — helped popularize government action because they were so obvious.

I didn’t realize that “technocratically elegant” was a euphemism for corrupt and incompetent. Apparently grift is a thing of beauty to the left. And it is quite telling that they had to go all the way back to the fucking New Deal to find examples of infrastructure spending that actually went to things humans would recognize as infrastructure.

Unlike the New Deal, however, this $1.9 trillion federal investment in American communities has barely registered with voters. Rather than a trophy for Mr. Biden and his party, the program has become a case study in how easily voters can overlook even a lavishly funded government initiative delivering benefits close to home.

Delivering benefits? Really? Like a 40-year high in inflation? Like using tax-payer money to fund progressive pet projects and pay off Democrat donors instead of purchasing goods and services people actually want? Those kinds of benefits? The Times seems to be genuinely shocked that the American people are not more grateful to the Democrats for printing piles of money to blow on their whims and fantasies. How fucking dense do you have to be to think the American Rescue Plan has been in any way beneficial? I am convinced that the average Democrat is completely illiterate on economics. Every dollar that Big Government (inefficiently) spends on pork and pet projects is a dollar a citizen doesn’t get to spend himself to buy the things he actually wants and needs.

This is so obvious that it resonates with people on a gut level. They see sleazy morons like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi on TV and instinctively know they can spend their own money better than the government can. Over the last couple decades, Democrats have gotten around this obstacle largely by promising they will be throwing around someone else’s money. Be it the “evil rich” or “greedy corporations” or whatever other bogey-man they can dredge up. However, the truth is that the people who will be paying for all of today’s government handouts are our children. Our national debt is exploding, and it will be crippling to future generations. And both political parties are responsible. The Democrats used to be Tax-and-Spend. The Republicans used to be Tax-Cuts-and-Spending-Cuts. Now both parties are Borrow-and-Spend. The only difference between the two is which team’s donors get a cut. Playing to voters’ greed wins elections.

Examples in the American Rescue Plan include community center renovations, housing initiatives and health programs. Collectively, the projects may be valuable. Individually, many may be so modest as to go unnoticed. Americans also may not realize that the projects are connected to a federal law.

Even the money that isn’t wasted and stolen through corruption is largely spent on stupid shit. It wouldn’t matter very much if the world ran on Monopoly money like progressives seem to think it does. But when the federal government printed up a shit ton of dollars to pay for this dumpster fire, every dollar resting in the average citizen’s pocket was instantly worth less than before. Who gives a shit about community center renovations when you can’t even afford to buy groceries for your family? The tone-deafness is stunning. And in no fucking sane universe should Americans be expected to be “grateful” when the government spends our money in ways that actually benefit us. If Kamala Harris goes out and gets a second job to buy me shit, then I will be grateful. But while those DC assholes continue to confiscate my money and give me tiny scraps in return, they can all go fuck themselves.

Many Democrats know that voters remain unsure about how their party has used its control of government over the past 15 months to help people. With their poll numbers sagging, Democrats in Congress are trying to figure out what new pieces of legislation they may be able to pass in coming weeks.

Spoiler alert: Democrats haven’t done shit to help average Americans. They have spent like drunken sailors to please their progressive base and grease the palms of their supporters. And if they do manage to spend even more money they don’t have, it will not be for your benefit. But you will have the privilege of paying for it…. or your children will.

“Democrats win elections when we show we understand the painful economic realities facing American families and convince voters we will deliver meaningful change,” Senator Elizabeth Warren wrote this week. “To put it bluntly: if we fail to use the months remaining before the elections to deliver on more of our agenda, Democrats are headed toward big losses in the midterms.”

Democrats win elections when they censor their opponents, stuff ballot boxes, and bribe voters with other peoples’ money. Their only agenda is to spend more. Always more, more, more. If not for Joe Manchin, inflation might be closer to 40% right now.

It’s a reasonable argument. But the party still does not seem to be reckoning with the problems of the submerged state.

Which raises the question: If a policy passes in Washington and nobody can hear it, does it make any political noise?

There you have it, the New York Times’ best case for Big Government. Convinced yet? I assume that last line is just a throwaway intended to be a cute play on the old if-a-tree-falls-in-the-woods riddle. What a dumbass.

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Is Proof of 2020 Election Fraud Finally Coming?

The 2020 election was rigged, full stop. I’ve already went into detail about how media bias and big tech censorship tilted the playing field heavily towards senile old dirt bag Joe Biden and the Democrats. While propaganda and censorship were a huge piece of the puzzle, the other side of the story was the actual fraud in the vote. While I’m sure some amount of funny business went on with the vote counting, I never believed this is where the widespread fraud occurred. Ballot harvesting was obviously where the real potential for fraud existed. The problem was, with a massive amount of mail-in and drop box voting taking place over a period of weeks or even months, proving it after the fact would be impossible. Or would it? The video below is amazing and kind of scary at the same time.

I had no idea that kind of cell phone data was saved and available for purchase. That is some serious 1984-level shit. Big Brother really is watching us. However, this looks like bullet proof evidence of widespread voter fraud in 2020. The True the Vote people sound very credible. I’m definitely interested in diving deeper and seeing how their evidence holds up to intense scrutiny. There have been plenty of frauds and crackpots before them, but this sounds legit on it’s surface.

They can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win did he?

Harry Reid – unusually blunt scumbag politician

Politics is about winning. Period. There is no honor in losing with dignity. No pride in playing by the rules and having integrity. Winning means you get to implement your agenda. Losing means you bend over and take what the other guy is giving. And the Democrats, along with their media and big tech allies, stole an election they didn’t deserve to win. Joe Biden was installed as the President, and nothing we uncover now is going to change that. They won. Game over. We shouldn’t have to have a wide open southern border. We shouldn’t be waging a war on our own energy production. We shouldn’t be pushing racial division. We shouldn’t be spending ourselves into an economic meltdown. In a just world, Americans wouldn’t be subjected to any of those abominations right now. But the establishment won. They cheated to do it. But the bottom line is, they still won. And we lost.

But hopefully, evidence like this will be enough to force a change in our voting system. It certainly should be. As long as there is any doubt about what happened, the media is still going to stick with their “Big Lie” lie. The establishment got their guy in through ballot harvesting enabled by widespread and extended mail-in and drop box voting. They won’t give up that power without a fight. The right either needs to thoroughly expose this and get it banned, or build up our own ballot harvesting organization to compete.

Obviously, I would prefer the former option. It is far better for the country if elections are decided by who has the most support, rather than by who has the better vote harvesting scheme. But, if ballot harvesting is going to be part of the game, the Right needs to learn how to play. We can’t allow the Left to be the only ones allowed to cheat.

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SOTU Gaslight Fail

So-called “President” Biden gave his State of the Union speech a couple weeks ago. The SOTU has basically devolved into an elaborate campaign ad, regardless of which Party is giving it. Presidents routinely get a bump in popularity after giving their annual rah-rah speech. Not so for President Poopy Pants. Sleazy Joe’s approval numbers remain stuck in the mid to upper 30s… basically the territory where only rabid Democrat partisans still support him.

Biden insanely used his SOTU to brag about how great things have gone so far. And promised more of the same in the future… more spending, more bureaucracy, more regulation, and less energy (cuz wind and solar are bullshit pipe dreams.) Which means less freedom, less prosperity, and a reduced standard of living for regular Americans. And yet, Ole Crusty Shorts tried to gaslight the American people into thinking things are going just swimmingly. Biden boasted that he had the “highest rate of job growth on record.” The truth is America is still down millions of jobs from the pre-covid levels of 2019. The government destroyed 10’s of millions of jobs during the covid panic. When you are starting from such a deep chasm, even a partial rebound will look like “amazing growth” on paper. Biden also bragged about wages going up. Yet inflation has eaten up all of those meager wage gains and much, much more. People actually feel poorer under the Democrats. Because they are.

The lack of any bump in his poll numbers suggest Biden’s pathetic attempt to gaslight the people failed miserably. Just add it to the ever-growing list of Biden Miserable Failures™. Another data point comes from this University of Michigan poll of consumer confidence. According to the chart, the Biden “Presidency” is on a par with 9/11 and the bursting of the Housing Bubble in it’s effect on how consumers view the economy. A 3rd quarter recession is looking like a real possibility. Let’s go, Brandon!!!

Biden’s failure to gaslight the American people is totally unsurprising. They are feeling the effects of his incompetence in a very direct way on a daily basis. He can’t hide from the empty shelves, skyrocketing prices, unstaffed businesses, and $4.50/gallon gas. Dems will try to blame Putin, corporations, Trump, COVID, and anything else they can think of for the abject failures of this administration. It won’t work. Come November, they will own this mess.

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Fuck the New York Times

A lot of people in the right-wing blogosphere are gloating because the New York Times stealthily admitted that the Hunter Biden laptop story was true. Well whoop-de-fucking doo. We already knew this back in 2020. Not suspected. Knew it. For a fact. And guess what? So did the New York Fucking Times. But it would have hurt Biden and helped Trump, so they declared it to be unsubstantiated and probably “Russian disinformation.” The Times is stupid. But not that stupid. They knew it wasn’t Russian disinformation. In fact, they could have confirmed (or disproved) the New York Post / Tucker Carlson reporting in a few hours if they wanted to. But they already knew the answer, so they deliberately chose not to ask the question. Now a year and a half later, when all the news bandwidth is being sucked up by Ukraine, they quietly admit the truth. All to keep up the façade that the Times is a real news organization with journalistic integrity. Just like Politico did a few months ago. “See, wingnuts? We didn’t bury a story we didn’t like. We reported on it just like everyone else. Don’t dare question our integrity. We are journalists!” It is the digital version of pissing in your face and telling you it is raining.

Anyways, who cares what the partisan hacks at the New York Times admit to (or not)? The arrogant amoral bastards that run that sleazy rag fancy themselves the arbiters of truth. And a lot of people on the right agree, judging by how they act. Especially within the media. That undeserved reverence needs to stop. Fuck the Times and the horse they rode in on. Stop treating them as the one and only gatekeepers of what is factual. One of the things supporters of Donald Trump absolutely loved about him was the way he called out and disrespected the “Fake News” media. They don’t deserve our respect. They don’t even deserve our attention. They are truly trash. Why pretend otherwise?

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President Pants Load Poops on Motorists

Joe Biden is a lying sack of shit. Or a moron. Or both. On thing for sure, he is a detestable asshole.

Gas prices have already skyrocketed on his watch. And they are about to shoot into the stratosphere. And the rotting corpse occupying the White House just went on TV and had the absolute gall to say it has nothing to do with the policies of him or his party. Even ignoring the effect his weakness and incompetence had on encouraging Russia to invade Ukraine, that claim is just infuriating. It is so obviously false as to be insulting to our intelligence. Biden is the guy who halted new drilling leases. Biden killed the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office. Oh, but that pipeline wouldn’t be finished for years his apologists will whine. You can’t blame Dementia Joe for what is happening now. It’s a total dodge. It is true that a lot of the pain we are feeling now is due to anti-energy policies that date back to the Obama years. And the direct consequences of Joey Hair Sniffer’s recent stupid decisions might not be felt for years.

None of that changes the fact that Dementia Joe, and the Party he represents, have been waging a war on domestic oil production for years. Democrats want oil prices to skyrocket. To their fevered way of thinking, $7 per gallon gasoline is a good thing. They believe making fossil fuels unaffordable will force people to adopt expensive and unreliable Green energy sources they favor for ideological reasons. Their leaders have the temerity to claim transitioning our energy production to moonbeams and unicorn farts will be good for our economy and standard of living. And their voters are dense enough to believe it. To quote our decrepit ruler, “Let me be perfectly clear.” The Democrats want to punish you at the gas station. And they will do everything they can to drive the price of gas up. They want to force you into a into a much more restricted and meager life style (equity and sustainability, they call it.) They just don’t want to take the blame for it.

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The Star Trek World of the Modern Left

Star Trek was a TV show back in the 60s that imaged what life might be like in the future. In the world of Star Trek, man and his technology had advanced to the point where material needs were no longer an issue. Any item a person could want could be effortlessly “replicated” out of thin air. People no longer needed to work for the things they wanted. And all of the old motives for crime and war were removed. Free of the shackles of the physical world, man was able to pursue his intellectual curiosity and spend his time seeking personal growth and enrichment.

Liberals act like we live in that Star Trek fantasy world today. How else to explain the take of Lurch’s uglier twin on the war in Ukraine?

You rang?

So people are dying. A (sort-of) democracy is being crushed. And the scourge of the last half of the 20th century is reasserting itself. And the biggest concern this twat has is the amount of carbon emissions being expelled? These are not serious people. They ignore the real here-and-now problems. The problems that have difficult solutions and result in very dire and immediate consequences. The problems people not living in a fantasy world bubble actually care about. And instead choose to focus on what motivates and inspires themselves. Civilians are being blown to bits and John Kerry is worried about what a computer model says the weather might be like 100 years from now.

But the Swift Boat Ghoul is not alone in being unserious. AOC thinks it would be a great idea to rebuild every structure in the country in a more environmentally efficient way. Just reconstruct every building created over the last century or so, undoubtedly representing many billions of man-hours, to have a higher Energy Star rating. And that sounds feasible to her. Ya just gotta want it!

To the left, we don’t burn fossil fuels because they are indispensable for powering our modern world and lifting billions out of grinding poverty. They truly believe fossil fuels could be replaced by windmills and solar panels tomorrow. With no major degradation in wealth and standard of living. Most have zero comprehension of how drastic the required reduction in energy consumption would be. And the ones who do understand what the left’s policies would mean for wealth and prosperity don’t think the consequences will apply to them. The cost of sustainability will be borne by the little people. The proles. The so-called elites will continue to live in comfort and luxury, just like always.

Renewables… how it’s going

To sane people, these sound more like childish fantasies than realistic policy goals. But liberals believe the world could actually be like this. We just have to want it badly enough. There is nothing we can’t do if we put our minds to it, they say. To the left, this isn’t just a feel-good bumper sticker slogan, but a core belief. The Party of Science is more aptly described as the Cult of Science(ism). They have an unbreakable faith that The Science will solve all their problems and make all their dreams come true. In a way they find ideologically pleasing. The problem with living in a sci-fi fantasy world is, sooner or later, reality rears it’s ugly head.

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