
Yet Another Media is Garbage Post…

Latest example is this interview with Vivek…

The transformation of “journalists” into flat-out activists in the matter of a few months has really been something to see. The real-time “fact-checking” and speaking over the candidate, a technique I wrongly assumed would be limited to Trump, is now standard practice for all Republicans who don’t toe the establishment line.

This bitch wasn’t there to interview Vivek. She was there to debate him. She even had her little queue card of talking points all ready to read from. Can you imagine Joe Biden, or any Democrat for that matter, getting the same kind of treatment?

I think the leftist media is in full-blown panic mode. They know that decrepit sponge-brained Joe Biden is no match for Trump, DeSantis, or Vivek in a fair debate. Biden is less popular than herpes, and for good reason. His record is a steaming dumpster fire. His agenda going forward is more of the same. So the media is trying to step in and save him. And save themselves from 4 more years of Trump.

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Clueless Libs Dumbfounded to Learn Media Lied About George Floyd

This video really is something else. These two liberals are shocked — SHOCKED — to learn that the whole BLM / George Floyd narrative was a bunch of bullshit pedaled by the mainstream media and their Democrat Party masters. Apparently the big revelation came after they watched the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis.

They are sickened to realize that the protests, riots, looting, and wholesale destruction of cities was all based on a lie. They are repulsed by the fact an innocent man was sentenced to serve decades behind bars as a sacrifice to the mob…. assuming he isn’t killed in prison first.

I guess better late then never…. but it would have been nice if these numb-nuts would have tried a little bit of critical thinking and applied a modicum of skepticism to the establishment media’s narrative back when it would have actually mattered.

It’s infuriating listening to these two nimrods talk about the evidence in the documentary that changed their minds. Because all of it was available from DAY ONE if you were just willing to look for yourself. The various police body cam videos showing Floyd gasping “I can’t breathe” and “It’s coming up on me” before anybody was even touching him. The alternate angles showing the knee on Floyd’s shoulder blade and not his neck. The autopsy report showing he had a lethal cocktail of drugs in his system when he died, including as massive amount of fentanyl. The untreated heart condition Floyd had at the time of his death. The MPD training document showing the hold used to restrain Flody was part of the department’s standard training. All of it was available in the immediate aftermath of the incident…. if you were willing to just do a quick google search. Contrary to what these guys think, NONE of the evidence in the documentary is new or newly available to the public. It’s just readily available in one place with some slick production now.

As one of the dumbasses realized in the video, the facts don’t even matter any more in this case. The false media narrative is already cemented as “THE TRUTH” in our collective minds. At this point in time, people are far too invested emotionally and mentally in the “Saint George Floyd” fantasy to admit they were played for suckers. No amount of evidence (assuming they would even be willing to hear it) will change their minds. The mental anguish and cognitive dissonance would just be too much to bear.

The saddest part is these guys didn’t even learn their lesson. Near the end, they ponder what lessons can be learned and what the major takeaways should be and are basically stymied. Let me help them out. The main lesson should be:


The establishment media is garbage. They have an agenda to push and will lie, cheat, and steal to advance it. Their agenda is diametrically opposed to our best interests. The solution is to treat the establishment media like the activist hacks they are, and develop alternative sources of information. The guys in the video almost get there. Almost. But they just can’t seem to fathom WHY they were lied to. They can’t comprehend that winning an election is more important to the “elites” than truth, prosperity, public unity, or even people’s lives. Unfortunately, these libs are just too invested in the institutions that played them for fools to take that final leap.

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US Mainstream Media Hits Another New Low

The mainstream media are now a full fledged propaganda arm for the Democrat Party. Their latest tactic is to throw some bomb during an interview, and not give the person being interviewed any chance to respond. It’s like the media have decided, all in unison of course, that Republicans and anyone else not totally up the Democrat Party’s ass needs to be “fact checked.” Live on air in real time.. The pattern is, they ask a question, wait for an answer (or possibly interrupt the answer), throw out some “well, actually, so-and-so (allegedly) reputable and definitive source says this”, and not give the interviewee any chance to respond. If the interviewee does try to respond, the host will cut them off with some variation of “we need to keep moving” or “time for another topic” excuse. It’s really blatant if you are looking for it. The nasty talking head who hosted the Trump town hall a while back tried it at least a dozen times on the Bad Orange Man. Trump was having none of it though, and she was widely panned by her liberal media cohorts for failing to upstage and discredit The Donald.

I thought it might have been a tactic reserved for Trump. But no, they are using it against all Republicans. Or at least the ones they find icky. Here’s an example I stumbled over by accident involving Ron DeSantis. DeSantis points out that crime in Florida is at a 50-year low, and violent crime is down 30% since he became Governor. Bubble-headed bitch replied with some CDC statistic showing “firearm mortality” is up in the Sunshine State. And of course she started with the bitchy and condescending “Actually, Governor…” Thing is, her statistic didn’t contradict DeSantis one iota. It didn’t dispute that violent crime in Florida is down under DeSantis, which is what he claimed.. Her statistic didn’t relate to violent crime at all. It didn’t say anything about the murder rate. It didn’t address crime in any way. Her “gotcha” statistic was about “firearm mortality.” Assuming the “fact” she quoted was accurate and not intentionally misleading (a dubious assumption for a clearly partisan media), it doesn’t refute the point DeSantis was making in the least. Anyone can easily find out that 2/3 of “firearm mortalities” are from suicides. So her big “gotcha” didn’t show murderers are running wild in Florida. It showed that lots of people are blowing their fucking heads off the last couple years. Hmmm. Why could that be? Could it be the authoritarian left and their brutal lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and forced masking isolated people and left them in despair? Who can say.

I can guaran-fucking-tee you they would never try to pull this shit on a Democrat. Unless they were bucking the Party.

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Another Rubicon is Crossed

The US media is not supposed to act as a propaganda arm for a political party. But progressives decided that because Donald Trump was such a danger to “democracy”, throwing away journalistic integrity became a moral imperative to stop him. I have already covered the depths that our legacy media has sunk to at length (see here and here for examples.) While “getting Trump” was the supposed catalyst, it was always clear that once the media crossed the Rubicon from informing to propagandizing, they would never be able to go back again. And going on 2 1/2 years after Trump left office, that is proving to be the case. We now have a permanent propaganda arm for the Democrat Party in control of the media regardless of which party is in power.

Now another new and even more frightening Rubicon has been crossed by progressives. They remain obsessed with taking down Trump once and for all. And also in justifying their 4 years of psychotic ravings and baseless persecutions. One of America’s core values is the belief that justice should be blind. That all citizens should be treated equally under the law. Democrats and progressives are now throwing away that fundamental value to destroy the Bad Orange Man. The media almost couldn’t contain their glee when the NY DA built up a bogus case against the former President. You could hear the smug satisfaction in their voices as they repeated “Trump is the first President ever to be indicted” over and over again ad nauseum. The Mueller investigation turned out to be a big nothing burger. The quid-pro-quo with Zelensky fell flat. The 2nd impeachment was such a sham, the SCOTUS refused to even participate. After looking like fools so many times, leftists now feel like they are finally vindicated.

Show me the man, and I will find you the crime.

-Lavrentiy Beria, head of Stalin’s secret police

But at what cost? To get their sham indictment, Democrats had to weaponize the American justice system. Nobody, and I mean nobody, believes this case would ever have been brought against anybody but Donald Trump. So it is now in bounds to attack one’s political enemies using the justice system. Democrats will try and argue that Trump is a special case. They will say that Donald Trump is a singularly egregious threat to democracy itself. And thus, his political persecution is justified and will be a one time event.

But that isn’t how things work. Once the precedent has been set that “really really bad” people can be targeted by the justice system, those in power will always find those that challenge their power to be “really really bad.” This is a genie that can not be put back in the bottle. And it is a sad day indeed for Liberty and Justice.

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Totally Ridiculous AR-15 Propaganda from CNN

This video is yet another example of why I have the US media with a white-hot passion. It isn’t news. It isn’t even opinion. It is just flat out propaganda.

Propaganda so over the top it would make Goebbels wince…

This steaming pile of crap literally checks off every propaganda box the left has been spewing for years.

The video start off with a voice over saying “This is what an AR-15 sounds like.” Then we are treated to footage of a white-haired gentleman shooting an AR-15 at a gun range. Of course he shoots it like an 86-year old grandmother would. He is leaning backwards instead of squaring-up and leaning slightly forward like anyone who has ever fired any kind of rifle would do. He also is holding the rifle with the stock away from his body, instead of pressed against his shoulder. Why is he firing the weapon in such an awkward and unorthodox way? So the gun will recoil back violently while causing his whole body to shake. The whole point is to make the AR-15 seem ulta-violent and scary to people who don’t know any better. Holding the firearm like this, his line of vision is nowhere near the sights of the rifle. So clearly, he is not even bothering to aim his shots. As an extra added touch, he flinches and winces with each round fired. At the conclusion of what surely has to be one of the most pathetic displays of firearms technique ever recorded, we are introduced to a retired Army General.

Is this really how liberals think you shoot a rifle???

Why did they choose an Army General? Propaganda value. It’s the video equivalent of the argument from authority fallacy. This isn’t just another crazy leftwing anti-gun activist talking (or so they want you to believe.) He is a military man. He must like guns and support the 2nd Amendment. He just wants you to realize how extraordinarily dangerous and scary the AR-15 is. And how it should not be allowed in civilian hands. He is just for common sense, is the implied message. Of course it is all bullshit.

For starters, the AR-15 is not at all violent to shoot. In fact, one reason for it’s popularity is it’s exceptionally low recoil. Recoil in the AR-15 is much less than a typical hunting round and pales in comparison to a 12-guage shotgun. The AR-15 is easy for smaller people and people who are possibly older and frail to shoot safely and effectively. The .223 Remington ammo it (most usually) fires is quite mundane and actually kind of wimpy for a rifle round. So why did the US military choose it? Because it had just enough ballistic power to barely pass their requirements. It is much smaller than the round it replaced, so troops could carry a lot more of them. And the low recoil greatly improves the accuracy of fully automatic fire because it is much easier to keep the sights on target.

Then we hear about how the AR-15 looks almost identical to the fully automatic M-4 adopted by the military. And, yes, it does look virtually identical. So what? Functionally, it is not at all identical. The M4 has burst and fully automatic modes. The AR-15 does not. So despite the visual similarity, the two weapons are far from being equivalent. He also says some people buy the AR-15 because it “looks cool” like the military guns. Which is almost certainly true. Again, so what? People buy products all the time for stupid reasons. That doesn’t make the product bad. Otherwise, we would ban all the cars with spoilers.

The General goes on to say that gun collectors and gun aficionados (?) should be able to own AR-15s. Really? Maybe this will be a balanced and informative piece after all?

NOT! The General then goes on to demonstrate how the gun can be fired “on full semi-automatic.” This is a meaningless (and utterly stupid) term invented by the anti-gun crowd to demonize the AR-15 and make it sound more exotic and powerful than it actually is. The fact a military man would use such a term and then do a “demonstration” tells you he is more interested in propaganda than information and facts. What is the difference between the “normal” mode and the “fully semi-automatic” mode??? The video doesn’t explain. But the difference is in “fully semi-automatic” mode the general pulled the trigger faster. I’m sure the reason they failed to explain this is not because it would have made them look deceitful and stupid. Maybe they were pressed for time.

The reporter explains how the defining characteristic of the AR-15 is the speed and power of it’s bullets. The 223/551 does zip along at a pretty good pace… typically around 3100 fps or so. As a rifle round, it is far from extraordinary though. Many hunting and target rounds match or exceed that velocity. And the power part is a flat-out lie. One of the down sides of the 223/556 is it’s lack of ballistic power. Power is a function of speed and mass. While the 223/556 has pretty good velocity, the mass of it’s little 55-62 grain .22 caliber bullet is far less than most hunting and military rifle rounds. Less mass means less energy. And energy is how the destructive potential of a bullet is measured. The military switched to the steel-pointed “green tip” ammo specifically because of the ballistic short-comings of the original round and it’s propensity to bounce off of helmets and body-armor at longer distances.

In case there was any doubt this was a propaganda piece, the General then goes on to repeat one of Joe Biden’s whoppers. The AR-15 can “literally tear out the inside of the body.” What is meant by this exactly is unclear. At least he didn’t claim it would physically remove organs like Creepy Joe. Nor was it explained how the wounds caused by an AR-15 are different than any other rifle. Apparently, the .22 caliber bullets know what kind of gun they have been fired from, and can adjust the damage they inflict accordingly.

The General goes on to describe a soldier who “was shot in the shoulder and had the bullet come out his ass.” Again, how rifle bullets ricocheting off of bones is somehow unique to the AR-15 is left unexplained. Lee Harvey Oswald must of had an AR-15 along with his Mannlicher-Carcano. How else to explain the deflection of the Magic Bullet in the Kennedy assassination if the AR-15 is the only rifle that fires a bullet that doesn’t always go straight through a body?

The whole thing is just chock full of lies and deceptive half-truths: the AR-15 was not a precursor to the M-4, it did not used to be a “weapon of war” in the sense that is has never been issued by any military that I am aware of, it does not meet the definition of an assault weapon (so they call it “assault-style” to confuse), and on and on….

Fuck CNN. Fuck all of the lying propagandists and narrative-pushers that call themselves “journalists.”

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Pelosi Gets Hammered. Zero Fucks Given

Apparently Nancy Pelosi’s husband, who should have been in jail for DUI, got attacked in his home by some crazed thug with a hammer. And the media has covered it around the clock for days now. Even Fox News. This is yet another prime example of why I hate the media with a white hot passion. Paul Pelosi is a piece of shit human being. HIs money and status kept him out of jail when he crashed his car and injured people in a drunken stupor. He lives an actual life of unearned privilege with his self-righteous bitch of a wife. They have made millions via insider trading that would have landed a private citizen in jail for decades. And they have supported movements and legislation that unleashes violent criminals back onto the streets. 1000s of decent hard-working people are victimized by the criminals coddled by the elitist left, and nobody bats an eye. Now one of them is actually exposed to the consequences of their policies, and the rest of us are supposed to care? Fuck them.

Of course the non-stop coverage is not just due to the fact that the criminal horde created by the elitist left came back to bite one of them. The mainstream media is always, always, working to help Democrats. With the midterm election just days away now, the media is absolutely desperate to change the subject away from inflation, the economy, education, and the border. In other words, all the issues voters actually care about but hurt Democrats. The Pelosi hammering gives them a distraction to focus on and an excuse to drone on about dangerous rhetoric from Republicans. Could American voters be that stupid? Let’s hope not.

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Remember How the Media Exaggerated 9/11 and Pearl Harbor?

Remember how the media over-sensationalized the 9/11 attacks and the bombing of Pearl Harbor to make them seem more terrible than they actually were? Me neither. Because they didn’t have to. But with the January 6th media coverage and subsequent show trial, all we get is hysterical pear clutching, over exaggerations, and flat-out lies. According to the Democrats and their media toadies, the January 6th riots are 9/11, Pear Harbor, and the assassination of Lincoln all rolled up into one. Democracy itself almost died that day. Or something.

The reality is zero people were killed by protestors/rioters on January 6th. Not even all that much damage was done to the Capitol Building. Some doors were busted and some windows were broken out. They probably had it cleaned up and good as new before the weekend. The only person who was murdered on January 6th was an unarmed woman named Ashli Babbitt. She was shot without warning by law enforcement while climbing through a door window inside the Capitol. Compare and contrast the coverage her killing received compared to BLM rioters injured by law enforcement (none were actually killed as far as I can recall.)

How many times did the media report that officer Brian Sicknick was murdered by the rioters? Brutally beaten and hit over the head with a fire extinguisher which caused his death? But the story turned out to be complete bullshit. According to the medical examiner, Sicknick suffered no physical trauma whatsoever prior to his death. He wasn’t beaten. He certainly wasn’t hit over the head with a fire extinguisher. That was complete fantasy. An autopsy determined he died of natural causes after suffering a stroke later in the evening of January 6, after his shift ended and he was back at home. But the media can’t let it go. You still hear the constant lie that cops were killed on January 6th defending the Capitol. A lie that is still propagated to this day by so-called journalists and mainstream media outlets. The Sicknick story was a total lie, and yet that was the best example they could come up with to impugn the Capitol rioters. A couple of cops ending up committing suicide days or weeks after the January 6th riot. The media attributes their deaths to the Capitol Riot with a straight face. Another cop was run over in front of a traffic barrier months later by a leftwing lunatic outside the Capitol. His death has been added to the total in some reports, too.

The Democrats desperately want to make January 6th a thing. They still aren’t sure they have trashed Trump enough to make him unelectable. And they need something to distract the public from the absolute dumpster fire President Pants Load has presided over for the last 18 months. They need the mid-terms to be about anything other than a referendum on the Party in power. So they put together this hyped-up show trial. Which is totally understandable. What is not understandable, is why the media plays along with the ridiculous charade if they supposedly have all this “journalistic integrity.”

An NFL coach named Jack Del Rio is under fire for describing the January 6th riot as a “dust up”, and asking why nobody seemed to mind much when BLM was burning down half the country. Del Rio pointed out the obvious hypocrisy. And the left-stream media immediately freaked out. He was denounced for implying a “false equivalence” between the January 6th riot and the BLM riots. The thing is, there were actual murders committed during the BLM riots, including the murder of police. Not the phony “cop driven to suicide weeks later” kind the media likes to spin about January 6th. Not to mention all the cops who suffered broken bones, were pelted with bottles and rocks, or had their eyes damaged by green lasers.

The media constantly excused the lawlessness of the BLM rioters as they injured 1000s and caused billions of dollars in damage. Their violence was justified according to the left and the media (BIRM.) Their crusade to avenge the death of Saint George Floyd was totally righteous, and any collateral damage that occurred along the way was of trivial importance compared to Social Justice. The January 6th protesters (turned rioters), however, were beyond deplorable. The government and the media declared the 2020 election to be the most secure in history. They declared Biden’s win as pristine and legitimate and beyond question. They had spoken. The matter was closed. End of story.

The protest on January 6th occurred because of the multiple fishy activities that took place on and around the 2020 election. And because of the government/media’s total refusal to take any objections seriously and investigate them in a thorough and transparent way. That protest devolved into a riot at the Capitol in large part because Nancy Pelosi wanted it to. She had been offered extra security and turned it down. She knew full well the propaganda value of disorder and violence at the Capitol Building, which is why she did absolutely nothing to stop it.

So the media is right. Comparing the George Floyd rampage to the Capitol Riot is a “false equivalence.” A lot of people were killed in the BLM riots. The only person murdered in the Capitol Riot was shot by law enforcement. The Capitol rioters broke a few windows and doors, and probably got some muddy footprints on Nancy Pelosi’s desk. BLM burned entire neighborhoods to the ground. There is no comparison at all. The only thing that is the same is Democrats allowed both to happen to help their political fortunes.

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The Left’s Weaponization of Corporate America

Corporate America used to be largely apolitical. We expected Disney to provide us with family-friendly movies. We expected Walmart to sell us retail goods. And that was all. They provided the goods and services their customers wanted. End of story. But as this blog has noted several times before (see here or here for examples), the left has been very successful at co-opting big business to do their bidding in recent years. Now corporations are telling us how to live, think, and vote. Being WOKE(!) keeps companies in the good graces of the SJW cancel mobs. And gets them cozy symbiotic relationships with Democrat politicians. We saw firsthand how all of the big tech companies were willing to censor speech to help the left squelch the Hunter Biden laptop story. Twitter locked the New York Post’s account in the weeks leading up to the election. Facebook censored any mention of the story.

More recently, Disney vocally condemned the Florida legislature and Governor Ron DeSantis for passing a law banning sex and gender education in grades K-3. Disney glommed onto the left’s dishonest talking points by referring to the very reasonable parental rights legislation as the “don’t say gay bill.” And I’m sure they expected their leftist overlords to give them a nice pat on the back. Unfortunately for Disney, perverts and radical trans-activists aren’t their main customer base. And those customers were paying close attention to what Disney was saying about them. Disney got slammed hard by the general public, and their bottom line has taken a real beating since making their WOKE(!) stand. Apparently telling parents they must let purple-haired weirdos preach to their 5 year-olds about the wonders of gender transformations isn’t a winning business plan for a company known for wholesome family entertainment.

The left has worked hard to build up their propaganda machine. Progressives can put up a veritable wall of leftist doctrine through their corporate and media allies. They can continually bombard us from every angle with their leftist dogma. TV, movies, music, and even sports are infused with leftist politics. They have a near monopoly on media which allows them to spread their message far and wide while stealthily silencing their foes. And they will fight like hell to keep that monopoly. Which explains the total freakout over the purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk. The left has no fear whatsoever that the billionaire who built Tesla will censor them. What terrifies them is having to compete in the arena of ideas on an even footing.

Which brings us to the article below. Unlimited abortion on demand is a hallowed institution for the American left. To even question a woman’s absolute right to end a pregnancy at any time for any reason is heresy to them. Problem for them is, there is no such “right” recognized by the US Constitution. An activist Supreme Court invented the “right” to have an abortion out of whole cloth in their 1973 decision of Roe vs. Wade. Without going into details, suffice to say the reasoning behind the Roe decision was shoddy at best.

But Roe was a boon to the progressives. Abortion has always been a sticky subject for them. They are obsessively self-righteous. It is absolutely essential that they define themselves as the kindest, most compassionate, most empathetic, and most enlightened people on the planet. Their moral superiority is crucial to their egos. So support for the dismemberment of unborn babies was always difficult to reconcile with their self image. They invented numerous ways to reframe the debate… a woman’s right to chose, body autonomy, etc. But they tend to fall flat when you have to actually debate against someone who sincerely argues the pro-life position. At best, the pro-abortionists will come across as less than compassionate. At worst, they can sound outright ghoulish. Just check out the radical libs who celebrate their abortions on social media if you ever need a reason to vomit.

Roe v. Wade has shielded the left from really having to defend abortion for the last half century. It’s status as a Constitutional “right” meant that the topic was off the table. However, if Roe were to be reversed, suddenly the left would have to convince the voters that forcibly removing a growing baby from it’s mother piece-by-piece is actually just “reproductive healthcare.” It is not a case they want to have to make. And they are less than confident it is an argument they can win in the country at large.

Which is why they are losing their shit over the leaked opinion suggesting the Supreme Court is on the verge of reversing Roe. This is a five alarm all-hands-on-deck emergency for the left. They are pulling out all the stops to intimidate one of the Justices into switching their vote before the ruling becomes final. And they expect their corporate cronies to eagerly join the fight. But after the public smack down Disney received, it seems like some of the WOKE(!) companies are less than wild about jumping into another hot button culture war issue. Apparently the liberal media is not amused by this timidity. Which explains why CNBC made sure to publicly chastise them for failing to support leftist political goals with sufficient zeal. Silence is violence!

Liberal media giving corporate America marching orders.

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Strong Candidate for Least Self-Aware Human Award

This video of a reaction to Elon Musk buying Twitter is jaw-dropping. This guy Ari Melber (I don’t give enough shits to check the correct spelling of his name) is terrified that Twitter might start banning Democratic candidates or aggressively promoting right wing viewpoints while stealthily suppressing left wing views. And he is seemingly totally oblivious to the fact that the dystopian future he is describing in fine detail is exactly how Twitter operates right now… except in reverse.

The obvious conclusion is that the left is perfectly fine with censorship as long as it works in their favor. To them, other people’s ideas aren’t just different or merely wrong. They are “disinformation” which is dangerous to “democracy” itself. Ideas and opinions which could lead to, say, a flamboyant former real estate developer winning the presidency. I don’t think the extent to which Donald Trump’s 2016 victory has broken their minds can be overstated. They are almost single-minded in their desire to ensure such a travesty can never happen again. And if ditching free speech is required to achieve that goal, it is a sacrifice they are more than willing to make.

Jimmy Dore, the comedian commentator in the video, is a die-hard Bernie Bro with some strange ideas about wealth redistribution and government-run healthcare… especially given his deep mistrust of the government. But he totally gets free speech, and it’s importance in a free society, and isn’t afraid to call things as he sees them. Too bad there aren’t more lefties like him.

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Progressives Desperately Try to Rehabilitate Big Government

The New York Times’ daily newsletter is an endless fountain of stupidity. Sometimes it is annoying. Sometimes it is unintentionally hilarious. Most of the time it is just tedious. But sometimes, it is just so off-the-charts stupid that it defies belief. Yesterday’s edition was one of those times.

The American left has been trying to rehabilitate big government since at least Barack Obama’s first term, if not longer. Obama got shellacked in the 2010 midterms after forcing the Obamacare shit sandwich down the nation’s throat. However, unlike Bill Clinton before him, Obama was not about to change course after his drubbing. It would be a cold day in hell before Obama would declare that the “era of big government is over.” When it was clear his legislative agenda was dead, Obama famously declared he still had a pen and a phone… i.e. he would implement his agenda by executive fiat, if necessary. Despite his immense personal popularity, the actual Obama agenda was never popular with the American people.

Obama’s economic policies were bad for the country. They led to anemic growth and chronic high unemployment. They caused Americans to be limited to a standard of living far below what they were capable of achieving. But, they weren’t so bad that people faced immediate hardship and suffering. They weren’t bad enough to cause a wide scale revolt. Enter loud-mouthed buffoon Joe Biden.

Drooling dementia-riddled “President” Pants Load has done more to discredit the progressive vision of big government than all of the right wing pundits combined. From the humiliating withdrawal out of Afghanistan, to the supply chain debacle, to the Russia-Ukraine impotence, to the empty store shelves, to the $4.50/gallon gas, to the 40-year high levels of inflation. Literally everything paste-eating dumbass Joe Biden touches turns to shit. He has the Midas touch, except in reverse.

Spin as they may, progressives realize the damage he is doing to their movement. They already know the mid-term election is going to be a blood bath for the Democrats. Even worse (for them), young (i.e. gullible) people might be turned off of big government solutions for the rest of their lives. Some serious damage control is needed. So in steps the New York Times. Their defense of big government is so weak and tone deaf, it almost sounds like a troll.

More than a decade ago, the political scientist Suzanne Mettler coined the phrase “the submerged state” to describe a core feature of modern American government: Many people don’t realize when they are benefiting from a government program.

So, according to the New York Times, the only problem with Big Government is that all of the awesome things it does are hidden from average citizens. The people would love Big Government if they could just understand how much it does for them. The fundamental problem with Big Government is actually just a messaging problem. Or so they claim.

Her main examples were tax breaks, including those that help people buy homes, pay for medical care and save for retirement. The concept also included programs so complex or removed from everyday life that many people did not understand them, like federal subsidies for local governments.

Wow. The best examples she could come up with were instances of the government confiscating less of your money. Golly gee, thanks. And the Feds giving money back to local governments after taking it from the citizens of those local governments seems like a wash at best. Surely, you can do better than that?

Mettler’s thesis is both a defense of government’s role and a criticism of the modern Democratic Party’s preference for technocratically elegant and often invisible policies. It wasn’t always this way, she points out. Social Security, Medicare and the G.I. Bill — as well as New Deal parks, roads and bridges, many with signs marking them as federal projects — helped popularize government action because they were so obvious.

I didn’t realize that “technocratically elegant” was a euphemism for corrupt and incompetent. Apparently grift is a thing of beauty to the left. And it is quite telling that they had to go all the way back to the fucking New Deal to find examples of infrastructure spending that actually went to things humans would recognize as infrastructure.

Unlike the New Deal, however, this $1.9 trillion federal investment in American communities has barely registered with voters. Rather than a trophy for Mr. Biden and his party, the program has become a case study in how easily voters can overlook even a lavishly funded government initiative delivering benefits close to home.

Delivering benefits? Really? Like a 40-year high in inflation? Like using tax-payer money to fund progressive pet projects and pay off Democrat donors instead of purchasing goods and services people actually want? Those kinds of benefits? The Times seems to be genuinely shocked that the American people are not more grateful to the Democrats for printing piles of money to blow on their whims and fantasies. How fucking dense do you have to be to think the American Rescue Plan has been in any way beneficial? I am convinced that the average Democrat is completely illiterate on economics. Every dollar that Big Government (inefficiently) spends on pork and pet projects is a dollar a citizen doesn’t get to spend himself to buy the things he actually wants and needs.

This is so obvious that it resonates with people on a gut level. They see sleazy morons like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi on TV and instinctively know they can spend their own money better than the government can. Over the last couple decades, Democrats have gotten around this obstacle largely by promising they will be throwing around someone else’s money. Be it the “evil rich” or “greedy corporations” or whatever other bogey-man they can dredge up. However, the truth is that the people who will be paying for all of today’s government handouts are our children. Our national debt is exploding, and it will be crippling to future generations. And both political parties are responsible. The Democrats used to be Tax-and-Spend. The Republicans used to be Tax-Cuts-and-Spending-Cuts. Now both parties are Borrow-and-Spend. The only difference between the two is which team’s donors get a cut. Playing to voters’ greed wins elections.

Examples in the American Rescue Plan include community center renovations, housing initiatives and health programs. Collectively, the projects may be valuable. Individually, many may be so modest as to go unnoticed. Americans also may not realize that the projects are connected to a federal law.

Even the money that isn’t wasted and stolen through corruption is largely spent on stupid shit. It wouldn’t matter very much if the world ran on Monopoly money like progressives seem to think it does. But when the federal government printed up a shit ton of dollars to pay for this dumpster fire, every dollar resting in the average citizen’s pocket was instantly worth less than before. Who gives a shit about community center renovations when you can’t even afford to buy groceries for your family? The tone-deafness is stunning. And in no fucking sane universe should Americans be expected to be “grateful” when the government spends our money in ways that actually benefit us. If Kamala Harris goes out and gets a second job to buy me shit, then I will be grateful. But while those DC assholes continue to confiscate my money and give me tiny scraps in return, they can all go fuck themselves.

Many Democrats know that voters remain unsure about how their party has used its control of government over the past 15 months to help people. With their poll numbers sagging, Democrats in Congress are trying to figure out what new pieces of legislation they may be able to pass in coming weeks.

Spoiler alert: Democrats haven’t done shit to help average Americans. They have spent like drunken sailors to please their progressive base and grease the palms of their supporters. And if they do manage to spend even more money they don’t have, it will not be for your benefit. But you will have the privilege of paying for it…. or your children will.

“Democrats win elections when we show we understand the painful economic realities facing American families and convince voters we will deliver meaningful change,” Senator Elizabeth Warren wrote this week. “To put it bluntly: if we fail to use the months remaining before the elections to deliver on more of our agenda, Democrats are headed toward big losses in the midterms.”

Democrats win elections when they censor their opponents, stuff ballot boxes, and bribe voters with other peoples’ money. Their only agenda is to spend more. Always more, more, more. If not for Joe Manchin, inflation might be closer to 40% right now.

It’s a reasonable argument. But the party still does not seem to be reckoning with the problems of the submerged state.

Which raises the question: If a policy passes in Washington and nobody can hear it, does it make any political noise?

There you have it, the New York Times’ best case for Big Government. Convinced yet? I assume that last line is just a throwaway intended to be a cute play on the old if-a-tree-falls-in-the-woods riddle. What a dumbass.

Progressives Desperately Try to Rehabilitate Big Government Read More »