Why I Don’t Totally Hate Inflation
Inflation sucks. It makes everything more expensive. It punishes savers (think of your 401K) and rewards debt (like your mortgage or car payment.) Inflation strains budgets, hurts the economy, stresses people out, and generally reduces our standard of living. Yet, I can’t totally hate it. Why? Because the majority of people being punished by it right now deserve it. Yep, I said it.
For far too long, American voters have been pulling the lever because they want something for nothing. They don’t care who is getting screwed in order to bring them their government handouts, as long as it isn’t them. They don’t care if the government wastes and steals piles of money, as long as they aren’t footing the bill and they get some of the leftover scraps. Voters elect politicians who promise them copious amounts of largesse, while telling them someone else (bad) will pay for it all. Be it evil corporations, or the parasitic rich (always conveniently defined as someone with more money then them, regardless of income level.) But the truth is, all this lavish spending just adds to the national debt (kicking the can down the road for our children to pick up the tab.) Or gets “funded” by printing more money (i.e. inflation.)
And the voters buy into the lie. Or at least go along with the charade. Whether the reason we go along is stupidity, ignorance, or greed doesn’t matter. We let the government spend us into a hole that is going to require a lot of pain to get out of. And we should be the ones bearing that burden. Not some other bogeyman. And certainly not our children.
Inflation hits everybody the same. Even the poorest among us. In that way, it acts much like a regressive tax. So the suckers who voted for “free shit!” are finding out it wasn’t so free after all. The 40-year high inflation currently gripping the US has “President” Creepy Joe’s poll numbers in the toilet right now. Biden and his party are currently looking at a disemboweling come November. As the party of “free shit!”, it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.
Yet, the wrath being directed at Creepy Joe and his socialist buddies for inflation is rather unfounded. Whether they realize it or not, the people who pulled the lever for them are getting exactly what they voted for.
I believe in justice. I believe people should get what is coming to them. Good or bad. That is why it is hard to hate the current wave of inflation hitting the nation.
Why I Don’t Totally Hate Inflation Read More »