Government Tyranny

A Conspiracy Theory I Just Can’t Buy

So, there is a conspiracy theory going around on rightwing blogs that says the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was really about getting back documents that implicated the Deep State in wrongdoing over the Russia-gate scandal. The theory posits that some of the documents Trump had in his possession could definitively prove the federal law enforcement and intelligence apparatus was guilty of crimes related to the Russia collusion hoax. And they were so desperate to get these documents back, they risked the politically dangerous move of raiding Trump’s home.

This might have sounded somewhat plausible to me a few years ago. After the 2016 election, I strongly suspected the original Russia-gate hoax was a cover-up for Deep State crimes. My theory went like this: Hillary was cruising along with a comfortable lead in virtually every poll and was totally confident she was going to easily win the Presidency. But Hillary is a nasty bitch with a long history in DC and a closet that is chock full of ugly skeletons. Her only fear from the former reality-TV star was some sort of October surprise (like the pussy tape they sprung on Trump) that could torpedo her impending coronation. To insure her victory, team Clinton would need to get out in front of any baggage that surfaced right before the election. But how to know what that might be? Spying on the Trump campaign was the obvious answer. But Clinton’s campaign couldn’t spy directly without risking serious consequences if they ever got caught. But they could have the FBI “surveille” the Trump campaign under the ruse that The Donald was suspected of colluding with a foreign power. Then, with a little help from one or two key trusted Obama officials, team Clinton could get the inside scoop on what the Trump campaign was up to. Then, the unthinkable happened and Donald Trump actually won. The Clinton campaign and their Deep State allies were terrified their criminal spying activities would be exposed by the newly-staffed Trump DOJ. So they decided that the best defense was a good offense, doubled down on the (ridiculous) Russia-collusion hoax and launched the Mueller investigation to neuter Jeff Sessions and keep the Trump people on their heels. That made sense to me at the time. That explained the insanity and stupidity (Real estate mogul and billionaire Donald Trump is a Russian asset? Really?) of what I was seeing in a believable way.

However, I think my original theory is blown out of the water now. It depends on the Deep State goons actually being fearful of exposure. These pricks never feared being exposed. It is now crystal clear that these fuckers don’t have any fear whatsoever of being held accountable. The way they have flaunted their lawlessness is a dead giveaway. They have nothing to fear and they know it. They can falsify a FISA warrant and nothing will happen. They can raid the lawyer of a target and nothing will happen. They can leak information and spread false rumors and nothing will happen. They can even raid a former President’s home with a bullshit warrant and nothing will happen.

So now we are to believe the Deep State is suddenly terrified of being exposed over Russia-gate??? These dirty bastards have already been exposed a thousand times over. And they don’t care. Because nothing ever happens. But this time is different? Puh-leeze.

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My Take on the Mar-a-Lago Raid

The Stasi-like raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home screams desperation on the part of Merrick Garland. The White House, Congressional Democrats, and the rabid progressive base have been putting tremendous pressure on Garland to bring former President Donald Trump up on charges based on the “findings” of their January 6th show trial. Garland will no doubt eventually acquiesce, and give the left the armed raid / perp-walk visual that they are dying for (think of Roger Stone.) But Garland doesn’t want to look like a clown when his fabricated charges actually go to trial. He would prefer to have some kind of actual evidence and a coherent case before slapping the cuffs on Trump. Which he clearly doesn’t have. What to do? One obvious solution is to raid Trump’s home and find (or plant) the evidence he needs. And since Donald Trump, like his voters, doesn’t deserve the protections set forth in the Bill of Rights, Garland figured he had free reign to trample all over the Constitution. His “classified documents” excuse is so lame as to be insulting to our intelligence.

All animals are equal. But some are more equal than others.

– George Orwell in Animal Farm

Garland and the Democrats are probably genuinely shocked by the public’s reaction to their brownshirt tactics. After all, they have continually treated Trump like a second-class citizen in the past with little or no push-back. Remember when Mueller’s inquisitors smashed the attorney-client privilege and raided the office of Trump’s attorney? There was barely a peep out of the media, save for some right-wing pundits. The Deep State’s excuse was equally laughable to Garland’s lie. They said it was OK because attorney Michael Cohen was the real target of their raid, and not Donald Trump.

So what the Mar-a-Lago raid shows is that the Democrats and the Deep State are willing to throw the Constitution out the window to enable them to use the force of government against their political enemies. Just like when they framed Michael Flynn to get him to turn on Trump. Just like when they threw Paul Manafort in solitary confinement for a year over a crime less serious than most of the swamp creatures commit every day. A crime that 100% would never have even been investigated if he wasn’t connected to Trump. Just like when they lied to get a warrant to electronically spy on Trump. Just like when they used a Special Prosecutor to go on a 2½ year witch hunt to “get” Donald Trump and persecute his allies. Just like when they impeached a sitting President based on lies and fantasies. Just like when they impeached a President who wasn’t even in office anymore. And just like they ran an extended propaganda campaign thinly disguised as a “hearing” over January 6th. And on and on and on. There is a lot of bluster in the media over this latest Mar-a-Lago outrage, probably because it really is so unprecedented. But I’m shocked at how many people are still taking the FBI at their word. Still treating the “classified documents” canard like a serious thing. At least Megyn Kelly gets it.

The tyrants are on the march. My advice. Buy guns. Buy lots of ammo. Learn how to use them. It is getting harder and harder to see a way this doesn’t end in some serious violence.

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