Current Events

CNN Cheers Political Persecutions

CNN is sure the hyper-partisan NY DA won’t fail them.

Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.

Lavrently Beria, head of Joseph Stalin’s secret police

The left isn’t even trying to hide it anymore. The government has gone full Police State, and their lapdogs in the media yip in approval. The United States as founded is dead. Now that the Mueller Farce has faded and Impeachment Part Deux has failed, get ready for The Witch Hunt Part Part 8: Taxman Cometh! Whatever excuse they need to justify their persecution, the left won’t rest until Donald Trump is made to pay for the crime of winning in 2016 and relegating Queen Bitch Hillary to an obscure footnote in history. I guess you can’t have the Socialism without the show trials.

America Could Never Become a Police State, Right?

WTAF is going on in this video out of Palm Beach, Florida? A cop shows up at this woman’s house at 10:30 pm at night. Not in uniform, but wearing blue jeans and a polo shirt. When asked to show ID, he makes a joke out of it and says, “What do you want? Badge? Gun? Handcuffs?” Turns out the officer was there over a Facebook exchange the woman had earlier in the day where she joked about dumping 1000s of masks in some council woman’s yard. Apparently, the cops felt it was necessary to confront her at her house in the middle of the night to make sure she realized actually going through with the mask dump prank would be a crime and to make sure it was abundantly clear she would be treated quite harshly afterwards. After a terse exchange, the woman follows the cop as he is leaving and the video gets even more bizarre. In addition to Officer slob, it appears Palm Beach found it necessary to send at least 2 other officers to the scene. But the really fascinating detail is it appears that a civilian also accompanied them. The officers steadfastly refused to identify the “civilian.” It remains a mystery who that was, but I know what my guess would be.
The US version of the Stasi doesn’t have the highest personnel standards by the looks of it.

If there is an explanation for the actions of these officers other than harassment and intimidation, I would love to hear it. The entire incident would appear to be a gross misuse of police resources. IMO, the officer who came to the door behaved in a completely unprofessional manner and should be censured. More importantly, the individual(s) who initiated and approved this little late-night muscle flexing on an innocent civilian should be investigated thoroughly. Orwell’s 1984 was meant as a warning, not a blueprint.

Like the Mob, The Deep State Protects It’s Own

Government sucks at almost everything. Except protecting it’s own. Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI agent who fabricated evidence to justify the Obama Administration’s illegal spying on Carter Page, gets off with barely a slap on the wrist. A $100 fine isn’t a penalty, it is a slap in the face to anybody who wanted to see justice done.

If there was any doubt left, the message just sent makes it crystal clear. The Deep State can do whatever the hell it wants to the American people and their elected representatives. And nobody will ever be held responsible. The Deep State is telling us: We can run half-ass e-mail servers out of our basements to avoid oversight. We can cook up half-baked excuses to spy on political campaigns we don’t like. We can sabotage Presidential Administrations we don’t like from within. We can lie to the Commander in Chief about troop levels to keep wars going we like. We can run deliberately unsecure elections. And then tell you to your face they were the most secure ever. You want evidence? We just told you so. That’s your evidence.

We. Rule. You.

That is the message the Deep State is rubbing in our faces. They make the rules. And we live by them. Don’t like it? Too bad and STFU.

Americans won’t stand for it. The people have a breaking point.

Sleazy Joe Biden and the Democrats Look to Restore Order to The Galaxy

Creepy Fossil Darth Biden

With the Democrats sweeping the Georgia runoffs fueled by Stacey Abrams’ ballot harvesting masterpiece, the Deep State is ready to exact it’s revenge and restore order to the Republic. Here are just some of the things we can expect to return in the coming months.

High Unemployment and Anemic Growth Ahead

Democrats love the European economic model. European markets are highly regulated squelching innovation and competition. And their labor laws are so onerous companies are loathe to hire anybody unless it is absolutely necessary. Deep down the Democrats know we can’t have European-style socialism without European levels of joblessness and economic stagnation. The fact their economic policies lead to persistently high unemployment levels and anemic growth is actually just part of the allure to the left. Crappy economies mean better “sustainability” and more voters dependent on the welfare state. So screw your 401K and standard of living, the technocrats need to save the planet by building more windmills and keeping the peons from using up so many resources. It was a running joke on the right how often Obama claimed he was going to “pivot to the economy”, while never actually doing one damn thing to improve it. Sure, Democrats will still pay lip service to American workers. But their actions will be a stab in the back.

Endless Wars To Continue Endlessly

One of the Deep State’s greatest triumphs over the past 4 years was thwarting Donald Trump’s efforts to stop the stupid endless wars the United States has been embroiled in for going on a quarter century. When Trump ordered them to come up with a plan to pull out of Syria, the unelected Pentagon bureaucrats stalled him. When they couldn’t stall any longer, they said it couldn’t be done without causing chaos. It would be reckless and irresponsible to stop sending our brave young men to die in faraway hellholes where people hate us, they explained. And the Democrat political/media complex dutifully agreed. Trump never did bring all of those troops home, one of the biggest failures of his Presidency.

Even more outrageously, the Pentagon lied to Trump about how many troops we still have on the ground. Unelected bureaucrats wanted to keep fighting a war the President told them to end. So instead of ending it, they decided to flat out lie to the President and keep their war going on the down low. Defying the Commander in Chief in this way is literally treasonous and a sets a terrifying precedent for unauthorized military action, yet the mainstream media yawned. I mean, it’s not like Trump was a real President, right? Who can blame the military for defying OrangeManBad?

Luckily, the Military Industrial Complex can breathe a little easier now. The Democrats will be all too happy to send young American boys to their deaths in far-flung shithole countries. Not to further the strategic interests of the United States, or course, because that would reek of nationalism. But rather to do the bidding of the U.N. and the “international community” whose approval they so desperately crave.

Destruction of the Suburbs to Resume

One of the most insidious projects the Obama administration started was Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, or AFFH. When President Trump said suburban women should love him for saving the suburbs, AFFH is what he was talking about. Sadly, he did a terrible job of explaining exactly why. In a nutshell, AFFH looks to strip the suburbs of their autonomy and merge them into larger metropolitan regions under tight federal control. Suburban planning, zoning, and budgets would be annexed by Deep State social engineers, with the goal of redistributing “regional wealth” more equitably. As ominous as that sounds, the actual gory details are even more evil and anti-American.

AFFH was the single biggest domestic agenda item in Obama’s 2nd term. Yet, the vast majority of the population has no idea what it really is or that it even exists. This fact alone tells you the Democrats and their media propagandists know exactly how (un)popular it would be with actual suburban voters. Expect AFFH to be brought back with a vengeance now that the Democrats have regained power. Just don’t expect to see it actually reported on or talked about in our garbage media.

They Are Totally Coming for Your Guns

An all out assault on the 2nd Amendment is all but guaranteed. Democrat-controlled big cities have failed for decades to control the gang violence raging within them. Rather than focusing on the gangs (too RACIST!!!), the proposed Democrat solution to gang violence is to just disarm everybody. Democrats will undoubtedly push “common sense” gun control. (After all, who could be against common sense?) However, their gun-grabbing rules are inevitably crafted by people who have zero understanding of firearms. And it shows. What they claim is “common sense” will almost certainly be asinine and have zero impact on public safety. (Pro tip: the percentage of gun homicides committed using AR-15 rifles is barely a rounding error in this country.) The rules are, however, guaranteed to be onerous to gun owners and severely restrict your 2nd amendment rights. Which, to be honest, is always the real goal of their “common sense” measures. Hopefully the Supreme Court will deliver us from the coming gun control stupidity.

Transformation of Big Tech into Big Brother

While Democrat antipathy for the 2nd Amendment is based in ideology, their growing animosity for the 1st Amendment is more strategic. Unapproved ideas and opinions are now posing an existential threat in the eyes of the left. With information able to pass back and forth outside of their filters, false (i.e. conservative) narratives are allowed to fester. Thus, the flow of information must be censored for “correctness” to protect “public safety.” Liberals have already destroyed most of Fox News from within. Outside of their evening opinion shows, Fox has morphed into a half-ass imitation of CNN. The left now controls all of the major news outlets, and all of the big tech companies we rely on to communicate. It seems apparent that they are now ready and willing to leverage this monopoly to censor and silence their enemies.

As a horrifying example of how far they are prepared to go, Big Tech just unilaterally decided that the sitting U.S. President should not be allowed to communicate with the 75 million Americans who voted for him. And our media overlords cheered this. Let that sink in.

America Last

America First should not be a controversial statement. Of course the Government of the United States, including the President, should be putting the interests of our country first. It’s what they were specifically elected to do: represent us. While some deride this as nationalism, conservatives see it as the embodiment of free citizens empowered to govern themselves. The problem, however, is that the international left hates nationalism and even the idea of nation-states. They believe in a new world order, where the governments of the world collectively work to ensure equitable outcomes for all of the world’s citizens. Leftists believe in globalism, where super-governmental institutions rule and the will of the individual citizens of any given country is secondary (at best) to the greater good of the planet. That greater good being defined by unelected technocrats, of course. And the Democrats are completely on board with this paternal vision of government. Prepare for American subservience to the UN and numerous other bloated NGOs to resume.

Bottom Line

Returning to the Star Wars analogy, The Empire has never been closer to crushing the Rebel resistance once and for all. The Rebels’ hero has been vanquished. Their army is scattered. And the stormtroopers are rounding up the stragglers. The international left is close to irreversibly breaking America and finally imposing their collectivist vision on the world. If they succeed, the last best hope for liberty and self-government to survive will perish. Indeed, I fear there are some very dark days ahead for the Republic.

There Are Still Decent People Out There

Following the news can be depressing. We are fed a steady diet of shootings, assaults, corruption, rioting, looting, violence, and just general nastiness. It’s easy to get the feeling the whole world is going to hell. A story like this one helps to remind us that the majority of Americans remain decent and caring people. They just don’t get the 24/7 viral coverage the degenerates and scum bags do. My own home town, the community I see around me with my own 2 eyes, is still a place to be proud of. For that I am thankful.

The Queer Taliban Covid Relief and Stimulus Bill of 2020

Pelosi and McConnel celebrate (with Satan)

The US congress sprang into action to pass a combined $900B “economic stimulus and COVID relief” and $1.4T omnibus spending bill. The bill contains, among other things:

  • $10,000,000 for “gender programs” in Pakistan
  • $14M for the Kennedy Center
  • $1.0B for the Smithsonian
  • $250M for the Palestinians
  • $135M to Burma
  • $85.5M to Cambodia
  • $1.4B for “Asia Reassurance Initiative Act”
  • $130M to Nepal
  • $700M to Sudan
  • $1.3B to Egypt
  • $453M to Ukraine
  • $33M to Venezuela
  • $3.3B to Israel
  • tax breaks for racehorse owners
  • makes it a felony to illegally stream video

The text of this bill was over 5000 pages. Members of Congress had a couple of hours to look it over before voting on it. This is how the sausage is made in D.C. Backroom deals between crooked politicians and sleazy lobbyists gets synthesized into a 5000 page monstrosity. Then, it gets attached to something critical like coronavirus relief and members are forced to vote on it sight unseen. AOC is generally an idiot who espouses a ridiculous socialist agenda. But, unlike most in D.C., she is an honest and genuine person willing to call out bullshit when she sees it.

The sugar included to make this shit sandwich palatable to the hoi polloi is a $600 “covid relief” check. If you assume 220 million taxpayers, that’s about $132B of our money returned to us. Uncle Sam will spend the rest (about $3500 per person) on our behalf. And you can totally trust him to look out for your best interests. Swearsies!

One of the worst mistakes President Trump made in his first term was caving on shutting down the government back in 2017 over a grotesque $1.3T omnibus budget bill. Trump gave in to the swamp, but vowed “I’ll never sign a bill like this again.” I believe Trump signed that steaming pile of crap because A) he desperately wanted money to rebuild the military, and B) Paul Ryan convinced him Republicans would lose the House if he shut the government down. Of course, ducking the fight demoralized conservatives and Republicans went on to lose the House in 2020 anyways. But Ryan got his corporate tax cuts!!! Trump would eventually go the shutdown route in 2019, when he had less leverage, and ultimately lose.

Trump has an opportunity to redeem himself on that failure by giving this flaming turd of a bill an emphatic VETO!

No, Total Deaths in the US are Not Down in 2020

A quickly-retracted article published in the Johns Hopkins news-letter last month has spawned a spate of internet posts. Theses posts claim that the total death rate in 2020 is no higher than previous years. The implication usually made is that COVID-19 really isn’t that dangerous, and the pandemic is just a hoax concocted to control us. The data does not support this assertion, at all. The CDC posts data for total deaths on their website here. The data is broken down by week. If you plot the data for 2020, and compare it to previous years, it looks like this.

Total deaths in United States by week

The CDC’s website states that it can take up to 8 weeks for death certificates to be recorded. So everything after week 42 is likely to be revised up significantly for 2020. Plus, we still have a couple of weeks to go this year. Even so, the total number of deaths recorded in the United States for 2020 is already significantly higher than previous years. And the difference will only look worse after all of the data comes in. If anything, the number of total deaths recorded so far this year suggests we might be undercounting COVID-related mortalities.

To be clear, I’m totally against lockdowns and other draconian government measures used to combat this virus. I believe that informed adults should be able to weigh the risks themselves and make their own choices about how to live their lives. Pushing fake data is antithetical to this cause.

Barack Obama – Still An Asshole

Barack Obama

Barack Obama has figured out why Hispanics moved towards Donald Trump and away from the Democratic Party in the 2020 election. It wasn’t the strong economy and new economic opportunities they were enjoying. It wasn’t a desire to avoid more pointless and destructive COVID lockdowns. It wasn’t a desire to stop the endless wars. And it wasn’t the Democrat’s embrace of socialism, the failed economic system that many Hispanics came to America to escape.

Nope. It had nothing to do with any of that. Have you figured out the real reason? Can you guess? Bigotry! According to Obama, the reason so many Hispanics switched to Trump is because they are awful bigots disguised as evangelicals. Just like those mouth-breathing rubes in fly-over country. In fact, according to The One, Latinos are so homophobic that they were willing to ignore Trump’s own racism against them just because they share The Donald’s bigotry against gays and non-Christians. It was the enemy of my enemy, taken to the extreme, apparently. Never mind that gay marriage and abortion weren’t even big issues for Trump. Or that Trump appointed the first openly gay member to his cabinet. Obama never let facts get in the way of his demonization of conservatives before. Why start now?

And this is why the leftstream media still loves Obama. He says all the things about conservatives that they believe deep down inside. Obama is a master of setting up straw-man arguments he can easily refute. He routinely denigrates positions that conservatives don’t actually hold. And then casually identifies the “real” reasons behind the way we think. Ignorance, racism, sexism, homophobia. To Obama and his media acolytes, these moral and intellectual short-comings explain everything you need to know about bitter-clinger conservatives.

Of course, just name-calling their common enemies is not enough to deify Obama to the press. The smug, condescending manner in which he delivers his barbs is the icing on the cake. Obama always cloaks his trash-talking in measured tones and flowery language. Democrats love to think of themselves as the party of science and reason. A sense of intellectual and moral superiority is in fact crucial to the liberal psyche. So the mediocre bullshit artist who can give an air of gravitas to playground insults is their sage.

Joe and Hunter Biden Will Never Be Held Accountable

Pile of Cash

Working in private sector in corporate America, I am required to complete about a dozen compliance and ethics training classes every year. There are classes on insider trading, conflicts of interest, sexual harassment, ethics, anti-bribery, inclusion, price fixing, bid rigging, intellectual property, and on and on. These classes are necessary to keep employees from running afoul of the myriad of laws passed by the United States Congress to eliminate corruption in the business world. Employees are warned to avoid anything that might even have the appearance of a conflict of interest, at the risk of termination.

Strangely enough (/sarcasm), there are almost no laws on the books to regulate the conduct of our elected officials. If the son of a corporate CEO landed a no-show job at a Chinese supplier to his company, people would go to jail. Period. But if the Vice President of the United States can get his drug-addicted load of a son an $80K/month do-nothing job at a Ukrainian oil company, a country where he is responsible for setting US policy — no problem! (That is a bit of an exaggeration… during the shampeachment trial numerous witnesses testified that Hunter’s position in Burisma was “problematic” and raised eyebrows within the Obama administration. But no one put a stop to it.)

Joe Biden keeps repeating he never did anything wrong. This is a bald-faced lie. What Joe Biden did was a betrayal of the public trust, and highly unethical and immoral. However, it may well not have been technically illegal. It certainly will never be thoroughly investigated. And while the Bidens appear to have been particularly brazen with their corruption, it certainly isn’t uncommon in the DC Swamp. Rules for thee, but not for me.

Why Amy Coney Barrett is Exactly What the Supreme Court Needs

Amy Coney Barrett
Amy Coney Barrett

Amy Coney Barrett breezed through her confirmation hearings a couple of weeks ago. Now, it looks like the Senate will have the votes to confirm her on Monday. This is excellent news for fans of limited government and the Constitutional order. Judge Barrett has demonstrated that she has the perfect blend of temperament, humility, intellect, and ideology to serve on the country’s highest Court.

The Founders had a few basic principles in mind when they designed our system of government. One of the core principles was the idea that free citizens should be empowered to govern themselves. This was the idea Abraham Lincoln eloquently described as “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” in his Gettysburg Address. To serve this end, the Founders also believed that government power should remain as local as possible. The US Constitution spells out the roles and powers of the federal government. But just as importantly, the Constitution also spells out things the federal government is restricted from doing. These protections, which Barack Obama famously derided as “negative liberties”, are at the heart and soul of self-government. Without them, a massive, powerful, and all-encompassing central government could enforce an oppressive hegemony. Individual citizens would have little say in their own affairs.

To big government progressives who believe in top-down technocratic leadership, these ideals are anathema. They rightly see the Constitution as a barrier to implementing and enforcing the grand-scale social engineering they deem superior to leaving society’s overall direction up to the collective choices of individuals. They argue that the Constitution must grow and evolve with the times. That is must be seen as a “living document” and not just words on a dead piece of paper. In this way, progressives argue, the Constitution can change to meet the evolving needs of the people.

Of course, the Founders fully anticipated changes to the Constitution would be necessary over time. Which is why they explicitly created a method for doing so! In fact, the process for amending (i.e. changing) the Constitution is built right into it. The problem with the amendment process for progressives is the bar is set extremely high for doing so. After all a change to the Constitution amounts to a change in the fundamental rules of the game. As such, the Founders deemed any Amendments should have near universal acceptance. Constitutional Amendments require super-majorities in the House and Senate to approve of them, as well as a super-majority of the State legislatures. (Yes, I know there are other mechanisms, but they are equally burdensome and this is the one that has been used the most often by far.) This ensures that any change enshrined in the Constitution has overwhelming support.

For this reason, progressives strongly prefer the idea of the Constitution as a “living” document. With the Supreme Court free to reinterpret and insinuate the meaning of the words actually in the Constitution as the Justices see fit, a whole new avenue opens up for advancing an agenda that isn’t particularly popular. It no longer becomes necessary to get an overwhelming majority of the country to agree with your objectives. You just need to convince a simple majority of 9 lawyers to go along.

And of course, those 9 lawyers then become absolutely crucial to setting public policy. Those lawyers, and who gets to choose them, can determine the course of the country for a generation under the “living document” vision. And the justices, once seated, are completely unaccountable to the voters. Clearly, this is not what the Founders had in mind and is completely at odds with the ideals of self-government. The Founders would no doubt be appalled to see how contentious and political Supreme Court appointments have become. If the Court were apolitical as intended, it would be a ho-hum occurrence.

Barrett will of course be replacing the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Court. Ginsburg led a noteworthy life and was a liberal icon. However, she was absolute abomination of a Supreme Court Justice. Ginsburg fully embraced the activist vision of the Court and the “living document” interpretation of the Constitution. Ginsburg even took judicial activism a step further, arguing that the Court could and should take the laws of other countries into consideration when deciding cases. To Constitutional conservatives and believers in self-government, this is outright heresy. American citizens would be held to legal standards devised in foreign countries by governments they had zero say in choosing and which are completely unaccountable to them. Hopefully, the addition of Amy Coney Barrett will restore the Court to it’s proper role.