If this story is true (and I’m sure it is), it is yet another embarrassing humiliation on the world stage. Did these dumb-fucks really think China was going to help us maintain influence in Eastern Europe? Could they really be that stupid?
I would be surprised if Xi isn’t already planning the invasion of Taiwan now that he is seen what a weak and incompetent moron we have directing our foreign policy. Our global adversaries have to be laughing their asses off right now.
This decrepit, senile, corrupt, crap-pants buffoon is the guy the media swore up and down was a foreign policy expert. The one who could restore our image on the world stage. The guy who would put the adults back in charge. Other world leaders no doubt love him. (Well, except for Ukraine and Afghanistan of course.) Predators love an easy mark. Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran see a weakling they can roll. The Western Europeans see a patsy who will meekly do their bidding. All of them welcome a diminished and subdued United States.
When career bullshit artist and dim-witted blowhard Joe Biden was “elected” President, I was expecting bad things to happen. But hoe-lee-crap. This fucktard is making Jimmy Carter look like a resounding success. Can the country even survive 3 more years of this utter incompetence?
Tulsi Gabbard dropped this MOAB of truth on Twitter:
Biden chose Harris as his VP because of the color of her skin and sex—not qualification. She's been a disaster. Now he promises to choose Supreme Court nominee on the same criteria. Identity politics is destroying our country.
LoL. Honestly, how is this woman still a Democrat? Of course, she is 100% right about Kamala being grossly incompetent. “Heels Up” was chosen to check off the “person of color” and “female” boxes to coax the identity-obsessed progressives to vote for Joe Biden’s crusty old white male ass. The fact she was not chosen based on qualifications isn’t all that unusual though. VPs are routinely chosen to help a presidential candidate in a crucial swing state, or with a demographic they would otherwise struggle to hold. Of course most VPs are also at least marginally competent public officials too. Joe and Kamala have both made their political careers on personality and identity. Neither have ever actually done anything of substance or created anything of value since holding office. All talk, no action (or skill, or drive, or knowledge.) A cult of personality doesn’t keep the trains running.
Yet, the Supreme Court has historically been (mostly) different. Candidates are generally expected to have the highest credentials, the right experience, dazzling intellect, and flawless records to be confirmed. Drooling imbecile Sonya Sotomayor not withstanding. But “President” Biden has promised to pick a black woman as his nominee, regardless of who is most qualified. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if the Dems were to cynically nominate someone really radical. A candidate they know would be completely unacceptable to conservatives. They would love the optics of Republicans blocking the nomination of a black woman in an election year. And if the Republicans blink, they get a progressive activist on the Court despite a 50/50 split Senate. Heads they win, tails we lose.
The right-o-sphere is making hay about an awkward comment Joe Biden made during a Veteran’s Day speech.
The gotcha phrase everyone is pouncing on is “attitude of the great Negro… at the time… pitcher in the Negro Leagues”, by claiming Biden was referring to a black man as a “great negro.” Which would certainly be politically incorrect.
It seems pretty obvious, to me at least, that Biden was trying to convey that the great pitcher Satchel Paige played in the old Negro Leagues, which is just a historical fact. And because he is a dementia-riddled stuttering old dumbass, the words came sputtering out of his clueless face as a string of out-of-sequence broken sentence fragments. Which is yet more evidence that Biden is a dementia-riddled stuttering old dumbass. Not that he is a racist. Trying to turn it into something more than that is exactly the kind of cheap ploy the left uses constantly to smear the right as racist.
One of Saul Alinksy’s 12 rules for radicals was to “make the enemy live up to it’s own book of rules.” By that standard, we should absolutely make the left walk on pins and needles when it comes to race. And interpret everything they say and do through the prism of racism, while always assuming the worst. The problem with that tactic is it means you are no better than they are. It feeds into racial divisions instead of healing them. And it makes you sound as stupid and unhinged as they do.
Joe Biden is one of the most loathsome human beings on the planet. There are a myriad of legitimate, and dire, reasons to criticize and oppose him. We don’t need to invent bogus ones. Let’s be better than that.
The United States has stood for freedom for my entire lifetime. At least it did until recently. In a recent townhall, US President and dementia-riddled sleazebag Joe Biden openly mocked the idea that American citizens had the freedom to decide what gets injected into their bodies.
Compare and contrast with what this German politician said in the EU parliament.
We are truly through the looking glass in American right now. Governmental abuses, that were unthinkable just 24 months ago, are now occurring at an alarming pace. And with a sizable chunk of the country cheering them on. Listen to Democrats in the clip below hooting and hollering over firing police and first responders.
I say Democrats, because this was obviously a crowd of rabid partisans hand picked to be friendly to Biden. Whether or not they think the policy is appropriate, the population at large is not gleefully cheering for the firing of police and first responders (I hope.) Biden made a lot of big promises on defeating the virus in his campaign. Promises that were always more fantasy and bluster than realistic goals. Now he needs a scapegoat to blame for his promises failing to materialize. And Democrats, at least, are totally cool with the Administration villainizing the unvaccinated and exacting vengeance on them. Even if they were being lauded as heroes just a few short months ago. And even if it means trampling over their Constitutional rights.
A few weeks ago, in what was by far the most divisive speech I’ve ever heard from a sitting President, Joe Biden announced that he was imposing a vaccine mandate in a backhanded way through OSHA. Mere months after lamenting the Federal Government had no authority to mandate citizens take the jab, they decided to do it anyways. Or at least make life hell for those who resist. Constitutional limits are for suckers, you know.
“Our patience is wearing thin”, Biden scolded, as he justified forcing people to be injected with hastily-approved medications they don’t want by the need to “protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers.” So it wasn’t supposed to be about protecting the dirty, unwashed, Trump-loving unvaccinated from themselves. There has never been much support in America for laws to protect people from themselves (other than on the far left.) It is (was?) a free country. And free people should be allowed to make their own choices and live with the consequences, good or bad. As long as they aren’t harming others, of course. And Biden made clear that his mandate was necessary to protect the (clean and virtuous) fully vaccinated from the disease-ridden, science-denying troglodytes. Biden made no effort to hide his disdain for the vaccine-hesitant and the damage they were doing to the obedient faithful. A more stark us-vs-them distinction would be hard to imagine.
Biden then went on to undermine his own case by declaring it to be a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and promised getting the vaccine would spare the infected from serious illness, hospitalization, and death. If that was true, why would the vaccinated need to be protected from the unvaccinated? Logical consistency is probably too much to ask of the dementia-riddled old jackass occupying the Oval Office. At least he got through the speech without crapping his pants (probably.)
So the basis for the mandate was weak from the start. New information since then has only further undermined the case for this unprecedented assault on medical autonomy. Tons of evidence has emerged that shows while the vaccines do improve outcomes, they are far from perfect, especially when it comes to slowing the spread of the disease. 76% of covid deaths in Vermont during the month of September were fully vaccinated. A Harvard study came out that found no correlation whatsoever between vaccination rates and the spread of covid on a county-level scale in the United States. Covid is surging in the Irish county of Waterford where 99.7% of the population is fully vaccinated. A recent study indicates that the efficacy of the vaccines starts to significantly wane after only 3 months. In fact, the J&J vaccine retained only a paltry 3% efficacy after 6 months. Yet recipients of the J&J jab are still considered “fully vaccinated.” Try telling me with a straight face that Big Pharma isn’t calling the shots here. I’ll wait. Then you have the Israeli study, the numerous horror stories about young (i.e. not vulnerable) people suffering horrific side effects, and so much more.
Finally you have the troll-like little crap weasel Anthony Fauci flat-out lying about how effective the vaccines are… And nobody but a de-platformed comedian is willing to call him out on it. Everybody else is afraid to question the Church of Fauci, because Big Tech will drop the hammer on anyone who dares question the administration’s narrative. Fast-forward to 48:20 in the video below for details:
Virtually all of the evidence indicates the vaccines do nothing to stop the spread of covid. That fact alone blows Biden’s justification for the mandate out of the water. The unvaccinated are no more likely to infect the vaccinated then the fellow-vaccinated. On top of that, the data suggests the protection the vaccines provide is, sadly, short-lived and inferior to natural immunity. So why on Earth would you want to jab covid survivors, other than to inflate the numbers and get closer to your arbitrarily chosen target? The short-term risk of serious side effects from the jab, while small, seems to be much greater than any previously approved vaccines. And any possible long-term side effects are still pure speculation. But Joe Biden ran on “defeating the virus.” Plus he (foolishly) blames the Delta surge on his sagging economy, poll numbers, and agenda. So he will push ahead with crushing the liberties of American citizens for a virus with a 99% survival rate.
I’ve made up my mind. This spring I told my significant other that I wouldn’t deprive myself of beneficial medication just because a moron said I should take it. After all, even a broken clock is right twice a day. I was actually signed up to get the J&J poke, which got halted 2 days before my appointment due to severe blood clotting issues. I chose to cancel altogether rather than take one of the other options. As it turns out, that J&J jab would be all but useless now, 7 months later. Today, as a practical matter, I’m inclined to wait a while and see how things shake out. However, as a philosophical matter, there is no choice. A moron chiding me is one thing. A petty tyrant threatening me is quite another. I will not be taking the jab any time soon. So many people have lost their jobs over this. Cops. Nurses. And many others. Good people. Many were being hailed as heroes just a year ago. Their stories are gut-wrenching. Hopefully I won’t become one of them. But everyone needs to have thresholds that can’t be crossed. Principles that are worth fighting for, even if it means personal hardship. Hills that are worth dying on. For me, this is one of those hills. I will not comply.
One of the favorite tactics of the garbage media is to dismiss and/or ignore a story they don’t like until the news cycle moves on. Then, at some much later date they will quietly acknowledge the story was true all along and simultaneously declare it to be “old news.” In this way, they can avoid ever having to talk about things they don’t like, and still pretend like they have some kind of journalistic integrity. No need to discuss that story we buried months ago, they will say, it’s old news. Why can’t you people just move on already???
One of the most egregious acts of journalistic malpractice to ever occur was the interference the media ran for alleged “President” and sleazy old bastard Joe Biden in the run-up to the 2020 election in regards to Hunter’s laptop. Joe’s crack-addled loser of a son left his laptop at a repair shop with tons of compromising information on the hard drive related to the Biden’s longtime racket of selling influence to enrich themselves. (The legitimacy of the laptop contents was confirmed by a Biden business partner at the time.) This was a bombshell revelation, and would have been devastating to Joe Biden’s campaign. It was also a juicy scandal, the kind the media would normally love to sink their teeth into… even if only for the ratings. But in this case there was a really big problem. If the media exposed sleazy Joe right before the election, it would almost certainly mean handing the election to Trump. And that is the one thing they could never bring themselves to do.
So instead of reporting on the facts, they comically dismissed the laptop revelations as “Russian disinformation” and actively encouraged voters to ignore it. They even went so far as to debunk some other obscure conspiracy theory and then purposely conflate it with the laptop story to confuse people.
Welp, it looks like now is the time the media has chosen to transition the Hunter story from “crazy right wing conspiracy” to “old news” everyone already knows about that we don’t need to discuss ever again. Politico just confirmed the emails Joe’s crack fiend kid recklessly exposed are legit. With the news cycle packed with the multiple crises the crusty old imbecile occupying the White House has created, the garbage media probably figured this was a good time to slip a story under the radar. Dementia-riddled moron installed, and journalistic integrity intact!!! Yay, media!!!
One of the Isis-K terrorists vaporized by the Biden Administration
The US government has now been forced to admit that the van of people they incinerated near the airport in Kabul weren’t Isis-K terrorists, but a completely innocent family including 7 children. The Biden Administration needed to kill someone to recover from their feckless and weak withdrawal from Afghanistan. So they indiscriminately killed some civilians to soothe their bruised egos. And the victims of these “old white men” were “oppressed people of color” to boot! Isn’t this exactly the kind of thing that leftists are always feigning outrage over??? Expect it to go nowhere when Democrats are in charge. Nobody will even lose their job or be reprimanded, much less face any criminal charges.
I suspected that the claims of massive secondary explosions were bullshit from the get-go. All the pictures that came out of the burned out vehicle showed it was still largely intact. If it was full of bombs for an imminent terrorist attack, you would think the resulting explosion would have totally disintegrated the van. However, being the internet, I wasn’t totally sure because you never know if the pictures shown are the primary target or just collateral damage on a nearby vehicle (or even some picture from a totally unrelated incident.) But now it has also been confirmed that the government flat-out lied about the secondary explosions.
And the government still refuses to identify the two Isis-K “planners” they assassinated in a separate drone strike. What are the odds those were just a couple random individuals in their own homes? The Biden Administration sure doesn’t seem to want anyone checking out their other handiwork too closely.
I have always been proud to be an American. But it is getting harder by the day. This gutless and evil act that was done in all of our names is a national disgrace. And nothing will be done about it. How nearly half the country can support the creepy, stupid, abusive, corrupt, evil piece of shit occupying the White House is beyond me.
Alleged US President and feckless old fool Joe Biden has been humiliating his country with his cartoonish botching of our withdrawal from Afghanistan. The stakes were raised a few days ago when 13 US soldiers were killed along with dozens of others in a terrorist attack at the airport in Kabul. Realizing how incredibly weak and incompetent they looked, Biden and his cronies decided they needed to kill somebody in retaliation. And fast. Problem was with all our personnel running for the hills and all of our assets on the ground seized by the Taliban, we undoubtedly had next to zero intel on where to strike. Well, they found somebody to make an example of anyways. My spide-y senses were already tingling when the government described the target as a “planner” for Isis-K. Not a terrorist or leader, but a “planner.” And what the hell is ISIS-K? Conveniently, the government declined to identify exactly who it was they killed.
Then they announced on Sunday that another drone attack had prevented a “imminent attack” near the Kabul Airport. The government claimed the van was loaded with explosives intended for use in a suicide bombing.
9 killed by U.S rocket attack today in Kabul, who are they?
1: Zemaray, Interpreter 2: Naseer, Army officer 2: Zameer, Shopkeeper 4: Faisal, Student 5: Farzad, Student 6: Ayat, 2 years old 7: Sumaya, 2 years old 8: Armin, 4 years old 9: Binyamen, 3 years old pic.twitter.com/pRajIF00Yd
So we are now finding out who was really in that van. And the truth is sickening. To save a little face and satisfy his ego, Joe Biden had the US military incinerate two unnamed individuals, and then a van full of 9 family members. Including multiple children. There is no convincing evidence that any actual terrorists were killed. This level of incompetence and brazen disregard for human life is intolerable. Biden needs to be impeached and removed from office immediately. (And in a just world, summarily hanged from the nearest tree.) When Biden was just another grifter making a dishonest living selling influence to our adversaries, that was bad enough. As the “President”, he was already heaping embarrassment and humiliation on the country. Now with this latest atrocity, Joe Biden has brought abject shame on to the United States of America.
The Washington Times published an interesting op-ed on vaccines and the Biden Administration’s (mis)use of them. I’m not totally sold on all of the points presented, but it certainly makes some interesting arguments which are worthy of consideration. The op-ed carries a little extra weight because it was co-written by Dr. Robert Malone. Dr. Malone is literally one of the key inventors of the mRNA vaccine technology. So the left’s standard procedure of denouncing him as “anti-science” and a spreader of “misinformation” doesn’t really work. Instead, they are borrowing from the old Soviet Union playbook and attempting to erase him from history altogether. Lefties are nothing if not predictable.
As for what this all means politically, I think Biden and the Democrats are in deep doo-doo come 2022. The next election is still a long ways off, but polls show Biden is underwater on almost every issue except his handling of the COVID pandemic. I think that is going to come crashing down on him big time. And sooner, rather than later. In the debates, Trump was for a return to normalcy. Biden said we couldn’t have normalcy until we “defeated” the virus. And swore he was the only candidate that could do it. However, it is sure starting to look like the coronavirus is here to stay. Between “leaky” vaccines and multiple new variants, the coronavirus appears set to join influenza and the common cold as perennial scourges on humanity (thanks, Fauci!!!) With no hope of “victory” over COVID, Biden’s big-stuffing in the debates will be exposed as the vain bluster of a befuddled imbecile, and his draconian countermeasures will be seen in a much less favorable light. (The Administration knows this. Which is why they are already trying to deflect blame on to Red State governors and the unvaccinated.) Successfully pinning a (un)natural disaster on the incumbent was a large part of how the Democrats weaseled their way back into power. It’s about to get thrown back in their smug faces.
Joe Biden raised some eyebrows during a speech recently when he felt the need to comment on a girl’s legs in the crowd. Obviously, Creepy Uncle Joe had been checking her out. The girl was 12 years old, BTW. It’s all part of the “return to decency” the media promised us. Of course, this should come as no surprise. Biden has a long history of inappropriate comments, touching, grabbing, and (ewww) sniffing women in public. But he doesn’t tweet mean things about the media.