Fauxcahontas Fails Math and Civics in 30 Seconds While Patronizing Progs

The Republican establishment is famous for playing Kabuki Theatre to keep the base engaged. What I mean by that is, they routinely promise legislation they have no intention of ever passing and use rhetoric they don’t really believe. The most egregious example that comes to mind is Obamacare. Conservatives (rightly) saw it as simultaneously being terrible policy and a blatant trampling of individual rights. Republicans in congress repeatedly promised to repeal it. They voted to repeal the law around 60 times when Obama was President… knowing full well that Obama would veto the bill and it was all for show. Then when the voters gave them the power to actually repeal the ACA in 2016, they folded. Vile crap stain John McCain famously said he wouldn’t vote to repeal Obamacare until a suitable replacement was agreed upon with Chuck Schumer. Huh??? Give your opponent everything he wants without a fight, and then invite him to negotiate down from that? It was a giant “fuck you” to the Republican base wrapped in an insult to our intelligence.

It gives me a little schadenfreude to see that the Democrats sometimes play the same game. After the Roe opinion was leaked, Schumer could have put together a bill to codify Roe in Federal law. It might even have had a slim chance of passing, even if it could easily be overturned by a future Congress. Instead, they put together a bill so radical and loaded with poison pills that it was doomed to failure. The Senate bill was was never meant to be law. It was meant to appease the enraged Democrat base.

Senator Paleface just had to get in on the performance, and compressed an amazing amount of stupid into a short sound bite.

Lie-awatha speaks with forked tongue

First, the Democrats’ bill was so toxic, one of their own even voted against it. So the bill actually went down in flames 49-51. Somebody needs to send Warren to a remedial math class so she can learn that 49 out of 100 is not a majority. Second, she claims:

I don’t believe the minority should have the ability to block things that the majority wants to do. That’s not in the Constitution.

– Sen. Farts Like Hog

Protections for the minority are not in the Constitution? Really? What does she think the Senate is?!?!? The very fucking body she is a member of was established to allow a minority (i.e. small States) to thwart the will of a majority. What a total moron. The entire U.S. government was structured to empower and protect the rights of the smallest minority, i.e. the individual.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner.

– Somebody much smarter than Elizabeth Warren

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