Captain Obvious Weighs In on Gas Prices

The New York Post ran a story today revealing the big secret that soaring gas prices are part of the Democrats’ plan to force Americans to switch to the Green Energy types they prefer. I think we can safely file this one under “No shit, Sherlock.” Recent polling shows that at least 1/2 of America was partially awake during the 2020 election when Biden repeatedly promised to nuke the oil industry.

Eliminating oil plays well with the Democrat base and the global left. President Pants Load probably thought he would be hailed as a great hero by pushing America to the forefront of the switch away from fossil fuels. And the global left undoubtedly will praise him. They always do when America shoots itself in the foot, especially when it is to gain their approval. Average Americans, not so much.

Last year a feeble-minded jackass with delusions of greatness carelessly sabotaged the US oil industry confident the economy could run on windmills and unicorn farts. Then an insurrectionist reality intervened.

I’ve mentioned before that progressives basically live in a fantasy world, where all good things are possible if you want them badly enough and just believe. The problem for President Crap Stain is the technology and infrastructure are no where near ready for a switch to electric. The cars are expensive and impractical. The charging infrastructure is woefully inadequate. Our electrical grid isn’t up to handling the extra load. And our capacity to generate all that extra electrical power doesn’t exist. In short, forcing an immediate switch is a recipe for disaster. But Biden and his leftist string-pullers don’t want to hear about it. They want the credit for bringing about transformative change so they can go down in history as “great” men. They are too arrogant to wait and let the transition happen organically. They need to have their name on it because they crave the adulation. And they are too stupid to understand the systems they are disrupting, and the consequences that could follow by ignorantly disrupting them. And if they do, they just don’t care. So they push ahead anyways despite the facts on the ground.

And predictably, it has exploded in their faces. Democrats wanted gas prices to soar. But they didn’t want them to soar quite so fast. And they certainly didn’t want to be blamed for it. I 100% believe they thought electric cars would sweep right in to replace gasoline vehicles with minimal hardship. They thought they would be the big heroes who ushered in the wonderful new high-tech world of electric vehicles and climate sustainability and everyone would love them for it. Not the morons who devastated the US economy and drove the country off a cliff.

And because they are unserious, they didn’t realize the oil industry can’t just flip a switch and dramatically increase production overnight. It takes investors. It takes planning. It takes personnel. It takes infrastructure. All of which this administration has been been doing everything within it’s power to crush since day one. Now when their delusions of electrified grandeur are failing faster than Joe’s Depends and the population is ready to break out the torches and pitch forks, they are dismayed that another fantasy-world solution isn’t there to save them. Thank goodness the “adults” are back in charge, right?