Democrats Pathetic Gaslighting on CRT

Democrats (elected and media) are in a tizzy after Virginia went Red last night. They are now, without irony, blaming McAuliffe’s defeat on race-baiting. With the left, it always boils down to race. Always. The narrative they are pushing is that Younkin exploited the latent racism of white suburbanites by concocting phony accusations about Critical Race Theory perverting the education system.

The approved talking point was obviously “Critical Race Theory isn’t even taught in Virginia schools.” Lots of lefty pundits and media types were regurgitating it in the final hours before voting started. Joy Reid, who sounded like a broken record, was just one among many repeating the party line. Reid apparently believes she can make this ridiculous claim by playing semantic word games. Critical Race Theory, she contends, is just an obscure legal theory that is only taught to University law students. A benign term that evil right wingers have co-opted as a racist dog whistle. Or so she contends.

Of course, Joy Reid knows damn well parents aren’t pissed off because their children are being taught esoteric legal theories. Critical Race Theory in the common vernacular has come to define the dubious premises which underpin the legal theory. The phrase is understood to encompass all of the toxic WOKE! “Anti-Racist” bullshit peddled by Xbrim X. Kendi, Robin DiAngelo, and their ilk. It includes the idea that the totality of American systems and culture are hopelessly intertwined with systemic racism. That all white people, whether consciously or subconsciously, are racist oppressors. And all people of color are helpless victims of racist oppression. That every single interaction between whites and non-whites is defined by racism. And that “whiteness” is an evil which must be aggressively stamped out. It is these divisive and racist ideas that parents don’t want indoctrinated into their children. Yet they are very fashionable among leftist educators and school boards. And this more common understanding of what Critical Race Theory entails absolutely is creeping into classrooms all across the country.

And Joy Reid knows this. Or at least she should. Reid obviously isn’t the brightest bulb, and she is so blinded by her hard leftist ideology that she might not be able to distinguish between historical fact and woke revisionism. A common straw man the left keeps throwing out there is that Republicans don’t want to teach children the history of slavery. That is asinine. The historical facts about slavery, the abolitionists, the Civil War, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the Civil Rights movement have all been taught for generations. They are important parts of our history and belong in the classroom. Nobody wants to change that. However, the left’s Marxist critique of contemporary American society through the prism of race is not “history.” It’s not even factual. And it should not be used to poison impressionable young minds.

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Unlike US President, German Politician Understands Freedom

The United States has stood for freedom for my entire lifetime. At least it did until recently. In a recent townhall, US President and dementia-riddled sleazebag Joe Biden openly mocked the idea that American citizens had the freedom to decide what gets injected into their bodies.

Compare and contrast with what this German politician said in the EU parliament.

We are truly through the looking glass in American right now. Governmental abuses, that were unthinkable just 24 months ago, are now occurring at an alarming pace. And with a sizable chunk of the country cheering them on. Listen to Democrats in the clip below hooting and hollering over firing police and first responders.

I say Democrats, because this was obviously a crowd of rabid partisans hand picked to be friendly to Biden. Whether or not they think the policy is appropriate, the population at large is not gleefully cheering for the firing of police and first responders (I hope.) Biden made a lot of big promises on defeating the virus in his campaign. Promises that were always more fantasy and bluster than realistic goals. Now he needs a scapegoat to blame for his promises failing to materialize. And Democrats, at least, are totally cool with the Administration villainizing the unvaccinated and exacting vengeance on them. Even if they were being lauded as heroes just a few short months ago. And even if it means trampling over their Constitutional rights.

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Biden’s Divisive Vaccine Mandate

A few weeks ago, in what was by far the most divisive speech I’ve ever heard from a sitting President, Joe Biden announced that he was imposing a vaccine mandate in a backhanded way through OSHA. Mere months after lamenting the Federal Government had no authority to mandate citizens take the jab, they decided to do it anyways. Or at least make life hell for those who resist. Constitutional limits are for suckers, you know.

“Our patience is wearing thin”, Biden scolded, as he justified forcing people to be injected with hastily-approved medications they don’t want by the need to “protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers.” So it wasn’t supposed to be about protecting the dirty, unwashed, Trump-loving unvaccinated from themselves. There has never been much support in America for laws to protect people from themselves (other than on the far left.) It is (was?) a free country. And free people should be allowed to make their own choices and live with the consequences, good or bad. As long as they aren’t harming others, of course. And Biden made clear that his mandate was necessary to protect the (clean and virtuous) fully vaccinated from the disease-ridden, science-denying troglodytes. Biden made no effort to hide his disdain for the vaccine-hesitant and the damage they were doing to the obedient faithful. A more stark us-vs-them distinction would be hard to imagine.

Biden then went on to undermine his own case by declaring it to be a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and promised getting the vaccine would spare the infected from serious illness, hospitalization, and death. If that was true, why would the vaccinated need to be protected from the unvaccinated? Logical consistency is probably too much to ask of the dementia-riddled old jackass occupying the Oval Office. At least he got through the speech without crapping his pants (probably.)

So the basis for the mandate was weak from the start. New information since then has only further undermined the case for this unprecedented assault on medical autonomy. Tons of evidence has emerged that shows while the vaccines do improve outcomes, they are far from perfect, especially when it comes to slowing the spread of the disease. 76% of covid deaths in Vermont during the month of September were fully vaccinated. A Harvard study came out that found no correlation whatsoever between vaccination rates and the spread of covid on a county-level scale in the United States. Covid is surging in the Irish county of Waterford where 99.7% of the population is fully vaccinated. A recent study indicates that the efficacy of the vaccines starts to significantly wane after only 3 months. In fact, the J&J vaccine retained only a paltry 3% efficacy after 6 months. Yet recipients of the J&J jab are still considered “fully vaccinated.” Try telling me with a straight face that Big Pharma isn’t calling the shots here. I’ll wait. Then you have the Israeli study, the numerous horror stories about young (i.e. not vulnerable) people suffering horrific side effects, and so much more.

Finally you have the troll-like little crap weasel Anthony Fauci flat-out lying about how effective the vaccines are… And nobody but a de-platformed comedian is willing to call him out on it. Everybody else is afraid to question the Church of Fauci, because Big Tech will drop the hammer on anyone who dares question the administration’s narrative. Fast-forward to 48:20 in the video below for details:

Virtually all of the evidence indicates the vaccines do nothing to stop the spread of covid. That fact alone blows Biden’s justification for the mandate out of the water. The unvaccinated are no more likely to infect the vaccinated then the fellow-vaccinated. On top of that, the data suggests the protection the vaccines provide is, sadly, short-lived and inferior to natural immunity. So why on Earth would you want to jab covid survivors, other than to inflate the numbers and get closer to your arbitrarily chosen target? The short-term risk of serious side effects from the jab, while small, seems to be much greater than any previously approved vaccines. And any possible long-term side effects are still pure speculation. But Joe Biden ran on “defeating the virus.” Plus he (foolishly) blames the Delta surge on his sagging economy, poll numbers, and agenda. So he will push ahead with crushing the liberties of American citizens for a virus with a 99% survival rate.

I’ve made up my mind. This spring I told my significant other that I wouldn’t deprive myself of beneficial medication just because a moron said I should take it. After all, even a broken clock is right twice a day. I was actually signed up to get the J&J poke, which got halted 2 days before my appointment due to severe blood clotting issues. I chose to cancel altogether rather than take one of the other options. As it turns out, that J&J jab would be all but useless now, 7 months later. Today, as a practical matter, I’m inclined to wait a while and see how things shake out. However, as a philosophical matter, there is no choice. A moron chiding me is one thing. A petty tyrant threatening me is quite another. I will not be taking the jab any time soon. So many people have lost their jobs over this. Cops. Nurses. And many others. Good people. Many were being hailed as heroes just a year ago. Their stories are gut-wrenching. Hopefully I won’t become one of them. But everyone needs to have thresholds that can’t be crossed. Principles that are worth fighting for, even if it means personal hardship. Hills that are worth dying on. For me, this is one of those hills. I will not comply.

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Democrats Go (Really) Low in VA

I haven’t had time to post much lately, so I thought I would throw this up real quick. The Democrats are really starting to panic in Virginia. Terry McAuliffe is about as popular as herpes, and the governorship in a reliably Blue State is in danger of going Red. What to do? Get out a positive message and sell your (allegedly) awesome ideas? Nah, that’s how you got behind in the first place. Time for tried and true reliable tactics. Paint your opponent as racist!!! No evidence of racism, even by WOKE! standards? No problem. Just fake it with your own political operatives and a conspiring garbage media. Remember, these are the assholes always preening about their moral superiority and their opponents lack of integrity. All is fair in love and politics, but this is some sleazy shit.


Apparently the Never-Trump group the Lincoln Project has claimed responsibility for this hoax. Now that it is exposed, they are pathetically trying to reframe their false-flag dirty trick as a “demonstration.” Curious that a supposed conservative group would employ all registered Democrats to act out their fraud. Fuck all these people.

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A National Divorce Will Be Bloody

After thinking about it a little more, I’m convinced that an amicable national divorce is impossible. An idea that initially sounded promising was a return to Federalism. Going that route, Texas could continue to embrace rugged individualism, while California could build a progressive welfare state. And both could peaceably coexist. In theory, at least.

However, if the left was actually open to a live-and-let-live solution, we wouldn’t be in this position in the first place. I find the modern progressive agenda to be so ridiculous, that I sometimes forget large swaths of the left really do buy into it. Progressivism is now the dominant faction in the Democrat Party. And for the true believers in progressivism, nothing but our subjugation will suffice. To the left, we conservatives don’t just have different opinions and priorities. We’re not even simply mistaken in our beliefs. To them, we are evil. And, they believe, evil must be confronted and defeated. Don’t believe me? Think I’m being hyperbolic? Check out this recent article from New York magazine. By a supposed “moderate” leftist. I strongly suspect it captures the majority opinion progressives will have on a national divorce.

The author starts out by acknowledging the obvious. That our divisions are “deep, bitter, and authentic.” He then cites the recent poll which found 52% of Trump voters and 41% of Biden voters favor seceding from the union. I personally found the 41% support from Biden voters most surprising. He won. Their guy is in power. Had 20,000 or so swing-state voters went the other way and Trump was still President, I bet a whole lot more than 52% of leftists would want out right about now. But the author instead attempts to attribute all the national divorce talk entirely to the pro-Trump right (i.e. the “crazies”.)

There is, moreover, an abundant literature of neo-secessionism on the political right these days, much of it coming from intensely pro-Trump quarters ranging from Glenn Beck’s Blaze Media fiefdom to the Claremont Institute. In the latter MAGA hothouse, secession is nestled within the concept of a “National Divorce,” in which the two mutually hostile sectors of the country would each go their own way.

Whatever. Wherever the idea originated, it is pretty clear that there is significant agreement on both sides that our feud has reached an impasse. The author then proceeds to declare who the good guys are:

Much like an antebellum southern aristocrat shaking his head at the Puritan fanatics of an abolitionist movement he imagined embodying the very soul of Yankeedom, Reaboi and his confederates assume that Blue America is the psychological prisoner of Woke Progressivism, which will destroy any part of the country where it is not denied

So, supporters of Donald Trump are just like the southern aristocrats of the Confederacy who condoned slavery. Get it? The subtle arrogance and self-righteousness is so typical. The author believes that Red America thinks of progressives like him as “Puritan fanatics”, and not degenerate morons. As if the right is saying to itself, “Damn you virtuous progressives. Stop ruining our system of white male supremacy with your infernal fairness and justice!” Seriously. This is what they believe. We can’t even talk to these fuckheads anymore. We’re not even on the same planet.

He continues:

More broadly, the MAGA movement resembles the proto-Confederates in that it bears a powerful sense of loss — that in Trump it had its big chance to Make America Great Again but was robbed of victory by tyrants who will now flood the land with the votes of swarthy immigrants and destroy American enterprise with a socialist administrative state.

Well, at least that part of the article is true. Trump supporters certainly believe they got shafted in the last election, myself included. And that the cabal in DC are tyrants. That they intend to cement their power through illegal immigration. That they will impose a socialist administrative state. And that the country is screwed because of it. How this makes us analogous to the Confederacy isn’t exactly clear. Nor is the relevance of how swarthy the illegal immigrants are (or are not.) Actually, the reasoning behind both statements is totally clear. They are just backhanded ways of calling us racists. Leftists reflexively believe that all conservatives are racist, and that all of our objections to illegal immigration are based solely on racism. At least the dumb ones do. The smarter ones know the race card is a convenient crutch that protects them from having to defend their otherwise indefensible policies.

The author then goes on to concede that some leftists, understandably tired of dealing with bigoted idiots for years on end, are ready to throw their hands up in frustration.

Now as then, some elements of the left are happy to let the reactionaries go in order to liberate themselves from the gridlock and paralysis that big national divisions operating under a limited-government constitution encourage.

And even admits that there would be some serious upsides:

Yes, I might derive great joy from the overthrow of the U.S. Senate and its filibuster and the conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court. I would feel much safer in a progressive nation that didn’t arm its citizens to the teeth, didn’t view other nations as “shitholes” full of subhuman orcs to be subdued, and didn’t accept calamitous climate change as just the price of doing business.

It’s kind of fascinating to see what bothers this guy the most. You’ve got the Senate, which is one of the main safeguards for federalism. Then there is the Supreme Court, enforcers of the limits on government set forth in the US Constitution. And guns, the last defense against a tyrannical government. All longstanding thorns in the progressive side, so those three certainly make sense.

The “shithole” country issue is an odd one to single out. People on the right certainly believe some countries are “shitholes”, even if that isn’t a very sensitive way to put it. There are plenty of countries in the word that are racked with war, oppression, corruption, and poverty. It stands to reason that they aren’t very nice places to live. In fact, the left is constantly telling us we need to accept anyone who crosses our southern border because the countries they are fleeing are so awful. What are they then, if not “shitholes”?

Then there is the subhuman orcs conservatives apparently want to subdue. I honestly don’t even know what he is talking about here. I guess it could be just another ham-handed insinuation that all conservatives are racist. Being unfortunate enough to be born in a “shithole” country doesn’t make you subhuman. I don’t know anybody who thinks it does. And conservatives certainly don’t want to subdue those people. Supporters of Trump tend to be isolationists, if anything. Trump was all about putting a stop to the stupid endless wars and wasting billions on nation-building. The only people we are looking to subdue are the ones trying to illegally cross our border. Not because we think they are somehow subhuman or too brown or whatever other slanderous motive the left can dream up. But because you can’t have a country with no borders and no sovereignty. The United States can’t possibly allow every person born in a less prosperous country to just waltz right in and make themselves at home and still be viable as a nation. There certainly isn’t anything humane or compassionate about the current situation at our southern border. You might even describe the conditions as sub-human. But the influx is good for the future electoral prospects of the left, and that is what really matters to the progressives. You certainly won’t see any photo-ops with AOC crying outside the over-flowing detention centers now.

And finally, we have the obligatory climate change canard. The existential crisis where the very last chance to act is always tomorrow. The crisis so dire, the politicians and media need to constantly lie and fear monger just to convince people it is actually a real thing. And of course, the “solution” to the climate “crisis” just happens to align perfectly with the political goals of the globalist left. What are the odds???Though, as far as leftist hoaxes go, I must admit global warming climate disruption climate change is brilliant. It can’t be positively disproven by pesky evidence for an entire century. So, point conceded, the vast majority of conservatives aren’t hip on voluntarily enslaving themselves because your computer models say Gaia is crying.

Despite all the positives, Kilgore points out that allowing the Red States to secede would have a dire consequence. They would actually be allowed to govern themselves in accordance with their (evil) culture and values.

But how could I happily accept the accelerated subjugation of women and people of color in a new, adjacent Red America, any more than abolitionists could accept the continuation and expansion of the slavery they hated? Would it really be safe to live near a carbon-mad country in which the denial of climate change was an article of faith? And could I ever trust that a “neighbor” whose leadership and citizens believed their policies reflected the unchanging ancient will of the Almighty would leave our fences intact?

Again, I have no idea what this shit stain is even talking about. The subjugation of women and people of color? Is that really what this turd thinks conservatives want? Apparently, treating everybody the same regardless of skin tone is the new Jim Crow. And protecting the lives of the unborn is just like the Handmaid’s Tale. Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of the science behind CO2 and global warming knows that proximity to the source is irrelevant. Even if you actually were concerned about such things. Oh, and of course the rednecks will be tempted to invade once they see how awesome the left’s socialist utopia turns out to be and they get super jealous.

However, there is a small problem for our potential leftist overlords. If the Red States did decide to secede, our friend isn’t so sure the soy-boys of the left would have the intestinal fortitude to stop them.

I don’t know if the hypothetical leaders of an America facing red-state secession would have the unshakable will of a Lincoln. And it’s not at all clear that young men and women in Blue America would be willing to take up arms in large numbers to resist secession with fire and blood.

At least he isn’t completely divorced from reality. Your average young leftists are accustomed to whining and crying to get their way. They fall to pieces if someone mis-genders them. Odds are they wouldn’t hold up too well under battle. Then there are the left’s shock troops of Antifa. However, Antifa like beating up on helpless victims and cos-playing as revolutionaries. They don’t like targets that can fight back and generally prefer to be back in mom’s basement by morning so they don’t miss out on playing video games.

Finally, then the author finishes up with the main point of his article:

So I say to the would-be secessionists: Please don’t go. And if it’s somehow in my power, I won’t let you go. I have no illusions of compromises yet untried or “third ways” left unexplored. So let’s have it out right here in America as peacefully as we can manage. Perhaps if we continue to battle for control of our common country, one side or the other might win a popular mandate to exercise real power and change the facts on the ground, breaking the perpetual stalemate. If not, then let’s consider the wisdom of those who crushed the Confederacy in the belief that the misery of political conflict is better than the literal civic death of national disunion.

After many paragraphs of pure vitriol aimed at Red America, the author then states that separation is not an option. Is it just me, or does this seem like a strange position to hold? He doesn’t even pretend there is common ground to be found. Why insist on sticking with a bunch of science-denying racists? Why share a country with people you clearly can’t stand? People you actually consider to be evil? The answer is actually rather obvious from the context: to subjugate them. To bring them to heel and control them. The idea of allowing conservatism to survive in America is anathema to progressive ideologues like the author.

So what does this all mean for an amicable national divorce? In short, it ain’t happening. No way. The bottom line is that the American left feels like they are winning. The election of Donald Trump gave them quite a scare, and it had them panicked for a while. But they have regained their composure, and once again feel confident that the arc of history is on their side. The left won’t make the same mistakes they made with Trump. They have made their way through all of America’s institutions. They dominate pop culture, the media, big tech, and the education system. They have finally sowed enough self-doubt and division in our citizenry to erode our national confidence and rot this great country from within. And they have inundated key voting regions with foreign invaders who have no understanding or appreciation of our nation’s founding, history, values, traditions, and culture. All of this smells like victory to the left. So a simple divorce won’t do. They don’t hate living with us. They hate us. Period. After spending decades working to bring us down, they aren’t going to let us peacefully go our separate way now. Not when they are so close to delivering that final coup de grâce they have dreamed of for so long. Or, so they think.

Make no mistake, a progressive like Ed Kilgore wouldn’t be so gung-ho for a final decisive showdown if he thought his side might actually lose. When he talks about one side exercising real power and fundamentally transforming the country, it is blatantly clear which side he envisions vanquishing the other. “Breaking the perpetual stalemate” is his euphemism for destroying conservatism and America-as-founded forever. To Kilgore and his ilk, it is a moral imperative akin to defeating the Confederacy to end slavery.

Diversity of political perspectives is one thing the left absolutely can not tolerate. There won’t be any “coexist” bumper stickers for conservatives or Red America. They want us eradicated.

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National Divorce Idea Gaining Some Traction

A while back I lamented that a national divorce might be necessary. Since then, the idea actually seems to be gaining a bit of traction. People on both the right and left have been kicking it around. Still, the level of support shown in a recent poll was a real shocker. If you believe the UVA poll, close to half the country already agrees that splitting up is a good idea. In fact, the push for a national divorce has gotten strong enough that a New York Post writer felt the need to throw cold water on it.

In solidly blue New York, Trump won 3,251,997 votes to Biden’s 5,244,886 in 2020. Trump’s 3.2 million is more than five times the number of people living in Wyoming, the reddest state in the country, and more than 16 times the votes Trump won there. Do conservatives simply surrender the whole Empire State, and those 3.2 million voters, in the divorce? How would those 3.2 million feel about that?

The columnist’s main argument against a split seems to be that it would be messy. Well, duh. Any kind of divorce is gonna be messy. Dividing up a couple and their assets is hard enough. Dividing up a country will be extremely difficult and contentious. And unlike, say, Brexit we won’t have a body of water separating us from our exes. How is the national debt divided up? Military assets? What happens to all the illegal aliens? It would be ugly. And exactly what the break up would look like is tough to say. Maybe we don’t end up as separate countries at all, but revert to an extreme form of Federalism? Who knows. But, yes, a national divorce would obviously be a colossal mess. However, the alternative the Post offers up seems to be a no go.

We’re still a very new country; we continue to grow and evolve. The solution isn’t to divide it up so we could be (briefly) better represented. It’s to persuade others to our way of thinking — and voting. And to remember the ideas that forged our national marriage in the first place.

The reason a national divorce is even being discussed is precisely because we can’t persuade others to our way of thinking. One side is explicitly repudiating the “ideas that forged our national marriage in the first place.” We have literally nothing left in common. The right believes in free speech whether they agree with it or not. The left wants censorship of misinformation and hate speech codes. The right wants a free market economy with minimal regulations. The left wants a socialist centrally planned economy where corporations are compelled to serve the common good. The right believes in the right to keep and bear arms. The left wants to confiscate all the guns. The right believes in a color-blind society where everyone is treated equal. The left wants an identity-based politics where equality of outcomes is enforced. I honestly think we are close to being the most divided we have ever been. Leading up to the Civil War, the North and the South were bitterly divided over the issue of slavery. But even back then, Americans still shared most of the same values. When the war was over, they had some common basis to rebuild. We don’t have that today. The left and right in America are fundamentally opposed on almost every single issue. In my opinion, the idea we can just talk it out is hopelessly naïve. Either we split. Or we fight it out until one side subjugates the other. Possibly with bloodshed involved.

To my thinking, the real impediment to a national divorce would be the political class and the special interests they serve. The cabal entrenched in DC has got the most to lose from a national break up. They have spent decades building up their power, and won’t willingly give it up. Something truly ugly would need to happen before the political class would grudgingly get on board. Things will have to get a lot worse before a national divorce is really taken seriously. Sadly, I believe they will.

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Russel Brand Gets Red-Pilled (Sort Of)

The right-wing blogosphere is making a big deal about a video British comedian Russel Brand recently posted:

Brand is well know for his left wing politics and activism. Brand was apparently dumbfounded when he finally realized the whole Russia Collusion narrative was a hoax cooked up by the Clinton campaign and (knowingly) spread by the DC political machine. Apparently it was previously beyond his comprehension that the saintly Democrats and their media lapdogs would engage in anything so sordid and underhanded. My first reaction is, what the hell took you so long? Is your BS-meter completely broken? The Russia Collusion hoax is one of the dumbest conspiracy theories to emerge over the last few decades… right up there with 9-11 Trutherism and the Obama Birthers. But because the garbage media played it up and devoted countless hours to analyzing it, a lot of people just assumed that surely there must be something to it. Serious journalists wouldn’t waste countless hours fluffing a hoax. Would they? But I digress.

So, mind blown, Brand goes on to question what other narratives the left might by trying to use to cynically manipulate him. He goes on to question whether hot buttons like diversity, inclusion, and climate change are just a ruse for politicians to accumulate more power. OK, so far so good. He then goes on to lament that government is beholden to powerful special interests, and doesn’t represent the will of the people. He’s almost there. He has correctly identified all of the symptoms.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely

– Lord Acton

But then Brand draws exactly the wrong conclusion. Unable to shake his collectivist mindset, the solution Brand offers up at the end is: more regulations. Where these regulators will come from, how they will be empowered to overrule the politicians, and why they will be immune to the money and power that corrupts everything else in government is left to the imagination.

So close…

Power is the root problem. Washington DC has too much of it. And they are constantly seizing more. The politicians want the power to control every facet of our lives. And why wouldn’t they? Power and influence are the commodity they sell to enrich themselves. The more of it they have, the more secure their positions become. And the more their bank accounts grow.

Government is simply the name we give to the things we choose to do together

– Barney Frank

There is so much wrong with the Barney Frank quote above, that it would take an entire post just to unpack it. But to Russel Brand, and others with the collectivist mindset, the idea that we are all just one big happy family eager to work together to reach our shared goals is a fantasy too cherished to abandon. The idea that human nature is corruptible, and no amount of regulations will change that, is anathema to them. The fact that many Americans would just as soon use the power of government to subdue their fellow citizens as work with them is too difficult to bear. Like all the collectivists before them, they still believe that next time socialism will work. To the left, all that is needed are a few minor tweeks and the “right” people in charge, and Utopia can be just around the corner. It could never even occur to them that reducing the power of government, and empowering the individual, is the real solution.

Yet, sadly, my solution is just as much a fantasy as Brand’s at this point. The odds of the DC “elite” voluntarily giving back the power they have usurped over the last decades are pretty much less than zilch. In fact, the odds of us just keeping the freedoms we still have left are pretty grim nowadays. Seems the best we can hope for is to slow the downward spiral.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

– Thomas Jefferson

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SJWs Attempt to Dunk on Lincoln

There are SJWs littered all throughout our government. Apparently, they have even taken over Ford’s Theatre, and are encouraging the WOKE! to redefine the 16th President’s legacy through a 21st century Social Justice prism. They will no doubt find plenty of reasons to find good old Honest Abe problematic, and insist the history of his life be presented in a more critical fashion. These noodle-armed turds will then no doubt congratulate themselves on how virtuous they are and how much they have done to further justice and equality in America. And of course they will complement each other on their bravery in taking on the white supremist system of oppression.

Of course, in reality there is nothing brave about these petulant snowflakes. They SJWs pretend to fight battles that have already been won by others. Battles fought by people who actually were principled and brave. And then they wrap themselves in the honor and glory that others actually earned. Lincoln did more to advance freedom and equality in America than probably any other human being who has ever lived. And he paid the ultimate price for it. The civil rights activists back in the 50s and 60s risked beatings and lynchings while fighting for their righteous cause. Many of them also made the ultimate sacrifice.

It’s not like the world is out of just causes to champion. But those fights are hard. The cosplay activists of today risk nothing and accomplish nothing. The worst thing the spindly-legged hipster lecturing you about pronouns will suffer is a dismissive eye-roll. These dipshits no nothing of history or real hardship. Most are too dumb to realize they are just pawns being manipulated to serve a political movement. Lincoln freed the slaves, won the Civil War, and saved the Union. The SJWs invented dozens of new genders and cancel culture. I will continue to put the real heroes on a pedestal.

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Hunter’s Laptop is Now Old News

Crack is a helluva drug!!!

One of the favorite tactics of the garbage media is to dismiss and/or ignore a story they don’t like until the news cycle moves on. Then, at some much later date they will quietly acknowledge the story was true all along and simultaneously declare it to be “old news.” In this way, they can avoid ever having to talk about things they don’t like, and still pretend like they have some kind of journalistic integrity. No need to discuss that story we buried months ago, they will say, it’s old news. Why can’t you people just move on already???

One of the most egregious acts of journalistic malpractice to ever occur was the interference the media ran for alleged “President” and sleazy old bastard Joe Biden in the run-up to the 2020 election in regards to Hunter’s laptop. Joe’s crack-addled loser of a son left his laptop at a repair shop with tons of compromising information on the hard drive related to the Biden’s longtime racket of selling influence to enrich themselves. (The legitimacy of the laptop contents was confirmed by a Biden business partner at the time.) This was a bombshell revelation, and would have been devastating to Joe Biden’s campaign. It was also a juicy scandal, the kind the media would normally love to sink their teeth into… even if only for the ratings. But in this case there was a really big problem. If the media exposed sleazy Joe right before the election, it would almost certainly mean handing the election to Trump. And that is the one thing they could never bring themselves to do.

So instead of reporting on the facts, they comically dismissed the laptop revelations as “Russian disinformation” and actively encouraged voters to ignore it. They even went so far as to debunk some other obscure conspiracy theory and then purposely conflate it with the laptop story to confuse people.

Welp, it looks like now is the time the media has chosen to transition the Hunter story from “crazy right wing conspiracy” to “old news” everyone already knows about that we don’t need to discuss ever again. Politico just confirmed the emails Joe’s crack fiend kid recklessly exposed are legit. With the news cycle packed with the multiple crises the crusty old imbecile occupying the White House has created, the garbage media probably figured this was a good time to slip a story under the radar. Dementia-riddled moron installed, and journalistic integrity intact!!! Yay, media!!!

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NYT Peddles Typical Covid Smugness

So, I get daily e-mail updates from the New York Times because I have an account set up with them. I only created the account because I wanted to fisk one of their protected articles a while back. However, I have kept it open because the e-mails are so hilariously biased they are usually good for a chuckle or two. And since the rest of the garbage media invariably follows the Times lead, the daily e-mails perfectly portend what narrative the rest of the idiot talking heads will be trying to push next.

The New York Times whole business model is basically pandering to the smugness of their progressive readers. It is crucial to the progressive psyche to believe that they are smarter and more sophisticated than the hoi polloi in flyover country. Of course, the Times can’t just come out and tell their readers they must be smart because they read the New York Times and can regurgitate progressive dogma on command. They have to be at least a little bit subtle with their pandering. So you get little gems like this one from this mornings update:

If Mississippi were its own country, it would have one of the world’s worst total death tolls per capita, CNN’s Jake Tapper noted yesterday. Why? One reason is that the U.S. – after getting off to an excellent start – now trails many of these countries in Covid vaccination rate. Almost one in four American adults still has not received a shot. The unvaccinated continue to be disproportionately people without a college degree and Republican voters.

– NY Times daily e-mail

To the Times and their readers, the only people dumb enough not to get the government jab are those deplorable Trumplikins. Never mind about age, health, or natural immunity. A troll-like career government bureaucrat wearing a lab coat said everybody must take the jab. So that makes it SCIENCE! And smart people like the Times readers always follow the science. It’s what separates them from those ignorant rubes they love to sneer at.

It is true that Mississippi recently took over as the State with the highest per capita covid mortality rate. (Hah, stupid Republicans!) But the mortality rates in New York and New Jersey are statistically identical… In fact, they were way out in front until this recent wave hit the southeastern States so hard over the summer. Strangely, CNN and the Times failed to make that same connection when it was liberal bastions topping the list over the last 18 months. Apparently, blame can only be assigned when it is Republican states that are suffering. Most likely, the hot spots will shift back north as we slip into the winter months. I guess we’ll see how fast the progressives are to mock the people succumbing to Fauci’s little science(!) experiment then.

The Times also goes out of their way to point out that people without college degrees are more likely to be unvaccinated. This feeds right into the preferred progressive narrative of ignorant Trump voters, too dumb to know what’s good for them, needlessly extending the pandemic. What the Times fails to mention to their slavish readers is that the education level with the lowest vaccination rate is the PhDs. That’s right, it’s the doctors who are most hesitant to take the government jab. And nurses are quitting in droves rather than be forced to take it. But that little fact doesn’t jibe with the narrative the Times’ readers want to hear, so it goes unmentioned. (P.S. It never should have been the government jab. The bastards in DC made it that when they repeatedly lied about it and now want to force the citizenry to take it whether they want it or not.)

Also, the dipshits at the Times absolutely love to play identity politics. They almost never miss an opportunity to bring race into any discussion, whether it is relevant or not. Yet, in this instance the Times oddly chose to ignore race altogether in it’s reporting. Which is doubly surprising when you find out there is actually a huge racial disparity in vaccination rates. What gives? It turns out that the racial group least likely to be vaccinated are blacks. Yet in the world of intersectional oppression the New York Times inhabits, blacks can never be at fault. They must always be the victims in all circumstances. The cognitive dissonance of trying to explain why Republicans who don’t want the jab are stupid, but black people who don’t want the same poke are not, was probably too much for their feeble minds to grapple with. So they chose to ignore it instead. The Times certainly does not want to demonize black Americans. They reserve all of their hatred and vitriol for the people who really deserve it. Republicans.

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