The Star Trek World of the Modern Left

Star Trek was a TV show back in the 60s that imaged what life might be like in the future. In the world of Star Trek, man and his technology had advanced to the point where material needs were no longer an issue. Any item a person could want could be effortlessly “replicated” out of thin air. People no longer needed to work for the things they wanted. And all of the old motives for crime and war were removed. Free of the shackles of the physical world, man was able to pursue his intellectual curiosity and spend his time seeking personal growth and enrichment.

Liberals act like we live in that Star Trek fantasy world today. How else to explain the take of Lurch’s uglier twin on the war in Ukraine?

You rang?

So people are dying. A (sort-of) democracy is being crushed. And the scourge of the last half of the 20th century is reasserting itself. And the biggest concern this twat has is the amount of carbon emissions being expelled? These are not serious people. They ignore the real here-and-now problems. The problems that have difficult solutions and result in very dire and immediate consequences. The problems people not living in a fantasy world bubble actually care about. And instead choose to focus on what motivates and inspires themselves. Civilians are being blown to bits and John Kerry is worried about what a computer model says the weather might be like 100 years from now.

But the Swift Boat Ghoul is not alone in being unserious. AOC thinks it would be a great idea to rebuild every structure in the country in a more environmentally efficient way. Just reconstruct every building created over the last century or so, undoubtedly representing many billions of man-hours, to have a higher Energy Star rating. And that sounds feasible to her. Ya just gotta want it!

To the left, we don’t burn fossil fuels because they are indispensable for powering our modern world and lifting billions out of grinding poverty. They truly believe fossil fuels could be replaced by windmills and solar panels tomorrow. With no major degradation in wealth and standard of living. Most have zero comprehension of how drastic the required reduction in energy consumption would be. And the ones who do understand what the left’s policies would mean for wealth and prosperity don’t think the consequences will apply to them. The cost of sustainability will be borne by the little people. The proles. The so-called elites will continue to live in comfort and luxury, just like always.

Renewables… how it’s going

To sane people, these sound more like childish fantasies than realistic policy goals. But liberals believe the world could actually be like this. We just have to want it badly enough. There is nothing we can’t do if we put our minds to it, they say. To the left, this isn’t just a feel-good bumper sticker slogan, but a core belief. The Party of Science is more aptly described as the Cult of Science(ism). They have an unbreakable faith that The Science will solve all their problems and make all their dreams come true. In a way they find ideologically pleasing. The problem with living in a sci-fi fantasy world is, sooner or later, reality rears it’s ugly head.

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Xi to Biden: How Does My Ass Taste?

If this story is true (and I’m sure it is), it is yet another embarrassing humiliation on the world stage. Did these dumb-fucks really think China was going to help us maintain influence in Eastern Europe? Could they really be that stupid?

I would be surprised if Xi isn’t already planning the invasion of Taiwan now that he is seen what a weak and incompetent moron we have directing our foreign policy. Our global adversaries have to be laughing their asses off right now.

This decrepit, senile, corrupt, crap-pants buffoon is the guy the media swore up and down was a foreign policy expert. The one who could restore our image on the world stage. The guy who would put the adults back in charge. Other world leaders no doubt love him. (Well, except for Ukraine and Afghanistan of course.) Predators love an easy mark. Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran see a weakling they can roll. The Western Europeans see a patsy who will meekly do their bidding. All of them welcome a diminished and subdued United States.

When career bullshit artist and dim-witted blowhard Joe Biden was “elected” President, I was expecting bad things to happen. But hoe-lee-crap. This fucktard is making Jimmy Carter look like a resounding success. Can the country even survive 3 more years of this utter incompetence?

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Massive Covid Bombshell Drops… Garbage Media Yawns

Holy Crap. A study by Johns Hopkins concluded that the COVID-19 lockdowns reduced mortality from the pandemic by 0.2%. In other words, indistinguishable from zero. I always suspected the lockdowns did very little. Now we have confirmation from a very reputable source that they actually did absolutely nothing. Yet we hear crickets from all the mainstream media outlets. How is this not the story of the century? The U.S. practically imprisoned it’s citizens in their own homes for nearly a year. Our own government destroyed the life’s work of countless small business owners. Decimated the economy. Did tremendous damage to the education of our children. And caused massive suffering, division, mental anguish, and strife. All for nothing.

I was a huge Donald Trump fan. But he actually did deserve to be impeached. When he turned total control of the country over to a creepy little government bureaucrat with a god complex, it was a gross error in judgement that led to a massive over-reaction imposed with an authoritarian zeal. I think Trump realized his mistake by the fall, but by then the Cult of Fauci was more or less unstoppable. Democrats were so enamored with their covid messiah, they couldn’t possibly attack Trump for needlessly imploding the economy like he deserved to be. Comically, they instead chose to attack Trump for not doing more to turn the United States into a gulag. And they nominated a crusty old dimwit to do exactly that. (Actually, President Pants Load promised to shut down the virus, not the economy. How could a dementia-riddled dullard achieve such a miracle? Because, he is a Democrat, and Democrats are the smart ones. Duh!)

Lockdowns were a complete debacle with no historical precedent or solid scientific rationale. In fact, the whole lockdown concept was developed only recently. It was cooked up during the Bush administration based on the science project of a 15 year-old high school kid. Yet the media still worships their covid oracle without question and relentlessly pushes the government narrative. SCIENCE!

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Canadian Progressives are Assholes Too

The trucker rally taking place in Canada right now has somewhat restored my faith in our neighbors to the North. After electing effeminate weirdo Justin Trudeau twice, I figured Canuckistan had gone full blown WOKE(!) The protests prove that at least a sizable minority of Canadians still have a decent bit of testosterone left in them. Some of them still remember what freedom is, and they are not going to allow themselves to be enslaved without a fight.

However, the media coverage of the Canadian trucker rally looks very familiar. It turns out the US media aren’t the only ones who are big enough assholes to lie about their political foes. The Canadian media is probably even more left wing than ours, if that is actually possible. They are certainly less subtle about their biases. The CBC is Canada’s state-funded media company. Check out some of the blatant propaganda in this hit piece they recently published.

The article starts out noting that scores of angry left wing Canadians have been breaking ties with anyone who dares to join a peaceful protest they don’t agree with:

“I think I’ve unfriended, like, 100 people — and that includes some family,” he said. ” I won’t even talk to them anymore.

– some self-righteous left wing Canadian jackass

The author assures the readers that this is a totally normal and healthy reaction to have over a political disagreement, because there are “core values” being violated by the protestors. This next gem has to be the pull quote from the entire article:

Flear said they were shocked to see that one of their friends from their Nova Scotia hometown posted that he had attended the rally. Flear, who has a master’s degree in biology, said they reached out to him, said they would talk about vaccinations, and clear up any misunderstandings or confusing science jargon related to getting a shot. “But he just replied with something along the lines of ‘Canada is a free country’ or something like that,” Flear said.

– some arrogant Canadian wanker

Wow. I can’t believe that person turned down an opportunity to be lectured by some random fuckwad with a Biology degree. What a missed opportunity. Mr. Biology could have cleared up all of this guy’s “misunderstandings” and explained all of that confusing medical jargon using simple one syllable words that even the hoi polloi could understand. He must have been brainwashed by Fox News into believing freedom was more important than submitting to your intellectual superiors for your own good. So sad. Even on the left, that level of arrogance, self-righteousness, and condescension is rare. Bravo, sir.

Still, it feels like something is missing for a left wing hit piece. Bring in the psychology professor!

“But I think what the vaccine issue and now the protests are really bringing to light are issues that are highly tied to our core values,” she said. These values include the idea of not just protecting yourself, but protecting others, she added. They also include feelings about racism, safety and personal choice versus the greater good — values that you hold that are so important, that they can’t be compromised.

– some obscure Canadian professor with a Mickey Mouse degree

Sacrifice your freedom and personal choice for the “greater good.” Basically forever. Even if the sacrifices don’t do diddly squat in reality. That is the “core value” the left is insisting on. Chairman Mao couldn’t have put it any better.

But wait, did that Professor also throw out the racism canard??? Of course she did. Any time anyone does something a leftist doesn’t like, it is motivated by racism. So we have a bunch of Canadians protesting against vaccine mandates and COVID restrictions. How could that possibly be racist, you might ask? Do they only want to restore freedom for white people? Where is the racism angle?

But the convoy protest has added a new strain on relationships. Concerns and outrage over the participation of white nationalists, the presence of swastikas and Confederate flags at the rally and reports of harassing and intimidating behaviour by some protesters have prompted some to sever their friendships with rally supporters.

Swastikas and Confederate flags! These people are truly shameless. I have seen tons of pictures and videos from the protests. All you see are friendly patriotic folks smiling and waving the Canadian flag. In fact, the atmosphere seems almost celebratory. The Ottawa police were even forced to admit that the crowd was not violent, but still insisted on labeling them “dangerous” anyways. The racism and white supremacy smears against these good people are a pathetically transparent attempt to marginalize them and avoid addressing the substance of their protest. The fact the CBC would take part in it is at the same time appalling and totally expected.

I actually took the time to follow the links in the article claiming the truckers are white supremacists flying swastikas and Confederate flags. The 1st link has a total of zero pictures to back up their claims. The entirety of their evidence is one anonymous woman from Winnipeg who claims to have seen a Confederate flag on her morning drive. Seriously. That’s it. An unverifiable story told by a single person. And the evidence they give for swastikas is even weaker.

To be fair, I did see one video on YouTube where a jackass with a confederate flag tried to join in on the protest. The protestors immediately called this fool out as a left wing saboteur. With his cover blown, he quietly slinked away. I am quite confident 99% of all the other allegations of racism are astro-turf bullshit too. I’m really getting sick of the left’s slimy tactics. Maybe we should start doing the same vile shit to them. Any time they have a protest, conservatives should pose as pedophiles and join in. Then we can say, See! The left is chock full of pedophiles! Everything they do or say can be linked back to pedophilia! Only problem is, I don’t think leftists would be all that upset to be associated with pedophiles.

In the 24th paragraph, the author does finally get around to the other side’s position. Journalistic Integrity! Just like the US media!

Following the weekend rally, Sheila Mills, from Salt Spring Island, B.C., posted on Facebook that anyone who believed the media’s negative spin of the protest and accusations of racism should unfriend her. “Anyone who believes that is not my friend, they don’t know me well enough to be considered a friend,” Mills said. “Anyone who is going to label all of those people as racist or supporting white supremacy. I lose respect.”

So Canadian media is total garbage, just like in the good ole U. S. of A. All of them can choke on a bag of wangs.

Spokesman for the Canadian truckers addresses the Trudeau government

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Zero Chance Dems Listen to Tulsi on SCOTUS Pick

Tulsi Gabbard dropped this MOAB of truth on Twitter:

LoL. Honestly, how is this woman still a Democrat? Of course, she is 100% right about Kamala being grossly incompetent. “Heels Up” was chosen to check off the “person of color” and “female” boxes to coax the identity-obsessed progressives to vote for Joe Biden’s crusty old white male ass. The fact she was not chosen based on qualifications isn’t all that unusual though. VPs are routinely chosen to help a presidential candidate in a crucial swing state, or with a demographic they would otherwise struggle to hold. Of course most VPs are also at least marginally competent public officials too. Joe and Kamala have both made their political careers on personality and identity. Neither have ever actually done anything of substance or created anything of value since holding office. All talk, no action (or skill, or drive, or knowledge.) A cult of personality doesn’t keep the trains running.

Yet, the Supreme Court has historically been (mostly) different. Candidates are generally expected to have the highest credentials, the right experience, dazzling intellect, and flawless records to be confirmed. Drooling imbecile Sonya Sotomayor not withstanding. But “President” Biden has promised to pick a black woman as his nominee, regardless of who is most qualified. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if the Dems were to cynically nominate someone really radical. A candidate they know would be completely unacceptable to conservatives. They would love the optics of Republicans blocking the nomination of a black woman in an election year. And if the Republicans blink, they get a progressive activist on the Court despite a 50/50 split Senate. Heads they win, tails we lose.

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The Progressive Redefinition of Racism

Progressives have long been keen to redefine words to suit their agenda. The words “liberal” and “tolerant” actually used to represent good things until the left coopted their meaning to mean leftwing and supportive of the left’s agenda, respectively. The United States has made tremendous progress in race relations over the last several decades. So much so, that one of the worst things you can be labeled nowadays is a racist. Here is the Webster’s definition of racism:

Racism: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary

That seems like a pretty decent and straight forward definition. In addition to the superiority of a particular race, I would add that it could include the belief in the inherent inferiority of one particular race. And herein lies the problem for the modern progressives. By this simple definition, their belief in Critical Race Theory and the evil of Whiteness makes them sound like virulent racists. Sure, they might complain that Whiteness is a state of mind and not a race. But the fact they choose to identify the “bad” people by skin color kind of gives away the game.

Progressives absolutely crave a feeling of moral superiority. It is essential to their psyche. The thought they might not be the most kind, virtuous, intellectual, and tolerant people on the planet is unbearable to them. So this definition of racism that would tend to associate them with a negative trait just can’t stand. So the progressives want a new definition of racism.

Racism: The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.

-Anti-Defamation League

That is the ADL definition. There are other variations, but they all boil down to the idea that white people, because of their position of privilege, are the only one’s who can actually be racists. Get it? It’s not just the hate and bigotry, which the left has in spades. Racism now also requires “systems of power” that are only available to whites. So progressives can continue to spew vile prejudice as much as they like, and never have to worry about being accused of racism. Problem solved!!!

This new definition does lead to some awkward conclusions, though. Jews, for instance, are essentially white as far as the progressives are concerned. So by this new definition, anti-Semitism can never be fueled by racism. Here is Whoopi on the subject:

So…… the Nazis literally tried to exterminate an entire society of people they believed were from an inferior race. But according to Whoopi Goldberg, the Holocaust “isn’t about race.” Why not? “It just isn’t” she helpfully clarified. Welcome to the Newspeak of the modern left.

Example of Anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda: Imagine the mental gymnastics required to deny that the Holocaust was about race…

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New York Times Attempts to Explain Murder Spike

Much of modern progressivism is built around denying abject reality. Denying minimum wage hikes kill jobs. Denying a fetus is human life. Denying men and women are fundamentally different. Denying printing piles of money causes inflation. And denying law enforcement and incarceration deter crime. That’s why a recent daily newsletter from the New York Times was an interesting read.

To my surprise, the article wasn’t all leftist boilerplate. It had a liberal bent for sure, but was more thoughtful and honest than most of the crap the Times churns out. For starters, they acknowledged that the murder rate has spiked dramatically. That in itself is a little unusual. For progressives, the most common reaction to uncomfortable facts is to pretend they don’t exist. That may have been a little more difficult for the Times in this case, since their reader base is almost exclusively urban progressives. And large Democrat-controlled cities are precisely where murders, and crime in general, are spiraling out of control.

The article starts out with the obvious:

In 2020, murders in the United States spiked more than 27 percent — the largest percentage increase in at least six decades. Last year, murders went up again. Those murders resulted in the deaths of thousands more Americans, and returned the U.S. to homicide rates not seen since the mid-1990s. (While murders and violent crime overall are up, other crimes are down.)

So far, mostly so good. Although I do take umbrage with the fact that other crimes are down. I don’t believe for a second that criminal acts have gone down in the big progressive cities. What they have done is to de-criminalize criminal behavior. Things like drug dealing, shoplifting, breaking into cars, etc. are now no longer prosecuted or even considered criminal acts. It’s the classic progressive response to a problem. Instead of fixing it, they prefer to just pretend it isn’t a problem. It is the exact same approach they take to standardized tests, grades, and failing schools.

The piece continues:

The effects are felt unequally across the country. Shootings are historically concentrated in impoverished, minority communities. In a typical U.S. city, a small segment of neighborhoods account for most of the violence. Most homicide victims are Black. And Black Americans were eight times as likely to be murder victims in 2020 as their white counterparts… The violence remains a grave example of racial inequality in the U.S

It is certainly true that blacks are disproportionately the victims in murder cases. It is also true that blacks are much more likely to be the perpetrators. And that the murders are much more likely to occur in cities controlled by black Democrats that espouse racial grievance politics and buy into modern progressive theories about the causes and solutions to criminal activity. So while the author doesn’t explicitly go there, he strongly hints at the racism/white supremacy angle that people who read the New York Times believe explains literally everything.

The article then examines the historical trend:

From 1991 to 2014, America’s murder rate plummeted by more than half. Experts still don’t agree on why that happened. Among the many possibilities: mass incarceration, changes in policing, reduced exposure to lead and video games keeping more young men occupied.

Amazing the Times could bring itself to admit that mass incarceration of criminals and changes in policing could have an effect on public safety. Progressives hate the police, and accuse them of perpetuating the violence. And they believe mass incarceration is racist. Surely, there must be an explanation for the drop in murders that progressives could feel good about. Community outreach programs? Social workers? PSAs? Lead exposure and video games was the only other thing you could come up with? Yikes.

Finally, we get to the supposed causes of the murder spike:

The pandemic. Covid disrupted every aspect of life in the past two years. Social services and supports that help keep crime down vanished overnight. Schools could no longer keep unruly teens safe and distracted. A broader sense of disorder and chaos could have fueled a so-called moral holiday, in which people disregard laws and norms.

The case the author makes for blaming the covid pandemic is exceptionally weak. And even he is forced to concede that the timing doesn’t really work. What else ya got?

Changes in policing. The fallout from the 2020 racial justice protests and riots could have contributed to the murder spike. Police officers, scared of being caught in the next viral video, may have pulled back on proactive anti-violence practices…. The timing supports this theory, with homicides rising unusually quickly shortly after George Floyd’s murder and the ensuing protests. Killings also spiked in 2015 and 2016, after protests over policing during those years.

The author basically describes a Ferguson Effect on steroids, where police are cowed into not enforcing the law. I think there is definitely some truth to that. I think an even bigger factor that the author completely overlooks was the overall lawlessness and violence of the 2020 riots that the establishment normalized and even encouraged. The message to criminals could not have been clearer. Democrats did not have the will or moral certainty to protect their cities. And the author concedes that the timing of the spike coincides perfectly with the BLM rampages of 2020.

And finally, the author gets around to blaming inanimate chunks of metal for violent crimes:

More guns. Americans bought many more guns in 2020 and 2021 than they did in previous years… Research generally shows that where there are more guns, there is more gun violence.

I call total bullshit on this one. The left has been blaming guns for violent criminal activity for decades, so nothing new there. I didn’t waste my time checking out his “research” that correlates gun ownership with crime. I can say that I have seen numerous studies that show no correlation whatsoever, or even an inverse relationship between gun ownership and violent crime. From my own personal experience, I can share that I live in a more rural area that leans conservative. And like many towns across the country, our community is awash with guns. Almost everybody owns a gun where I live. And a sizable number carry them on a regular basis. Yet gun crime is virtually nonexistent. It’s not the guns.

Finally, the author gives his ideas for solutions:

In the short term, there’s solid evidence for policing — specifically, more focused policing, targeting the people and places most likely to be violent.

Holy crap, how did that one get past the Times editors??? Not only is the author calling for policing to stop the carnage, he is calling for targeted policing. Did he forget what color the “people and places most likely to be violent” are? Progressives would never support this (obvious and effective) solution. I’m surprised this guy didn’t get run out of town for even suggesting such a thing. This same mindset is exactly why progressives push for gun control but resist punishing actual gun crimes. The people breaking gun laws are disproportionally black, therefore the gun laws must be racist. Or so they reason.

The author concludes with some other ideas that progressives might find less repugnant:

In the long term, experts support a range of solutions that enrich both individuals’ and communities’ socioeconomic standing over time; they include preschool programs, summer job initiatives, raising the school dropout age, greening of vacant lots, more streetlights and expanded drug treatment. There’s also good evidence for gun control and higher alcohol taxes.

None of that stuff will do shit to prevent murders, obviously. I doubt this guy will last long at the Times. Times readers want to hear how the murder spike is due to racism and white supremacy. And this dude failed miserably.

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Cult of Fauci Calls Out Heretics

Recently, Bill Maher and Bari Weiss did a segment where they declared they were “over” covid. By “over” covid, what they meant was returning to a more normal life and learning to live with the virus. This heresy totally freaked out some of the true believers in the Cult of Fauci, most notably Whoopi Goldberg and Don Lemon.

A couple of things about the Goldberg and Lemon rants stuck out to me. First, they both blamed the unvaccinated for the continuation of the pandemic. The government has stubbornly clung to the narrative that the vaccines would end the pandemic. A year ago that seemed plausible. Now it is clearly nonsense. While the evidence is strong the vaccines do reduce the severity of illness, particularly for people in vulnerable groups, they clearly are all but useless at stopping infection and transmission. Israel, probably the most vaccinated country on the planet, just set a new record for infections in a single day. But to the cult of Fauci, the vaccines are still the magic bullet that will fix everything.

Whoopi and Lemon even used the same language, talking about “those of us who followed the rules and did the right thing” being punished for the sins of others. Well, yeah, you followed the rules. You blindly obeyed every diktat issued by the government bureaucrats. And where did that get you? Was unquestioningly doing exactly what you were told really the right thing? Was shutting down the schools the right thing? Spraying your mail with disinfectant? Standing 6 feet apart? Putting any old piece of cloth over your face? Decimating small businesses? Isolating our children?

Another thing they both focused on was the children. Whoopi was concerned about 5 year-olds not being eligible for the jab. One of the few bright spots during this whole cluster fuck has been the fact that school age children are all but impervious to covid. They don’t get seriously ill and die unless they already have serious underlying health issues. But the cultists are continuously acting like that isn’t the case. In the US, covid fatalities for children are in the hundreds. Total. Since the start of the pandemic. A British study concluded that regular old influenza was twice as deadly as covid to children. The car ride to the pharmacy to get the poke is much more dangerous to a child than the virus itself. The only rationale for vaccinating young people is to protect old people. But even that doesn’t make sense, because the vaccinated can still catch and pass on the virus. Yet we are still immersed 24/7 in TV commercials hounding us to get our children vaccinated.

And of course they both wallowed in their own self-righteous empathy. Bearing the covid death toll like a cross. How dare you question the wisdom of an inept and corrupt government bureaucracy when people have died? How dare you contemplate learning to live with a virus that clearly isn’t going away… ever? The only decent and moral thing to do is hide in your basement and continue taking jabs until a life-long government toady with ties to big pharma says it is ok to do otherwise.

The cultists have been following the rules for years. Fauci, the Oracle of Covid, told them to completely put their lives on hold and cower in fear. And if they obeyed, they would be rewarded with deliverance. I think it is beginning to dawn on them that their deliverance will never come. And they are pissed. Understandably so after sacrificing so much. The government wants them to blame the unvaccinated. Despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary, so far it seems to be working.

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Is the Cult of Fauci Finally Collapsing?

The MSM is still treating this incompetent and evil little crap weasel like a cross between Nostradamus and Mick Jagger. But the truth about Anthony Fauci is becoming so blatantly obvious even some center-left outlets are starting to take notice.

Just in case there is any lingering doubt about the priorities of Fauci and his henchmen, here is a quote from one of the e-mails:

…an accusation that nCov-2019 might have been engineered and released into the environment by humans (accidental or intentional) would need to be supported by strong data, beyond a reasonable doubt. It is good that this possibility was discussed in detail with a team of experts. However, further debate about such accusations would unnecessarily distract top researchers from their active duties and do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular.

From the get go, Fauci has tried to silence any questions about how the covid pandemic started. It has been clear that Fauci was much more concerned about protecting the dangerous research he was funding from oversight and ensuring it continued uninhibited than in exposing the truth about the origins of covid. This hubris on the part of Fauci goes back for many years. The video below shows (a much younger) Fauci testifying to Congress and dismissing concerns that gain-of-function research could lead to a catastrophic pandemic and arrogantly stating that the knowledge gained was totally worth any miniscule risk involved.

More recently, Fauci took some shit for declaring any criticism of him was a criticism of science itself. But it is clear he really does believe that. The arrogance of that creepy little troll drips with every condescending word that comes out of his mouth. Fox News host Lara Logan was suspended last week after comparing Fauci to Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. Mengele is one of history’s greatest monsters. He committed unspeakable crimes against humanity while performing demented experiments on concentration camp prisoners. But I’m not so sure the comparison is totally unfair. Over the top, sure. But unfair? Fauci certainly hasn’t reached Mengele levels of sheer evil. But he clearly places his pursuit of “science” above concerns for other humans. And it is obvious, that in his hubris, he believes he is above scrutiny. That his knowledge and judgement are sacrosanct. Plus the experiments he has overseen on dogs and monkeys are grotesque.

From his position in the federal government, Dr. Fauci has been vigorously pushing gain of function research for years. To him, advancing the “science” was more important than safety. How else to explain outsourcing incredibly dangerous experimentation to China, a country renowned for cutting corners and taking a half-assed approach to safety? Would there even have been a covid pandemic if not for Anthony Fauci? I think it is a fair question.

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Gretchen Whitmer is Gutless

In the summer of 2020, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was merciless in her draconian measures to allegedly combat the COVID pandemic. Whitmer was very vocal and very defiant while wielding her emergency powers in legally dubious ways. Whitmer enthusiastically enforced some of the tightest lockdown orders in the country. She even denounced people who just wanted to ride their jet skis, outside, alone in the middle of a lake, for being selfish and heartlessly killing grandmothers. And her leftwing fans gleefully cheered her on at every turn. “Thank you Governor Whitmer, for saving lives!”

But the coronavirus wasn’t the only thing on Big Gretch’s mind in the summer of 2020. Whitmer had her eyes on the Vice Presidency. And she was gonna make her case. And what better way to showcase your political chops than to hold constant press conferences to tout your strong leadership during a crisis? Which she did, ad nauseum. But, there was one major problem for Gretchen’s VP dreams. The Democrats are the party of identity politics. To bamboozle voters in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan into slitting their own throats, the Democrats ran a crusty Old White Man who could talk in a folksy down-to-earth way that wouldn’t scare off the working class. But to their left wing base, Old White Men are evil incarnate. To counter the Old White Man at the top of the ticket, the Democrats needed a VP that would thrill the identity politics zealots. Alas, poor Gretchen could only check off the “female” box on the list. Unfortunately for her, there was another equally unimpressive candidate who could check off both the “female” and “person of color” boxes. So Gretchen lost out to Kamala Harris, an opportunistic phony who slept her way to the top and could never draw more support than a rounding error during the primaries. Even in her own home State. Yay, diversity!!!

With her 2020 VP dreams dashed, what is Gretchen Whitmer to do? Well for starters, she needs to campaign for re-election in Michigan after shitting all over the citizenry for a year. Gretchen will now have to face the voters she chastised and tortured in the summer of 2020 in the election coming up in the fall of 2022. How is she responding? By sticking to her guns and continuing her principled if-it-saves-just-one-life-it-is-worth-it leadership? Politics by damned?

Yeah, not so much. Far from vigorously defending the Biden jab decree, Gretchen is suddenly very concerned about the workers and the impact the mandate could have on their well being and the economy. What changed?

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