Remember How the Media Exaggerated 9/11 and Pearl Harbor?

Remember how the media over-sensationalized the 9/11 attacks and the bombing of Pearl Harbor to make them seem more terrible than they actually were? Me neither. Because they didn’t have to. But with the January 6th media coverage and subsequent show trial, all we get is hysterical pear clutching, over exaggerations, and flat-out lies. According to the Democrats and their media toadies, the January 6th riots are 9/11, Pear Harbor, and the assassination of Lincoln all rolled up into one. Democracy itself almost died that day. Or something.

The reality is zero people were killed by protestors/rioters on January 6th. Not even all that much damage was done to the Capitol Building. Some doors were busted and some windows were broken out. They probably had it cleaned up and good as new before the weekend. The only person who was murdered on January 6th was an unarmed woman named Ashli Babbitt. She was shot without warning by law enforcement while climbing through a door window inside the Capitol. Compare and contrast the coverage her killing received compared to BLM rioters injured by law enforcement (none were actually killed as far as I can recall.)

How many times did the media report that officer Brian Sicknick was murdered by the rioters? Brutally beaten and hit over the head with a fire extinguisher which caused his death? But the story turned out to be complete bullshit. According to the medical examiner, Sicknick suffered no physical trauma whatsoever prior to his death. He wasn’t beaten. He certainly wasn’t hit over the head with a fire extinguisher. That was complete fantasy. An autopsy determined he died of natural causes after suffering a stroke later in the evening of January 6, after his shift ended and he was back at home. But the media can’t let it go. You still hear the constant lie that cops were killed on January 6th defending the Capitol. A lie that is still propagated to this day by so-called journalists and mainstream media outlets. The Sicknick story was a total lie, and yet that was the best example they could come up with to impugn the Capitol rioters. A couple of cops ending up committing suicide days or weeks after the January 6th riot. The media attributes their deaths to the Capitol Riot with a straight face. Another cop was run over in front of a traffic barrier months later by a leftwing lunatic outside the Capitol. His death has been added to the total in some reports, too.

The Democrats desperately want to make January 6th a thing. They still aren’t sure they have trashed Trump enough to make him unelectable. And they need something to distract the public from the absolute dumpster fire President Pants Load has presided over for the last 18 months. They need the mid-terms to be about anything other than a referendum on the Party in power. So they put together this hyped-up show trial. Which is totally understandable. What is not understandable, is why the media plays along with the ridiculous charade if they supposedly have all this “journalistic integrity.”

An NFL coach named Jack Del Rio is under fire for describing the January 6th riot as a “dust up”, and asking why nobody seemed to mind much when BLM was burning down half the country. Del Rio pointed out the obvious hypocrisy. And the left-stream media immediately freaked out. He was denounced for implying a “false equivalence” between the January 6th riot and the BLM riots. The thing is, there were actual murders committed during the BLM riots, including the murder of police. Not the phony “cop driven to suicide weeks later” kind the media likes to spin about January 6th. Not to mention all the cops who suffered broken bones, were pelted with bottles and rocks, or had their eyes damaged by green lasers.

The media constantly excused the lawlessness of the BLM rioters as they injured 1000s and caused billions of dollars in damage. Their violence was justified according to the left and the media (BIRM.) Their crusade to avenge the death of Saint George Floyd was totally righteous, and any collateral damage that occurred along the way was of trivial importance compared to Social Justice. The January 6th protesters (turned rioters), however, were beyond deplorable. The government and the media declared the 2020 election to be the most secure in history. They declared Biden’s win as pristine and legitimate and beyond question. They had spoken. The matter was closed. End of story.

The protest on January 6th occurred because of the multiple fishy activities that took place on and around the 2020 election. And because of the government/media’s total refusal to take any objections seriously and investigate them in a thorough and transparent way. That protest devolved into a riot at the Capitol in large part because Nancy Pelosi wanted it to. She had been offered extra security and turned it down. She knew full well the propaganda value of disorder and violence at the Capitol Building, which is why she did absolutely nothing to stop it.

So the media is right. Comparing the George Floyd rampage to the Capitol Riot is a “false equivalence.” A lot of people were killed in the BLM riots. The only person murdered in the Capitol Riot was shot by law enforcement. The Capitol rioters broke a few windows and doors, and probably got some muddy footprints on Nancy Pelosi’s desk. BLM burned entire neighborhoods to the ground. There is no comparison at all. The only thing that is the same is Democrats allowed both to happen to help their political fortunes.

Remember How the Media Exaggerated 9/11 and Pearl Harbor? Read More »

Why I Don’t Totally Hate Inflation

Inflation sucks. It makes everything more expensive. It punishes savers (think of your 401K) and rewards debt (like your mortgage or car payment.) Inflation strains budgets, hurts the economy, stresses people out, and generally reduces our standard of living. Yet, I can’t totally hate it. Why? Because the majority of people being punished by it right now deserve it. Yep, I said it.

For far too long, American voters have been pulling the lever because they want something for nothing. They don’t care who is getting screwed in order to bring them their government handouts, as long as it isn’t them. They don’t care if the government wastes and steals piles of money, as long as they aren’t footing the bill and they get some of the leftover scraps. Voters elect politicians who promise them copious amounts of largesse, while telling them someone else (bad) will pay for it all. Be it evil corporations, or the parasitic rich (always conveniently defined as someone with more money then them, regardless of income level.) But the truth is, all this lavish spending just adds to the national debt (kicking the can down the road for our children to pick up the tab.) Or gets “funded” by printing more money (i.e. inflation.)

And the voters buy into the lie. Or at least go along with the charade. Whether the reason we go along is stupidity, ignorance, or greed doesn’t matter. We let the government spend us into a hole that is going to require a lot of pain to get out of. And we should be the ones bearing that burden. Not some other bogeyman. And certainly not our children.

Inflation hits everybody the same. Even the poorest among us. In that way, it acts much like a regressive tax. So the suckers who voted for “free shit!” are finding out it wasn’t so free after all. The 40-year high inflation currently gripping the US has “President” Creepy Joe’s poll numbers in the toilet right now. Biden and his party are currently looking at a disemboweling come November. As the party of “free shit!”, it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.

Yet, the wrath being directed at Creepy Joe and his socialist buddies for inflation is rather unfounded. Whether they realize it or not, the people who pulled the lever for them are getting exactly what they voted for.

I believe in justice. I believe people should get what is coming to them. Good or bad. That is why it is hard to hate the current wave of inflation hitting the nation.

Why I Don’t Totally Hate Inflation Read More »

That Good Guy With a Gun Thing that Never Happens Keeps Happening

Conservatives like to say that the only solution to a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun. Liberals love mocking this statement as gung-ho cowboy fantasy thinking, and declare that successful defensive uses of firearms almost never happen. Yet, for events that supposedly never happen, they seem to occur with amazing regularity. Even if they only make national news when the bad guy wreaks havoc. See the post below for the feel-good story of the day. (Yes, I said feel-good. It makes me smile when evil assholes get what is coming to them instead of being allowed to victimize the innocent.)

A Good Gal with a Gun works, too!!!!

That Good Guy With a Gun Thing that Never Happens Keeps Happening Read More »

Biden Plans to Go Full Ahead Stupid On Gun Control

“President” Joe Biden clearly signaled Democrats plan to go full speed ahead on gun control while answering media questions yesterday. And that he as absolutely no fucking clue what he is talking about.

Detestable old fool gives incoherent answers to questions…

The reporter started by asking Joe a question about different policy options that have been kicked around….

Is there one element…. Is it age? Is it red flags? Is it some component you think could be most successful now?

– Reporter

President Pants load was having none of it. He didn’t even try to pretend to know what she was talking about. Instead he went straight to his gun control talking points.

I know that it makes no sense to be able to purchase something that can fire up to 300 rounds.

– President Pants Load

What? Is he saying he wants to ban 300 round magazines? Because that isn’t even a thing. In fact, the overwhelming majority are 30 or less. Even for semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15. Certainly less for handguns. Is his decrepit brain off by a factor of 10? No gun fires 300 rounds without several reloads. Is he saying he only wants guns that aren’t reloadable? How can this idiot ever hope to improve public safety if he doesn’t even grasp the most basic of facts?

There is only one reason for something, that, you know, can fire a hundred shots.

– President Pants Load

Now the magic number is 100? There are actually lots of reasons you might need to fire multiple shots. Saving children from a heavily armed maniac being just one of the many.

And I asked him, I said, “What’s the difference? Why are so many…” not that many more people were being shot… this is now 20 years ago, errr 25 years. I said “Why are they dying?” And they showed my a, uh, X-ray. He said a .22 caliber bullet will lodge in the lung, and we can probably get it out. .. maybe able to get it and save the life. A 9 mm bullet blows the lung out of the body.

– President Pants Load

A 9 mm bullet “blows the lung out of the body”? What???? If you don’t know firearms, I can’t begin to describe to you how utterly stupid that statement is. The 9 mm is a totally mundane pistol round. People shot with one tend to have a little entrance wound hole where the bullet enters. Most often, there isn’t even an exit wound when expanding self-defense ammunition is used. Under no circumstances are major organs separated from the body.

And, 25 years ago was the late 1990s. Does “President” Dirty Diaper think the 9 mm was something new back then? The 9 mm pistol cartridge was developed in 1901. It has a been a popular round since the end of World War I. Semi-automatic 9mm pistols did see a rapid increase in popularity among police departments back in the 1980s and 90s. But they were largely replacing .38 Special and .357 Magnum revolvers. The .38 has about the same power as a 9 mm. The .357 Magnum has significantly more. The 9 mm certainly wasn’t replacing the .22 LR cartridge, either among police or civilians. This story is total fiction, just like nearly everything Sleazy Joe says.

Saying a 9 mm “blows the lung out of the body” can only be overheated rhetoric to intentionally manipulate the fears of the ignorant, or the imbecilic rantings of a total moron. There can be no other explanation.

If they are even coming after the meager 9 mm cartridge, than that is a clear signal they are coming after everything.

The Constitution… the 2nd Amendment, was never absolute. You couldn’t buy a canon.

– President Pants Load

This is a bald faced lie. Private citizens in the newly formed United States absolutely could own canons. Even the left-leaning fact checkers Politifact had to admit this statement is total bullshit. Yet Sleazy Joe just keeps repeating it. It just sounds so common-sense and folksy. Like the sage wisdom your old grand-pappy might spout. What a phony-ass douchebag.

those people… say the tree of Liberty is watered with the blood of patriots, and what we have to do, we need to take on the government when they’re wrong. Well, to do that you need an F-15 (fighter jet) , you know? You need an Abrams Tank, I mean…

– President Pants Load

So, here Joe Biden choses to completely disparage the rationale for the 2nd Amendment as written in the actual text, and try to ridicule citizens who actually believe firearms are a bulwark against tyranny. Recent history would seem to rebuke Joe’s position. The U.S. just got their ass handed to them by a rag tag army of terrorists in Afghanistan. The same thing happened in Iraq. And Vietnam. And to the Soviets in Afghanistan. And on and on. The evidence that a group of motivated insurgents can prevail against a more heavily armed occupying force is now pretty overwhelming. At least he didn’t threaten to use nuclear weapons against Texas this time.

So to summarize the presser: Demonize run-of-the-mill guns and accessories? Check. Make outlandish and provably false claims about firearms? Check. Spread lies about the effectiveness of the 1994 crime bill? Check. Mock the 2nd Amendment as irrelevant and outdated? Check. Totally ignore real solutions that might actually be achievable and make a difference to public safety in order to pander to your ignorant base and bash your political enemies? Emphatic check.

The country just suffered a terrible atrocity. Thankfully, school shootings like Uvalde are still very rare, despite the impression the media tries to portray. There are things we could agree on together to make them even more rare and less deadly. The pathetic response of the Uvalde police and lax school security would be obvious places to start. There are many other good (and realistic) ideas floating around out there. But the Democrats have strongly signaled that gun control is the only thing they are interested in talking about. Even if it means failing to actually do anything at all. Or only passing a limited (and Constitutionally dubious) gun ban with zero effect on safety. It’s an election year. They are in big trouble, politically. And there are warm bodies to self-righteously preach in front of.

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Democrats’ Demonization of the AR-15 is Nonsense

Democrats have been off the rails the last few days trying to use the tragedy in Uvalde to pass gun control to please their base and demonize Republicans as heartless gun nuts to help their political fortunes in the midterms.

It is looking more and more like the school shooting was a total failure to follow the system rather than deficiencies in the design of the system itself. A clearly disturbed kid passed his FBI background check (fail) and was able to legally buy a rifle. He was able to linger outside the school for 12 whole minutes shooting his gun at the building without being confronted (fail) before entering. He was then able to walk right in through an unlocked door (fail) with no armed security on site (fail.) He was able to gain access to a classroom that wasn’t locked down (fail) despite multiple gunshots ringing out for several minutes. There was no police response at all for 14 minutes (fail.) The police who did respond briefly tried to enter the building, but then decided it was just too dangerous and retreated outside (gutless, cowardly fail.) It took a full hour (fail) for competent law enforcement to arrive and end the siege. So the system had multiple opportunities to work, but multiple failures on the part of the people in charge of implementing it allowed the evil bastard to carry out his depraved act. However, that doesn’t mean there are not things we can still do to improve the system. Enhanced background checks, red flag laws, single entry points for schools, and certainly more armed security are worth considering. Lots of people have ideas on how to make schools safer. The more robust the security is, the better.

But the only thing Democrats want to talk about is gun control. Or more to the point, gun bans. And their main target is of course the AR-15 semi-automatic rifle.

They call it an “assault rifle.” Technically, it isn’t based on the US Army’s definition. While it does have many of the features of an assault rifle (compact, intermediate power cartridge, detachable magazine), it is missing one critical feature. The AR-15 is semi-automatic. Assault rifles are fully-automatic. Or to be more precise, assault rifles are select-fire, meaning they can function in both semi and fully automatic modes by flipping a switch. The difference is important. When you pull the trigger on a semi-automatic weapon, one bullet comes out. To fire again, you have to release the trigger and pull it again. A fully automatic weapon will keep firing bullets at very fast rate until the trigger is released or it runs out of ammo. Basically, it operates like what most lay people think of as a “machine gun.” So are semi-automatic weapons rare? Not at all. Almost all modern pistols are semi-automatic, as are several styles of rifle. While not technically semi-automatic, the functionality of revolvers is basically the same too. You pull the trigger and a bullet comes out. Release the trigger and pull it again, and another bullet comes out. This is in contrast to weapons where some other action must be performed before it is ready to fire again. For example pump shot guns, lever-action rifles, bolt-action rifles, and even some pistols need the user to manually manipulate some mechanism to load the next round before the trigger can be pulled again and another round fired.

They call it a “weapon of war.” Well, yeah, It is a weapon so it could be used to fight a war. So what? So is a Glock pistol. So is a tomahawk or a bow-and-arrow. What they really want the uninformed to think is that the AR-15 is some kind of ultra-deadly weapon of mass destruction that could only have military applications. This is silly. The AR-15 is an excellent choice for home defense. It is also a prime choice for varmint hunting. Some people use them to kill off nuisance animals. And it is extremely well suited to serving the prime function of the 2nd Amendment, defense against tyranny, both external and internal. The 223 cartridge fired by the AR-15 actually isn’t very powerful for a rifle round. In fact, it is significantly less powerful than a typical hunting round. Some States actually ban the 223 for deer hunting because it could result in an unethical kill (i.e. the animal might suffer a needlessly slow and painful death.) The 223 is virtually identical to the 5.56 NATO round used by the US military. Obviously, the military aren’t complete idiots, so what gives? Basically, the 223/5.56 was chosen as the standard military round because A) it is small, meaning soldiers can carry more of them so they are less likely to run out of ammo in a fight, and B) it has very light recoil making it much easier to keep on target when firing in fully-automatic (i.e. machine gun-like) mode. The 223 was definitely not chosen for it’s ballistic power or lethality.

They call it the “weapon of choice” for school shooters. I don’t know offhand what percentage of school shooters use AR-15 style rifles, but it certainly seems significant. Again, so what? The AR-15 is wildly popular in the United States. If some evil asshole is going to use a rifle to commit some atrocity, odds are pretty high it will be committed with an AR-15. If a hero stops a bad guy using a rifle of his own, odds are that will also be an AR-15. Part of the reason AR-15s are used so often is they are excellent weapons. Another reason is AR-15s are ubiquitous… which is also in part because they are excellent weapons. The “operating system of choice” for computer hackers is Microsoft Windows. The “phone of choice” for prank callers is the iPhone. Not because there is anything inherently bad about them. It is just what everybody uses because they are popular, effective, and widely supported. The implication Democrats want you to make is that without the AR-15, school shootings wouldn’t happen. Or at least they would be less deadly. This makes no sense. How much firepower do you think is required to slaughter school children cowering under their desks? The AR-15 is certainly up to the task, but so is virtually any other semi-automatic weapon in existence. (Along with many other weapon types, for that matter.) And when I say virtually every other semi-automatic weapon, that includes run-of-the-mill pistols. Don’t believe me? The deadliest school shooting ever in the United States is still the Virginia Tech massacre. In that shooting, an evil asshole named Seung-Hui Cho murdered 32 people and injured 17 others. The weapons he used were two small(-ish) semi-automatic handguns: a .22 caliber Walther P22 and a 9mm Glock 19. Most gun people think the .22 is woefully inadequate for personal defense because the cartridge is so underpowered (The idea being a personal defense gun needs to be immediately disabling. It doesn’t matter if the perp eventually bleeds out if he is still able to murder you in the meantime.) So clearly, you don’t need to have an AR-15 to murder a bunch of unsuspecting and defenseless bystanders.

Joe Biden used the fist 60 seconds of his address to the nation to display a little bit of empathy and offer some words of healing. With that obligatory formality out of the way, he was able to move on to his primary goal. Demonizing law-abiding gun owners and accusing Republicans of murdering children. All while shamelessly spewing anti-gun propaganda. Of course, he had to include his favorite stupid quip about deer not wearing Kevlar vests (Again, the 223 is not particularly powerful, and certainly not armor piercing. It’s an asinine saying, but he must have polling showing that it plays well with his firearms-ignorant base. Or maybe it actually sounds clever to his rotting old brain.) He then went on to tell a bullshit story (as he often does) about his personal anguish over how these types of shootings only seem to happen in America. The Twitter thread below, does a pretty good job of debunking this myth. I would recommend clicking the link and following the whole thing if you are interested.

President Pants Load also tried to claim that the 1994 assault weapons ban was a rousing success. This is total bullshit. First of all, it didn’t even ban semi-automatic rifles, is just limited the number of features they could come with from the factory. Features and options which a shooter could easily buy separately and bolt on themselves after purchase if they were so inclined. It did limit the capacity of new magazines to 10 rounds. So, in the case of the AR-15, instead of the standard 30 round magazine you would get a 10 round magazine. You might say, “Wow, they reduced the number of rounds by 2/3. That is a big deal. No wonder people were safer.” The thing is, magazines are swappable. You can have multiple magazines loaded up and ready to go. As many as you can carry. That is the whole point of them. How long does it take to swap out the magazine in an AR-15? A total doofus could do it in 10 seconds or less. With practice, you can learn to do it in less than 3 seconds. How much difference is that 3-10 second pause going to make in a real world situation. If you are in a fire fight with another person shooting back at you, it could be the difference between life and death. If you are mowing down high schoolers hiding in closets or college kids stumbling out of a bar at closing, it won’t make any difference at all.

But Biden said gun deaths went down after the 1994 ban, you might complain. And, that is factually correct. However, the drop was a continuation of a decades long trend in falling violent crime. The impact of the ban on gun crime, if any, was indiscernible. Which is totally unsurprising to anyone who understands firearms and what the 1994 bill actually did. Biden went on to further say that mass shootings “tripled” after the ban expired. The truth is, the trend in mass shootings can vary wildly depending on how you define a “mass shooting.” The government itself has changed how it defines mass shootings several times over the years. The current definition is “a single incident where 4 or more people are shot.” I can’t find the link right now, but someone reworked the calculation using 3 and 5 as the number of victims, and in both cases the trend went in the opposite direction. I’ll leave it to you to speculate on why the government chose “4” as the magic number for the cutoff. What we can say for sure is the overall rate of gun violence was unaffected when the 1994 gun ban expired.

I’m going to be blunt. Guns are very dangerous. By design. All guns. Not just the AR-15. Any gun that is effective for self defense purposes will also be effective at slaughtering defenseless innocents. When the Democrats get on TV and say they respect the 2nd Amendment but just want “common sense” gun control laws, they are either ignorant or lying. Banning the AR-15 won’t reduce gun crime one iota in this country. The only way to put a meaningful dent in gun crime with a ban is to ban almost everything. Certainly all semi-automatic weapons would need to be banned. That includes the most popular sporting rifle in the world, the AR-15. It would include the most popular handgun in the world, the Glock. Every pistol designed for concealed carry. Virtually everything outside of bolt action hunting rifles and single shots. If you are an evil prick determined to murder innocent people and you have a modern firearm, you are going to be able to cause a lot of carnage. That is just the sad truth. So don’t say you support common sense gun laws as a means to reduce shootings and still maintain you support the 2nd Amendment. You either believe in the 2nd Amendment, or you don’t. You believe that people have a God-given right to defend themselves or you don’t. Fiddling around the edges won’t make a difference. And everybody who has thought the gun debate through realizes that. (This article is an excellent explanation of that point.) The Democrats “common sense” gun bans are just a foot in the door to get a little closer to their ultimate goal. A total ban on most, if not all, privately owned firearms in the United States. It might sound like a moderate position to only want to ban the “really dangerous” guns. But the reality is they are all really dangerous.

According to the FBI, rifles are only used in 3% of the murders committed using firearms in the United States. And that is considering all rifles, of which the AR-15 is just a subset. Even if you assume that 100% of those rifles were AR-15s. Even if you assume that every one of those people murdered by a rifle would have been saved, and not just murdered with a different kind of weapon. Even if you assume it is possible to confiscate the 10s of millions of AR-15s currently in circulation in the U.S., without causing the people to revolt. Even if you make all of those dubious assumptions, an AR-15 ban would still only reduce gun crime by 3%. In other words, it would be barely noticeable. 97% of the gun violence would still remain… at a bare minimum. Do you really believe the gun grabbers will be happy with that result? Do you really believe they will stop with the AR-15?

The Founders put the right to keep and bear arms right near the top of the Bill of Rights for a reason. They understood how crucial it was for the people to be able to defend themselves, both individually and collectively, to the security of the country and the protection of liberty. The Democrats and the left don’t believe in the right to keep and bear arms. They think it is a silly, frivolous, and self-indulgent right that serves no real purpose in the modern world. They think the 2nd Amendment is misguided, antiquated, and irrelevant in today’s society. They can’t imagine a scenario where citizens would need firearms to protect themselves. They think right wingers are a bunch of heartless, paranoid, gun nuts who love their AR-15s more than they love their own children. And they think allowing millions of racist, retrograde, nationalistic yokels to keep more firearms than most armies is crazy.

Conservatives believe that the right of the people to keep and bear arms is absolutely necessary to the security of a free state. Just like the 2nd Amendment says in plain language. We believe that guns are the last bastion against tyranny. We believe the right to own firearms for one’s own defense is an essential feature of liberty. We believe private gun ownership provides far more benefits to society than harm. And many of us believe that taking our guns by force is a line that we can not allow to be crossed. Once the government takes away a fundamental right, you will never get it back. And the left believes none of this. Which is why they are so flippant about allowing the government to disarm the citizenry for even the chance of a small benefit. It is quite easy to give up something you don’t actually value.

Ever since COVID, it feels like the global left has dramatically increased the push to advance their agenda. Clearly, they saw the lockdowns and the unprecedented power governments wielded over their citizenry as a sign that a new world order could be imposed without invoking too much of a backlash. The left now feels empowered to remake the entire world according to their vision. Biden even adopted the Build Back Better slogan that encapsulates this idea for his campaign. Disarming the hoi polloi is obviously a mandatory step to enacting their Great Reset. Even I am not cynical enough to think that is the only reason for the Democrats big push for gun bans. The tragedy in Texas affected us all. Our common desire to prevent future senseless tragedies is genuine. But the global political landscape is a backdrop that reinforces the left’s push to change the parameters of the gun debate. The left feels emboldened to try and make radical changes to society that would have been unthinkable just a couple of years ago. Yet they feel their window is closing. In the coming months, the 2nd Amendment is going to be attacked like never before. We must be ready and steel our resolve in it’s defense.

Democrats’ Demonization of the AR-15 is Nonsense Read More »

Biden Gives the Dagger He Stabbed Motorists with Another Twist

Lying sack of shit and garbage human being Joe Biden went on TV a few weeks ago to try and gaslight the American people into believing he was doing everything he could to bring down gasoline prices. He even dipped heavily into the strategic oil reserve (intended for dire crises like natural disasters and wars) to temporarily provide some minor relief and get the soaring price of gasoline out of the news cycle. One thing Sleazy Joe and the left wing zealots pulling the strings on his crusty old carcass aren’t willing to do is let the US oil industry actually invest in any infrastructure to increase our domestic supply for the future. Even in the midst of a massive spike in energy prices, the Biden administration slammed the door on domestic production yet again. The proles will be made to live off of windmills and unicorn farts whether they like it or not.

“President” Sleazebag straining to keep himself from crapping his pants while feigning concern for the plebes.

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Fauxcahontas Fails Math and Civics in 30 Seconds While Patronizing Progs

The Republican establishment is famous for playing Kabuki Theatre to keep the base engaged. What I mean by that is, they routinely promise legislation they have no intention of ever passing and use rhetoric they don’t really believe. The most egregious example that comes to mind is Obamacare. Conservatives (rightly) saw it as simultaneously being terrible policy and a blatant trampling of individual rights. Republicans in congress repeatedly promised to repeal it. They voted to repeal the law around 60 times when Obama was President… knowing full well that Obama would veto the bill and it was all for show. Then when the voters gave them the power to actually repeal the ACA in 2016, they folded. Vile crap stain John McCain famously said he wouldn’t vote to repeal Obamacare until a suitable replacement was agreed upon with Chuck Schumer. Huh??? Give your opponent everything he wants without a fight, and then invite him to negotiate down from that? It was a giant “fuck you” to the Republican base wrapped in an insult to our intelligence.

It gives me a little schadenfreude to see that the Democrats sometimes play the same game. After the Roe opinion was leaked, Schumer could have put together a bill to codify Roe in Federal law. It might even have had a slim chance of passing, even if it could easily be overturned by a future Congress. Instead, they put together a bill so radical and loaded with poison pills that it was doomed to failure. The Senate bill was was never meant to be law. It was meant to appease the enraged Democrat base.

Senator Paleface just had to get in on the performance, and compressed an amazing amount of stupid into a short sound bite.

Lie-awatha speaks with forked tongue

First, the Democrats’ bill was so toxic, one of their own even voted against it. So the bill actually went down in flames 49-51. Somebody needs to send Warren to a remedial math class so she can learn that 49 out of 100 is not a majority. Second, she claims:

I don’t believe the minority should have the ability to block things that the majority wants to do. That’s not in the Constitution.

– Sen. Farts Like Hog

Protections for the minority are not in the Constitution? Really? What does she think the Senate is?!?!? The very fucking body she is a member of was established to allow a minority (i.e. small States) to thwart the will of a majority. What a total moron. The entire U.S. government was structured to empower and protect the rights of the smallest minority, i.e. the individual.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner.

– Somebody much smarter than Elizabeth Warren

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Chasing The Fairy Tale Life

The tweet below has been receiving a well-deserved share of mocking on the rightwing blogosphere.

This weakling won’t last long after civilization crumbles and she is returned to the “natural world”

These are the current thought leaders of left. She thinks a fertilizer shortage is an “opportunity” to switch from a modern product that actually works well to “a natural solution, like manure and compost.” Huh? These are the same geniuses that think windmills and solar panels are going to replace all fossil fuels. Farmers, through technology, have increased their crop yields dramatically over the last 100 years. For many crops, the yield has increased by several fold. To go back to the old “natural” way of doing things would lead to mass hunger.

The left is dominated by “educated” people who have never had to actually produce anything of value in their whole lives. Or even question where all the goods that stock the shelves of the stores they shop in actually come from. As I noted before, these are not serious people. It’s like they watched one too many Disney movies and now believe that is what life should actually be like. They think we can “exist as one with nature”, all the while singing with the forest animals and living in a sustainable way that doesn’t taint the purity of the natural world. It’s all soft-minded, feel-good, gobbledygook. In reality, they would have us all naked and shivering as we starved to death, while the “friendly forest creatures” fought over our carcasses.

If these simpletons aren’t stopped, we won’t be singing with all the colors of the wind like Pocahontas. We will be fighting for scraps in a post-apocalyptic hellscape like Mad Max.

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The Left’s Weaponization of Corporate America

Corporate America used to be largely apolitical. We expected Disney to provide us with family-friendly movies. We expected Walmart to sell us retail goods. And that was all. They provided the goods and services their customers wanted. End of story. But as this blog has noted several times before (see here or here for examples), the left has been very successful at co-opting big business to do their bidding in recent years. Now corporations are telling us how to live, think, and vote. Being WOKE(!) keeps companies in the good graces of the SJW cancel mobs. And gets them cozy symbiotic relationships with Democrat politicians. We saw firsthand how all of the big tech companies were willing to censor speech to help the left squelch the Hunter Biden laptop story. Twitter locked the New York Post’s account in the weeks leading up to the election. Facebook censored any mention of the story.

More recently, Disney vocally condemned the Florida legislature and Governor Ron DeSantis for passing a law banning sex and gender education in grades K-3. Disney glommed onto the left’s dishonest talking points by referring to the very reasonable parental rights legislation as the “don’t say gay bill.” And I’m sure they expected their leftist overlords to give them a nice pat on the back. Unfortunately for Disney, perverts and radical trans-activists aren’t their main customer base. And those customers were paying close attention to what Disney was saying about them. Disney got slammed hard by the general public, and their bottom line has taken a real beating since making their WOKE(!) stand. Apparently telling parents they must let purple-haired weirdos preach to their 5 year-olds about the wonders of gender transformations isn’t a winning business plan for a company known for wholesome family entertainment.

The left has worked hard to build up their propaganda machine. Progressives can put up a veritable wall of leftist doctrine through their corporate and media allies. They can continually bombard us from every angle with their leftist dogma. TV, movies, music, and even sports are infused with leftist politics. They have a near monopoly on media which allows them to spread their message far and wide while stealthily silencing their foes. And they will fight like hell to keep that monopoly. Which explains the total freakout over the purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk. The left has no fear whatsoever that the billionaire who built Tesla will censor them. What terrifies them is having to compete in the arena of ideas on an even footing.

Which brings us to the article below. Unlimited abortion on demand is a hallowed institution for the American left. To even question a woman’s absolute right to end a pregnancy at any time for any reason is heresy to them. Problem for them is, there is no such “right” recognized by the US Constitution. An activist Supreme Court invented the “right” to have an abortion out of whole cloth in their 1973 decision of Roe vs. Wade. Without going into details, suffice to say the reasoning behind the Roe decision was shoddy at best.

But Roe was a boon to the progressives. Abortion has always been a sticky subject for them. They are obsessively self-righteous. It is absolutely essential that they define themselves as the kindest, most compassionate, most empathetic, and most enlightened people on the planet. Their moral superiority is crucial to their egos. So support for the dismemberment of unborn babies was always difficult to reconcile with their self image. They invented numerous ways to reframe the debate… a woman’s right to chose, body autonomy, etc. But they tend to fall flat when you have to actually debate against someone who sincerely argues the pro-life position. At best, the pro-abortionists will come across as less than compassionate. At worst, they can sound outright ghoulish. Just check out the radical libs who celebrate their abortions on social media if you ever need a reason to vomit.

Roe v. Wade has shielded the left from really having to defend abortion for the last half century. It’s status as a Constitutional “right” meant that the topic was off the table. However, if Roe were to be reversed, suddenly the left would have to convince the voters that forcibly removing a growing baby from it’s mother piece-by-piece is actually just “reproductive healthcare.” It is not a case they want to have to make. And they are less than confident it is an argument they can win in the country at large.

Which is why they are losing their shit over the leaked opinion suggesting the Supreme Court is on the verge of reversing Roe. This is a five alarm all-hands-on-deck emergency for the left. They are pulling out all the stops to intimidate one of the Justices into switching their vote before the ruling becomes final. And they expect their corporate cronies to eagerly join the fight. But after the public smack down Disney received, it seems like some of the WOKE(!) companies are less than wild about jumping into another hot button culture war issue. Apparently the liberal media is not amused by this timidity. Which explains why CNBC made sure to publicly chastise them for failing to support leftist political goals with sufficient zeal. Silence is violence!

Liberal media giving corporate America marching orders.

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Strong Candidate for Least Self-Aware Human Award

This video of a reaction to Elon Musk buying Twitter is jaw-dropping. This guy Ari Melber (I don’t give enough shits to check the correct spelling of his name) is terrified that Twitter might start banning Democratic candidates or aggressively promoting right wing viewpoints while stealthily suppressing left wing views. And he is seemingly totally oblivious to the fact that the dystopian future he is describing in fine detail is exactly how Twitter operates right now… except in reverse.

The obvious conclusion is that the left is perfectly fine with censorship as long as it works in their favor. To them, other people’s ideas aren’t just different or merely wrong. They are “disinformation” which is dangerous to “democracy” itself. Ideas and opinions which could lead to, say, a flamboyant former real estate developer winning the presidency. I don’t think the extent to which Donald Trump’s 2016 victory has broken their minds can be overstated. They are almost single-minded in their desire to ensure such a travesty can never happen again. And if ditching free speech is required to achieve that goal, it is a sacrifice they are more than willing to make.

Jimmy Dore, the comedian commentator in the video, is a die-hard Bernie Bro with some strange ideas about wealth redistribution and government-run healthcare… especially given his deep mistrust of the government. But he totally gets free speech, and it’s importance in a free society, and isn’t afraid to call things as he sees them. Too bad there aren’t more lefties like him.

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