My Take on the Mar-a-Lago Raid

The Stasi-like raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home screams desperation on the part of Merrick Garland. The White House, Congressional Democrats, and the rabid progressive base have been putting tremendous pressure on Garland to bring former President Donald Trump up on charges based on the “findings” of their January 6th show trial. Garland will no doubt eventually acquiesce, and give the left the armed raid / perp-walk visual that they are dying for (think of Roger Stone.) But Garland doesn’t want to look like a clown when his fabricated charges actually go to trial. He would prefer to have some kind of actual evidence and a coherent case before slapping the cuffs on Trump. Which he clearly doesn’t have. What to do? One obvious solution is to raid Trump’s home and find (or plant) the evidence he needs. And since Donald Trump, like his voters, doesn’t deserve the protections set forth in the Bill of Rights, Garland figured he had free reign to trample all over the Constitution. His “classified documents” excuse is so lame as to be insulting to our intelligence.

All animals are equal. But some are more equal than others.

– George Orwell in Animal Farm

Garland and the Democrats are probably genuinely shocked by the public’s reaction to their brownshirt tactics. After all, they have continually treated Trump like a second-class citizen in the past with little or no push-back. Remember when Mueller’s inquisitors smashed the attorney-client privilege and raided the office of Trump’s attorney? There was barely a peep out of the media, save for some right-wing pundits. The Deep State’s excuse was equally laughable to Garland’s lie. They said it was OK because attorney Michael Cohen was the real target of their raid, and not Donald Trump.

So what the Mar-a-Lago raid shows is that the Democrats and the Deep State are willing to throw the Constitution out the window to enable them to use the force of government against their political enemies. Just like when they framed Michael Flynn to get him to turn on Trump. Just like when they threw Paul Manafort in solitary confinement for a year over a crime less serious than most of the swamp creatures commit every day. A crime that 100% would never have even been investigated if he wasn’t connected to Trump. Just like when they lied to get a warrant to electronically spy on Trump. Just like when they used a Special Prosecutor to go on a 2½ year witch hunt to “get” Donald Trump and persecute his allies. Just like when they impeached a sitting President based on lies and fantasies. Just like when they impeached a President who wasn’t even in office anymore. And just like they ran an extended propaganda campaign thinly disguised as a “hearing” over January 6th. And on and on and on. There is a lot of bluster in the media over this latest Mar-a-Lago outrage, probably because it really is so unprecedented. But I’m shocked at how many people are still taking the FBI at their word. Still treating the “classified documents” canard like a serious thing. At least Megyn Kelly gets it.

The tyrants are on the march. My advice. Buy guns. Buy lots of ammo. Learn how to use them. It is getting harder and harder to see a way this doesn’t end in some serious violence.

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Housing Crash Looming?

Anybody really surprised by this?

Thanks, Biden!

With the Democrats printing and blowing money like a crack whore with a stolen credit card at a time when inflation was already starting to climb, a housing crash is a near certainty. Despite the US having a housing shortage. Prices are still historically high. But nothing is selling right now. Interest rates have already doubled over what they were 18 months ago, significantly reducing what buyers are able to pay for a home. And with the “recession by any other name” getting ready to kick into high gear, it won’t take long for some of these home sellers to start to get desperate and dump their properties on the cheap. The next shoe in President Pants Load’s “green transition” is about to drop.

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WTF Is Going On with Taiwan?

The decrepit Speaker of the House just made a trip to Taiwan. That makes Vodka Skeletor the 1st US official to visit the island nation in a quarter of a century. Just a spur-of-the-moment visit with absolutely no pretense of having an agenda or purpose. Meanwhile, the Biden spokes-pussy is speaking out both sides of his mouth while pleading with China to maintain the status quo. Of course the Chi-Coms are pissed about the Taiwan trip, and went so far as to threaten to shoot down a passenger plane carrying the 3rd highest US official.

Pundits seem flummoxed as to why the US would do something so provocative towards the Chi-Coms. They all seem to be working under the assumption that the US actions are proactive. I think it is much more likely the US is being reactive. After Afghanistan, Ukraine, the woke-ening of the US military, and the continuing weakness displayed by Biden and his puppet masters, it isn’t much of a stretch to imagine the Chi-Coms determined the time is right for “reunification” with Taiwan. And started making preparations. And the CIA raised the alarm. Sending Pelosi’s alcohol-soaked corpse to Taiwan is most likely a desperate attempt to avert yet another disaster from occurring under President Pants Load’s watch. It makes a statement. But it is a meek and wishy-washy statement. America is back, baby!

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The Sustainable Future of the Left

In case you have been living under a rock for the last several years, know that the global progressive left has big plans for you. The progressives have decided that freedom and democracy are problematic. They tend to “create inequality.” And lead to outcomes that are not “sustainable.” In the name of equity, sustainability, and social justice nation-states and self-government can no longer be allowed. They are to be replaced by a global cabal of “elites” and “experts” who will plan a more conscientious and just society. Many of the features of this brave new world are starting to come into focus:

  • You will own nothing (and be happy!)
  • You will reside in a space-efficient high-density urban pod
  • Private home ownership and suburban sprawl will be eliminated
  • You will not be allowed to own large swaths of land
  • You will work a job that serves a government-defined goal with a high ESG score
  • You will not be allowed to own or operate a gasoline-powered vehicle
  • You will not travel much, other than short trips via public transportation
  • You will not be allowed to use more than your share of energy
  • Extravagances like air conditioning will be made prohibitively expensive
  • You will not be allowed to own firearms
  • You will not have the means to defend yourself. The government will have control of your personal security.
  • You will be able to speak your mind, unless the government determines your speech is “hateful”
  • You will have body autonomy, except when the government determines it could be bad for society
  • Overbreeding will be strongly discouraged. Abortion will be celebrated.
  • Beef is unsustainable and will no longer be allowed to be used as food
  • You will overcome your (racist) aversion to eating insects
  • Your participation and contributions to this great new system will be graded via a social credit score
  • Your ability to obtain goods and services will depend on your social credit score

If any of this sounds unfamiliar to you or tin-foil-hat crazy, I urge you to pay closer attention. It’s not a secret conspiracy. They are saying it out loud and often. I was going to provide links for each bullet point, but the evidence is so ubiquitous and easy to find I didn’t bother wasting my time. Google is your friend (actually, they want to help enslave you, but whatevs.) Also, I didn’t include things like defunding the police and racial grievance politics. Those aren’t goals of the Great Reset. They are merely an ends to a means. They need to completely break down and discredit the current system before they can implement their progressive utopian society. Once the progressive seize full control, order will be strictly enforced.

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US Economy Refuses to Self-Identify as a Recession

Progressives have intentionally un-defined the term “woman.” They reject the meaning that the word has had for literally centuries… a human adult female. But they can’t think up of a replacement definition that doesn’t contradict their non-sensical gender ideology. So they essentially un-defined word “woman.” To the left, any person who identifies as a woman, is one. A woman is a person who identifies as a woman. And since the left’s definition of a woman is just circular logic – defining a word using only that same word – anybody can be a woman at any time… or not. You can become a woman. You can cease to be a woman. Only individuals can tell you if they are a woman or not. And they are never wrong…. Every living person knows definitively whether they are a woman or not. Despite the word having no meaning. Or more accurately, because the word no longer has any meaning. At least according to the progressives.

These stupid word games are a hallmark of the left. Their ideas and policies are not at all popular, so they continually try to rebrand them and conflate them with things that are popular. The term “liberal” actually used to mean a good thing. Until it was coopted to mean “leftist.” And “tolerance” used to mean live-and-let-live. Now it means fully embrace the leftist hegemony or be branded a racist/sexist/nativist/take-your-pick-slur and targeted for cancelation.

It depends on what your definition of the word “is” is.

– Bill Clinton… former POTUS and lecherous creep

Now the Democrats want to do the same thing with the term “Recession.” It is widely expected that the official GDP numbers to be released next week will show that the economy contracted last quarter. That will be two straight quarters of negative economic growth. Two straight quarters of contraction has been the historical definition of a recession. One quarter might be explained away as just a blip. But two quarters in a row, i.e. 6 whole months, is a pretty good indication your economic output is falling. Your economy is not growing. Just the opposite. It is receding. Thus, the term “recession.” Pretty simple.

The Democrats don’t like this. Especially 3 months before an election. Everybody knows a recession is bad. And everybody will know who to blame if we are in one. It’s far too late for the Democrats to reverse their disastrous policy choices that have imploded our economy… not that they would anyways. Jobs and standard of living are of minor importance compared to climate change and social justice to the Democrats. But they really don’t want to accept the blame for the hardship their policies have created.

The Democrats answer to this conundrum seems to be to redefine what a “recession” is. It is no longer just about whether your economy is growing or shrinking. Now it also involves a bunch of other “holistic” factors. Factors that Democrats would rather focus on instead of whether you can feed your family or not. And these factors are far too complex and nuanced to articulate. Only the experts in the Federal Government can determine whether we are in a recession or not. And by golly they have already pre-determined we are not! In fact, everything is going just super. Why do you ask?

It remains to be seen whether the left’s latest half-ass gaslighting attempt will work. Most people I come across seem to be acutely aware that things are not going well in our country. We shall see in November.

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Germany Braces for Putin’s Frostbite

Right now, the Germans are scrambling to scrape together enough energy to keep from freezing to death this winter. Russia just announced they are cutting the flow of natural gas through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to 20% of capacity. There is a good chance they will soon cut it to zero. And all the Germans can do is whine like silly little bitches about how unfair it all is. What did they think the Russians would do while Germany was waging a proxy war against them in Ukraine? How fucking stupid are the “foreign policy experts” and “global elites”, really? The man that the left loved to slander as “Putin’s Puppet” warned them about this exact thing 4 years ago. And the smarmy Euro-weenies just laughed at him. It is simply fucking amazing how many times Donald Trump was 100% right about something that nearly all of the “experts” got totally wrong.

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Supreme Court Makes Landmark Ruling

The Supreme Court just handed down a ruling that has the potential to reshape the very future of the country. I’m not talking about SCOTUS overturning Roe vs. Wade. Nor am I talking about the Court shooting down New York’s concealed carry restrictions. Both of those are major rulings with huge implications. But they pale in comparison to the ruling that dropped yesterday on the EPA and CO2 regulations.

Basically, the Court ruled that federal regulatory agencies can’t implement sweeping changes in policy by their own volition. Major policy changes must originate in laws passed by the Congress, from which the agencies derive their authority. This is a monumental win for self-government and the rule of law. And a major set-back for the globalist left and the ever-expanding administrative state.

The left loves the Deep State… the vast army of career bureaucrats who occupy positions of (regulatory and administrative) power and are completely unaccountable to voters. Progressives believe that this legion or technocrats, or “experts”, should be able to set policy based on “the science” and their elite judgement about what is best for the common good. In contrast to letting the people decide for themselves through their elected representatives.

As I’ve noted before, progressives HATE the US Constitution despite paying lip service to it when it suits their ends. The Constitution was designed to limit the power of the Federal government while maximizing the liberty of the States, and the people, to the greatest extent possible. One of the primary means progressives have used to get around Constitutional limits is by creating a pseudo 4th branch of government in the administrative state. A branch they alone shape. A branch untouchable by voters or even opposition Executive administrations. It is hard to overstate the importance of the SCOTUS ruling against the EPA. It is a dagger thrust at the heart of the technocratic administrative apparatus and the progressive deep state. It strips technocratic “experts” of the power to shape policy, and returns it to the Congress where it belongs.

Obviously, the progressive left is totally freaking out.

The subject matter of the regulation here makes the Court’s intervention all the more troubling. Whatever else this Court may know about, it does not have a clue about how to address climate change. And let’s say the obvious: The stakes here are high. Yet the Court today prevents congressionally authorized agency action to curb power plants’ carbon dioxide emissions. The Court appoints itself—instead of Congress or the expert agency—the decisionmaker on climate policy. I cannot think of many things more frightening.

– Justice Elena Kagan in dissent

Kagan’s hysterical dissent is total non-sense. The Court did not appoint itself the decision maker on climate policy. They didn’t say what the policy should be, or limit what it could entail. The only thing the Court said is that the EPA could not wipe out an entire industry and reshape the American energy sector by fiat. The Court simply said such radical policy changes must originate in laws passed by the Congress.

Progressives hate this answer. They know their Green New Deal, and much of the rest of their agenda, is not popular with the American people. Building enough support to pass laws enacting them would be extraordinarily difficult. They would rather ram them down the peoples’ throats via unelected bureaucrats, while avoiding taking responsibility at the ballot box. Some decisions are just too important to be left to the rabble, they would argue.

This is a very good day for liberty in America. Seeing the continued downward slide of the country and it’s culture can be frustrating and depressing. Enjoy the victories when you can get them.

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Dems Latest Show Trial Another Flop

I have not watched any of the January 6th show trial. It is everything normal people hate about politics and politicians. But you can’t escape the news about the latest “star witness” and her “bombshell testimony.” It is literally everywhere.

Right off the bat, paraphrasing Dave Chapelle’s take on Juicy Smollett, this bitch is clearly lying. And the panelists undoubtedly know she is lying. But their Stalinist purge was floundering, and they needed something salacious to draw some eyeballs. So they put this nobody on TV to tell her fantasy tale. Not the agents who were actually there. Or the actual driver of the vehicle. Or the guy who allegedly told her the story in the first place. Nope. They put up some unknown low-level staffer to tell a 3rd or 4th hand fantasy tale. Some gal who’s career in the swamp was undoubtedly DOA after working for the Bad Orange Man. But now she will receive the (fat-ass loser) Vindman treatment. Somber pictures of her standing with her hand raised. Followed by the Dems and the media hanging on her every word. Hailing her bravery. And thanking her for speaking truth to power. By telling them, the powerful, exactly what they want to hear. Can the book deal and network TV position be far behind? Barf.

From this idiot, to fat-ass Vindman, to Blasey-Ford, to Mother Sheahan, to Greta Thurnburg, etc., etc. the left loves these show trial moments. They draw in the dim-witted and trick them into thinking they are witnessing something genuine instead of scripted political propaganda. Watergate was the left’s big moment. Their heroic triumph over the forces of evil. And they have been desperately trying to recreate it ever since. But politics has gotten far too cynical for self-righteous preening and faux drama to still work. The lying and cheating is now too blatant and too ubiquitous for anyone to care anymore. Justice is dead in DC.

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Why I Won’t Be Getting An Electric Vehicle Anytime Soon

The WSJ recently ran a story recounting one woman’s journey across the country in an electric vehicle. It totally reinforced all the negative impressions I have of EVs.

For me, the biggest downside by far of electric vehicles is the recharging time. On a long road trip, you can fill up the gas tank in your car and be on your merry way in under 5 minutes. Under the absolute best circumstances, it will take over 30 minutes to fully recharge your EV. Under more typical conditions, a recharge can easily take 2 hours or more. That fact alone all but rules them out for everything except infrequent short trips about town. And the charging time for EVs isn’t likely to dramatically improve anytime soon.

Over four days, we spent $175 on charging. We estimated the equivalent cost for gas in a Kia Forte would have been $275, based on the AAA average national gas price for May 19. That $100 savings cost us many hours in waiting time.

– Rachel Wolfe, Wall Street Journal

And that $275 for gas is with the Biden spike in effect. Under normal circumstances, operating the gasoline car would have actually been cheaper. There is a reason “President” Pants Load and the Democrat operators pulling his strings are intentionally torpedoing the domestic oil industry. They know they have no chance in hell of forcing American’s into EVs while gasoline is still affordable. Forcing people into expensive and impractical cars is hard enough. Adding higher operating costs on top makes EVs an almost impossible sell.

In addition to the recharging time, there is also the cost difference. Electric vehicles typically cost $1000s more than their gas-powered counterparts (33% more on average), even with huge government subsidies. And because the vehicles cost more, they are also more expensive to insure. As mentioned above, the operating costs of EVs are actually higher than gas-powered vehicles when Democrats aren’t intentionally spiking oil prices. You might save a little on maintenance costs with an EV (no oil changes, for example), but the overall cost of ownership is definitely much much higher when the government doesn’t have their thumb on the scale.

To go along with their long charging times and high cost, most EVs also have a very limited range. For most, a full charge will only get you about 1/2 as far as a gasoline-powered car will go on a full tank of gas. Under ideal conditions. In very cold or hot conditions, the range of a battery-powered vehicle can drop by 40% or more. That is a little detail EV advocates don’t like to discuss much. Don’t plan on driving your EV very far in the winter if you live up North! And like all batteries, the amount of power EV batteries can store degrades slowly over time. The range of your EV after 80,000 miles won’t be the same as it was when new.

Then, there is the question of infrastructure. There are barely any EVs on the road right now, yet finding an available recharging station is already a royal pain in the ass. Think of how many gas pumps there are right now in America. Now imagine how many pumps we would need if it took 10 times longer to fill up a gas tank. Who thinks we are going to have 10x as many recharging stations as gas pumps any time soon? (I know 10x is probably an overestimate of the required number of charging stations because many people will recharge overnight at their home, but the point still stands. A truly massive amount of infrastructure would be required to recharge 10s of millions of EVs on a daily basis.)

But paying more and suffering through some inconveniences is worth it to save the planet, right? First of all, I think Climate Change is a bunch of bullshit. A scam. But like all really good scams, there is a kernel of truth to it. Humans have increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels, no doubt. And all else being equal, global temperatures will be higher with more CO2 in the air. But the claim that the warming will be “catastrophic” demanding the world’s economies submit to a new international order is completely unsupported by the evidence and data. (Kind of strange how the “solution” to every “crisis” seems to align with the political goals of the globalist left, no?) If anything, moderately warmer temperatures might be good for the planet. And CO2 isn’t pollution. It is plant food, for Pete’s sake. You exhale CO2 with every breath you take. Even if you believe the climate alarmists’ claims, the electricity for your EV has to come from somewhere. If it comes from a windmill or a nuclear reactor, then fine, you haven’t emitted any CO2. If the electricity is coming from a natural gas-fired power plant (like most electricity in the US currently does), then the net CO2 emissions are about a wash. If the electricity comes from a coal-fired plant, then operating the EV actually results in more net CO2 emitted than a gasoline-powered vehicle.

And EVs require a massive amount of precious metals to produce. These raw materials are currently supplied by 3rd World countries via strip mining. The environmental damage being done is quite massive to get the materials needed to make the little batteries for cell phones and other consumer electronics. Imagine what will happen when we start producing 10s of millions of 1000-pound batteries for cars and light trucks. Saving the planet with EVs is like curing a headache by lopping the patient’s head off.

Politicians, especially Democrats, really want to push you into buying an electric vehicle despite these facts. They claim that EVs are the key to a Green and prosperous future, where humans will live in a sustainable harmony with nature. They want to be credited with saving the world while accruing more power for themselves. But do electric vehicles make sense in the here and now? Not by a long shot.

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Captain Obvious Weighs In on Gas Prices

The New York Post ran a story today revealing the big secret that soaring gas prices are part of the Democrats’ plan to force Americans to switch to the Green Energy types they prefer. I think we can safely file this one under “No shit, Sherlock.” Recent polling shows that at least 1/2 of America was partially awake during the 2020 election when Biden repeatedly promised to nuke the oil industry.

Eliminating oil plays well with the Democrat base and the global left. President Pants Load probably thought he would be hailed as a great hero by pushing America to the forefront of the switch away from fossil fuels. And the global left undoubtedly will praise him. They always do when America shoots itself in the foot, especially when it is to gain their approval. Average Americans, not so much.

Last year a feeble-minded jackass with delusions of greatness carelessly sabotaged the US oil industry confident the economy could run on windmills and unicorn farts. Then an insurrectionist reality intervened.

I’ve mentioned before that progressives basically live in a fantasy world, where all good things are possible if you want them badly enough and just believe. The problem for President Crap Stain is the technology and infrastructure are no where near ready for a switch to electric. The cars are expensive and impractical. The charging infrastructure is woefully inadequate. Our electrical grid isn’t up to handling the extra load. And our capacity to generate all that extra electrical power doesn’t exist. In short, forcing an immediate switch is a recipe for disaster. But Biden and his leftist string-pullers don’t want to hear about it. They want the credit for bringing about transformative change so they can go down in history as “great” men. They are too arrogant to wait and let the transition happen organically. They need to have their name on it because they crave the adulation. And they are too stupid to understand the systems they are disrupting, and the consequences that could follow by ignorantly disrupting them. And if they do, they just don’t care. So they push ahead anyways despite the facts on the ground.

And predictably, it has exploded in their faces. Democrats wanted gas prices to soar. But they didn’t want them to soar quite so fast. And they certainly didn’t want to be blamed for it. I 100% believe they thought electric cars would sweep right in to replace gasoline vehicles with minimal hardship. They thought they would be the big heroes who ushered in the wonderful new high-tech world of electric vehicles and climate sustainability and everyone would love them for it. Not the morons who devastated the US economy and drove the country off a cliff.

And because they are unserious, they didn’t realize the oil industry can’t just flip a switch and dramatically increase production overnight. It takes investors. It takes planning. It takes personnel. It takes infrastructure. All of which this administration has been been doing everything within it’s power to crush since day one. Now when their delusions of electrified grandeur are failing faster than Joe’s Depends and the population is ready to break out the torches and pitch forks, they are dismayed that another fantasy-world solution isn’t there to save them. Thank goodness the “adults” are back in charge, right?

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