Totally Ridiculous AR-15 Propaganda from CNN

This video is yet another example of why I have the US media with a white-hot passion. It isn’t news. It isn’t even opinion. It is just flat out propaganda.

Propaganda so over the top it would make Goebbels wince…

This steaming pile of crap literally checks off every propaganda box the left has been spewing for years.

The video start off with a voice over saying “This is what an AR-15 sounds like.” Then we are treated to footage of a white-haired gentleman shooting an AR-15 at a gun range. Of course he shoots it like an 86-year old grandmother would. He is leaning backwards instead of squaring-up and leaning slightly forward like anyone who has ever fired any kind of rifle would do. He also is holding the rifle with the stock away from his body, instead of pressed against his shoulder. Why is he firing the weapon in such an awkward and unorthodox way? So the gun will recoil back violently while causing his whole body to shake. The whole point is to make the AR-15 seem ulta-violent and scary to people who don’t know any better. Holding the firearm like this, his line of vision is nowhere near the sights of the rifle. So clearly, he is not even bothering to aim his shots. As an extra added touch, he flinches and winces with each round fired. At the conclusion of what surely has to be one of the most pathetic displays of firearms technique ever recorded, we are introduced to a retired Army General.

Is this really how liberals think you shoot a rifle???

Why did they choose an Army General? Propaganda value. It’s the video equivalent of the argument from authority fallacy. This isn’t just another crazy leftwing anti-gun activist talking (or so they want you to believe.) He is a military man. He must like guns and support the 2nd Amendment. He just wants you to realize how extraordinarily dangerous and scary the AR-15 is. And how it should not be allowed in civilian hands. He is just for common sense, is the implied message. Of course it is all bullshit.

For starters, the AR-15 is not at all violent to shoot. In fact, one reason for it’s popularity is it’s exceptionally low recoil. Recoil in the AR-15 is much less than a typical hunting round and pales in comparison to a 12-guage shotgun. The AR-15 is easy for smaller people and people who are possibly older and frail to shoot safely and effectively. The .223 Remington ammo it (most usually) fires is quite mundane and actually kind of wimpy for a rifle round. So why did the US military choose it? Because it had just enough ballistic power to barely pass their requirements. It is much smaller than the round it replaced, so troops could carry a lot more of them. And the low recoil greatly improves the accuracy of fully automatic fire because it is much easier to keep the sights on target.

Then we hear about how the AR-15 looks almost identical to the fully automatic M-4 adopted by the military. And, yes, it does look virtually identical. So what? Functionally, it is not at all identical. The M4 has burst and fully automatic modes. The AR-15 does not. So despite the visual similarity, the two weapons are far from being equivalent. He also says some people buy the AR-15 because it “looks cool” like the military guns. Which is almost certainly true. Again, so what? People buy products all the time for stupid reasons. That doesn’t make the product bad. Otherwise, we would ban all the cars with spoilers.

The General goes on to say that gun collectors and gun aficionados (?) should be able to own AR-15s. Really? Maybe this will be a balanced and informative piece after all?

NOT! The General then goes on to demonstrate how the gun can be fired “on full semi-automatic.” This is a meaningless (and utterly stupid) term invented by the anti-gun crowd to demonize the AR-15 and make it sound more exotic and powerful than it actually is. The fact a military man would use such a term and then do a “demonstration” tells you he is more interested in propaganda than information and facts. What is the difference between the “normal” mode and the “fully semi-automatic” mode??? The video doesn’t explain. But the difference is in “fully semi-automatic” mode the general pulled the trigger faster. I’m sure the reason they failed to explain this is not because it would have made them look deceitful and stupid. Maybe they were pressed for time.

The reporter explains how the defining characteristic of the AR-15 is the speed and power of it’s bullets. The 223/551 does zip along at a pretty good pace… typically around 3100 fps or so. As a rifle round, it is far from extraordinary though. Many hunting and target rounds match or exceed that velocity. And the power part is a flat-out lie. One of the down sides of the 223/556 is it’s lack of ballistic power. Power is a function of speed and mass. While the 223/556 has pretty good velocity, the mass of it’s little 55-62 grain .22 caliber bullet is far less than most hunting and military rifle rounds. Less mass means less energy. And energy is how the destructive potential of a bullet is measured. The military switched to the steel-pointed “green tip” ammo specifically because of the ballistic short-comings of the original round and it’s propensity to bounce off of helmets and body-armor at longer distances.

In case there was any doubt this was a propaganda piece, the General then goes on to repeat one of Joe Biden’s whoppers. The AR-15 can “literally tear out the inside of the body.” What is meant by this exactly is unclear. At least he didn’t claim it would physically remove organs like Creepy Joe. Nor was it explained how the wounds caused by an AR-15 are different than any other rifle. Apparently, the .22 caliber bullets know what kind of gun they have been fired from, and can adjust the damage they inflict accordingly.

The General goes on to describe a soldier who “was shot in the shoulder and had the bullet come out his ass.” Again, how rifle bullets ricocheting off of bones is somehow unique to the AR-15 is left unexplained. Lee Harvey Oswald must of had an AR-15 along with his Mannlicher-Carcano. How else to explain the deflection of the Magic Bullet in the Kennedy assassination if the AR-15 is the only rifle that fires a bullet that doesn’t always go straight through a body?

The whole thing is just chock full of lies and deceptive half-truths: the AR-15 was not a precursor to the M-4, it did not used to be a “weapon of war” in the sense that is has never been issued by any military that I am aware of, it does not meet the definition of an assault weapon (so they call it “assault-style” to confuse), and on and on….

Fuck CNN. Fuck all of the lying propagandists and narrative-pushers that call themselves “journalists.”

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Constitution — Pfffft!

I haven’t posted much lately. The country is going to hell. Everything is stupid. Everything is corrupt. I get tired of writing the same thing over and over again. Tired of the same bullshit, over and over. It’s exhausting. And pointless at this stage.

Still, every now and then an example of how far down the shit hole this country has fallen still surprises me. I give you a Biden nominee for a federal judge:

Yep. This Democrat, who want to sit on a Federal bench and decide your fate under the law, has no idea what is in the Constitution. But don’t worry…. she can look it up if she needs to.

These aren’t esoteric “gotcha” questions. What is the purpose of Article 5? Article 2? And this moron smiles, proudly admits she has no idea, and reels off a bunch of talking points with a stupid grin on her face. She should have been laughed out of the room. But she will undoubtedly be appointed. I’m sure she checks off plenty of diversity and equity boxes. Could probably drone on for hours about white privilege and implicit bias.

The truth is she is more than qualified to be a Democrat judge. She is an empty shell. A placeholder. An automatic vote for the liberal/leftist position, whatever it happens to be at the moment. What the Constitution actually says doesn’t matter to them. God help us all.

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Shocker: Libertarian Acknowledges Reality

I think 3rd parties are dumb. At least on a national level. I get the appeal. I’m often disgusted by the Republican Party, even though I vote for them every time. The Republicans are (by far) the lesser of 2 evils. But the lesser of 2 evils still isn’t good. I am sure there is some other party out there (Libertarian / Constitution / American Independent / etc) that would better match my values. The thing is, to get anything done in DC you have to win the Presidency. There are rare exceptions, like Newt’s Contract for America. But in general, if the other Party controls the White House, your team is on defense. Likewise, you need a majority in the House and Senate to get anything done. If you are in the Congressional minority, again, your team is playing defense. The Party in the majority sets the agenda. They lead all the committees. They initiate and head the investigations. They decide what gets voted on, and what does not. Individual candidates don’t even matter. If I was a Democrat, I would vote for John Fetterman over Dr. Oz in a heartbeat. It doesn’t matter that Fetterman is a potted plant. The agenda is set by the Party. And the only thing that matters is achieving a majority so that agenda can be implemented. Of course, good candidates are important because they are more likely to be elected. But in US politics, winning is what matters.

To be clear, I am not saying people should not vote based on their values. By all means, when it is primary season, vote for the candidate who best represents your views and values and is still electable. The primaries are the right time to make changes in direction.

However, in my opinion, a 3rd Party will never be successful in the US. For a 3rd Party to be successful, their ideas would have to become widely popular. And if their ideas became widely popular, one of the existing parties would co-opt them. Most politicians will take up any position necessary to keep their jobs. (Unfortunately, popular ideas getting co-opted isn’t 100% reliable. Border security comes to mind. It is tremendously popular with the Republican base, but extremely unpopular with the Republican donor class. Republicans have decided money is more important than serving voters for getting re-elected. At least for now. But the exception doesn’t negate the general rule.)

Which leads to why I think 3rd parties are dumb. They draw little to no support because their ideas aren’t popular enough. If you really want to change the direction of the country, you need to change the opinions of the voters. Which will in turn force one of the major parties to co-opt the values and agenda you support. Unfortunately, changing opinions is hard. Especially when your political enemies control most of the news, entertainment, and social media platforms.

The thing that has driven me crazy about the Libertarians is they refuse to acknowledge these realities of American politics. They derive a kind of smug satisfaction from their protest votes. And delight in bragging that it isn’t “their guy” ruining the country. Which might feel good emotionally. But in doing so, they relegate themselves to irrelevance. Libertarians normally take an all or nothing approach to politics. Fully embrace the Libertarian worldview, or you don’t get my vote. So the politicians give them nothing. Because there is nothing in it for them to make concessions to the Libertarians. They won’t win any extra votes. In fact it will probably cost them votes from other groups, so why bother? Which is why I’m pleasantly surprised by the story below:

Maybe the Libertarians are finally starting to realize that the two parties aren’t like Coke and Pepsi, but closer to Castor Oil and Cyanide.

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Pelosi Gets Hammered. Zero Fucks Given

Apparently Nancy Pelosi’s husband, who should have been in jail for DUI, got attacked in his home by some crazed thug with a hammer. And the media has covered it around the clock for days now. Even Fox News. This is yet another prime example of why I hate the media with a white hot passion. Paul Pelosi is a piece of shit human being. HIs money and status kept him out of jail when he crashed his car and injured people in a drunken stupor. He lives an actual life of unearned privilege with his self-righteous bitch of a wife. They have made millions via insider trading that would have landed a private citizen in jail for decades. And they have supported movements and legislation that unleashes violent criminals back onto the streets. 1000s of decent hard-working people are victimized by the criminals coddled by the elitist left, and nobody bats an eye. Now one of them is actually exposed to the consequences of their policies, and the rest of us are supposed to care? Fuck them.

Of course the non-stop coverage is not just due to the fact that the criminal horde created by the elitist left came back to bite one of them. The mainstream media is always, always, working to help Democrats. With the midterm election just days away now, the media is absolutely desperate to change the subject away from inflation, the economy, education, and the border. In other words, all the issues voters actually care about but hurt Democrats. The Pelosi hammering gives them a distraction to focus on and an excuse to drone on about dangerous rhetoric from Republicans. Could American voters be that stupid? Let’s hope not.

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Why a Housing Crash is All But Guaranteed

Real estate prices have exploded over the last several years in the US. While it has been great news for homeowners, the party is about to come crashing to a halt. Markets are all about supply and demand. And, with low interest rates and a booming economy under Donald Trump combined with too few homes, the demand for housing has been very high in recent years. The supply side isn’t likely to change any time soon. But demand is about to crater. Thanks to Joe Biden and the Democrats, we are just entering the leading edge of what will almost certainly be a deep and painful recession. Combined with crippling inflation, the spending power of American consumers is in a nosedive. On top of that, the Federal Reserve has been steadily ratcheting up the interest rates to try and combat the inflationary inferno consuming the economy. 30-year fixed interest rates are currently hovering around 7%. How big of a deal is that?

Let’s look at an example. Suppose you are looking to take out a $264,000 mortgage. A couple of years ago, a rate of 2.625% would have been typical, and your monthly principal and interest payment would have been $1060.36. However, at a 7.0% interest rate, your monthly P&I on the same loan comes out to $1756.40. In other words, your payment today would be an extra $696.04/month, or 65.6% higher than it was just a few months ago for a house of the same price. That is a catastrophic increase. Couple that with a tanking economy, and the pool of potential homebuyers is decimated. Sellers will be forced to slash prices if they want to make a sale.

The high interest rates have an extra insidious effect. Because the borrower is paying so much in interest, the principal they owe on their loan goes down much more slowly. Using the previous example, if the homeowner decides to move after 16 years, at 2.625% he will have paid a total of $203,588.62 to the bank with an outstanding balance of $148,938.98. At a 7.0% interest rate, the borrower would have made payments totaling $337,228.53 and still have $187,769.68 of unpaid principal. So despite paying an extra $133,639.91 to the bank, at 7.0% the borrower would have $38,830.70 less equity in their home after 16 years.

7.0% mortgage rates are a dumpster fire. With inflation still roaring, they are likely to climb still higher. Couple that with inflated housing prices and a shitty economy, and there is no way a crash can be avoided.

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To Progressive Elites, Rolling Blackouts are a Feature, Not a Bug

A lot of conservatives are snickering that California is facing rolling blackouts due to their anti-energy policies. “Ha, ha, we told them this would happen! I’ll bet those dummies are sorry now!” seems to be the prevailing sentiment. Trust me. They aren’t the least bit sorry. At least not in the seats of power.

Rolling blackouts… the sustainable green future the globalist progressives want to impose on you.

Understand, that for the progressive globalist left, rolling blackouts are a feature of their policies and not a bug.

In the United States, Modern progressives 1st allegiance isn’t to everyday Americans. Their prime identity lies with the globalist elites. They consider themselves “citizens of the world”, and reject nationalism and domestic self-interest out of hand. They believe that nationalism is a regressive and unsophisticated way of thinking. The tenets of the American Founding (liberty, self-government, limited federal power, and private property rights) are deemed by the globalists to be outdated and counterproductive. The globalists believe the US has an economy that is too big, it uses too many natural resources, it isn’t focused enough on sustainability, it doesn’t give enough weight to Diversity / Equity / and Inclusion, and it allows it’s citizens far too much autonomy. Americans’ expectation that the lights will always be on is a form of white privilege, according to the globalists. Limiting their energy consumption is all part of putting the proles in their place.

Of course, these hardships won’t have to be shared by the elites. The common shlubs are expected to get with the program and do their part in bringing the progressives’ sustainable Utopia into being. However, don’t expect Gavin Newsome to be sitting in the dark any time soon. Nor will Nancy Pelosi’s gourmet ice cream be melting in her giant freezers for a lack of power. It is the little people who will be expected to embrace the “fun and comradery” of mutual self-sacrifice demanded by the leftist overlords. To feel the personal satisfaction and sense of purpose derived from serving the goals of their progressive masters. And if a few peons keel over from heat stroke in the summer or freeze to death in the winter, that is a price the progressive globalists are more than willing to pay to limit prosperity to levels they feel are equitable and sustainable.

So, go ahead and laugh at the stupidity of the progressives. But know that they are dead serious about imposing their agenda. And they are coming for you next.

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Doddering Old Fool Yells

Decrepit old gas bag and creepy wad of scum Joe Biden gave a speech last night. By all accounts, it was an unhinged screed against everyone who doesn’t support him and the political establishment. Joe Biden is a drooling moron, and obviously didn’t write the speech or design the super-villain imagery that went with it. Biden is a mean and petty old bastard. He is a bully at heart (you dog-faced pony soldier.) How much of his rant he truly believes, I don’t know or care. When they announced this speech, it was clearly going to be a blatant campaign rally and nothing more. A publicly funded and poll-tested election commercial. Anyone who spends time analyzing his actual words and taking him seriously is wasting their time. This speech had two objectives:

  • Rile up and engage the progressive base who are down in the dumps right now. “They wanna put y’all back in chains!!!”
  • Change the subject from the economy, inflation, Ukraine, etc. Dems need people to revert to tribalism and vote on emotion instead of logic.

This speech has everything to do with minimizing Dem losses in November. By any means necessary. Including at the expense of deepening the divide in the country.

Unite or Die, MAGAts !!!!

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A Conspiracy Theory I Just Can’t Buy

So, there is a conspiracy theory going around on rightwing blogs that says the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was really about getting back documents that implicated the Deep State in wrongdoing over the Russia-gate scandal. The theory posits that some of the documents Trump had in his possession could definitively prove the federal law enforcement and intelligence apparatus was guilty of crimes related to the Russia collusion hoax. And they were so desperate to get these documents back, they risked the politically dangerous move of raiding Trump’s home.

This might have sounded somewhat plausible to me a few years ago. After the 2016 election, I strongly suspected the original Russia-gate hoax was a cover-up for Deep State crimes. My theory went like this: Hillary was cruising along with a comfortable lead in virtually every poll and was totally confident she was going to easily win the Presidency. But Hillary is a nasty bitch with a long history in DC and a closet that is chock full of ugly skeletons. Her only fear from the former reality-TV star was some sort of October surprise (like the pussy tape they sprung on Trump) that could torpedo her impending coronation. To insure her victory, team Clinton would need to get out in front of any baggage that surfaced right before the election. But how to know what that might be? Spying on the Trump campaign was the obvious answer. But Clinton’s campaign couldn’t spy directly without risking serious consequences if they ever got caught. But they could have the FBI “surveille” the Trump campaign under the ruse that The Donald was suspected of colluding with a foreign power. Then, with a little help from one or two key trusted Obama officials, team Clinton could get the inside scoop on what the Trump campaign was up to. Then, the unthinkable happened and Donald Trump actually won. The Clinton campaign and their Deep State allies were terrified their criminal spying activities would be exposed by the newly-staffed Trump DOJ. So they decided that the best defense was a good offense, doubled down on the (ridiculous) Russia-collusion hoax and launched the Mueller investigation to neuter Jeff Sessions and keep the Trump people on their heels. That made sense to me at the time. That explained the insanity and stupidity (Real estate mogul and billionaire Donald Trump is a Russian asset? Really?) of what I was seeing in a believable way.

However, I think my original theory is blown out of the water now. It depends on the Deep State goons actually being fearful of exposure. These pricks never feared being exposed. It is now crystal clear that these fuckers don’t have any fear whatsoever of being held accountable. The way they have flaunted their lawlessness is a dead giveaway. They have nothing to fear and they know it. They can falsify a FISA warrant and nothing will happen. They can raid the lawyer of a target and nothing will happen. They can leak information and spread false rumors and nothing will happen. They can even raid a former President’s home with a bullshit warrant and nothing will happen.

So now we are to believe the Deep State is suddenly terrified of being exposed over Russia-gate??? These dirty bastards have already been exposed a thousand times over. And they don’t care. Because nothing ever happens. But this time is different? Puh-leeze.

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LOLGF RINO Bee-yatch

Dick Cheney in a dress is horrifying

Gross slob and establishment hack Liz Cheney got smacked down by reality last night, and my schadenfreude is extremely high right now. Yet the delusional fat-ass doesn’t seem to fully realize her political career is completely over just yet. Cheney is actually floating a 2024 run as…. wait for it…. PRESIDENT! LOL LOL LOLGF you stupid cow!!! Who the fuck does this moron think is going to vote for her? I mean, really? Cheney didn’t just lose her primary to her (mediocre) challenger Harriet Hageman. The back-stabbing bitch got completely disemboweled by the voters of Wyoming.

Liz Cheney’s crushing defeat is very good news for the Republican base. For far too long, the Party has been ruled by a cabal of pro-big business elitists whose primary goal was to protect the establishment and maintain the status quo. All while keeping the military industrial complex busy. As of last night, the smashing of the old Bush/Cheney/McCain/Romney juggernaut that used to dominate the party is almost complete (looking at you Mitch McConnel.) If Liz Cheney does decide to run for President in 2024 to “save democracy”, she will be lucky to match Kamala Harris’ 2% support in the primaries. The only people still willing to vote for her will be a handful of Never-Trump losers like the cucks at the Bulwark.

Liz Cheney’s value as a useful idiot to the Democrat Party and their media allies is about to come to an abrupt end. At which point her “supporters” who have been fawning over her “bravery” and “integrity” are going to jettison her like a used condom. And it couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.

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