“President” Joe Biden clearly signaled Democrats plan to go full speed ahead on gun control while answering media questions yesterday. And that he as absolutely no fucking clue what he is talking about.
The reporter started by asking Joe a question about different policy options that have been kicked around….
Is there one element…. Is it age? Is it red flags? Is it some component you think could be most successful now?
– Reporter
President Pants load was having none of it. He didn’t even try to pretend to know what she was talking about. Instead he went straight to his gun control talking points.
I know that it makes no sense to be able to purchase something that can fire up to 300 rounds.
– President Pants Load
What? Is he saying he wants to ban 300 round magazines? Because that isn’t even a thing. In fact, the overwhelming majority are 30 or less. Even for semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15. Certainly less for handguns. Is his decrepit brain off by a factor of 10? No gun fires 300 rounds without several reloads. Is he saying he only wants guns that aren’t reloadable? How can this idiot ever hope to improve public safety if he doesn’t even grasp the most basic of facts?
There is only one reason for something, that, you know, can fire a hundred shots.
– President Pants Load
Now the magic number is 100? There are actually lots of reasons you might need to fire multiple shots. Saving children from a heavily armed maniac being just one of the many.
And I asked him, I said, “What’s the difference? Why are so many…” not that many more people were being shot… this is now 20 years ago, errr 25 years. I said “Why are they dying?” And they showed my a, uh, X-ray. He said a .22 caliber bullet will lodge in the lung, and we can probably get it out. .. maybe able to get it and save the life. A 9 mm bullet blows the lung out of the body.
– President Pants Load
A 9 mm bullet “blows the lung out of the body”? What???? If you don’t know firearms, I can’t begin to describe to you how utterly stupid that statement is. The 9 mm is a totally mundane pistol round. People shot with one tend to have a little entrance wound hole where the bullet enters. Most often, there isn’t even an exit wound when expanding self-defense ammunition is used. Under no circumstances are major organs separated from the body.
And, 25 years ago was the late 1990s. Does “President” Dirty Diaper think the 9 mm was something new back then? The 9 mm pistol cartridge was developed in 1901. It has a been a popular round since the end of World War I. Semi-automatic 9mm pistols did see a rapid increase in popularity among police departments back in the 1980s and 90s. But they were largely replacing .38 Special and .357 Magnum revolvers. The .38 has about the same power as a 9 mm. The .357 Magnum has significantly more. The 9 mm certainly wasn’t replacing the .22 LR cartridge, either among police or civilians. This story is total fiction, just like nearly everything Sleazy Joe says.
Saying a 9 mm “blows the lung out of the body” can only be overheated rhetoric to intentionally manipulate the fears of the ignorant, or the imbecilic rantings of a total moron. There can be no other explanation.
If they are even coming after the meager 9 mm cartridge, than that is a clear signal they are coming after everything.
The Constitution… the 2nd Amendment, was never absolute. You couldn’t buy a canon.
– President Pants Load
This is a bald faced lie. Private citizens in the newly formed United States absolutely could own canons. Even the left-leaning fact checkers Politifact had to admit this statement is total bullshit. Yet Sleazy Joe just keeps repeating it. It just sounds so common-sense and folksy. Like the sage wisdom your old grand-pappy might spout. What a phony-ass douchebag.
those people… say the tree of Liberty is watered with the blood of patriots, and what we have to do, we need to take on the government when they’re wrong. Well, to do that you need an F-15 (fighter jet) , you know? You need an Abrams Tank, I mean…
– President Pants Load
So, here Joe Biden choses to completely disparage the rationale for the 2nd Amendment as written in the actual text, and try to ridicule citizens who actually believe firearms are a bulwark against tyranny. Recent history would seem to rebuke Joe’s position. The U.S. just got their ass handed to them by a rag tag army of terrorists in Afghanistan. The same thing happened in Iraq. And Vietnam. And to the Soviets in Afghanistan. And on and on. The evidence that a group of motivated insurgents can prevail against a more heavily armed occupying force is now pretty overwhelming. At least he didn’t threaten to use nuclear weapons against Texas this time.
So to summarize the presser: Demonize run-of-the-mill guns and accessories? Check. Make outlandish and provably false claims about firearms? Check. Spread lies about the effectiveness of the 1994 crime bill? Check. Mock the 2nd Amendment as irrelevant and outdated? Check. Totally ignore real solutions that might actually be achievable and make a difference to public safety in order to pander to your ignorant base and bash your political enemies? Emphatic check.
The country just suffered a terrible atrocity. Thankfully, school shootings like Uvalde are still very rare, despite the impression the media tries to portray. There are things we could agree on together to make them even more rare and less deadly. The pathetic response of the Uvalde police and lax school security would be obvious places to start. There are many other good (and realistic) ideas floating around out there. But the Democrats have strongly signaled that gun control is the only thing they are interested in talking about. Even if it means failing to actually do anything at all. Or only passing a limited (and Constitutionally dubious) gun ban with zero effect on safety. It’s an election year. They are in big trouble, politically. And there are warm bodies to self-righteously preach in front of.