America Could Never Become a Police State, Right?

WTAF is going on in this video out of Palm Beach, Florida? A cop shows up at this woman’s house at 10:30 pm at night. Not in uniform, but wearing blue jeans and a polo shirt. When asked to show ID, he makes a joke out of it and says, “What do you want? Badge? Gun? Handcuffs?” Turns out the officer was there over a Facebook exchange the woman had earlier in the day where she joked about dumping 1000s of masks in some council woman’s yard. Apparently, the cops felt it was necessary to confront her at her house in the middle of the night to make sure she realized actually going through with the mask dump prank would be a crime and to make sure it was abundantly clear she would be treated quite harshly afterwards. After a terse exchange, the woman follows the cop as he is leaving and the video gets even more bizarre. In addition to Officer slob, it appears Palm Beach found it necessary to send at least 2 other officers to the scene. But the really fascinating detail is it appears that a civilian also accompanied them. The officers steadfastly refused to identify the “civilian.” It remains a mystery who that was, but I know what my guess would be.
The US version of the Stasi doesn’t have the highest personnel standards by the looks of it.

If there is an explanation for the actions of these officers other than harassment and intimidation, I would love to hear it. The entire incident would appear to be a gross misuse of police resources. IMO, the officer who came to the door behaved in a completely unprofessional manner and should be censured. More importantly, the individual(s) who initiated and approved this little late-night muscle flexing on an innocent civilian should be investigated thoroughly. Orwell’s 1984 was meant as a warning, not a blueprint.